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Testimonies Cleansing Stream Testimonies Many church members have benefitted enormously from Cleansing Stream both as a participant or a leader. Here are some of their testimonies. Consider joining the next seminar beginning on 25 March. Loving God, loving our neighbour, loving ourselves - Cleansing Stream is golden! Often in our Christian life, just as in other areas of our professional lives, we communicate using ‘jargon’ words. We banter around such expressions as ‘walk in the Spirit,’ ‘live by faith,’ and even ‘trust in the Lord, not in our own understanding’, and ‘be free.’ We say these things sometimes without even knowing what they mean. The Cleansing Stream Seminars and Retreat is very helpful at revealing how those very important aspects of our faith are really working out in our own personal lives. In the Cleansing Stream seminar we become better equipped to love God and our neighbours because we receive fresh new insights and ‘fixed up’ by God! At the Cleansing Stream Retreat our experience shows us how good and how refreshing the Holy Spirit is. Sometimes I bring a problem or issue with me and commit it to the Lord; other times I go with a ‘blank’ page and let God show me how he wants to work in my life. We get lots of encouragement from God, the Bible, as well as prayer and healing from one another.

Focus on Finance 2020 VISION FUND Budget: HK$155,000,000 Total amount raised incl. unfulfilled pledges: Expenditure: Fund balance available: Further funds needed:

24 February, 2013

$75,763,110 $39,416,298 $36,346,811



Year to 17 Feb










Development & Fundraising News Fundraising Gala Dinner for the 2020 Vision Date: 10 May 2013 (Friday) Time: 7:30 -10:30pm Venue: Grand Ballroom - Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel Menu: 10-course Chinese-style banquet Cost: GOLD table ($150,000 for 12 people), per seat at a GOLD table ($12,500) SILVER table ($80,000 for 12 people), per seat at a SILVER table ($6,700) Special guests include speakers Mr Wong Yan-lung, Mr Michael Tien and gospel singers The Chung Brothers.

Peggy Antos (Cleansing Stream Leader) Just want to say the Cleansing Stream Retreat was very moving and meaningful experience, especially the last half hour when speaker spoke on the ‘Spirit of Death’ – e.g. unbelief, fear, anxiety. As I approach the last few years of work before retirement, I often feel anxiety about many things, e.g. money, direction, etc. I suppose it’s a normal feeling as I embark on this new ‘juncture’. As I went up for prayer, the Holy Spirit convicted me of my own sin, of unbelief, faithlessness, forgetting what God has done and continues to do in my life. I needed then to hear the words of my Intercessor, of His faithfulness and love for me through a haze of tears. Peace to you all. Andrew Fan (Cleansing Stream Participant)

Community Taking your Soul to Work - Overcoming the 9 Deadly Sins of the Workplace Organised by Ray Bakke Centre for Urban Transformation, Bethel Bible Seminary Speaker: R. Paul Stevens Date: 12 March 2013 Time: 7-9 pm Venue: Peter F. Drucker Academy, Guandong Investment Tower, 148 Connaught Road Enquiries: [email protected] Cost: $120 (before 6 Mar)


John MENEAR, Vicar Dale HANSON, Senior Associate Minister Dan EVERS, Associate Minister Raymond LEUNG, Associate Minister Alex McCOY, Associate Minister



2:00pm 5:00pm

*All other services - Lord’s Supper 2nd & 4th Sundays

138 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong


[email protected]


Welcome to St Andrew’s

Life at St Andrew’s

“I hope you will enjoy the time we spend together today. If you are new, or passing through, we hope you are blessed by joining with us who call Hong Kong, and St Andrew’s, home. Come over to the Hub so we can offer you a personal welcome, a complimentary espresso and a small gift to say hello.”

Rev John Menear Vicar

The Story If you could hold a dinner party with Jesus as guest, what food would you order? What would you wear? Better still, what would you talk about? Eating food with other people is probably the best way to build a good relationship. Hong Kong knows this better than most cities in the world. And there is so much choice too. Eating food together in Hong Kong extends from dai pai dongs to award winning restaurants, and everything in between. Jesus enjoyed a good meal, and was sometimes unfairly criticised for being a glutton. In fact the gospels mention many occasions when Jesus ate a meal with someone or other, and he always enjoyed them. He ate simple meals in working people’s homes, and he feasted in wealthy people’s homes. He ate at wedding banquets, and he sat on the ground and ate bread and fish with thousands as well. He ate at beachside barbeques, and he ate Passover meals with his disciples. And every meal that is mentioned was a life changing event for one or more people. Over the next few weeks we are going to look at some of these meals. And we will discover more about Jesus and what he wants to say to us about following him. I hope that every week, on Sundays, we take the opportunity to share a meal with others. It is so enriching, and it is the best way to get to know others and build friendships. Sharing a meal breaks down barriers, and can be a lot of fun too. These meals don’t need to be expensive banquets, and Tsim Sha Tsui offers a lot of variety for us to choose from. At the same time St Andrew’s making plans for a Gala Dinner. This event is planned as an upmarket dinner to showcase St Andrew’s Church – its heritage past and vision for the future. We are especially using this dinner to invite guests who we hope and pray will value St Andrew’s and our vision, and so support the building project financially. It seems appropriate then that this particular dinner will not be for everyone at St Andrew’s. But we can all be involved in praying for its success, and perhaps some of us can think of someone we want to see attend, who may well be prepared to share in the blessing of the Life Centre’s completion. Please pray for this Gala dinner, and also pray that all of St Andrew’s people will be blessed as we contemplate the new sermon series - Meals with Jesus. John Menear, Vicar


[email protected] It is our desire to help enrich and support marriages, strengthen and equip parents and find ways to better connect families so they can become more integrated into the life of St Andrew’s. Ultimately, we strive to see the Gospel shared and God, the Father of Families, glorified in all we do! Stay tuned for upcoming events and courses!


[email protected] Sunday Youth Programme Time: Every Sunday at 9:45am & 11:30am Venue: YouthWorX, 6/F Kai Fong Please Pray For Ignite Art of Connecting Sleepover - 1-2 March 2013. A great time with two Bible sessions, a movie night, and a fun day trip. Contact [email protected] if your young person would like to join the course.

MUSIC & CREATIVE MINISTRY Rehearsals for the Easter Choir. Every Sundays till 31 March. Rehearsal time: 2:30-3:45pm Venue: 1/F Hall


[email protected] We aim to encourage everyone to grow to Christian maturity through life’s varying circumstances. Please contact one of the pastoral staff to find out more about the support we offer.


[email protected] Prayer ministry is available after church. Church Prayer Meeting Date: 4 March (Monday) Time: 7:30-8:30pm Venue: Church Sanctuary Let’s join together to pray for our Church and our 2020 Vision.


Enquiries or Sign-ups? Please go to the Hub or church website

[email protected]

Crèche: Time: 9:45am / 11:30am Bible Point: Jesus Loves Us / We Celebrate God’s goodness Venue: G/F Old Vicarage

Upcoming Events Spring 2013

Church News

[email protected]

24 March


[email protected] A Women’s Brunch 10 Things I have learnt about Life Date: 2 March (Saturday) Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm Venue: 1/F Hall Be sure to sign up at the Hub or online! What would you say if someone asked you to list the 10 top things you have learnt about life? Join us for a women’s brunch. Invite your friends and enjoy a relaxed morning together.

Video “Walk in the Spirit” NO SESSION (Easter Holiday) Video “Commit everything to God” Discussion session Video “Speak Words of Life” Discussion session Video “Enter the Cleansing Stream” Regional retreat Video “Pressing towards the goal”

St Andrew’s Partnership Course is an initiative to introduce you to St Andrew’s and what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus. Sign up online for the next course. Date: Starting on 3 March (4 Sunday afternoons) Time: 2:30 - 4pm Venue: 1/F, Old Vicarage Further enquiries, please contact Andrew Tsui ([email protected]).


Home4U We will continue our study on the Women of the Bible today, please join us as Megan will lead the study. Time: 1-4:30pm Venue: 1/F Old Vicarage Please be on time and join us for lunch.


For more information visit

Putonghua Kidzone: Time: 2:00-3:30pm Venue: G/F Old Vicarage STAKC: Every Friday Time: 4:30 - 6pm Venue: 1/F Hall, Ages: 7 to 11

Time: 7:30-9:30pm Venue: 1/F, Old Vicarage Registration Deadline: 18 March Sign up on the church website Seminar Dates: 25 March 1 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29 April 6 May 10 & 11 May 13 May

Kidzone: Time: 9:45am / 11:30am Venue: 1/F Old Vicarage, 3-6 years old 1/F Hall, 7-10 years old Bible Point: 3-4: Listen to God’s word 5-6: Worship with Music 7-8: When I have Needs 9-10: Discouragement Buster

Enquiries or Sign-ups? Please go to the Hub or church website

Play Your Part in the future of St Andrew’s Church Join the Electoral Roll If you love Jesus and are committed to St Andrew’s, we encourage you to become a voting member of St Andrew’s Church. Please join the St Andrew’s Church Electoral Roll (ER), or membership roll. To join, you must be: 1. 18 years old or above 2. a baptised Christian 3. regularly worshipping at St Andrew’s for three months or more 4. and are not on the membership roll of another church in Hong Kong To apply, fill in the enrolment card at the Hub and drop it into a collection box today. A copy of the revised 2012 ER is now displayed in the Hub for your reference. Those who are already on the ER need not re-apply. ENROLMENT DEADLINE: 10 March 2013

Preaching Rota This Sunday (24 Feb) 8:30am/9:45am/11:30am John Menear Next Sunday (3 Mar) 8:30am/ 9:45am/11:30am John Menear

2pm Raymond Leung

Meals with Jesus 5pm John Menear

2pm Raymond Leung

Meals with Jesus 5pm John Menear

24 February, 2013 Early, Mid & Late Morning & Evening Church

The Wedding at Cana John 2:1-11 Rev John Menear 1. The Significance of the Wedding at Cana

2. The Significance of the Miracle at the Wedding

3. The Significance of the Bridegroom at the Wedding