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“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.”
Our Commitment
What are you for? We are all “for” something. We are for the Titans, the Predators and/or our favorite college football team. Many people are for Disney. Most people are for their jobs. We are all for our kid’s schools. A lot of people are for naps on Saturdays and we are all for church on Sundays. Some people are for chocolate mint ice cream while others are for chips and queso (or all of the above). Some are for Pottery Barn while others are for outside landscapes. Half of us are for the beach and the other half are for the mountains. We are all “for” something. So, what are you for?
Now, here’s what I know we, at Rolling Hills Community Church, together are for…We are for changed lives. We are for seeing Jesus Christ transform lives for His glory! We are for building healthy marriages. We are for godly children. We are for love. Love changes everything. We are for raising up the next generation of leaders. We are for hope, joy and peace. We are for Christ and we are for the things He is for. Today, some people think Christians are just “against” things, but here at Rolling Hills, we want everyone to know what we are for. And, we are “For The Kingdom!”
OUR GIVING AND 3-YEAR PLEDGE ON NOVEMBER 4 WILL GO FOR FIVE SPECIFIC CAPITAL NEEDS: • Investing in the next generation (children and students) • A new home for our Nolensville Campus • A new home for our Belmont Heights Campus • Adult space at our Franklin Campus • Two new transitional living homes for orphans in Moldova
I am so excited because this is our time to show what we are really for. This is our time to build something great for the glory of our great God. William Carey, the great missionary said, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” Let’s do it! Let’s give our best. Let’s pray, serve and give financially to make a difference like generations who have gone before us. We are better together, so let’s lock arms and hearts. Let’s truly be “For the Kingdom!” In Christ,
Our Commitment
Jesus taught His disciples to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” God’s Kingdom is different than this world. This world is about “me” first, but God’s Kingdom is about Jesus Christ and others first. This world is about “what’s in it for me,” but God’s Kingdom is about “what I can do for Him.” This world is about being served, but God’s Kingdom is about serving. This world
So, let’s build the Kingdom together! It is worth our lives and it will take all of us doing our part. It will take us investing time in pray, serving and giving. But, there is no greater investment than in doing something great for God and building something that will outlast us. On Sunday, September 16, we will launch our “For the Kingdom” Campaign. It will be awesome! Every Sunday for nine weeks, we will study King David and his son Solomon in the Old Testament and see what they were for. God used them to build the Temple in their day and generation, and God wants to use us to build His Church today. This is a God-sized calling, and it will take all of us. After 50 days of prayer, teaching on the Kingdom and Worship, we will come together at all our campuses on November 4 and make a one-time gift along with a 3-year pledge commitment to invest together “For the Kingdom.”
This will be an incredible opportunity to show what we are for! But, it will definitely take all of us! Not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice. Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.
You can tell what people are “for” simply by looking at where they spend their time and money. From season tickets to vacation spots. From decals on the back of cars to the furnishings in our home. Look at how much time and money people invest in a certain place, and you can definitely tell what they are “for.”
is about materialism and acquiring stuff, but God’s Kingdom is about investing in what will last forever – our children and generations. This world is physical, but God’s Kingdom is spiritual. God’s Kingdom is life-change and eternal. This is the Kingdom that we want to be for and invest our lives in building!
Letter From Jeff
We’ve Been
IN JANUARY 2018, we once again stepped out in faith as we opened our third campus in Nashville on the campus of Belmont University. Our Belmont Heights campus, while young, has already made a huge impact on campus and in this community for Christ.
Our Commitment
IN OCTOBER OF 2007, God called us to take a big Next Step as a church. We did not know where He was calling us, we just knew we were out-growing the theater and God was calling us to a new chapter in our journey. On one Sunday, this young church, average age of 28, gave more than one million dollars. After we stepped out in faith, God revealed His amazing plans as we found the “WareHouse” – a place beyond our Wildest Dreams – with more than 146,000 sq. feet of space, complete with three tenants to help offset our mortgage, sitting on 12.5 acres of prime real estate in the middle of our community. While the building is not the vision, it truly is an incredible tool to share the love and the grace of Christ with our community and our world!
IN JANUARY 2014, realizing that in order to reach more people for Christ we had to multiply, we took another big step as we open our second campus. Today, the Rolling Hills Nolensville Campus is thriving as we set up weekly at Nolensville Elementary School and reach this with the growing community in Nolensville.
IT WAS THE FALL OF 2002, when our God called out 15 people to plant what is now “Rolling Hills Community Church.” This core team began to gather in the Alara Farms apartment clubhouse on Thursday nights to study God’s Word and dream about what church could be in our day and time. Over the next three months God continued to bring people and clarity of vision. In January of 2003, Rolling Hills Community Church was officially launched. We moved to the Marriott Hotel in Cool Springs and began meeting on Sunday mornings.
IN THE SPRING OF 2004, through a series of miracles, we moved from the hotel ballroom to Carmike’s Thoroughbred Theater in Cool Springs. It is incredible how God opened the door to allow His church to meet in the theater. For five years we set-up there every Sunday at 6:30am, experienced two amazing worship times, hosted ten theaters of children’s ministry, one coffee shop youth ministry and then we would break everything down in order to be out by noon. It was truly amazing, and each Sunday was a testimony to God’s grace and His provision. For our entire five years at the theatre, we never had a contract with Carmike, and God blessed and grew His church each and every week!
ON OCTOBER 11, 2009, we celebrated our first worship time in our new church home. And from that day to today, God continues to bring new guests weekly as we pursue His vision to, “reach out, grow up and give all” for His Name and His glory in our community.
God is very much at work and moving through His ministry at Rolling Hills. We give Him all the glory for what He has done and stand ready to be used for His work in the future. 7
Our Commitment
For the past 15 years, the Lord has blessed Rolling Hills Community Church with a Christ-centered message, a strong sense of community, vibrant preschool, kids and student ministries and a love for missions. As a result, people are experiencing spiritual growth and God is adding to our numbers daily as the unchurched in our campus communities seek a relationship with Jesus. As we reach out, grow up and give all, we have seen God do immeasurably more in Middle Tennessee and around the world than we ever dreamed possible. Understand our growth is much bigger than just our Sunday morning attendance and the addition of new campuses. As people come and get plugged in at Rolling Hills, we’re seeing lives changed through a deeper growth that is resulting in an increased number of baptisms, partnerships and those participating in missions opportunities locally and around the world through Justice and Mercy International. We’ve witnessed a generation of children come through our family ministry, from the nursery to high school, and can see how a long obedience to invest in things that matter is leaving a legacy of Jesus that will long outlive any of us. Praise God!
Our Commitment
As we have sought God’s direction, He has prompted and enabled us to take part in His work within the areas we serve. Now, as Middle Tennessee continues to grow, welcoming nearly 100 families a day to the area, we are beginning to experience constraints at our facilities in Franklin and Nolensville, which will hinder our ministry going forward. Even with the move to three services at our Franklin campus, we have been approaching capacity in our Auditorium, overflowing our parking lot and overcrowding our kids and youth ministry spaces during some hours. For our Nolensville Campus to become firmly established and continue to thrive in this community, we need a permanent facility within the next 18-24 months. With the addition of our third campus at Belmont Heights in January, we now have a responsibility to resource this campus to reach the city of Nashville with the Gospel and will need to find a permanent facility in this area before the end of 2019.
The church will never be the buildings we occupy. They are simply tools which enable us to serve those God has called us to reach. In being the best stewards of these tools, we will continue to pursue facilities which are functional, multipurpose and preferably tenantsupported. With that in mind, we need to address the issues which constrain our future growth, now, so that we are ready for the next phase of ministry the Lord has set in front of us. As in prior development phases, our Land and Facilities Team has worked closely with ministry teams and architects to address our future needs.
On the pages that follow, you will see the five key areas we hope to impact through For the Kingdom as we pray and give together. Our Commitment
the Next Generation
Invest in
Through “For the Kingdom,” we will raise funds supported by a three-year pledge, to invest in growing Kingdom leaders for today and tomorrow. We will build new education and worship space at our Franklin Campus for our Middle and High School Ministries, and expand education space for preschool and elementary children. At Nolensville we are investing by providing both Sunday and midweek environments for our growing family ministry. At Belmont Heights, in addition to preschool, kids and student environments, we want to increase our reach to college students by providing engaging worship and small group environments.
Our Commitment
We continue to hear amazing stories of life change and see God bring new people each week to our Nolensville Campus. While it has been a tremendous blessing over the past several years to meet at Edmondson Elementary and now at Nolensville Elementary, our reality is that due to Williamson County School guidelines, our rental agreement will expire at the end of 2019. That leaves us just 13 months to locate a new space to meet and have a permanent presence in our community. We are actively researching options for leasing a new building or even purchasing land. In the end, we know God will provide the solution we need and we want to be ready financially to take this important next step as a campus when He makes His plan known.
for Nolensville
A New Home
Our Commitment
What we’ve experienced at Belmont Heights since our initial soft opening in January is simply amazing. We’ve seen God beautifully merge two churches into one body of believers with a shared goal of reaching the city of Nashville with the life-saving message of Christ. With more than 250 in attendance at our grand opening, it was quickly evident that we need to start looking now for a new location in this Belmont community to accommodate our growing campus.
for Belmont Heights
A New Home
Our Commitment
Kids Ministry Preschool Ministry Office Space Adult Space
RH Cafe
Our Commitment
Construction at the Franklin campus will start in 2019 for completion in 2020.
When we moved into the Franklin Campus in 2009, we were a young church with limited resources, but the same God-sized dream to reach people and see them mature into growing disciples of Jesus. Over the years we’ve seen explosive growth at our Franklin Campus, especially in our Preschool, Kids and Student Ministries. Over the past nine years we’ve taken steps to address this growth and through For the Kingdom we want to build out education space for adults as well. In addition, we are seeing several of our worship services at max capacity and have plans to make upgrades to the existing Auditorium to improve sitelines and add additional seating. Also, we want to make sure additional parking is added and traffic flow is improved. As our church has grown, so has our amazing staff. The final area of work at our Franklin Campus will be additional office space for our Justice and Mercy International and Rolling Hills staff teams.
at Franklin
Adult Space
Baptistery/Fellowship Space Playground Tenant Space 35
Two Transitional Living
for Orphans in Moldova
Our Commitment
Keeping with biblical principles, we will tithe 10% of the funds raised in this campaign to address the growing ministry needs of Justice and Mercy International, specifically the addition of two new transitional living homes in the south of Moldova. Since starting JMI in 2008, we have seen amazing life transformation. When we first began our work, we were alarmed by a statistic that 60% of girls trafficked into prostitution in Eastern Europe came from this small country of Moldova. By God’s grace and through the work of our more than 20 staff now working in Moldova, we’re seeing that trend change as kids find Jesus and a hope for their future. One of our most successful initiatives is our Transitional Living Program. We currently have two transitional living homes in the north and two in the central part of the country. With the strategic addition of these two homes in the south, we will be better equipped to reach the hundreds of orphans we serve in Moldova.
For the Kingdom is a calling God has given His church to reach more people for His name and His glory. As a part of this body of believers at Rolling Hills, you too have a part to play. From September 16 to November 4, we will be on a journey together and the following pages will be our guide. This is a tool to use on Sunday mornings as you take notes on each week’s sermon. Make these next eight weeks a priority and commit to attending and learning what it looks like to live For the Kingdom.
Our Commitment
Sunday, September 16
FOR THE KINGDOM 1 Chronicles 28
COMMUNITY GROUP Resources Our Commitment
Sunday, September 23
A PERSONAL INVESTMENT 1 Chronicles 29:1-5
COMMUNITY GROUP Resources Our Commitment
Sunday, September 30
LEADERS SET THE PACE 1 Chronicles 29:6-13
COMMUNITY GROUP Resources Our Commitment
Sunday, October 7
Sunday, October 14
COMMUNITY GROUP Resources Our Commitment
Sunday, October 21
COMMUNITY GROUP Resources Our Commitment
Sunday, October 28
Sunday, November 4
Sunday, November 11
Community Group Resources Did you ever take a real road trip? Not a vacation where every single part was planned and even prepaid for like Disney or Royal Caribbean with the family. Think further back for some of us and slightly more recently for others. That traditional college road trip.
Why would anybody do something like that? We vacation for fun or rest or even social pressures that script for us some geographical boxes that need checking off annually. Beach? Check. Mountains? Check. Nation’s capital? Check. Historic landmark? Check. Cruise ship? Check. Disney? Check. [And for some, Check. Check. Check . . . ]
This journey guide isn’t a vacation planner for your pleasure. It’s a road trip chronicle for the Kingdom. There is a certain destination in mind; rest assured. But adventure awaits and we have no idea where we’ll stop and what we’ll see along the way.
The one where you had a destination in mind and maybe a few stopping points along the way, but one that could have easily taken you anywhere.
Vacations can sometimes be adventurous but road trips are natural adventures.
God does. In fact, He has designed this experience for His pleasure…not necessarily ours. He has purposed this experience for His desires to accomplish His will and do inside each of us, and collectively all of us as a church, what He wishes. The community group pages that follow are a loose script for you to follow as you connect with your group each week.
Vacations [even the crazy busy ones] are purposed to help a person stop, disconnect, recoup, and refresh.
For His Kingdom. For His glory. For His purpose in our lives and in our church.
Our Commitment
We road trip for adventure. Experience. Unknown thrills.
The daily scripture readings [and connected 50 Days of Prayer social media content available on Twitter and Instagram] are for you to experience Christ every day. Ultimately, Jesus is the one behind the wheel. He’s the road trip captain. We go where He takes us. We stop where He stops. We pray that we see, hear, and do ALL that He wants over the journey.
Road trips [even the lousy ones] are purposed to help us grow, change, move forward, and be more of what we were created to be.
community Group SERMON Notes
Journal Prompt: Best house you’ve ever lived in and what did you love about it so much. Go.
Take a moment to pen a few notes based on each of the questions below. If you are part of a Community Group, consider noting some additional responses based on your group discussion.
• W hat gets you excited about the purpose of the For the Kingdom campaign based on what Pastor Jeff shared in this week’s message and this community group video? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
• What questions do you have about For the Kingdom after what has been shared so far?
• H ow do you perceive that God calls individuals and families, like us, to be part of this process in the life of our church?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY GROUP Resources
The kick off to this week’s sermon and our community group lesson is about David’s declaration that his God-given desire was to build a temple for God, but that his son Solomon was ultimately who God would use to complete the task. The most special thing about Israel’s temple for God wasn’t the gold they used or the manner in which it was built. The most significant thing about the temple was also true of the nation of Israel itself. The presence of the God who dwelt among them is what mattered most. Community Group Video Teaching Notes: Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
ReaD aloud 1 Chronicles 28:2-7
Have you ever had an idea of something big or wild to attempt for God? Share your response here.______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
List the specific phrases or details David gave for the temple in verses 2-7.
Our Commitment
For 400 years, the Tabernacle housed the ark [with the exception of some Philistine expansion] and symbolically represented the presence of God among Israel. David’s desire was to build a resting place for the ark and a house for God’s presence that was worthy of God’s grandeur. Isaiah, the prophet, would one day have a vision of God seated on a throne where the train of his robe filled up the temple. [Isaiah 6:1] Consider this. If the train of God’s robe [think longer and more intricate than any bridal gown you’ve ever seen] filled up the temple, how big must the God be who wears it? Isaiah’s vision confirmed David’s goal.
While we will certainly hear about land, facility, space allocation, and expansion over the next few weeks, we must never let talks about physical buildings overshadow the spiritual reality God wants to accomplish through them. As a church, we’re about more people hearing truth, responding to truth, and being built up in the church because of Christ. Reflect on this thought/question as you close out your work in this first session: When people see Jesus, they see God. The question is, when people see us, do they see Jesus?
Read Isaiah 66:1 [NASB] Thus says the LORD, “Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?
Take time to memorize John 1:18 during this series and allow those words from John to point you daily and directly to Jesus.
If the physical temple was but an ottoman for God, how big was the throne? And just how big is God? What does that suggest about David’s idea that the temple could be God’s footstool?
No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
Memory Verse John 1:18
________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read John 1:18 Ultimately, even the vision Isaiah had of God was just a shadow of the reality. The only way to fully see God is to gaze at Him through His Son, Jesus. Although He spent time in the temple courts, [note that it was the 2nd temple, not Solomon’s which was destroyed in 586 BCE by the Babylonians] Jesus didn’t come to inhabit an earthly temple. What does it mean to you to have God inhabit your life? Consider and pen your response below in the space provided. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
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LIVE: This week, take time to script and pray your own prayer of commitment to God and His Kingdom using the space provided.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Solomon built a physical building, but it was for a remarkably spiritual purpose. Jesus lived a physical life performing miraculous physical miracles, but for an even more finely spiritual purpose. Enter “For the Kingdom.”
Remember to engage our 50 Days of Prayer daily reading plan available on social media and online as we seek to grow, build, and be God’s church in our day.
community Group SERMON Notes
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Journal Prompt: Best invite you’ve ever received. Go. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY GROUP Resources
David’s farewell address concerning the temple construction was to announce his level of commitment to the work and solicit the investment of others. Sometimes you are invited to attend something and other times, you are invited to participate in something. This season of commitment at Rolling Hills is the latter. We’re all invited to be part of an exciting new day in the life of our church and to consider what we can accomplish together. The invitation is only one part though. What matters more is the inspiration in the process. That part comes from the Holy Spirit intersecting with our lives and pointing us toward things that count. In this case, it’s the Kingdom of God. Journal Prompt: What does the Kingdom of God mean to you? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 29:1-2 No matter what we encounter in life, even new endeavors, there are people who have gone before us. Someone was the first. Even in entrepreneurial adventures, someone else likely paved the way for you to be able to take the leap. Look at the list of resources that David provided. According to his own words in verse 2, he provided “large quantities” of each. Not only would it take more than Solomon, it would take more than the resources David provided. David was announcing his own offering, but inviting everyone else to participate. Consider and make note of a time when God required something big from you. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Commitment
Community Group Video Teaching Notes:
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Read Matthew 13:44-45 & Luke 15:8-10 SERMON Notes
Matthew 13 is a series of parables, many of which start with the phrase, “And the kingdom of God is like.” Verses 44 and 45 tell of one man who discovers a treasure so valuable that he buries it, sells everything he has and buys the field. Similarly, another man finds a pearl so valuable that he, too, sold everything in order to purchase it. Luke 15 offers three parables paramount to our understanding of salvation. The middle story in Luke 15:8-10 is the narrative of a woman who lost one of her ten silver coins. The coin was so valuable, she stopped at nothing to find it and invited friends and neighbors to help her celebrate when she did. The common theme here is value. What in your life do you consider to be of high value? Something worth selling everything to have? Worth dropping everything to find or retrieve? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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“Don’t explore the possibility or consider serving if it makes sense. It most likely won’t. Things that make sense and fit easily into our lives and schedules don’t require sacrifice. Following Jesus will always take a very intentional amount of both service and sacrifice, neither of which will easily fit and make sense.” - Nic Allen, Campus Pastor, Rolling Hills Belmont Heights Go back to 1 Chronicles 29:1 again. In what ways do you feel young and inexperienced? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to David’s explanation, why is the task so great? What/whom is it for? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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In Hebrew, the word “task” is mel-aw-kaw and it means work or occupation. Another definition of the word is service. Our service MUST be great because it’s for God. He deserves our best.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ This week, take time to script and pray your own prayer of commitment to God and His Kingdom using the space provided. Take it further . . . What in the life of our church is of that high value to you? Kids ministry? Worship arts excellence? Missions? Community? JMI? What about Rolling Hills is most worth that level of Matthew 13 and Luke 15 sacrifice and effort? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Our Commitment
Remember to engage our 50 Days of Prayer daily reading plan available on social media and online as we seek to grow, build, and be God’s church in our day.
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community Group SERMON Notes
Journal Prompt: Wildest [think most adventurous, exhilarating] thing you’ve ever done. Go. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Everyone knows that there is a great difference between watching something or even being a fan of something and actually doing something. One makes you a spectator. The other makes you a participant. As you continue to engage For the Kingdom at Rolling Hills, do not let that stark difference be lost on you. We are not merely watching God work. We are engaging in the work. We are not watching others give and lead. We are participating. Community Group Video Teaching Notes: Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 29:6. On the left side of the columns below, describe what it means to do something unwillingly. On the right, describe what the word “willingly” means to you. unwilling
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ In the original Hebrew language, this word “willingly” is naw-dab. It means to incite or impel [words which for most of us might require a bit of explanation. See below.] Incite - to encourage or stir up, to urge or persuade. Sometimes the word “incite” comes with a connotation of violence or unlawful behavior as in, “to incite a rebellion.” Impel - drive, force, urge, or propel. Based on sheer definition, it would seem that the word naw-dab has very little to do with the idea of doing something freely or willingly. However, the Old Testament usage of the word almost always shows up in our English texts as a willing offering bearing the idea of volunteering without coercion. Consider this . . . the good things that we willingly do are often things that we were previously opposed to. A good idea may have seemed difficult or out of the question, but something changed inside and for one reason or another, you became willing. Place a check by each good example that you at one point were [maybe even currently are] opposed to or skeptical regarding: _______ praying in public
Describe a time in your life when you gave really reluctantly, with hesitation or regret? How did the circumstance turn out? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Our Commitment
_______ serving on Sundays _______ giving a tithe _______ leading a ministry or group _______ going on a mission trip _______ sharing your faith
What other good faith-based ideas would you add to the list of items you were once or currently are opposed to for one reason or another? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Peter explained to Ananias [vs 4] that while he was able to lie to other people, his sin was certainly not hidden from God. In one way or another, we all wear some kind of mask. There is something about each of us that we’d prefer to remain hidden, so we put a false self in its place. Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
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It would seem that Paul wore a few different faces in this passage. So what gives? What sets his level of seemingly duplicate behavior apart from Ananias and Sapphira? One word: motive. How would you describe Paul’s motive for such flexibility in life? [verse 22-23]
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” — Mark Twain
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Read Acts 4:36-5:11 Move past the shock of God’s response and think about Annanias and Sapphira’s actions. What reasons might they have behaved in the way they did from your opinion? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 29:9 Explain: The word “wholeheartedly” in the NIV translation of 29:9 really is a compound word. In the NASB, it’s translated as “whole heart.” Whole means complete. Heart means inner man and also bears the idea of courage. Taking that into account, all of the willingness we bring to God takes a courageous, wholehearted commitment. Risk takes courage. Showing who you really are, and abandoning the false self, takes courage. Giving everything [holding loosely even our blessings in life] takes courage. Anything that we are previously afraid of, averse toward, or anxious about requires courage.
On the outside, a person can look and act the part. They can seem like a willing servant, generous giver, or committed Christian when in fact they are not. How easy or how difficult is it to live that kind of duplicitous life in the church? Are facades fairly common and easy or difficult to pull off? Explain your response in the space provided.
This week, take time to script and pray your own prayer of commitment to God and His Kingdom using the space provided.
Our Commitment
Remember to engage our 50 Days of Prayer daily reading plan available on social media and online as we seek to grow, build, and be God’s church in our day.
community Group SERMON Notes
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Journal Prompt: Begin a semi-exhaustive list of the intangible things in life for which you are most grateful?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY GROUP Resources
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read 1 Chronicles 29:12-13 and pen a short prayer of thanksgiving for the incredible blessings God has given you in life. Don’t eliminate the people and the opportunities or material provisions you enjoy, but do spend the most emphasis on those intangible mercies from God. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 29:14-19 In the original Hebrew language, the word “strength” in the NIV of 1 Chronicles 29:12 is translated as “might” in the NASB. It appears over 60 times in the Old Testament. Many times, it’s used to refer to the strength or might of the Lord. In other cases, it describes man’s strength or might. In some instances, it refers to deeds. It brings the context of courage or bravery and certainly references power. While it might have been somewhat easier to thank God for specific relationships, opportunities, or even material blessings, articulating the intangibles proves a bit more challenging. Strength or might is one of those intangible gifts of God. How should we as Christ-followers define strength or power or might today? How does it differ from the world’s definition? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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List some specific ways has God given you strength and/or made you stronger? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Community Group Video Teaching Notes:
Our Commitment
Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you?
Read the following verses. Land on one that speaks the most to you and list the reasons why in the space below.
What gives you a feeling of temporary or transitional? What gives you a feeling of permanence in life?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Luke 2:52 Matthew 19:13-14 1 Timothy 4:11-16 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ To some degree, feeling present and permanent isn’t about the brick and mortar home we call our own. It’s more about connections and involvement. For Rolling Hills and our Kingdom moves, the way to solidify God’s work in our life and in our church is for everyone to be involved in it, personally. That is what happened in 1 Chronicles 29. Out of gratitude people gave. At his father’s instruction, Solomon stepped up to the task. In an equally real sense, that’s what Paul invited young believers to do in 1 Timothy 4. “Don’t sit on the sidelines. Get in the game. Don’t wait until you’re the aged leader. Invest now. Lead now. Serve now.”
While these passages may exclusively reference children, there is a broader application. Jesus didn’t cease to grow in the categories Luke described once He hit puberty. Into adolescence and even in adulthood, Jesus continued to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with both God and people. Certainly the children who surrounded Jesus in Matthew were youngsters given very little clout in that society, but Christ certainly bids all of us, regardless of our years, to come close. And referencing Paul’s words to Timothy, youth is relative. We’re all younger than some and older than others. The admonition to stand tall in faith and set a Christ-like example applies at every age. Name some common goals parents may have for their children. How are those in alignment or out of alignment with the Kingdom of God?
This is a week to prayerfully consider just how each of us is going to be invested and involved. How are we, like children, going to come to Jesus? How are we, as maturing believers, going to lead out for the next generation to be called to Jesus? How are we, from a place of overwhelming gratitude, going to invest our lives for God’s glory and Kingdom growth? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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LIVE it out: This week, take time to script and pray your own prayer of commitment to God and His Kingdom using the space provided.
Sneak back to the Old Testament. David’s dedication to God in his own life and his encouragement to Solomon to be equally dedicated stemmed from a position of gratitude and thanksgiving. Is there a correlation between gratitude and commitment? How so or why not?
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Our Commitment
David uses the Hebrew word Ger in 1 Chronicles 29:14 to describe God’s people. Translated as foreigners or strangers by the NIV, it’s the word “sojourners” in the New American Standard Bible. According to Webster Online, that word “sojourner” means a person who resides temporarily in a place. For years, Israel’s history was marked by slavery in Egypt. Following their rescue, they spent decades wandering around in a wilderness. Then, God gave them the land He had promised their ancestors. The land brought with it a sense of permanency and prosperity. It meant economy. It meant society. It meant government, military, and commerce. In a word, it meant kingdom. One thing remained reminding them of their temporary existence. It was the tabernacle of God they carried with them all those years. At the instruction of his father, Solomon would build a house for God to eliminate that temporary feeling.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember to engage our 50 Days of Prayer daily reading plan available on social media and online as we seek to grow, build, and be God’s church in our day.
community Group SERMON Notes
What passage of scripture or Bible study/story have you connected with most during this season? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
We are midway through our For The Kingdom emphasis this fall. Many of our local school systems are observing long fall-break weekends, and that gives a natural break in our Community Group season. Even if your group continues with the normal meeting time this week, leaders may choose to host a fellowship celebration event or engage the community in an act of service. Be sure to plug into the daily For the Kingdom Bible reading available online, on our church app, and social media platforms. This week is a great week to catch up on any readings and devotionals that you may have missed along the way. As you do, consider the following points of engagement and journal a few thoughts.
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What is God teaching you during this season? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
What are you praying about? What dreams are emerging? What calling do you sense?
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In what ways is God’s Kingdom work in the world coming alive to you? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Commitment
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community Group SERMON Notes
Journal Prompt: How do you respond to change? Open arms or closed door? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY GROUP Resources
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Christ certainly had an intent for His Church. As we each copied the “copies” of the original sentence, we never got any closer to the first words, only further away. In the life of our church and in our individual hearts as believers, the goal is to never mimic other churches, although some are wildly faithful and host incredible models from which we can learn. Our goal must always be to live life in an effort to mimic Jesus Christ, the original. Community Group Video Teaching Notes: Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Think of what God asks of us in order to be part of His kingdom work in the world. How is wisdom a necessary ingredient in our Kingdom participation? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Take time to pen a moment when God granted you specific wisdom. How did God provide? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read 2 Chronicles 1-2 provided below. Underline the underlying reason why Solomon built the temple. Solomon gave orders to build a temple for the Name of the Lord and a royal palace for himself. He conscripted 70,000 men as carriers and 80,000 as stonecutters in the hills and 3,600 as foremen over them. 2 Chronicles 2:1-2 The remainder of 2 Chronicles 1 summarizes the ways that God provided for Solomon and fulfilled the promise to give David’s heir great honor and great wealth. What you see in those verses as Solomon ruled and acquired is a general summary of his reign. As you move into chapter 2, Solomon makes his first specific [not generally summarized] move. It’s not an accident. How deliberate is God! After a brief description of Solomon’s reign and the way God fulfilled His promise to provide for the wise king in 2 Chronicles 1, the first wise action Solomon takes is to obey David’s instruction to complete the temple. And moreover, the first action step within that plan is to enlist others by the thousands. Read Ephesians 4:11-16 aloud. What have you identified or what do you perceive your spiritual gifts to be? Circle those that apply to you. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Our Commitment
One of the elements we’ve seen so far, at least to a degree, is that we all have a part to play. We invest in God’s Kingdom because it’s worth it. He’s our God and He deserves it. There are lost, hurting people in our own backyards and they desperately need to see Christ. When we invest, we give all. There is a distinct difference between a willing sacrifice and a half-hearted gift. We’ve also seen that part of God’s Kingdom working it’s way out in each of us is how we pass the passionate call on to the next generation. Ultimately, we all have a part to play. Each one of us. However we are called. However are equipped. No after our age and stage. We all have a role to play as redeemed believers in Jesus Christ in God’s Kingdom.
Read: 2 Chronicles 1:7-12
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How are our spiritual gifts and our financial contributions linked in our Kingdom-minded living? Why is it important that both are present in the life of a church?
As a group, you’ll close in prayer. This week, take time to script and pray your own prayer of commitment to God and His Kingdom. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
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The close of our selected New Testament passage today reads, “so that the body of Christ may be built up.” [verse 12] Paul goes on to explain that the goal is three fold: • protection [vs 14]
• maturity [vs 15]
• and unity [vs 16]
Every one of those things is a necessary element of God’s Kingdom…and for those to be present, it takes people using the full extent of their gifts. When we do, Christ’s body grows. That’s the Kingdom of God expanding. That’s His reign and rule over the earth, not in Solomon’s temple, but in the hearts and lives of unified believers.
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Journal prompts: Consider each of the following questions. Choose one and respond by writing down the way that you have seen this particular part of God’s word in Ephesians 4 appear in your life.
• In what ways has being part of the Church offered you protection?
• In what ways has being part of the Church led to spiritual maturity?
• In what was has being part of the Church fostered unity for you with Christ and other believers?
• How is each of these elements tied to the idea of wisdom from God?
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Our Commitment
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Remember to engage our 50 Days of Prayer daily reading plan available on social media and online as we seek to grow, build, and be God’s church in our day.
community Group SERMON Notes
Even more important than what Solomon built on the site was the site itself. “Location. Location. Location.” Before God called Solomon to build, He called David to buy. Before God called David to buy, He called Abraham to sacrifice. Before God called Abraham to sacrifice, He made Abraham a covenant promise to bless and multiply him and others through him. Pen a few notes about how God called or led you to be part of Rolling Hills. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Prompt: What’s one thing you got from someone…physical or behavioral…that is obvious to you and others? Go. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY GROUP Resources
In this week’s passage, we stumble on a detail about the location of the temple. A deeper look backward at scripture reveals where that location came from and why it’s important. Community Group Video Teaching Notes: Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now log a time when God called you to make a sacrificial move that didn’t necessarily make sense in the moment. When and how did you discover what God was up to with His request? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read Ephesians 5:1-2 from the ESV translation provided. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2 [ESV] Describe who/what you wanted to be like when you were growing up? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Read 2 Chronicles 3:1
The geography referenced in this simple verse is anything but simple, Isn’t it? Historically, it is the site where God called Abraham to go and sacrifice his son Isaac. It’s the site where God instructed David to build an altar. It’s obviously the site where the first temple was constructed and, after being destroyed, where the second temple was erected in its place. Today, it’s the site of several Islamic holy sites and the place in the world where the most religious and international tension lives regarding which group really has spiritual rights on said site.
Our Commitment
1 Chronicles 21:18-25 In Greek, “imitators” is the word “mimetes.” Remind you of any word you know? “Mimic” perhaps? As children of God , we are to follow His example, imitate, or mimic Him. That’s far different from the idea of “playing God.” It means we are to take on His nature and His attributes. Paul could have summarized that with many examples in this section. Paul chose to follow up the concept of imitation with the idea of love, but not just any kind of love.
Do you know your love language, the way that you best give and receive love? Circle it below. Unsure? Give it your best guess.
So have you prayed about your own sacrificial gift?
Based on these five languages, Paul could have expressed Christ’s love [as evidenced by God’s great gift] and instructed us to do any of the following:
Is God calling you to participate? Is God leading you to a specific offering? Consider your response to those questions as you enter into a time of prayer.
words of affirmation
This week, take time to script and pray your own prayer of commitment to God and His Kingdom using the space provided.
quality time
physical touch
acts of service
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Assuming your love language, list out a few ways you best love God.
The sacrificial part of giving is always relative to the person giving and the effort or cost it takes. When we make such sacrifices, it’s born out of love. Love for God. Love for people. Also the genuine desire to obey God wholeheartedly and for His Kingdom will to be accomplished in the world, no matter what it takes. David would not offer to God that which cost him nothing. A wealthy king like David certainly could have afforded a great deal. This is evident in our key passage earlier in the series, 1 Chronicles 29:3. Read that again, provided below, from the NIV translation.
Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God, over and above everything I have provided for this holy temple:. 1 Chronicles 29:3
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Commitment
David certainly gave sacrificially in the manner that was consistent with his kingship resources. We are invited to do the same…as an example of sacrificial love. He continued to give to God that which cost him a great deal. We don’t know the level of sacrifice that would have been for David. It was certainly pleasing to God.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember to engage our 50 Days of Prayer daily reading plan available on social media and online as we seek to grow, build, and be God’s church in our day.
community Group SERMON Notes
Read: 2 Chronicles 5:10-14 Prompt: What are the character traits and attributes of God that you are most thankful for? This is the God who lovingly blesses you and offers mercy each day. Describe that God and praise Him for His goodness.
Journal Prompt: Where do you see God’s Kingdom coming alive in your life? In what way?
Community Group Video Teaching Notes:
Jot down notes and ideas based on the video. What stands out? What questions do you have? How did God speak clearly to you?
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ENGAGE: For each of the following three sections, read the select passage of scripture and respond to the journal question that follows. Then engage in the prayer prompt that follows.
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Our Commitment
Section 1:
Holy God, we don’t name these blessings because you need to be reminded. We speak them because we need to be reminded from whom these blessings came. We also need to remind one another to see our lives with grateful hearts and thankful perspectives. May you receive our reminders, and more over, our gratitude as an act of worship. Amen.
Section 2:
Section 3:
Read: 2 Chronicles 6:1-2
Read John 14:15-23 and Acts 1:8
Prompt: Take a moment to list all the ways you experience God’s presence. Be specific. Explain in as much detail as possible how you sense His call and hear His voice.
The promise of the Holy Spirit is the most significant gift we’ve been given as believers in Jesus. That’s where our power comes from. That’s where we get our connection to God’s presence in life. That’s where we see the kingdom come alive. That’s where our gifts are leveraged. And what was Jesus’s final mention of the spirit…us becoming His witnesses! That’s our kingdom role. That’s why our church must grow. That’s what takes all of us fulfilling our role within the kingdom for the glory of God.
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___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pray: Pen a prayer in your own words thanking God for His perfectly timed presence in your life.
What if we all began to view our own Jerusalem as each specific part of our town, neighborhood, or zip code? What if we saw our greater Judea as our city or region? What if Samaria was the entire US but crossed cultural, racial, ethnic, and other barriers? What if uttermost was exactly that, the free range of the remaining planet and every people group within it? What if we recognized that any of this is only possible because of the first part of the verse…that we receive power when we’re filled with the Spirit? Prompt: In the concentric circles provided, name your Jerusalems. Name your Judeas. Name your Samarias. Name the uttermost parts. Start from the center and work your way out. In the adjacent spaces, list a few ideas and action steps for reaching out to the various people(s) in each part of your list.
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Finally, answer this question. How/why is reaching out important for Kingdom growth? How is it vital to your personal spiritual growth.
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Our Commitment
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pray: Go back over your actionable list and pray for each area and the ways God is calling you to reach out, thereby growing in Christ and also expanding God’s Kingdom.
Our Commitment
Our Commitment
Commitment Guide We’re all for something… what are you for?
Generosity is a tool God uses to free our hearts from greed, provide for those in need, reach the lost, and equip the next generation of Christ followers. We, as a church and as individuals, are called to be good stewards of all He has entrusted to us. As believers we know that God owns it all and we are simply caretakers of His resources. And since He owns it all, what He wants from you isn’t your money, but your heart. To faithfully surrender and trust that He will provide. To realize and embrace the truth that we have been blessed, not for our own gain, but to be a blessing to others. For the Kingdom is a God-sized vision, there is no doubt. It will require significant commitment from each of us over the next three years to succeed. However, the life change that will come as a result of our faithfulness now will have eternal impact for thousands of children and adults here in our community and around the world. So, what’s your part? We are asking that you prayerfully consider making a three-year commitment to For the Kingdom, over and above your regular tithe, on November 4. There is no formula for determining your level of commitment. Every person must pray during the course of this campaign and seek God’s prompting. It’s not about equal gifts, but equal sacrifice. As He leads you personally, we invite you to live out your faith as you invest in something bigger than yourself.
Our Commitment
Because God is leading this vision, we know He is powerful enough to accomplish it through you, His people.
Want to be involved, but not sure where to start? Here are some creative suggestions to help you allocate or free up resources. Decrease Are there things in your life you can take advantage of less frequently? Maybe it’s a few less Starbucks runs, or eating in more often. By decreasing weekly expenses, regardless of what they may be, you can save a significant amount to contribute. It adds up! Delay Are there big plans on the horizon that require a big financial commitment? If so, pray and ask God about possibly delaying those plans and using the extra income to contribute.
to Give
For the Kingdom is a three-year commitment that begins at our Commitment Sunday on November 4. On this day, we will ask our church family to turn in the Commitment Card, found in this Journey Guide, that represents their gifts to For the Kingdom. However, we will be collecting cards through the month of November. Construction in Franklin and purchases of new permanent homes in Nolensville and Nashville can start as soon as we have funding, so we ask that you bring as much of your commitment as possible on November 4 and include it with your commitment card.
Check or Online: $______________ Stocks: $______________________ Bonds: $______________________ Property:_____________________ Other:_______________________ Total Assets: $__________________ Sacrificial Giving: (Over and above my tithe)
Online If you would prefer to use a credit/debit card or e-check automatic withdrawal, simply visit rollinghillscommunity.org/kingdom or text “ForTheKingdom” to “77977” to securely give. If you plan to give electronically, please still fill out a commitment card and bring it with you on November 4, so you can participate in our special offering time. Bill Pay Through your bank’s online bill pay system you can set up a one-time or automatic recurring gift, directly from your bank account. Please list Rolling Hills Community Church and our Franklin Campus address (1810 Columbia Ave., Suite 100, Franklin, TN 37064) and include a designation to “For the Kingdom” in the memo line. If you plan to give via your bank’s bill pay, please still fill out a commitment card and bring it with you on November 4, so you can participate in our special offering time.
Do More There are some pretty creative ways to save money. Maybe it’s been awhile since you got a quote on an existing service like cable, internet or lawn care. Perhaps you could do some extra comparison or bargain shopping to save funds. For our kids, it could be as easy as saving extra change to give.
Year 1: $______________________
Total Giving: $_________________
Direct Mail If you choose to mail your gifts, please write “For the Kingdom” on the memo line and mail them to:
Donate A great way to contribute is to give existing assets. Giving an asset to Rolling Hills and then letting us sell it eliminates potential capital gains taxes and may increase after-tax proceeds. Please contact Jim Rabelhofer, our Business Operations Pastor, if you’re interested in exploring this option further.
(Total Assets + Total Gifts):
Stock Please contact Jim Rabelhofer, our Business Operations Pastor, with the name of your stock and the number of shares you are contributing. We will provide broker information at that time.
Year 2: $______________________ Year 3: $______________________
Rolling Hills Community Church 1810 Columbia Ave., Suite 100 Franklin, TN 37064
Questions? We are here to help answer any questions you may have. You can call our offices any time, (615) 861-3663, and talk with Jim Rabelhofer, our Business Operations Pastor, or email him at jim@rollinghillscommunity.org.
Will It Take?
Because we all have unique giving capabilities, we can’t simply divide the total need by the number of families at Rolling Hills to determine the average gift. The following is a model of the distribution of gifts it will take for us to be successful. This also underscores the biblical principle of giving in proportion to what we have - and that’s going to be different for all of us. Tentative Commitment Profile for $10,000,000
Not equal gifts but equal sacrifice.
No. of Gifts at Level 1 2 3 4 5 5
Gift Level 1,000,000 500,000 250,000 125,000 80,000 60,000
Total at Level 1,000,000 1,000,000 750,000 500,000 400,000 300,000
Cumulative Total 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,750,000 3,250,000 3,650,000 3,950,000
20 Commitments = $3,950,000 or 39.5% of Goal
10 18 26 33 40 53
50,000 40,000 36,000 1,000 18,000 500 14,400 400 10,800 300
500,000 720,000 936,000 594,000 576,000 572,400
4,450,000 5,170,000 6,106,000 6,700,000 7,276,000 7,848,000
180 Commitments = $3,898,400 or 39.0% of Goal
Our Commitment
Monthly gift given over 3-year period.
60 70 80 85 90 115 Remainder
9,000 250 7,200 200 5,400 150 3,600 100 1,800 50 900 25 1000 or less
540,000 504,000 432,000 306,000 162,000 103,500 104,100
8,388,400 8,892,400 9,324,400 9,630,400 9,792,400 9,895,900 10,000,000
500 Commitments = $2,151,600 or 21.5% of Goal
700 Commitments = $10,000,000 or 100% of Goal “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give. Not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7 154
Mark your calendar for
Sunday, November 4
Our Commitment
as our church family turns in our commitment cards and gifts together. Then we will take the next step as we put our faith in action and watch God fulfill His vision for His church.
R O L L I N G H I L L S C O M M U N I T Y. O R G / K I N G D O M