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Facts about Obesity in the United States At JourneyLite, we understand that obesity is rapidly becoming a national healthcare problem, and we also understand that it has had a profound impact on your quality of life. Our staff of professionals and our surgeon partners are here to help. You do not have to be held captive by obesity — we can help make the journey lighter for you. Historically, obesity has been difficult to treat because it is a multi-factorial disease and no one treatment is considered a “cure.” There are many contributing factors to the disease, including genetics, one’s environment, socio-economic status, psychological impacts, and, of course, medical issues. All of these factors come into play when dealing with and treating obesity. The truth is that obesity is growing at a rapid rate in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control, obesity rates are soaring in the United States. Consider the fact that between 1980 and 2000, obesity rates doubled among adults; it is estimated that about 60 million adults — or 30% of the adult population — are now obese.1


60 million adults or 30% of the adult population are now obese America’s youth are not exempt either. Since 1980, overweight rates have doubled among children and tripled among adolescents, increasing the number of years that young people are exposed to health risks associated with the disease of obesity.2 According to a team of scientists supported in part by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), life expectancy for the average American could decline by as much as five years unless aggressive efforts are made to slow the rising rates of obesity over the next few decades.3 But we can help make the journey lighter for you. Obesity is considered “morbid” when it reaches the point of significantly increasing the risk of obesity-related health conditions or serious diseases that can cause death or disability. Some of these diseases and comorbidities include: • Diabetes

• High Cholesterol

• Stroke

• Hypertension

• Osteoarthritis

• Infertility

• Sleep Apnea

• Respiratory Problems

• Depression

• Heart Disease

• Gout

• Pregnancy Complications

• Gallstones and

• Cancer

• Urinary Incontinence

Gallbladder Disease

1. Centers for Disease Control. 2. Centers for Disease Control. 3. National Institutes of Health, NIH News, Obesity Threatens to Cut U.S. Life Expectancy, New Analysis Suggests;




Facts about the Surgical Treatment of Obesity According to the National Institutes of Health, anyone weighing 20 percent or more than their ideal body weight is considered obese. It is at this point that the excess weight becomes a health risk, and in many instances, the associated conditions or comorbidities are life-threatening. At JourneyLite, we are able to effectively treat your obesity through surgical intervention in an outpatient setting. Many individuals seeking surgical treatment for obesity do so because they wish to seek relief from their comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypertension; they understand that diets do not work effectively long-term. In fact, if you are obese, weight-loss surgery may be an option to help you lose the excess weight and to maintain your weight loss for life. In order to qualify for surgical treatment, you must: • be at least 50 pounds overweight; • have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater with two co-existing comorbidities (as listed), or have a BMI of 40 or greater with or without comorbidities; • be between the ages of 12 and 75; • be able to show past attempts to lose weight through medically supervised diets, exercise, or programs such as Jenny Craig®, Weight Watchers®, OptiFast® or NutriSystems®; • have no significant physical, medical, emotional or psychological problems that would make surgery unnecessarily risky; and 3

• be able to participate in long-term follow-up care and support.

At JourneyLite, our bariatric surgeons have undergone specific training to qualify to perform laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), and are experienced, skilled, and bring compassion to every patient in the treatment of their disease. In addition to qualified surgeons, JourneyLite employs specially-trained nursing staff, certified bariatric nurses, allied health, and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery affiliate associate professionals, all with a heart to help those that suffer from the disease of obesity. Nationally, our organization employs members of the National Association of Bariatric Nurses (NABN), Bariatric RN Credentialing Task Force, members of the ASMBS Foundation National Advisory Board, WLS Lifestyles magazine Editorial Advisory Board and the ASMBS Foundation’s Walk from Obesity National Chair and National Vice-Chair. Every JourneyLite employee has your best interest at heart and is committed to helping make your journey a safe and effective one.

Jenny Craig is a registered trademark of Jenny Craig, Inc. Weight Watchers is a registered trademark of Weight Watchers International, Inc. OptiFast is a registered trademark of Novartis Nutrition Corporation. NutriSystems is a registered trademark of NutriSystems, Inc.




Facts about the LAP-BAND® System for Weight Loss As you research your options about surgical weight-loss procedures, we want to emphasize that your safety is of utmost importance to us. That’s why everything in our JourneyLite surgical center is designed specifically with your needs in mind. From roomier gowns to wider hallways, chairs without arms, restrooms with handicap railings for support and ease of movement, and a soothing environment — it’s all designed to make sure that your comfort, well-being and safety are always put first. At JourneyLite, we specialize in the laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding procedure, most commonly referred to as the LAP-BAND System. All surgery is performed laparoscopically on an outpatient basis, so you will have surgery in the morning and should be discharged to go home a few hours later to enjoy the comforts of your own bed that night. The bariatric surgeons affiliated with JourneyLite have helped individuals just like you lose their excess weight, resolve their comorbid conditions, and begin to live healthier, more productive lives. 5

Adjustable Gastric Banding:

How it Works The adjustable gastric banding procedure is the only adjustable and reversible weightloss surgery available in the United States today and is performed by making several tiny incisions in the upper abdomen. Small instruments - including a laparoscopic camera - are inserted through these tiny incisions into the abdomen. A silastic band is securely placed around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a small pouch and a narrow passage into the larger stomach. Once the band is in place and secure, the surgical instruments are removed and all incisions are closed. The banding procedure is designed to restrict food intake without interfering with the body’s normal digestive processes. Unlike gastric bypass, there is no cutting or rerouting of the small intestines, so risks of complications are greatly reduced. Because the pouch can hold only about an ounce or two of food, the quantity of food eaten is greatly reduced and a feeling of satiety is easily obtained (the feeling of fullness). The narrow passage between the new, small pouch and the lower stomach allows food to empty slowly into the stomach where normal digestion occurs. The diameter of the band can be adjusted by adding or removing saline from the band via a port that rests just underneath the skin. By adjusting the diameter of the band, the speed at which food empties into the stomach increases or decreases, thus allowing for continued weight loss long-term. Advantages of adjustable gastric banding may include: • weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week; • adjustability; • reversibility; • less impact on the anatomy; • low risk of complications; • long-term control; • a shorter recovery period; and • normal digestion and absorption of food energy and nutrition. 6



Facts about the Surgical Approach


At JourneyLite, we understand your concerns about how surgery will be performed. To reduce risks of infection and other complications associated with the older, “open” surgical technique, every procedure we do is performed laparoscopically. All JourneyLite bariatric surgeons specialize in the laparoscopic surgical approach, usually making the recovery period much easier for you. In the laparoscopic approach, several tiny incisions are made in the abdomen rather than making a larger, long incision along the midline of the belly, as is required with the open approach. A small camera and tiny surgical instruments are inserted into the incisions, allowing your surgeon to operate while viewing the procedure on a video monitor. Laparoscopic surgery is far less invasive than open surgery, requires a shorter recovery period and most patients indicate very little pain associated with the surgery. With laparoscopic surgery, most people return to work within seven to 10 days after surgery.




Facts about Preparing for Your Surgery


The surgeons and staff at JourneyLite understand that obtaining better health and a better quality of life are extremely important to you, so we’ve made the journey smoother for you by committing to walk with you each step of the way. The first step in your journey is to attend a free pre-operative educational seminar. There you will learn the facts about why weight-loss surgery can be an effective treatment for obesity, why and how it is performed, associated risks and complications, what kind of weight loss to expect, and real life after surgery. Step two will put you on the path to ongoing encouragement and support. Studies show that people who attend live support group meetings before and after their weight-loss surgery reach and maintain their goal weight more often than individuals that do not. At JourneyLite, we understand the importance of surrounding yourself with success, so we encourage you to check the schedule of our JourneyLite SupportSM classes and begin attending right away. At JourneyLite Support, you will meet others who have traveled the path before you and blazed the trail! You will gain vital “first-hand” knowledge from their personal experiences, giving you invaluable perspective as to what to expect before and after surgery. In addition, our “Food and Feelings” coursework will allow you to finally make the connection that is critical to your long-term success. Your next steps will include meeting with your surgeon and undergoing any tests or evaluations they deem necessary to your success, including psychological, nutritional, and medical evaluations. We understand that this process requires commitment on your part. Walking through these steps will help you determine if bariatric surgery is right for you, and it will help us identify any potential health problems you may have, allowing us to reduce your risk of complications.




Facts about Life After Surgery … What to Expect?


Weight-loss surgery is not magic, and it will not solve all of your problems. It is a medical treatment for your disease, and is only a tool to help you keep your obesity under control. How you choose to use your tool will determine — to a large degree — the level of success you achieve. After surgery, you will learn that you have to eat and drink differently. You will need to make the necessary changes to your diet and daily exercise in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and you’ll need to dedicate yourself to following the proven guidelines for long-term success. We understand that it will be a challenge at first, so we want you to know that we will be with you every step of the way. Committing yourself to these important life-long personal practices will maximize the use of your tool and your long-term weight-loss success. At JourneyLite, we understand your concerns about weight-loss surgery and the concerns you may have about life as a normal-weight person. Will the LAP-BAND® System work for you? Will you try this only to fail again? What if it really works and you’re a success?!? How will others treat you as you lose weight? Will friends or family be jealous if you reach your goal? Our aftercare and JourneyLite Support program address these and many other concerns and issues commonly faced in the months and years that follow your surgery. In addition, our program provides information about returning to work, diet and exercise, vitamin and nutritional supplementation, birth control, pregnancy, self-esteem and self-worth, long-term follow-up care, reconstructive plastic surgery, and the impact of surgery on your closest relationships - including the most important relationship of all - your relationship with yourself. We understand that achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is new to many people going through our program. Our goal is to help you make the changes all along your journey so that you set realistic goals and achieve them. For life. Weight-loss surgery requires a lifelong commitment to living a healthier lifestyle, to making healthy food choices, to taking your vitamins, and to exercise. JourneyLite Support will provide you with a safe place to share your journey with others who understand, and who support your goals. JOURNEYLITE. FOR LIFE. If you have questions about weight-loss surgery or about any of our bariatric surgeons, please call us or visit our website at If you would like to attend one of our free pre-operative seminars, please go online to register to attend a seminar nearest you.


SM LAP-BAND is a registered U.S. trademark of Allergan Corporation. JourneyLite is a service mark of Bariatric Partners, Inc.