July, 2014 Community Presbyterian Church is

July, 2014 Community Presbyterian Church is...

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July, 2014

Community Presbyterian Church is continuing our CPC Care Ministry with our 12 th year of the Stephen Ministry program. A Stephen Minister seeks to bring the love and compassion of Christ by walking alongside those that are experiencing life challenges. Beginning in September 2014, we will be training another class of future Stephen Ministers. We need to find men and women of our congregation who are called by God, and are willing to serve as Stephen Ministers. The process involves filling out an application, an interview with 2 members of the Stephen Ministry Leadership Team, and a commitment to attend 50 hours of training. The training is held at CPC on Monday evenings. The modules are presented by the Teaching Elders (Pastoral Staff) of CPC and other Stephen Ministers. The training will include a variety of topics such as listening, Christian assertiveness, maintaining boundaries in care-giving, and grief. The training is distinctively Christian and focuses on God as the one who cures as we care. When the Stephen Minister candidates have completed their training, they will be commissioned and ready to begin their ministry. Working under supervision, each Stephen Minister will be available to meet weekly with a person who is currently experiencing a challenge in their life. Peer Supervision meetings are held on the 2 nd and 4th Monday evenings of the month. Stephen Ministers commit to at least three years for training, service, and regular supervision. Many Stephen Ministers enjoy their ministry so much that they choose to serve beyond the three years. While being a Stephen Minister requires commitment of time and effort, it also brings joy and fulfillment. It may be one of the most rewarding challenges you will ever embrace. In addition, you will use the skills you learn not only in your caring ministry, but also in your everyday relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We are excited to see that God is at work in the lives of those who undertake this ministry and in those who will receive care from our Stephen Ministers. All completed applications must be submitted by August 24th, 2014. Please mail your application to Stephen Ministry, Community Presbyterian Church, 222 West El Pintado Road, Danville, CA 94526. We will contact you to schedule an interview. Please feel free to contact Heidi Johnson, Pastor of CPC Care Ministries, at 925-855-1367, ext. 215, or K. Wing Wong, Stephen Ministry Leadership Team Coordinator, at 925-381-1868 if you have any questions or need additional information. Serving together in the name of Jesus, CPC Stephen Ministry Leadership Team Bob Hayes Gale Perkey Bob Schepman Pattiann Schepman

Joanne Salcido K. Wing Wong

Paul Salcido