June 27-28, 2015
To partner with God in transforming people from unbelievers to fully devoted disciples of Jesus to the glory of God.
GRACE CHURCH CORE VALUES We are unashamedly God-centered!
The triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is the One we worship and serve to His glory.
We are passionately people-focused!
People, regardless of their spiritual condition, matter to God and to us.
We are strategically team-based!
We believe ministry is best accomplished in teams of people with diverse gifts and abilities who are bound together with common purpose and covenants of trust.
WE COUNT BECAUSE PEOPLE COUNT! June 15-21, 2015 Commitments made last week: Life to Jesus - 0
Celebrate Recovery: Monday - 111 | Tuesday - 55 | Friday - 227 | Total: 393 Cape Coral Campus: Saturday - 209 | 8:30 - 181 | 10:00 - 513 | 11:30 - 293 Fort Myers Shores Campus: 8:30 - 35 | 10:00 - 159 Fort Myers Central Campus: 8:30 - 30 | 10:00 - 159 | Wed. - 108 Total Worship Attendance: 2,213 Weekend Online Viewers: 133 Cape Coral Campus Youth: Octane (Sun.) - 40 | Revolution - 35 | Surge - 31 | Planet 45 - 20
GIVING Cape Coral Campus & Grace Community Center General Building Faith Promise
Needed Weekly $32,800 -
Last Week Needed YTD $ 31,648 $820,000 $ 2,376 $1,828 -
Give your tithes and offerings online! Make a one-time or recurring contribution.
Recieved YTD $816,012 $61,719 $76,671
ministries that engage and invite unchurched people in our community to experience the love of Jesus through the body of Christ.
ministries that help people connect to Jesus and the Grace Church family.
ministries that help people have a growing and transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.
ministries that release God’s people to make the realities of heaven the realities of earth.
VBS THANK YOU - A HUGE thank you to the countless volunteers and staff that made VBS possible this year! We had 46 children make first time commitments to Jesus during the week! GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT - The Global Leadership Summit, a world-class event for all types of leaders, will be telecast this year on August 6-7. Register before July 7 to get the reduced rate of $89! Visit egracechurch.com/summit and use the promo code, GLS15HOST. NEWSPAPERS NEEDED - The Thrift Store is in need of your old newspapers! We are extremely low and could use them. Just the newspaper, not the advertisement sheets please. LEE MEMORIAL BLOOD CENTER will be at the Cape Coral campus Sunday, July 12 from 9:30 AM to 1 PM to receive blood donations. THE RED ROSE is given by Barbara Elaine Miller in loving memory of her husband, Thomas Dwight Miller, who would have celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary on June 28. SUNDAY at the 11:30 service, we celebrate the baptism of Zoe Eralyn Acevedo born May 14, 2015. She is the daughter of Daniel and Courtney Acevedo.
Contact Patti Nemazie
[email protected]
FOOD ASSISTANCE - Are you 60 years old or over? Are you on a limited fixed income? Could you use a little more assistance with your groceries each month? There is a program through Harry Chapin and our food pantry that could assist you. Once a month you could receive a box of food items (worth about $50-70). We are asking for the senior citizens who would like to participate to sign up. Space is limited. More information will be coming soon regarding the distribution site and dates. Sign up in the Narthex . All information is confidential.
Contact Kim Severin
[email protected]
Contact Kim Severin
[email protected]
TACO SATURDAY - After the 5 PM Saturday worship service ends on July 25, we’ll gather in the Cafe for tacos. Everyone welcome! If you can volunteer, please call Kim Severin at 239.574.7161 or email
[email protected]. FRIENDLY FACES NEEDED - Join our amazing team of weekend greeters! A smile and a friendly “hello” can make all the difference for a first time guest at our church. Summer volunteers needed especially during the Sunday 10 AM and 11:30 AM services. Call Kim Severin at 239.574.7161 or email
[email protected]. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP - Find healing and hope after losing someone you love. We will use videos, Bible study, and conversation in a safe and caring environment where others understand your pain. Led by Cindy Jones, Pastor of Congregational Care. 6:30-8 PM Wednesdays in Room 7, July 1 through July 29. Cost is free. To register call Pastor Cindy at 239.574.7161 or email
[email protected].
LIVING IN JESUS - A women-only group is reading “Living in Jesus” by Marilyn Meberg this summer. Class facilitated by Debbie Ruesch. 6:30-7:45 PM Wednesdays in Room 1 through August 26. It’s not too late to jump in. Call Kim Severin at 239.574.7161 or email kseverin@ egracechurch.com. UNIVERSITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Learn how to start a daily practice of reading and understanding God’s Word. You can do this! Using a simple method called “SOAP,” this plan will help you discover the Bible without being overwhelmed by it. Find out more at the Welcome Center, in the Staring Point room, or online at egracechurch.com/bible.
Contact Patti Nemazie
[email protected]
PRAISE REPORT from Linda and Emerson Shank serving as chaplains with Samaritans Purse in Sam Marcos, TX: 9 salvations, 3 rededications, 582 people prayed with this week! HAVE AN OLD PHONE? Help equip and empower our Nicaraguan pastors! Is it time to upgrade your phone? You can help equip our mission partners in Nicaragua by donating your old iPhone, iPad, smart phone or tablet. Our Nica pastors are receiving extensive leadership training but communication has been a challenge. Turn in your old electronics to Patti Nemazie or at the church office and continue to pray for the pastors of Twelve Churches Esteli. CUBA MISSION TEAM - Stop and support the Cuba Mission Team at their fundraiser t-shirt booth at the July 4th Red, White, and Boom Celebration on the Cape Coral Bridge from 5 PM to10:30 PM! GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE! The Cuba Mission Team is asking for your help in purchasing over the counter medicines and hygiene products to bring to Cuba. Please stop by the kiosk after church and grab a list and/or a lollipop of specific items needed. We would also ask you to pray for the people whose lives you will be helping who will receive your gift or contact Denise Fernandez at 239.707.7534. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD We are still collecting things from the June list, and wanted you to know what’s coming up in July. We will collect school supplies (pencils, erasers, sharpeners, crayons, calculators, chalk, and any other school items you wish to purchase). If you don’t like to shop, you can make a donation marked “OCC” on a giving envelope, or go to egracechurch.com to donate online. We are changing lives one box at a time! MISSION TEAMS PREPARING TO “GO”...Please keep these teams in prayer. If you want to get involved by “Giving,”“Going, “ or “Praying,” contact Patti Nemazie. COSTA RICA MISSION PROJECT - August 22-29, 2015. Serving mission partners Ray and Lydia Zirkel. NICARAGUA MISSION TRIP: August 22-26. Serving our 12 churches mission partners, building relationships, empowering and equipping Nicaraguan pastors to build the Kingdom! CUBA MISSION TRIP - July 31-August 7, 2015. Serving Mission Partner: Pastor Bo, Juan Wesley Sister Church. SIOUX FALLS, SD - September 21-28, 2015. Serving Pastor Arlene in planting the 5th campus of Grace Church.
Contact Heather Evans (Children)
[email protected] or Taylor Foley (Youth)
[email protected]
HEY 3RD GRADERS! Planet 45 is ready for you! Join us for a summer full of fun, every Monday at 6 PM. Please contact Taylor Brown for more information. MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLERS - Join us for the NEW Revolution, a middle and high school youth group every Sunday night from 5-6:30 PM. SHOES OF HOPE 2015! Stop by the Children and Youth Building today to sponsor a child for Shoes of Hope 2015! Your $20 donation will provide new shoes, a backpack, and school supplies for a child in our community who may otherwise not have these necessary tools for a successful school year. Shoes of Hope is August 1. SMALL WONDERS PRESCHOOL is now accepting applications for preschool teaching positions. All applicants must have a CDA. For more information call or email Stacy Knight at 239.573.6890,
[email protected] SMALL WONDERS PRESCHOOL is now taking applications for VPK students for the Fall 20152016 school year. There are only few VPK seats still available. For more information, please contact Stacy Knight at 239.573.6890 or
[email protected]. NURSERY WORKERS - Now accepting applications for part-time nursery workers. Must be available on Friday evenings and Sunday mornings. Contact Heather or Nancy at the church for more information.
Contact Jennifer Strode,
[email protected] or Corey Johnson,
[email protected]
4:24 (named for 1 John 4:24) is our contemporary singers. We are meeting for rehearsals July 9, and July 23. These are open practices and we welcome visitors! We meet from 5:30-7 PM in Room 6. Join us! YOUTH WORSHIP - Our youth worship team is thriving! We are currently mentoring the youth band and tech team. They are a wonderful bunch of young Christ followers and we covet your prayers, encouragement, and support! Please call Jen Strode if you are interested in helping us form young leaders. WORSHIP DEPARTMENT - Our worship department has many opportunities to serve. We have many teams, serving many different ministries, and all give glory to God through worship! Whether on the platform or behind the scenes, we are a passionate team, and we love what God does through worship arts. Call Jennifer Strode at 239.574.7161 to find out how to get connected.
Contact Greg Mulkey
[email protected]
THIS WEEK JULY 3 AT CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Join us Friday night and we will hear a personal testimony from Chris F. as he shares his story of Recovery and what life is like today. STEP STUDY GROUPS – All Step Study groups are closed to new attenders. A new Women’s group will be starting soon! Keep watching here! CELEBRATE RECOVERY FRIDAYS at the Cape Coral Campus: 5:30 - 6:30 PM - Dinner | 6:45 PM - Large Group Celebration | 6:45-8 PM - Surge (middle and high-school age) | 8 PM - Small Groups for Hurts, Habits & Hang-ups! CELEBRATE RECOVERY TUESDAYS Step Study Night at the Cape Coral Campus: 5:30 PM - Dinner | 6:25 PM - Praise & Worship | 7-8:45 PM - Step Study Groups CELEBRATE RECOVERY MONDAYS at the Fort Myers Central Campus: 6 PM - Dinner | 6:30 PM - Worship | 8 PM - Small Groups
GOD’S VISION FOR GRACE CHURCH IS: To partner with God in transforming people from unbelievers to fully devoted disciples of Jesus to the glory of God.
GRACE CHURCH...one church in many locations! Cape Coral Campus Fort Myers Central Fort Myers Shores 13 SE 21st Place Campus Campus Cape Coral, FL 33990 2415 Grand Avenue 14006 Matanzas Drive 239.574.7161 Fort Myers, FL 33901 Fort Myers, FL 33905 Worship Times: 239.334.3160 239.694.2797 8:30AM - Traditional Worship Times: Worship Times: 10AM - Contemporary 8:30AM - Traditional *NEW* 8:30AM - Traditional 11:30AM - Contemporary 10:00AM - Contemporary 10:00AM - Contemporary (Sat.) 5 PM - Contemporary (Wed.) 6:30 PM - Contemporary GCC Thrift Store Grace Community 4151 Hancock Bridge Parkway Center North Fort Myers, FL 33903 4151 Hancock Bridge Parkway 239.656.0122 North Fort Myers, FL 33903 Hours: 239.574.7161 Mondays: Closed Tues-Sat: 9AM - 4PM Wednesdays: 9AM - 5:30PM
FMC Thrift Store 2415 Grand Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33901 239.244.5712 Hours: Sat-Sun: 10AM - 3PM Monday: 10AM - 3PM
facebook.com/egracechurchonline twitter.com/egracechurch egracechurch.com/grace-church-blog