June Newsletter

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June Newsletter 2015


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Monthly Publication - Volume 15.06

June 28th

Father’s Day

June 21st

June 14th

June 7th

Upcoming Sermons 8:15 Communion and 10:30 Classic Services

The Parable of the Four Soils Dr. Mike Loudon

10:30 Vine Modern Service

Rev. Kenny Ellis

8:15 Communion and 10:30 Classic Services

The Parables of the Lost Sheep Coins Dr. Mike Loudon

10:30 Vine Modern Service

Rev. Zac McGowen

8:15 Communion and 10:30 Classic Services

Father’s Day Dr. Paul Suich

10:30 Vine Modern Service

Rev. Kenny Ellis

8:15 Communion and 10:30 Classic Services

Look for the Ancient Paths Dr. Mike Loudon

10:30 Vine Modern Service

Rev. Zac McGowen

Upcoming Events Golf Camp

Book Club

June 9-12 from 9-Noon

June 18th at 10:00 a.m.

Vacation Bible School

Game Day


Cleveland Heights Golf Course


June 15-19 from 9-Noon

June 20th at 9:30 a.m.


First Presbyterian Church

Youth Hall

Mini-Miracles Camp I

Mini-Miracles Camp II

June 15-19th from 9-1:30 p.m.

June 22-26th from 9-1:30 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church


Summer Journeys


e all have hobbies and interests. I enjoy playing golf, swimming, walking, watching the Rays and Pirates play baseball on TV, and reading. Of course, in the fall I love watching the Nebraska Cornhuskers football team. I find the summer a wonderful time for reading. For those who are interested in reading, allow me to recommend a few books for your summertime enjoyment. I found Eric Metaxas’ new book Miracles to be a delightful read. It is very different than his national best-selling biographies on William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or his book Seven Men. His book on miracles is simply that, a book about people who have experienced miracles in their life. It is very inspirational. No matter what your political affiliation I think you will find George Bush’s book 41 to be a warm hearted story of a son writing about the father he adores. It would make a good Father’s Day gift. For those who prefer to wade into deeper waters theologically, I suggest N.T. Wright’s new book Surprised By Scripture. It’s a thought-provoking work, like most of what Bishop Wright pens. You may not agree with everything he writes, but you’ll be challenged to think deeply about Scripture. Eugene Peterson is another writer with whom you can’t go wrong. I found his autobiography Pastor to be very moving. Our Stewardship committee is reading the book Rich Church/Poor Church by Clif Christopher. He has written a number of books about charitable giving and is spot on in his analysis. We shy away from

talking too much about money in the church, but every other organization from the United Way to your favorite university is willing to talk about the subject. Of course, I like almost everything written by John Maxwell and recently read his latest work Good Leaders Ask Good Questions. And speaking of the subject of leadership, I am also reading Bill Hybell’s book Courageous Leadership, and Henry Cloud’s book Boundaries for Leaders. A great summer read about Florida is Les Standiford’s little book Last Train to Paradise which explains how Henry Flagler pushed his railroad through to Key West. Bill O’Reilly’s books on Killing Lincoln, Killing Kennedy, Killing Jesus, and Killing Patton are fairly easy reads. Personally I enjoyed the first and fourth books the best. I also enjoy the works of Malcolm Gladwell including Blink, David and Goliath, and Tipping Point. Gladwell, who had drifted from the faith, came back to Christianity through his writing of David and Goliath. With another Presidential election looming on the horizon there are plenty of political books in print. One I enjoyed was The President’s Club by Gibbs and Duffy. Have a great summer, happy reading, and remember, not only is FPC open every Sunday at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. for worship but the church library is also open every Sunday and during the week as well. Just thought I’d remind you.


April Session Report The elders received ten new members and shared fellowship and dessert with them. A report was given on the recent regional presbytery meeting. Three infant dedications and one wedding were approved. One member was transferred to a church in Tallahassee, two were removed (moved out of area), and it was noted that four members had entered the Church Triumphant. An hour long discussion led by Elder Rob Kincart, Chair of the Property Committee, centered around the launching of a capital fund campaign. More information about this campaign can be found below.

Children’s Ministry Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! It is the week of June 15th and our deadline date is June 9th. Don’t forget to sign up! Summer Camps are filling up. Be sure to sign up while there are still openings! Please be reminded that our 5th Graders will be leaving us on June 14th to join the youth programs. Children’s Ministry is adding a new program to its ministry. It will be called EPIC45 - Everything’s Possible In Christ. The aim is for our 4th and 5th graders to hang with each other and enjoy an experience in service whether in the creation of it and/or having on-site trips. This service program will start in the Fall for our 4/5 graders, on the last Sunday of each month, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The children will enjoy lunch, games and a service project. This will be a great time spent with our 4th and 5th graders! Children’s Ministry prays that the children and their families have safe and fun vacations this summer. We hope you will experience many God-sightings!

Capital Campaign is Coming Seventeen years ago, FPC launched a major capital campaign to construct a new addition to the building and remodel other parts of our facility. Approximately $4 million was raised at the time and the new addition was built and the remodeling completed - Loudon Hall, the Youth Center, The Welcome Center, the new Library, the new Kitchen, the Fitness Room, and Rooms A, B, C, D, and E were added. Two subsequent debt-reduction campaigns were conducted over the next six years which raised another $2 million toward the project, and then “a quiet campaign” helped us pay off the debt. In 2007 another quiet campaign was conducted in order to launch the Vine service. About $300,000 was raised for new lighting and a better sound system in the Fellowship Hall. It has been at least eight years since FPC has conducted a capital campaign, and there are projects which needs to be addressed. The main building is 37 years old, and the new addition is 14 years old (where does the time go?). Therefore, the Property Committee, with the approval of the Session, plans to conduct a capital campaign in

late summer and early fall. The projects to be funded include #1- A new sound system for the sanctuary; #2- A men’s restroom off the Narthex (there is presently only a small restroom off the Narthex as part of the Bride’s Dressing room); #3- A playground for young children (we presently have a nice playground for children 3 to 5 years of age but nothing for the little ones); #4- update of outside plantings and the addition of an area which will include plants and trees mentioned in the Bible (a Biblical Garden). The “looping” of the sanctuary to provide help to those with hearing aids has already been funded. Originally looping was part of the proposed project. Now it will move ahead when the new sound system is installed. The Capital Campaign is not large by previous standards, but it is necessary. The Property Committee hopes to raise $250,000 in order to fund these projects. Please be praying about what you can give to this special effort, which will be over and above your regular giving to FPC.


Book Club Out of the Shadows by Sigmund Brouwer is the Jerry Crane Book Club book of the month. It is a riveting tale of intrigue and deceit set against the contemporary backdrop of wealthy Charleston. This is Christian fiction for adults with unexpected plot twists and family secrets. It is a story of forgiveness and love as well as a good mystery. All are welcome! We will meet in the church parlor on June 18th at 10:00 a.m. We will break for the month of July.

FPC Forever Endowment Fund “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Eighteen years ago the General Endowment Fund had a total of $10,000. Many steps have been taken to build an effective Planned Giving Program for our church, and since then it has grown to nearly $2,000,000. The FPC Forever Endowment Fund was created in 2013 to maximize the sustainability of First Presbyterian Church for future decades in order to make and mature disciples for Christ for generations to come. Our goal is to build an endowment fund of $50,000,000 which would fund the church’s annual operating budgets and allow all contributions to go towards missions. This means that if times are bad, the bills will still get paid, and when times are good 100% of contributions to the church will be available to support missions and special projects. Building our FPC Forever Endowment to $50,000,000 will, of course, take time. The great news is that progress has been made. Through a two-year effort with the assistance of an outside consultant and by making individual contacts over the past year, we have received $17,000,000 in committed future gifts! Although this is significant progress we are not yet at the level required to assure sustainability. We hope that you will share in our vision that FPC will continue its mission and ministry beyond our lifetimes and ask that you remember FPC Forever in your Will. Together, we can assure that FPC will continue to make a difference in the lives of people in this church, in this community and around the world. If you would like more information about the FPC Forever Endowment Fund, please contact Jerre Wilson, FPC Forever Endowment Liaison at 863-944-1265 or Elena Nicholas, Director of Finance & Administration at [email protected] or 863-686-7187.

Special Offerings Due to our congregation’s generosity, we raised $1,969.79 during The One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Easter Sunday, and $1,448.00 for our Caring For Generations special offering on Mother’s Day. One Great Hour of Sharing is an offering of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing enable us to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, supplying food to the hungry, and helping to empower the poor and oppressed. The Caring For Generations offering benefits Florida’s older adults who have outlived their financial resources. This offering is sent to Westminster Retirement Communities Foundation, and is disbursed to individuals at Florida Presbyterian Homes. Participating in special offerings such as these gives us all at FPC opportunities to be witnesses of the love of Jesus to our community and beyond. Thank you for your kind donations. 5


The fundraising staff of the PC(USA) is hard at work trying to raise money to support the denomination’s mission work, but the difficulty of finding funds for ministry as membership declines (the PC(USA) has lost half its membership in the past 30 years) is becoming critical. Unless people and churches step up and give more money, the PC(USA) may be forced to recall one fourth of its mission co-workers deployed internationally by 2017. Hunter Ferrell, PC(USA) Mission Director (a former missionary supported by FPC in Lakeland) announced that projections show World Mission may face a $4.5 million shortfall by 2017 which would force the denomination to recall 40 of our 162 missionaries. For years the PC(USA) mission program has been able to use unrestricted reserve funds of the denomination, but the reserves are dipping very close to the required minimums. FPC-Lakeland presently helps with the support of PC(USA) missionaries Craig and Christine Callison in the Middle East, John McCall in Taiwan, Darren and Elizabeth Kennedy in Egypt, and Tim and Gloria Wheeler in Honduras. We also support many PC(USA) related missions in Kenya and Malawi. That’s the bad news. The good news is that an independent mission agency related to the PC(USA) which was formed by two evangelical groups within the denomination (The Outreach Foundation and Frontier Fellowship) is doing well financially. This group which is called Antioch Partners has sent out over 50 new missionaries in the past few years. Please pray for the PC(USA) World Mission program and for Antioch Partners. You can be assured that the Mission Council of FPC in Lakeland will direct your giving in positive and evangelical ways in order to reach the most people and do the most good for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BIBLE TRANSLATIONS The Bible has been translated into 43% of the world’s languages, and is currently being translated into and additional 31% of the world’s languages. That leaves 26% of the world’s languages without a translation of the Bible. A NEW CONFESSION OF FAITH The PC(USA) General Assembly and 2/3 majority of the presbyteries voted to include the Belhar Confession in our Book of Confessions. This confession comes from South Africa and addresses issues of racism.

Early Migration Each summer the 8:15 moves to the Paxson-Morrison Chapel. This year the early communion service will move on June 14 and continue in the chapel through Labor Day Sunday.

Older Adult Ministry Though most of the activities of the Older (50+) Adult Ministry will be taking a break over the summer, we will be continuing Dr. Suich’s “As Long as it is Still Day” Bible Study and our Game Day. The next Bible Study will be Wednesday, June 10, at 4PM in Room C. (They will not meet on June 3). The next Game Day will be June 20th and continue to be the third Saturday of the month from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Youth Hall. Bring your favorite breakfast food or snack and come join us for games like UNO, Five Crowns, Scrabble, Bridge, Mexican Train Dominos, Hand and Foot, etc. 6

Sunday Morning Connections

May – August 2015

There are several opportunities for you to grow your faith and connect with the FPC family on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15. Here is a list of the classes, teachers and format: Grace Class, Susie Stone (Meet in the Parlor) All adult women are welcome to attend this class which is currently studying Andy Stanley’s “Follow” series, and will continue throug the summer with “Breath: the Life of God in Us” by Beth Moore. Agape Class, Pastor Zac (Room A) This class is open to all adults. The sweet and inspiring narrative of the Book of Ruth challenges our perceptions of true loyalty and service. As the daughter-in-law to Naomi, whose husband and sons have died, Ruth is not obligated to stay connected to the widowed woman. As a Moabite, she has no obvious motivation to leave her homeland to go to the land of God’s people. Yet, Ruth’s act of devotion is striking in many ways and points to the humble nature found in the kingship of the Davidic line. There are tremendous lessons about the love of God and the divine working of redemptive history in Ruth’s story. From June 7th-July 5th, Zac will walk the AGAPE class through this book, and if you are not part of a Sunday school class, hopefully you will consider joining us. PYC Class, Dr. David and Kim Bowers, (Youth Hall) This class is for parents of children 5th grade and younger. The class does topical Bible studies that address real life issues. They are currently studying the Gospel in Life by Tim Keller. Praise Class, Led by Class Members, (Room E, notice earlier time 9:15-10 a.m.) This class was created for choir members, but is open to all. They are currently discussing “Seeking Social Justice” which is distributed by the PC(USA). Christian Singles, Mark Stephens (Conference Room) This class is discussion-based and has covered various studies including topical and books of the Bible. They are currently discussing the book The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. Growth Class, Wyllys Taylor, (Room D) This is a class for older adults and it is just beginning a study by Max Lucado entitled You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Turbulent Times. Joy Class, Paul Alley, (Room C) This is a class with lots of discussion related to faith and Bible topics. The class usually reads an article or excerpt ahead of time and then comes together to discuss and apply it to real life. 7

Summer Food Drive Start thinking about the Annual Food Drive! Each year during the month of June, our church collects food items for six area ministries to be distributed to each ministry the end of June and the first of July. Many of our families go hungry in Lakeland and Greater Polk County every day. The food items we collect covers many months of food for these families by supplying our food kitchens and provide meals to those who are unable to care for themselves. Our VBS children get involved with this each year and have a great time competing daily to see who can bring in the most (pounds) of food items. The six ministries we contribute to are: VISTE - which serves our elderly citizens, so think single serving meals and fruits; Talbot House; Lighthouse; Salvation Army - which serves families and the homeless; Parker Street Ministries serves preschool and school age snacks and some families (specifically needs individually packaged snacks, granola bars, fruit juices & juice boxes and family meal items along with baby food items and cereals); Anchor House Ministries - houses pre-teen and teenage boys - anything boys (meat and meat substitutes (canned) are always needed and let’s not forget the PBJ). Remember, “in date” canned items and boxed itemscan be placed in the bins at the north and south entrances. This year I am thrilled to have Shelley Gerber as my assistant. Volunteers are always needed. Please contact me at [email protected] or by calling 529-6003 if you are able to assist in sorting and packaging the food items. Monetary donations may be made to FPC and designated “Food Drive”.

Summer Song The FPC Chancel Choir will be singing for the services through most of June before going on their annual pilgrimage to the Montreat Music Conference in late June. The Summer Choir will begin rehearsing on Wednesday, July 15 and sing for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday services through August 23rd. Anyone from the congregation who loves to sing and enjoys fun filled rehearsals is welcome to participate.

More Facts and Figures FPC AVERAGE WORSHIP ATTENDANCE The January to April average worship attendance for FPC (not counting Easter Sunday)

2015 2014 2013 2012

8:15 a.m. 117 119 113 113

10:30 a.m. 333 338 338 343

Vine 223 219 202 216

Kids 27 23 32 23

Total 700 699 685 695

Sunday worship attendance at FPC has remained very steady for the past five years. We are also now live streaming the Vine service so that many will be able to watch on their iPhones and iPads at home or on vacation, while many others listen to the services on the free FPC app on their smart phones, and hundreds, perhaps thousands, listen to the weekly sermons on WLKF 1430 AM and now WLKF 96.7 FM every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. We are making plans to live stream the sermons from the Classic service soon. 8


Connie Bovay Buddy DeLoach Ruth Evans Lance Hamic Richard Klusza

Susan Dunn Nancy Foley Caroline Masters

Christian Branning Rachel Chastain Thad Ellington Cheryl Irwin Russell Jones John Nave Wally Parker Andrew Tidwell Margaret Williams Hannah Williams

Robert Anderson Holly Bowles Jenelle Gorman Dan Steinmetz






Addison Blitch Ken Lamb Robert Pearce

Michael McConnell Ian McKinney Suzanne Parks

Jessica Ellerbe Jim Hamer Elena Nicholas Hal Roberts

Debra Garman Faith Johnson

Sarah Bowers Calista Byers Megan Elliott Caroline King







Victoria Benson Brittany Hammerberg Chip Hill Sally Matthew Maggie Robinson Jason Rodda Zachariah Roth

Jessica Drake Mary Drake Amanda Nicotera Emily Sheppard Kylie Spurlock Bob Williams

Maelyn Alley Eric Edwards Charlotte Johnson Dick Morrison Brenda Sawyer Jenny Sowell

Jacqueline Andrews Eve Royal Nathan Schoon

Claire Ducar William Harrell Patsy Herring







Jennie Ellis Bob Lazenby Cindy Ross

Max Matthews Rowena Tebbe Griffin Trice

Lynn Burns Patrick Cummings Jennifer Gonzalez Dial Jackson Lois Latham Hallie Martin Leila Maurer Ruth Snyder Mary Ward

Chuck Bovay Hollis Hooks Ansley Houghton Marian Marshall Alexander Pillow







Deborah Foley Amanda Lamont Claire Maltese HL McConnell June Royal April Wilson

Carolyn Kibler Mary Mercier

Kyle Johnson Julia Lewis Daniel Sawyer Linda Trumble William Wallace

Eleanore Hart Barbara Kelly Ruth Meinke LaVerne Schmitt Elizabeth Smith






Cliff Coleman Christopher Ison Michael Peeples

Liz Antaya Pat Barber Nathan Benson Sherry Burnett-Bruce Taylor Hamer Betty Johnson Ashley Wooten

Chuck Freed Chandler Melton Terri Nicotera Adam Norman Lauren Webber Ottilie Wilson

Joyce Barclay Katelyn Gilmore Linda Liljequist






David Finger Phyllis Kopitzke Rick Scott Wayne Smith Marilyn Wiswedel

Ryan Browne Lily Campbell Jim Magnusen Savannah Sawyer

Carol Jeglic Kaia Magnusen Kimberly McKinney Dottie Smith Allison Ventura

Shannon Benson James Casey Michele DiMonaco Karter Gilmore Jennifer Kammerer Al Sheppard







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Monthly Newsletter - Volume 15.06


A fun-filled week where kids entering 3rd-8th grade will learn and perform a musical titled The Sailor’s Bible while cultivating other artistic skills through crafts and games.

Camp Dates: July 12 @ 5:00 p.m. Information Meeting July 13-17 8:30-5:00 Camp Days

Registration forms can be found at: www.fpclakeland.org/camps/

July 18 @ 4:00 p.m. Final Performance