June Newsletter

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June 2017

Parent University Launch raw rô/ adjective 2a (1): being in or nearly in the natural state: not processed or purified (2): not diluted or blended: not being in polished, finished, or processed form Please forgive me if this word and its definition seem a little crude or unprofessional in some way, especially for a ministry newsletter article. I prayed and asked the Lord for something to share about the launch of our Parent University this month, and it has been this word more than any other that stands out in my mind to describe what I experienced. As I wrote last month, our summer of Love in Action is helping us get back to our roots of the original purpose of this ministry, “Taking JESUS to neighborhood children, youth and families”, and the Parent University launch is a BIG part of the third aspect—FAMILIES. At the risk of being redundant, I am copying the same paragraph from our original vision statement that I quoted in my article last month. HOF Co-Founder Rachel Beaver and I wrote this in 1993. The third phase of ministry will be to the families of the children and young people who are already involved in the program. With each passing month as parents and other family members see a long term concentrated effort of love and concern aimed at their children, they will be more open to Christ being shared with them. This will provide an opportunity to refer to local churches and to meet needs in ways such as parenting classes and home Bible studies. We were introduced to a wonderful and unique parenting curriculum called Raising Highly Capable KidsTM by the HEB Foundation Camp, with whom we have partnered to do family camps for years. Through this, and a series of other “divine appointments”, the Lord led us to develop a Parenting Class Pilot Project using this curriculum for June & July on Wednesday nights at our main facility. I asked long-time HOF staff member Jimmy Hill and his wife Heather with developing, implementing, and leading this program as a part of our emerging emphasis on Family Ministry. At the time of this writing, we now have two successful sessions under our belt. We have 73 parents (along with their 107 children) signed up for this program, complete with child care and a meal in our little facility, so the logistics alone are quite a feat! However, as I said last month: This is an endeavor that I believe is capable of changing the very fabric of our community, one home at a time. We only have the kids a few short hours each week, but they go home to their families every day. We all understand the

By Kevin Reynolds, Executive Director

value of impacting their families, and the Lord has brought us an incredible opportunity to do this very thing. Each session includes large group presentation as well as small group table discussions. My wife Liz and I serve as Table Leaders and the experience is simply precious. I was so tenderly reminded of how a deep God-given bond exists between children and parents. ALL OF US love and care for our kids and want what is best for them, regardless of race, background, church affiliation, or even how prepared, skillful, or experienced we are. To get back to where I started in this article, the best word to describe participating in the table discussions is raw. The discussions were raw. They were real. They were honest. They were insightful. There was nothing watered down or polished or rehearsed. Each parent was both fully present and completely attentive. There were laughs and tears, there was prayer and encouragement. And in the end, all of us went home motivated to step up higher into their God-ordained calling as a parent. Each night of this class is moving toward the ultimate end of empowering parents to put into practice the words of Scripture in Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ESV; And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. What a blessing to be part of how God is working in the lives of so many children, youth AND FAMILIES!! Thank you SO MUCH for your partnership with us as we step into this new phase of ministry. Please keep us in prayer as summer tends to bring a drop in regular monthly giving, and ongoing monthly support is more critical now than ever before. God bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him and for them,


Family Swim Party In Memory Of: Avery Gayle Carroll By Helen Hennington Alice Sisco By Lee, Lee & Puckitt Associates, Inc. Dennis Winterrowd By Carey King By Judy and Hershell Hanks

House of Faith receives donations in the form of Memorials and Honorariums throughout the year. These donations are acknowledged with a personalized card sent to the recipient you designate. Gifts can be made in any amount to: House of Faith 321 Montecito San Angelo, TX 76903 or online at www.hofministries.org

Kid’s Connection

Blue Bear from San Angelo's BlueCross Blue Shield TX office visited House of Faith during Kid’s Connection in June

Sports Camp

House of Faith 321 Montecito Dr. San Angelo, TX 76903 www.hofministries.org