Latest Trends in Digital Marketing

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Summary: Latest Trends in Digital Marketing La monté en puissance du brand content Definition : Brand content refers to content produced more or less directly by a brand in a content marketing logic. Explain : Nearly 80% of Internet users appreciate that a brand offers content. 84% of them wish to find information that allows them to form their own opinion. They are primarily interested in the content of experts and professionals. And, most Internet users say they give more credibility to a brand recognized as an expert in its field. On the advertisers side, brand content is no longer considered a cost, but a source of profit. Brands are actors like others and have the legitimacy to talk about their life and personality. If they are coherent and fair, the individual does not see content as an intrusion.

Choosing the right mix: CPM, CPC, CPA, CPL, PPV, PPI CPM: means cost per thousand —> Generally it’s when the advertiser makes visual advertising (like for ex website covering) and pay each thousand views.  Each thousand time the advertising is displayed to a visitor on the web, the advertiser pay 
 CPC: cost per click —> In this case the advertiser pay when a visitor click on a link whether it’s on a browser or a website PPV: Pay per view —> we pay according to what we see (example: cinema we pay a ticket to watch a single movie) Affiliation: website who wants to sell more, look for other websites with a lot of trafic. Then the first one can put advertisings on the second one and pay him  The advertiser can pay either with CPC, CPL, CPA According to what kind of advertisement we want to do, each solution has its pros and cons.

Le retargeting par Criteo, Google, Facebook et les places de marchés Retargeting is a way to reconnect with users who visited your website and didn’t buy anything. This tool is based on the study of how the users interacts online. mainly thanks to the cookies and your email adress. As a matter of fact, google is using that to recommend you products similar to the ones you were already interested in. The most known retargeting tool might be Facebook where you can frequently see a display of ads with the last product you checked out at one point in your journey online. Other tools like Criteo put together data to introduce new products anywhere there’s an ad banner similar to what you’ve already looked

BENEFITS : • to target specific consumers  • It has more impact than classic advertising  • click rate and conversion rate are higher 

DISADVANTAGES : • not add new consumers  • consumers can refuse to be stalked on internet  • it is very expensive 

KPI : Key Performance indicators Is a way of measuring how effective a brand’s marketing campaign is, depending on its business objectives, and allows you to improve the points if needed so. They can be high-level / low-level KPI’s depending on the global view of the company or more defined and precised indicators. Examples: -       Sales growth -       The cost of customer acquisition -       Website traffic -       Email marketing performance

Native Advertising Native advertising is an advertisement that uses a type of advertising format that has a very strong integration, or even a certain resemblance, with the traditional editorial content of a support site. The Advantages of Native Advertising
 Among Advantages of Native Advertising we find : that he is more useful, cost efficient, less intrusive to consumers and he increase the number of consumers following the product.
 The Disadvantages of Native Advertising
 And for disadvantages : Consumers often are confused or deceived by assuming native advertising are regular news reports or articles, Some online publishers and their consumers believe native advertising crosses the ethical lines for the sake of more money : that’s why Native advertising make exploitation of business easier. The Advantages of Native Advertising More Useful: Since native advertisements provide better customer targeting, they are typically more useful and interesting information to consumers than traditional advertising. Cost Efficient: Online advertisements are significantly cheaper than traditional advertising; and since native advertising is more targeted, their costs are much more efficient.

Higher Perception: Consumers are becoming more ad blind, meaning that customers no longer notice more traditional forms of advertisements, such as banner ads, billboards, commercials, etc. Since native advertising better focuses consumers’ attention, these ads have a higher perception (conscious awareness and subconscious brand re-enforcement). Less Intrusion: Native ads are less intrusive to consumers, thus better flow with the media’s context and content. As a result, native advertising enhances, instead of detracts, for a better user experience. Again, this is better for brand perception.
 Increase Followers: Native advertisement increases the number of consumers following the product as well as better informing them as well. The Disadvantages of Native Advertising Confusion/Devious: Consumers often are confused or deceived by assuming native advertising are regular news reports or articles. Once consumers realize that they have been tricked, consumers tend to result with a much more unfavorable opinion of the product. Exploitation of Business: Some online publishers and their consumers believe native advertising crosses the ethical lines for the sake of more money. For instance, it is not unusual for websites to see a decrease in web traffic after introducing native advertisements; yet at the same time, the same websites increase in revenue. Backlash: Besides losing readers and customers, messages boards, online comments, and blogs tend to be very critical of the sudden introduction of native advertising. This backlash is often out of control to both the advertisers and publishers, especially once it moves onto other websites. Repackaged Advertorials: Native ads are considered nothing more than repackaged advertorials with a minor online twist.
 Penalization: It is believed that search engines and advertisers, such as Google, consider web pages that have native advertising as spam or advertising, thus lowers the rankings of entire websites that has native advertisement.

Storytelling Storytelling is a  way of communicating which gives you the opportunity to stand out. It is used as a technique to spread information in a more memorable and entertaining way. benefits: Create empathy + Excellent way of persuasion

Real-Time Bidding Web ad system who has for objective to sell in a real time a ad space in specific website for a specific moment.

Advertisers would decide if they want to buy this emplacement or not regarding to how big it is, on what website it is, or the specific moment it is. The real time bidding campaigns are use by advertisers to target really specific and interested prospects and so limit the loss of target. This ad system is often use in the project of bigger advertising campaigns and it s a part of it. To make this work one thing is really important, it is the data, necessary and fundamental to show the ad at the good peoples. For this, the trading desks who are major actors in this industries,  list the people to show it in different way by collecting cookies who tell them the behaviours of people online and so permitted to classify them. The negatives is that it can be intrusive for people cause they use personal information to do these kind of advertising.

Price comparison Price comparison has an important place to a online user’s habits. Everyone is looking for the best price to purchase a smartphone, book a room in a good hotel or the best travel at the lowest price. A price comparison allows someone to see all the offers on the internet for a same product, and highlight the cheapest one. The aim of it is to push the user to buy, and to become a e-consumer. There are some good advantages but also drawbacks… First, it allows people to save money, and because of the recent economic crisis, this is important. Linked to this point, it increases the purchasing power : the more money a user saves, the more he will be able to spend on something else. But price comparison can also be negative, for some companies which doesn’t have the lowest prices, or also for the people who have something bad surprises, because cheap price means sometimes a lack of quality.. So I can say that choosing the best offer is not always to pick the cheapest one ! Be careful with that, even if price comparison sounds awesome for saving money !

Revolution of Ad exchange An ad exchange is an automated platform for the sale and purchase of advertising space on the Internet, where space-seekers (advertisers, media agencies and retargeting networks) meet and offerers (publishing sites, networks, networks). On an ad exchange, the activity of sale / purchase of advertising space is generally done in RTB (Real Time Bidding). There is different kinds of ad exchange : open and private.  An ad exchange is financed by commissions on exchanges and sometimes by registration fees which can be requested from the users of the platforms.

Ad exchange and particularly the real time bidding was a huge revolution in the field of online advertising. Today the most importants ad exchange plateforms are for example Doubleclick from Google, Right Media from Yahoo or Advertising Exchange from Microsoft. AVANTAGE The main advantage is there is transparency on transactions. When you buy a advertising space, you know what it is, what the price is, what the website is and your target. For company, one the best advantage is they can plan there budgets and there planning  NEGATIVE  A lot of company have turned on ad exchange platforms and these platforms have growed up very quickly. Today this fast expansion is slower. The fact is that company know all the advertising space they buy so they are very demanding on economic implications.