lesson #5

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LESSON #5 MAN’S UNIVERSAL DEPRAVITY CONCLUDED Romans 3:9-20 Principle: All humanity stands guilty before a holy God. Use this lesson outline to record your notes as you watch the Lesson 5 video. I. MAN’S SINFUL CONDITION CONDEMNS HIM 3:9-12  Man is born spiritually dead and helpless to change his condition.

II. MAN’S CONDUCT CONDEMNS HIM 3:13-18  If man’s spiritual condition is sinful, his conduct will be also.

III. MAN’S CONDEMNATION BY THE LAW 3:19-20  The law exposes man’s sin and condemns him before the holiness of God.

LESSON #6 GOD’S WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS REVEALED 3:21-4:25 Subject: Man’s helpless spiritual condition necessitates righteousness provided by God through Christ. Please answer these lesson questions for next week prior to watching the Lesson 6 video.

Review 1. Did the last lecture leave you with any thoughts you would like to share with your group?

Read Romans 3:21-31

Righteousness now revealed

After Paul has given the desperate and hopeless condition of mankind in 1:18-3:20, he now gives our only hope. Pay close attention to the change expressed in his words, “But now...” v. 21. Dr. Leon Morris suggests verses 3:21-26 “may be possibly the most important single paragraph ever written”.


What exactly had now been made known?


Can you explain how this revelation had now been made known (in Paul’s day), yet was testified to by the Law and the Prophets (in the Old Testament times before Paul’s day)?

4. How are you helped by what Paul says about the revelation in verse 21?

5. In verse 22 Paul gives additional information about this righteousness that comes from God. What two points does he make?


Justification is a legal term in which the sinner is declared righteous before God. Paul gives three important truths about the believer’s righteousness before God in verses 24-26. Give them. a. The source of our righteousness (where it originates) -

b. The grounds of our righteousness (on what it rests) -

c. The means of our righteousness (how it is received) -

7. Paul uses three technical terms to describe the cross of Jesus Christ in verses 24-26. Try to explain how each was accomplished through the death of Jesus. a. Redemption (a commercial term used of slaves who were purchased to be set free) -

b. Sacrifice of atonement (NIV) or propitiation (NKJV) which means to placate anger -

c. Demonstrate (to reveal) His justice -


In verses 27-31 Paul raises a series of 3 questions that were often asked by Jewish critics of his day. Give the questions and their answers. The issues raised are still important today.

Read Romans 4:1-25 Abraham’s righteousness before God 9. How does Paul use Abraham, considered father of the Jews, to prove his point that man is justified by faith rather than by works, even religious ones. 10. How did David (Israel’s greatest king) substantiate the same truth in his psalm? 11. What is significant to you in Paul’s point that both Old and New Testament people are justified, or made righteous, before God in the same way, i.e. by faith in His promise?

12. How does the way of righteousness given in these verses differ from the way many people try to attain righteousness? By what you have learned in Romans so far, how would you explain to someone how he/she can be right with God?

13. In chapter 4 what were the different means by which Abraham was not justified? a. 4:1-8: b. 4:9-12: c. 4:13-17a: Reflection and Personal Application 14. Carefully and prayerfully reread this week’s passage. How will you allow it to impact your life personally?