LG12.9.18) The Other Side of the Tree

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Dear LifeGroup Leader, This week for your LifeGroup discussion, I’d encourage you to go over the children’s play from this last weekend. What an amazing job they did. I think it’s so important that we take the message seriously - it’s not just cute to watch our children. As a church we believe they are TODAY’S church, not tomorrow’s church. This means we have a conviction to listen to the words they say and consider the way our lives are impacted. If you or your LifeGroup haven’t watched the play, I’d encourage you to use your time this week to watch it. The full video recording of the play is available on Montrose Church’s website. Watch it together. Instead of creating a LifeGroup Note this week, I’d like for you to simply reflect together on the message. What character did you identify with? Why? Who is on “the other side of the tree” for you and your family? Why? May we have fresh ears to hear God’s calling in our lives through our children.


11.25.18 : LifeGroups
