Life After Loss

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Adult Studies and Groups—All are welcome! Sunday Scripture Group 9:45 am, Parlor. Continuing to view and discuss the movie, “A.D.” Contact Bob Simoneau at [email protected] Monday Morning Men Taking a break for Summer—see you in September. Contact Evan at [email protected] Rachel Circle Every 3rd Monday at 9:30 am, Library. Next meeting May 20. Remembering our friend Millie Gallagher. Contact Marge Grant at 619-296-2720 MOPS Every 1st & 3rd Mondays at 9:30 am, Family Life Center. Contact Sarah Butterfield at [email protected] Continuing The Conversation 7:00 pm Wed, May 22. Meet with group at Calvary Baptist Church, Rev. Jeri Jackson leading. Contact Gordy Lutes at [email protected] Tuesday Women’s Bible Study End-of-Year Brunch, home of Susan Cramer, 1032 Barcelona Dr., from 9 to 11 am. Contact Clara Blenis 619-223-5950 or [email protected] Wednesday Mom’s Bible Study 9:15-10:30 am, Parlor. End-of-Year Brunch, offsite. Contact: [email protected] Wednesday Men @ Work 8:30 am, Library. Bible study, fellowship, church projects. Contact: [email protected] Wednesday Men’s Bible Study 5 pm, Parlor. Fellowship and Bible study led by Gresham Bayne. Contact Jerry Heidt at [email protected] Wednesday Refresh 7:00-8:30 pm, 1st & 3rd Weds., offsite. Contact [email protected] Knitters 10:00 am, 2nd Thursdays, Parlor. Contact Judy White at [email protected] Centering Prayer 6:30 pm Thursdays, Parlor. Experience Jesus through presence and prayer. Contact [email protected]

You can now listen to Sunday's messages anytime, anywhere on our new Point Loma Community Church podcast! Find us on Spotify and iTunes by searching for "Point Loma Community Church" or visit our website for the links.

Children’s Ministry

Karen Connor, Director. [email protected]

Sundays: Nursery care provided for all services: 6 mo. - 3 years, in Room 7 upstairs. Traditional Sunday School 8:30 am for ages 4 yrs.-5th gr. Children attend first part of worship with their parents in the sanctuary. Kids Cafe Worship 9:45 am for ages Preschool - 5th gr. Parents check children in at Family Life Center at 9:40 am before parents attend the Cafe service in the Chapel. Mondays: Brick Journey - Youth group every Monday for Grades 4 & 5. Meet in Youth Center from 4-5:30pm. $3 for pizza dinner. 6th graders attend Brick Jr. High on Mondays from 5-7pm. Thursdays: Children Choirs, Choir Room. Alicia McMillan, Director. [email protected] Cherub Choir 4 yrs.-gr. 1, 4-4:50 pm; Joyful Praise gr. 2-6, 5-6 pm. Thursdays: Kids Club, Rm. 8. gr. 2-6, 4-4:50 pm; 4 yrs.-gr. 1

5-5:45 pm. Bible stories, crafts, games.

BRICK Youth Ministry

RO Smith, Director. [email protected]

Children’s Musical TODAY, May 19 8:30 am only The Cherub and Joyful Praise Children’s Choirs will present “Heroes of the Faith,” a unique field trip where Biblical characters come to life to teach modern day children how to become heroes. The children learn lessons of faith and adventure and how ordinary people become extraordinary heroes who can change the world by following God’s command.

Sundays: Jr. High Small Group 9am (Start in Café) Mondays: BRICK Monday Nights, Youth Center Jr. High 5-7pm; High School 7-9pm Thursdays: High School Small Group (7-8:30pm) at Smith House.

Senior Adult Ministry Elaine Burrell, Director | [email protected] (619) 223-1633-Ext. 210 All events in Family Life Center RSVP to Elaine

Current Event Discussion Group Tuesday, May 21, 10-11:30 Bring a news article, magazine story, or topic of interest to discuss. Coffee & pastries served. Field Trip: Mormon Battalion Museum Tour & Lunch in Old Town Wednesday, May 29, depart church at 10:30am in the church van. RSVP required. AARP Safe Driving classes are almost filled. Monday, June 3 and 10, from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Must attend both sessions. Contact Elaine to register. Wednesdays: YMCA Gentle Exercise—Forever Fit 9 to 9:50 am—FREE

Life After Loss . . .

is a grief support group led by Rev. Alex Wirth from PLCPC and Rev. Megan Cochran from Westminster Presbyterian Church. It is for those grieving the loss of a loved one. We'll reflect on scripture and passages from C.S. Lewis' A Grief Observed, praying, and using ritual to live into the new reality of our grief. Every other Thursday, 2 pm in the Parlor, Next Meeting: May 30 [email protected]

Neighborhood Block Party! Friday, May 31, 5-7 pm Join us for our 2nd Annual Block Party! Come and enjoy food trucks, a live band, a 28-person video game truck, sports demos and more! Ideal for all ages, and everyone is welcome! Invite your friends and neighbors to this great time of connecting. If you’d like to help SERVE at this event with setup/ cleanup or other areas, please contact Evan at [email protected]


October 11-13, 2019 Join families from PLCPC (of all ages) for a fantastic weekend of fun, games and fellowship at the YMCA’s Camp Marston in Julian. For more information, contact Evan at [email protected] or visit the website at *Spots for Family Camp are limited, Register Now to reserve your space(s).

Our Sanctuary and Chapel are now equipped with t-coil hearing loop. Most behind-the-ear hearing aids come with t-coils and one must visit their audiologist to have it turned-on. We also offer headsets for those who don't have hearing aids or whose aids don't have t-coil. Please ask an usher for help. There are more detailed pamphlets on the information kiosk located in the church office and on the Plaza.

VBS 2018 “Roar! Life is Wild. God is Good.” June 24-28, 9 am to noon Preschool—5th grade *Preschool-Kinder program currently has a wait list To register your child or to volunteer: Adult and Youth volunteers needed. Join our fantastic team!

POINT LOMA COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2128 CHATSWORTH BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92107 619.223.1633 Vision: Loving Everyone to LIFE with Everything we Have Mission: Through authentic community, we seek to Experience Jesus, Journey into Deeper Faith, Strengthen the Church, and Transform our World Values: We are a Good Home. We are Inter-Generational. We Inspire Engagement

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Welcome . . . to the Red Brick Church Have you ever felt completely in sync with someone else? Or a group of people? Like a sports team or your co-workers all working toward the same thing? Like you were of one purpose with others? It takes a lot of time and trust to build a relationship like that and that makes it really valuable and kind of rare. Our God calls us to a relationship like that with each other and with God. But think about it, our God-who created the universe, took the time to develop a trusting relationship with us. God could have stayed elsewhere and ruled our lives from a distance, but that is not our God. Jesus came to us to put that time in so we might trust His voice when the time came to hear it. That is what we are about here at Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church: putting in the time and building the trust and relationships necessary to work toward our vision of loving everyone to life with everything we have. So remember what it felt like to be of one purpose with something outside yourself and come experience God that way, alive in this community. Rev. Alex Wirth Associate Pastor for Congregational Care