Living Word's Weekly Newsletter April 15, 2018

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Connect Living Word’s Weekly Newsletter Peru Mission Trip Interested in a mission trip to Peru this summer? Each year our synod takes a group for a cultural and ecclesiastical immersion to Peru. This year the trip will be June 7-16. June 7-12 will be in Lima. June 13-16 will be in Cuzco. The group will be led by Bishop Mike Rinehart. Participants may choose Lima only, but after having traveled so far, you won’t want to miss Cuzco, Iglesia Luterana Talitha Kum and the Lost City of Machu Picchu.

April 15, 2018

WANTED: Clear Plastic Bottles Kindred Montrose is one of the service sites for the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer where participants are going to make a beautiful piece of public art. They need raw materials. Can you bring every clear plastic bottle you can find between now and then? Drop offs are welcome in the lobby in the box marked KINDRED. __________________________________________________

Adult Faith Formation Bible Study: 360, Reading the Bible Anew

This trip will enrich your understanding of Peruvian history and relationships with the Lutheran Church of Peru. You’ll pick up some Spanish, see the Andes and make new friends. For more information about the itinerary and cost, visit or email Pastor Emmanuel at [email protected].

360 is a journey from Genesis to Revelation that allows us to experience scripture in new and dynamic ways. As Christians, we simply do not learn or just study the scripture for knowledge. We assimilate it, and take it into our lives in such a way that it mobilizes us to acts of love, compassion and justice. This Bible study meets on Wednesdays at 9:30am and 7:00pm in the Life Center. You do not want to miss 360; a chance to read the Bible again for the first time.



Gathering to Host Spring Social

The Chancel Flowers

The Gathering will celebrate the beauty of spring at the upcoming “Butterflies and Rainbows” themed social to be held on Thursday, April 19, in the Life Center. The Gathering team will meet at 8:30am to decorate and hold a planning session and the fun-filled day will begin at 10:00. Master Gardener Diane Russell will present a program on butterflies. Other activities will include exercises, arts and crafts, a program by The Learning Center, games, a sing-a-long and lunch.

are given by Nathalie Chomel in memory of Mark Lincke __________________________________________________

The Gathering, which was organized in 2009, is a Living Word Outreach Ministry. Our guests have beginning to moderate memory loss and these few hours of social interaction offer their caregiver a little “me time”; a time of relaxation without worry and stress. If you would like to be a part of the Gathering team or help with the meal, contact Mary Lou Volan at 281-578-9878 or [email protected]. __________________________________________________



Tuesday Evening Ladies’ Bible Study

Camp Hope registration is open! Sign up for one, two or three weeks – every day is a different story! We experience the story 8 times every day with all 5 of our senses! Click here for more info and to register: http:// __________________________________________________

JR HIGH Confirmation Learning Event tonight! Remember your Bibles! Confirmation End of Year at Katy Main Event will be April 28th from 10 – noon. Just $18 gets you bowling, pizza, a drink, an arcade card and the chance to lose to Ms Jinny at laser tag! Register


This week we will continue the Study of Acts, by briefly looking into the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews was written for every Christian's help and change by bringing you to Christ HIMSELF. The name "Hebrews" indicates the importance of the content to the early Jewish Christians, but the power of this letter invigorates ALL who trust the Lord Jesus for life forever - and for right now. Please bring your Bibles and join us from 7 to 8:30pm on Tuesday in the Martin Luther Room. Questions? Contact Selina Ponniah at 281-352-4712 or [email protected]. __________________________________________________

Adult Faith Formation Groups WEEKLY




HIGH SCHOOL Sophomore Small Group meets tonight at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall! th 12 Grade HS Graduation Milestone is next week, April 22! Class at 9:30, worship celebration at 11, brief lunch at 12! Register here: __________________________________________________

Sundays at 9:30am—Nooma Videos by Rob Bell (all adults) in Martin Luther Tuesdays at 7:00pm—Acts of the Apostles (women’s group) in Martin Luther Wednesdays at 9:30am—360, Reading the Bible Anew (all adults) in the Life Center Wednesdays at 7:00pm—360, Reading the Bible Anew (all adults) in the Life Center MONTHLY April 18 at 7:00pm—Animate Bible (all adults) at the home of the Beaudos April 26 at 4:00pm—Cool Chicks (women’s group) in the Micah Room __________________________________________________

2018 Upbring Houston Golf Tournament Then Jesus opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them. “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” Luke 24:45-48 This simple tool is based on a focus verse from the Sunday text, then your household uses it in a nightly ritual - SHARE highs and lows, READ the Bible verse or story, TALK about how the Bible might relate to highs and lows, PRAY for one another’s highs and lows, BLESS one another. _______________________________________________________

The 2018 Upbring Houston Golf Tournament outing to benefit the Krause Children’s Center will be held on Monday, June 4, at BlackHorse Golf Club. Registration begins at 7am with an 8am start. Save the date and join us to help the abused and neglected children at Krause. If you are interested in playing or becoming a sponsor please contact Karl Carlton at 281-578-7308 (home), 832-223-5208 (office), or [email protected]. Karl will be in the church lobby during morning services beginning April 29th to sign up golfers, take pledges, and give any other information you might need. The last day to sign up will be May 27th. Let’s have a big contingent from Living Word support this great cause! __________________________________________________

For more information about Living Word events, visit the “Events” page at