LORD, what do You want to do through me to

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LORD, what do You want to do through me to accomplish Your will in our church? Towson United Methodist Church Newsletter  October 2014  Volume 55, Issue 10

OCTOBER SCHEDULE OF EVENTS “Precious in God’s Sight” Oct 5

World Communion Sunday Commitment Sunday One morning service at 10:00 Celebration immediately following

Oct 8

Wednesday Morning Bible Class new year of discussions begin, p. 13

Oct 9

Senior Adult trip to the “Other Eastern Shore,” 7:30a pick up, p. 13

Oct 11

Sky Zone, Fun Afternoon for Youth, p. 7

Oct 12

Matthew 25: 37-40 Heifer International — collections begin, through October, p. 8 Blessing of our Pets, 4:30p on the front lawn of the church, p. 11

Oct 19

Matthew 18: 10-14 Children’s Sabbath, p. 10 Third Graders receive Bibles, 9am, p. 10 Get your empty shoebox to fill for Operation Christmas Child, p. 8

Oct 25

Emergency Food Pantry, p. 8

Oct 26

Matthew 28: 16-20 Third Graders learn how to use their new Bibles, p. 10 Adult new class — Get Acquainted with your Bible, p. 10 Begin bringing in your —filled Christmas Shoeboxes, p. 8 —filled Thanksgiving Baskets, p. 9

All Church Celebration on Commitment Sunday October 5, 2014 one worship service at 10:00 AM followed by celebrating in Fellowship Hall.

I represented Austria at the summer celebration on July 17 “A Church for ALL People Everywhere Around the World.” There was a table filled with homemade pastries, and I delighted telling the visitors about each pastry and its history. The following are the pastries that I made and told stories about… Linzer Schnitten... is a Diamond pastry filled with a jam. It's name comes from the Austrian city of Linz. The Kugelhupf… is a pound cake… but represents an Asian Turban… a head cover in the hot desert countries. When the Ottoman ruler wanted and tried to conquer Europe, Vienna, then the capital of Austria, had their armies ready to defend their city. During that time the cooks and chefs cooked and baked for the army in the underground tunnels of Vienna. They heard the hoofs of the horses underground and reported to the army above the approach of the Ottoman's army. Austria's military was ready and held off the attack and saved their city from destruction. The Kugelhupf was created after the war was over… and it was made into a Turban… to remember the occasion when the cooks and bakers helped their army winning the war. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this event! —Maria Springer

Pictures taken by Steve Houk & Maria Springer Thurs., July 17 A Church for ALL People Everywhere Around the World October 2014 ... page 2

Last week we gathered to begin our 10th year as Sojourner Sisters. We enjoyed lunch and fellowship and began our new study. I overheard so many women say to each other, "I really missed you this summer!" How wonderful to be missed! How special to know that others are thinking about you, worrying and praying for you, celebrating and mourning with you, even if we are in different places with different schedules, and joys, and concerns. It's wonderful to be missed! It's great to be back! — Sue LaHatte

Thank You!

I was talking with a friend named Sarah, who does not attend our church, and she told me that whenever she's on the beltway and sees the steeple it is a reminder to her to say a prayer of thanks to God. I put something on Facebook asking people to share their steeple stories and a friend of mine named Bea who used to live here and has since moved to Georgia wrote: ... We took Steven there for pre-school. It was a wonderful place. When we get home to Towson for visits, he sees the steeple and remembers the special time he had there! Susan Davis Bengel posted this: Luke and I always played a game from the time he was 18-months old and we moved to Perry Hall. As we would travel to church on Sunday we would see who called out they saw the steeple first. Even today [Luke is in college now] if we ride together he will often yell out "I see the steeple first." A simple thing but it makes me smile every time I pass that steeple knowing that is what our eyes are focused on and rightfully so. —Alicia Corson

Every year one the highlights of my summer is teaching Vacation Bible Camp. As a former first grade teacher it is my chance to use some of those skills, plus have the added bonus of working with Jo Miller and the great group of preschool teachers. The children have such a fun time as they learn about Jesus' love for them. Another big bonus is getting to be with my grandchildren and seeing how much they enjoy the activities at VBC. — Nancy Klueh

Dear Pastors, Members and Friends, Thank you so much for all your cards, thoughts, concerns, and prayers during this difficult time with my husband's family. My husband had two brothers and a sister-in-law die within five weeks of each other. The warmth, comfort, and love from this congregation was felt by the entire family. How blessed I am to be surrounded by all of you. Grace and peace to you. Love, Phyllis Napfel

Many thanks to all who brought in socks for Manna House. You gave them over 100 pairs of socks — and they were delighted. There is an ongoing need for used or new tee shirts, boxer/ briefs, sturdy shoes, and socks of all types and colors. You can always put donations in the toiletries box in the sharing bin and they will be taken down to Manna House. — Carole Dean [Manna House started as a soup kitchen in Baltimore City in 1973 and is supported by United Methodist congregations].

Our Blood Drives for 2014 are now behind us. Thank you to all the volunteers, those who gave blood as well as those who work to make the Drives a success. Our next Blood Drive is March 21, 2015. Mark your calendars now! — Margot Gerding, coordinator Rendez-vous Haiti Update: About a year ago, TUMC had a Moment on Mission/Communion Offering to support 96 orphaned children after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. That Sunday, we hosted Catherine Savell, one of the leaders and founders of Rendez-vous Haiti, which sustains this remarkable organization. Look for fliers on the table outside the church office showing what the generosity of TUMC members has accomplished at the Foyer de Notre Dame school and housing complex. It is amazing! View more at www.rendezvoushaiti.org. Many thanks to all of you, Michele McWilliams

October 2014 ... page 3

WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH OUR STEEPLE — WILL IT EVER BE FINISHED? Our steeple is a prominent landmark for everyone who drives the Baltimore Beltway; some refer to it as a beacon. To us, it is an outward symbol of our church home. But for the past many months, it hasn’t looked like a steeple — more like some oriental pagoda! We are happy to tell you the project will soon be completed and will be completed in a way that we all can be proud of. This article is to fill you in on what’s been going on and what you can look forward to. For many years there had been evidence of water leaks in the steeple tower. We’d find one possible source and patch it only to have another leak spring up in a different location. After additional steeple damage caused by Super Storm Sandy, the Trustees hired an experienced contractor to remove all the stonework and the windows on the steeple tower; install new flashing and waterproofing membranes around the tower; and then reinstall the windows and stonework. The Trustees also contracted with an engineering firm to provide oversight for the project to assure the quality of the materials used and the work performed. The work started on November 4, 2013 with an anticipated finish date of February 24, 2014. Last winter we lost over 70 workdays when the crews could not safely be up in the air due to wind, rain, or snow, and/or it was too cold for the adhesives on the waterproof membranes to form a good seal. We also lost several weeks due to religious services and/or meetings requiring the use of the front doors, which meant the cranes and crews could not be in the area. As work progressed, additional leak pathways were discovered and the Trustees decided to expand the project now rather than postpone it and incur even greater expense later. Our expected four-month job has become a 12-month journey... The new anticipated completion date is before Thanksgiving, assuming no further weather delays. The original scaffolding used to make the steeple repairs has come down and been replaced with other scaffolding to make the necessary brickwork and tower repairs. We should have a restored building as we enter the Holiday Season of 2014! Charles E. Woodbury President, TUMC Board of Trustees October 2014 ... page 4

Pastor’s Letter After many months of having our steeple under construction and covered in blue tarps, it made its long awaited return mid-September. What a grand impression it makes! We have been talking about how it serves as a beacon for this whole region and that it is a landmark for many on Interstate 695. Now it appears, high in the sky, pointing towards the heavens, gleaming and welcoming as never before. We have reason to be proud of our steeple which serves as a welcome pointer to God and to our faith. I love the prayer Liz Neal wrote which has served as a pointer – like our steeple – to the faith and hope behind our church and the Growing Forward capital journey. Praying the Journey Free us, O Lord, from fear of failure Create fire in us, sharing love for all Open our minds, for new ways to serve Stirring our hearts, bring joy in giving Open the doors, gather the people Point us the Way, eyes on the steeple.


October 5 is Commitment and Celebration Sunday. I look forward to celebrating what God is doing in us and through us at 10am as we come together for one service that day. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + We will begin a new worship series beginning October 12. The theme is Precious In God’s Sight. This series is exciting because each week will highlight an aspect of the mission work being done and supported by TUMC. Our people and projects do a lot of good in the world in Christ’s name because everyone everywhere is precious in God’s sight. Here is a list of scripture readings for upcoming weeks: October 12 – Matthew 25: 37-40; October 19 – Matthew 18: 10-14; October 26 – Matthew 28: 16-20. Come and hear how we are touching lives and sharing the message that they are precious in God’s sight. Blessings to you, Rod October 2014 ... page 5

Rod Miller

Music Notes Along with school, all the choirs have started. — It’s a busy and Rev. Doug Hollida Minister of Music exciting time! — New members are welcome anytime in all of the vocal choirs. If you are interested in handbells, please contact me ahead of time so I can talk to you about which choir and getting you worked in. Here’s the schedule of the singing choirs: CHANCEL CHOIR - Adults Rehearses Wednesday evenings 7:30-9:00. Sings during the 11:00 o’clock service and at special performances. Music reading is not required. JOYFUL NOISE - All ages welcome! - Rehearses & sings only on the 4th Sunday of the month. Rehearses at 8:30 AM; sings during the 9:00 o’clock service. Come when you can. Hope to see you September 28th!

CAROL CHOIR (2nd - 5th graders) - Rehearses Tuesday evenings 6:00-6:45. Sings during the 9:00 o’clock service the 2nd Sunday of the month. CHERUB CHOIR (4-year-olds through 1st-graders) is now the “JOY SINGERS” and is part of the Sunday morning Children and Worship. NOTE: All rehearsals are in the Music Room (room 321) – 3rd floor near the main stairs. Choirs offer opportunities to become a deeper part of our fellowship, to engage in ministry, and to grow as a disciple. I hope you will prayerfully consider where God is calling you or your children this fall. We can use, and need, more children, youth, and adults in all our choirs. We have fun, and serving God this way is a great tradition to start with your children; and rewarding to all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me — [email protected] or 410-823-6519. Peace and blessings,


ALLELUIA SINGERS (6th - 12th graders) Rehearses Sunday evenings 5:00-6:00. Sings during the 9:00 o’clock service the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month.

October 2014 ... page 6

CLEAR OCTOBER MORNING Bright and sparkling sunshine That drives away the mist, Fields of emerald carpets With shadows sharp and crisp. Chill air as sweet as cider, Skies of burnished blue, The voices of the north winds, A world all laced with dew. Trees in flaming glory, Forests all ablaze, A clear October morning-The splendor of her ways! From STUNNED BY YOUR GLORY, copyright 2010 by Joyce Keedy This was a poem I wrote back in 1986! Autumn is such a beautiful season, filled with the glorious handiwork of God.

Summer is over! It is time for a new year to begin. Our program year is off and running wild! Our middle school Sunday school class is getting CONNECT-ed with the New Testament this year. Our High School Sunday school Matt Milford class is talking through some BANNED QUESTIONS ABOUT JESUS. Our Confirmation Class is learning the fundamentals of what it means to be a Methodist in today’s world. Youth Group is exploring how to be active Christians in the world today. Each small group will be holding their own discussions. The High School groups will be talking about the book of James and our Middle School groups will talking about how to influence those around them based on 1 Timothy 4:12. This is in addition to our weekly worship and fellowship times. Come out and join the many conversations! What to Look forward to: Every Sunday @10am Sunday School Middle School meets in room 216 High School meets in room 317 Every Sunday @6pm-8pm Youth Group for all youth grades 6-12 meet in the fellowship hall for supper. We end up in room 317 with small group discussions and games in between Saturday October 11 @2:30-5:30pm: Sky Zone Youth and youth parents: if you have not completed Appendix H (Medical Release Form) and Appendix J (Covenant of Conduct), please do so ASAP!! You may find copies on our website under the Safe Sanctuaries tab or pick them up from Margery Schammel. Questions? Contact Margery at [email protected] or 410-823-2485.

September was a great start to the youth ministry here at Towson UMC, but September was also a sad month as we said good-bye to Matt Milford. May God bless him in his role as a full-time Dad; Nathan is fortunate to have him! Please keep Matt, Elizabeth, and Nathan in your prayers. Margery Schammel and the Youth Council will be leading the youth while we seek someone to fill Matt’s place.

For I want you to know how much I am struggling for you … and for all who have not seen me face to face. I want their hearts to be encouraged and united in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge… For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, and I rejoice to see your morale and the firmness of your faith in Christ. —Colossians 2:1-3, 5 (NRSV) Paul has a way of saying things sometimes that are exactly how I feel. As the month of September wore on, it got harder and harder for me to think about when I won’t be at TUMC anymore. I am excited for the new “job” that I am taking on (my son is adorable) but it still saddens me that it means that I won’t be around those that I have come to know and love over the last few years. I know that I am leaving the Youth in great hands with some awesome volunteer leaders, but I still worry about what will happen when I am gone. I have to trust that God will continue leading the group as he has lead me and it will not only survive but thrive in my absence. Though Paul had never met the Colossians when he wrote his letter to them, he thought about them and prayed for them often. He wanted what was best for them (Christ) and for them to follow the path that was laid out for them by their religious leaders. He was a partner, from afar, in their ministry. I share the feelings that Paul had for the church in Colossae. As I leave, I will continue to rejoice and pray for TUMC. I trust God when he said in Jeremiah 29:11: “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” — Matt

Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park All youth are invited to a fun afternoon on the trampolines, Saturday, October 11th 2:30pm. It’s informal. There is no Bible study, no mission, and no unwanted bantering. It’s just a chance to bounce around with friends. Hope to see you there! Contact Margery Schammel [mschammel@ towsonumc.org] for more details.

October 2014 ... page 7

Missions & Outreach OCTOBER / MISSION OFFERING You may purchase your animal(s) for Heifer International anytime during the month of October. Someone will be in the lobby to help you choose an animal, or a donation toward one, Sunday October 12 through October 26. www.heifer.org

Mission Offering checks in October need to be made payable to “Towson United Methodist Church” and on the memo line indicate “Heifer Int’l.” Bring to church and place in the offering plate or give to the volunteer manning the Heifer table in the lobby, or you may mail it to our church’s Business Office. _______________________________________________ OUR EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY Our EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY is open ONCE a month assisting the Baltimore County community. We are open the last SATURDAY of the month from 9:00 - 10:30 AM in Fellowship Hall. OCTOBER 25 Here is the list of packaged & canned food needed. Bring your Food Pantry contributions to the church lobby and place in one of the marked Sharing Bins. *Cereal (Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Corn Flakes) *Chunky Soups *Canned Chili *Canned Tuna *Baked Beans *Canned Beef Stew *Peanut Butter *4-pk Pudding *Spaghetti Noodles *Canned Spaghetti Sauce (no glass, please)

VEHICLES FOR CHANGE Changing lives with donated cars. This is a non-profit organization that refurbishes and provides donated vehicles to low-wage families for employment purposes. VFC exists so worthy families can achieve financial and personal independence that comes from owning a vehicle. VFC changes lives in Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia; awarding vehicles since 1999. www.vehiclesforchange.org — 800-835-3821 or contact Fred Crider at [email protected] _______________________________________________ OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD—SHOE BOX GIFT’S Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through simple, gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love through Jesus Christ. We will be DISTRIBUTING EMPTY Christmas Shoe Boxes with the labels, envelope, and list of possibilities the last two Sundays in OCTOBER (Oct. 19 & 26) and COLLECTING YOUR FILLED Christmas Shoe Boxes Sundays, October 26, November 2 & 9 You may give to a boy or girl, ages 2-4, 5-9, 10-14 years old. Items you can put in a shoe box are small school supplies, toys, hygiene items, hard candy, T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hairclips, or toy jewelry. NO used or damaged items, please. Don’t forget to add your $7 shipping donation in the envelope provided. For more information, go to www.samaritanspurse.org.

October 2014 ... page 8

2014 ACTC THANKSGIVING BASKETS Thanksgiving Baskets will be given to those who come to our Emergency Food Pantry, those who visit our Assistance Center of Towson Churches (ACTC), and a couple thousand other deserving families of Baltimore County. Many businesses and churches (including us) participate in this massive project.

Please include ONLY the following items in each basket: (All additional items should be in separate bags and placed in one of the Sharing Bins in the lobby) 1 can sweet potatoes/yams (23-29oz can) 2 cans meat/main dish (example: beef stew or chili-15-24oz cans) 1 large can fruit (20-30oz can) 4 cans vegetables (example: green beans, peas or corn-15oz cans) 1 cranberry sauce 2 pkg. macaroni & cheese 1 box instant mashed potatoes 1 cake or brownie mix 1 bag or box of stuffing mix 1 lb. bag or box of rice


If you would prefer to give a check, make it payable to “ACTC” and bring to Towson United Methodist Church. We will make sure ACTC receives the money. All donations will be used to purchase a basket of food or supermarket gift cards.

TIPS FOR PACKING: Pack large cans on bottom & lighter items on top. If possible use a Reusable Grocery Bag /OR a double brown grocery bag inserted in double plastic bag. Mark bags as COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE (list what is missing).

Option for Thanksgiving Baskets This year we have 4 grocery stores participating in the ACTC Thanksgiving Basket Drive. Hopefully this will make it easier for more people to participate. All bags will be packed in advance at each of the stores listed and can be picked up at the Customer Service counter for (see below). This also includes a re-usable bag. If you are picking up multiple bags, please call in advance. Mars Supermarket (York and Ridgely) 1811 York Rd., Timonium, MD 21093 410-252-3311 Annette Gaydos- Manager $24.00 (all brand names)

Giant Supermarket (Across from the fairgrounds) 2145 York Rd., Timonium, MD 410 308-3868 Kimberly Carr – Manager $23.00

Giant Supermarket (across from Anneslie Shopping Center) 6340 York Rd., Towson, MD 410-377-2673 Mary – Contact $23.00

ShopRite 37 Aylesbury Rd., Timonium, MD 21093 410-308-8700 Steve Starzynski—Manager $23.00

Prepared Bags will be available starting November 1, 2014 at the supermarkets. Once you purchase your basket or baskets bring it (them) to church. There will be someone to help you at the door.

COLLECTION DATES here at TUMC: Sunday, October 26 Sundays … November 2 … November 9 … November 16 … (before each worship service) October 2014 ... page 9

Adult Christian Education & Prayer LIVING AND LEARNING GROUPS Classes being offered…

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Sunday, October 19 Third Graders We celebrate with the Third Graders as they receive their Bible from the church on October 19 at the 9:00 AM worship service. This Bible is the Common English translation chosen to go along with their K.I.D.Z. curriculum. Let us provide opportunities for children to hear the Bible stories, apply the Bible messages, and then live out those messages in their lives in concrete and ageappropriate ways. Your third grader should have received a letter in the mail letting them know the details of this Sunday. If they did not, please call Jeannine Neuen at 410-823-3698 or email [email protected]. Children’s Sabbath October 19 “Precious in God’s Sight” Join with us as we celebrate Children’s Sabbath with churches all across the country. You will receive your prayer magnet with a child’s name on it to keep in your prayers. Sundays: October 26 – November 16 9:00 AM in Room 312 FOR THIRD GRADERS: How to Use My Bible Don’t miss this special 4 - week class offered to the third graders on getting acquainted with and learning to use their new Bibles. Please contact Sally Savidge at 410-817-9797 or email [email protected] for more information and to register for this class.

Pictured above: 2013 Third Graders receiving their Bibles. The 2014 Third Graders receive their Bibles October 19, 9am. October 2014 ... page 10

Get Acquainted with Your Bible - This is a 4-week class to be offered on Sunday morning beginning October 26 and running through November 16. The class will meet at 10:00 AM during the Christian Connection time and will be led by Verna Lewis. All are welcome. Please contact Verna at [email protected] or call 410-821-0531. Sign up for the study today and be prepared for an exciting journey to become better acquainted with your Bible.

Advent Protestant Prayer Beads Workshop Join us Sunday, November 16 at 12:30 PM We will have a light lunch, and talk about the making and using of protestant prayer beads. Workshop cost is $10.00. Come make prayer beads for yourself or to give in a friend in preparation for Advent. Please let either Margery or Jeannine know that you will be attending. Facilitators: Margery Schammel, [email protected] —and— Jeannine Neuen, [email protected]

The Prayer Nook One of my favorite bookmarks has a story entitled “HEAVEN’S GROCERY STORE.” I’m not sure if you’ve read it or heard it somewhere but I would like to share it with you. —Jennifer Mergerian I was walking down life’s highway a long time ago, One day I saw a sign that read, HEAVEN’S GROCERY STORE. As I got a little closer the door came open wide. And when I came to myself I was standing inside. I saw a host of angels. They were standing everywhere. One handed me a basket and said, “My child, shop with care.” Everything a Christian needed was in the Grocery Store. And all you couldn’t carry you could come back the next day. First I got PATIENCE. LOVE was in the same row. Farther down was UNDERSTANDING, you need that everywhere you go. I got a box of two of WISDOM, a bag or two of FAITH, I couldn’t miss the Holy Ghost for it was all over the place. I stopped to get some STRENGTH and COURAGE to help me run the race, but then my basket was getting full, but I remembered I needed some GRACE. I didn’t forget SALVATION, for salvation that was free. So, I tried to get enough of that to save both you and me. Then I started up the counter to pay the grocery bill, for I thought I had everything to do my Master’s will. As I went up the aisle, I saw PRAYER and just had to put that in, for I knew when I stepped outside, I would run into SIN. PEACE and JOY were plentiful, they were on the last shelf, SONG and PRAISES were hanging near so I just helped myself. Then I said to the Angel, now how much do I owe? He just smiled and said, “Just take them everywhere you go.” Again I smiled at him and said, “How much do I really owe?” The Angel smiled again and said, “MY CHILD, JESUS PAID YOUR BILL A LONG TIME AGO.”

BEARERS OF CHRIST'S LIGHT You are invited to come and participate in our gathering for contemplative prayer which we are calling Attentional Prayer every Tuesday night at 6:00 PM in the chapel. UPPER ROOM devotionals are available in regular and large print. You can find them on the credenza under the pictures of the church’s stained glass windows in the main lobby. Aurora’s Prayer Rose Garden Aurora’s Prayer Rose Garden is located on the west side of the church, facing the afternoon sun. A perfect place to gather your thoughts, read, write something in your journal, or take pictures. http://towsonprays.blogspot.com Prayers and thoughts written by friends at church! Make this a “favorite” and join us in prayer. Would You Like Individual Prayer Sunday Mornings? Meet a member of the congregation in the back corner of the sanctuary after worship Sunday morning if you would like someone to be in prayer with you.

Blessing of the Pets Sunday October 12, 4:30pm on the front lawn of the church. October 2014 ... page 11

As some of you may be aware, my mother passed away due to complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) over a year and a half ago. And if you’ve followed the internet even poorly this year, you’ve no doubt heard about something called the Ice Bucket Challenge. This has now become the main fundraiser for the ALS Association, even though it didn’t start out as ALS-specific. I am not writing to debate the merits of the challenge nor to nominate anyone to take the Ice Bucket Challenge (so don’t get nervous). I am writing about something else ALS-specific. Every year, the DC-MD-VA chapter of the ALS Association sponsors a three-mile walk to raise funds, not just for ALS research, but for care for those afflicted by ALS and support for the caregivers. Since the walk started in 2000, it has raised over $200 million for ALS, so they must be doing something right. I participated in the Walk to Defeat ALS last year, and I will do so again this year. The date for the walk this year is Saturday, November 1, and the place is Washington DC. I am part of a team named “Acting Out for ALS,” and our goal is to raise $10,000 for the ALS Association by the end of this year. As of this writing, we are at $5,555 (a little over halfway there). We are asking for donations to help us meet our goal. If you wish to donate, you may do so in one of two ways: You may donate by check or cash. Please make all checks payable to “Acting Out for ALS,” not to me directly. Or, you may donate directly on the ALS Association’s website. Go to www.alsa.org and click on “Walk to Defeat ALS.” Once that page loads, go to Donate, click on “Find a Team,” and type in “Acting Out for ALS.” Click on the team name, and when the team roster loads, click on my name. You’ll then be directed to the page to which you can donate whatever amount you wish to give. It is true that causes tend to be more important to someone if that person has been affected, directly or indirectly, by it. But this isn’t about “My cause is more important than yours,” or “My disease is worse than yours.” It’s about what a friend of my brother said: “We all have our crosses to bear, but they can become lighter if you have people helping you carry them.” On behalf of the eleven members of “Acting Out for ALS,” I thank you for your support. — Bob Ashby [Assistant to the Building Superintendent here at TUMC]

Pictured top: Bob’s mom with his nephews Pictured below: Acting Out for ALS team

HOLIDAY BRASS CONCERT Tuesday, December 2 — at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore — 7:30 PM Ticket information will be in the November High Spire OR you may call Ginny Foster at 410-296-4780 or [email protected] October 2014 ... page 12

Financial Notes

More News

Under the Spire You are invited to join our Wednesday morning Bible Study class. We meet in Rooms 214-216 from 10:30-11:30 each Wednesday. Our format is simple. We use the Scripture selection(s) from the previous Sunday for our lesson, beginning and ending with prayer. We welcome anyone who would like to join with us, whether or not you are able to attend every week, less frequently, or just whenever you can. We look forward to seeing you. Our class will begin on Wednesday, October 8th. Joyce Keedy, facilitator

Here is some helpful information from your Business Office! Do you know there are several different ways to send us your contributions? Here is the list of the different ways to send in your contributions: Cash or Check placed in the offering plate during worship. Drop off Donation in door slot of the main office attention Business Office. Mail check donations by the US Postal service to Towson UMC attention Business Office Online Banking you set up online checking with your bank. You control the frequency and amount sent. The bank sends a check to Towson UMC. Set up Towson UMC as a “vendor” and include your envelope number if you have one and name as “account number.”

REMINDER: Senior Adult Trip to the "Other Eastern Shore" Thursday October 9, 2014 We will start boarding the bus at 7:30 am at TUMC. The bus will make a pick-up at Oak Crest immediately after. Looking forward to seeing everyone for a great on the Eastern Shore. — Judy Meinhardt

Introducing our NEW soundboard for the church sanctuary. It’s a Soundcraft si Expressions 3 by Harman and installed by Armbruster AV Sept. 16. Training was Saturday, Sept. 20, 2 hours before our first concert for the soundboard, which if you missed it was the awesome Singing Sensations doing a benefit for our Emergency Food Pantry and Our Daily Bread. Thank you to our Board of Trustees, who realized our need. Our Trustees manage the Smith-Warner Funds that were contributed to the church when Revs. Walter Smith and Jim Warner moved onto retirement and another church after being here at TUMC for 19 years. One of the accounts in this Fund is for building improvements and there was just enough to pay for the new soundboard. We still need some new wiring, speakers, a couple of new mics,... but this was a necessary replacement — the old board was dying. Would YOU like to be on the team that operates this cool new soundboard Sunday mornings and for concerts? We also show videos and power point presentations. We will train you. PLEASE contact Cathy at [email protected].

Stock Transfer Stocks and mutual funds transferred to Towson UMC broker. Details may be obtained from the business office. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT’s) You supply checking account information to the Towson UMC Business Office. They will debit your checking account monthly between the 20th and the end of the month. The church incurs a fee for this transaction. All contributions must be submitted to the Business Office by December 31st to receive credit on your contribution statement. As always feel free to contact Kim Ayres in the Business Office with any questions or concerns. We thank you for your generous acceptance of stewardship and pray you may find the level of giving that is right for you as you progress in your journey of faith and commitment. Your pledges and contributions are a critical part of how we can make a difference in our church, our community, and our world.

October 2014 ... page 13

HAMPTON LANE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Welcome! The staff at Hampton Lane would like to welcome all of our new and returning students and their families. Our floors have been buffed and waxed, our rooms cleaned and organized and our lesson plans are ready to go. We are very excited about the 2014-2015 school year.

First Day Photos We have started a new tradition at Hampton Lane by documenting the children's first day with our new picture frame. The children were very excited to pose for their picture and we are excited to share them with the parents.

"Parent's On Board" Hampton Lane strongly believes that parent involvement and communication is one of the keys to our school’s success. We have a new parents board located outside the office, appropriately named “Parents On Board” Our parent involvement has been a true asset to our program and this information is dedicated to the parents of our students.

Thank You Hampton Lane would like to express their gratitude to Jan Marburg and Lil Conner for donating a large amount of teaching supplies to our center. Our teachers and staff are very excited to utilize these teaching materials, books, educational supplies, and so much more. We are very appreciative of this extremely generous donation.

KidStuff Coupon Books This is a great fundraiser for our center and a popular item with our families. The cost is $25.00 per book. Our school earns 50% profit for every book sold. So it is a great fundraiser for us. If you are interested in purchasing a book please let us know in the office. They have 22 versions that will cover many different states. Please contact HLCDC if you are interested in purchasing. 410/825-0008 or [email protected] Our deadline is Friday, October 10th 2014.

October 2014 ... page 14

Picture taken by Robin Cooney, Oct. 2005

The MISSION of Towson United Methodist Church is to PLANT SEEDS of Christian faith by equipping, training, supporting, & freeing people to


their faith in the world.

TOWSON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 501 Hampton Lane, Towson, Maryland 21286 . 410-823-6511 . 410-823-8916 Fax Office hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM www.towsonumc.org / www.facebook.com/towsonumc towsonprays.blogspot.com MINISTRY TEAM Rev. Dr. Marcus Matthews, Resident Bishop Rev. Cynthia Moore-Koikoi, Superintendent, Baltimore Metropolitan District Earl Smith & Carole Dean, TUMC’s Church Lay Leaders Rev. Dr. Roderick J. Miller, Lead Pastor [email protected]; 410-823-3640 (church); 410-465-2335 (home) Rev. Margery Schammel, Assistant Pastor [email protected]; 410-823-2485

Kim Ayres, Business Manager [email protected]; 410-823-3693

Rev. Doug Hollida, Minister of Music [email protected]; 410-823-6519

Loren Todd, Building Superintendent/Bob Ashby, Assistant [email protected]; 410-823-2153

Jeannine Neuen, Director of Christian Education [email protected]; 410-823-3698

HAMPTON LANE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 410–825–0008 [email protected] A Ministry of Towson United Methodist Church Child Care with an approved preschool www.hamptonlanecdc.org

Cathy Anderson, Communications/Staff Liaison to Missions [email protected]; 410-823-3689