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MAINSTREET PHASE 1 RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 DRN TALKING POINTS – NO SLIDES 1. 1 year ago, we handed out these bracelets -- Mathew 6:33 -- see first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you. 2. With that motivation -- the BPC continually asked for God's direction and influence as we designed Mainstreet phase 1 and phase 2. 3. I wish to thank God for His Faithfulness to lead and direct the team during some of the difficult design issues and design problems. WE have been meeting every other week for over 1 year now - and I would like to give you two specific examples where God showed up: a. With a goal of improving campus security - how do we improve security on a campus that is home to over 10 different programs -0 including ESOL, the Spanish church, DASCH, DBC Preschool, kids Sunday schools, Wed night choir, … We had adults in kids’ spaces, and kids in adult spaces. We had dated technology for video cameras, data storage, security locks, etc. I can tell you we had numerous meetings to establish a strategy on security, and then try to improve security and minimize its impact. My testimony is that God showed us to swap adult choir with kids JAM, to eliminate access points and turn into exit only doors, to extend security into the pre-school classrooms, add cameras, improve technology, … We are not done yet -but we are clearly safer and on our way. I want to give God the glory for opening our eyes to see the solution. b. Splitting the Mainstreet project into 2 phases would enable us to better prepare the campus for two services and a prolonged disruption. We were able to walk before we need to run by working on a phase 1 that is approximately 20% the scope of all of Mainstreet. I also have faith that there are more benefits coming to this campus because of slowing down, splitting the project, and being diligent with the design. 4. I would like now to recognize those that made up the team that helped us get this far. These are the folks that were in the trenches with us as we did design work. Specifically, I would first like to recognize the architect and Construction firms: a. CDH architects: b. Principal architect: David Strickland c. Scott Arnold 5. Hodges and Hicks Construction: a. Superintendent: Kerry Deese and wife/child b. Program Manager: Patrick Byrd and wife/child c. Lead construction: Juan Cooks and wife 6. Recognize the Members of the BPC (old and new).


1. Chris Hively 2. Jim Hickey 3. Ron Cameron 4. Jon Sangster 5. Angela Rodda 6. Linda Flagler 7. Eric Nuetzel 8. Becky Kirk 9. Dennis Barnett 10. Douglas Erdman

11. Mark Sauls 12. Lonice Barrett 13. Tom Frost 14. Robert Comeaux staff

7. Some folks served on multiple committees -- so I would like to recognize those NOT mentioned yet that helped with the Construction Committee: a. Barry Roberts 8. Those not mentioned and served on the Transition Team - led by Lonice Barrett: a. Amanda Harrison b. Shirley Crawford c. Alex Sessions d. Fred Flagler 9. Recognize the Staff of DBC a. Brenda Russell and Bridgett Poag b. Robert, Jeremy, and Ross on AVL for the flat screens, little rally room c. Barb Newman, Katy Swilley regarding Mainstreet design, furnishings, people flow d. Emilio Acosta and his team as they hurried and worked overtime to get this campus ready for today 10. We will have a small gift as a token of the church’s appreciation to those members of DBC that served thus far on the Mainstreet project. 11. Lastly -- I want to give a special shout out AND THANK YOU to Allen Jackson and Mark Sauls. I met with them at LEAST weekly to get coaching, to review the designs, to delegate tasks, give status, and to get help to get stuff done. 12. Tell you what you will see: a. Mainstreet and the bridge. Note the new bathrooms, kitchen, coffee nook. NOTE THE PHOTOS SHOWING WHAT IT USED TO LOOK LIKE. b. Upper A - Anderson hall, 2 Sunday school classrooms, new choir room c. New intercessory prayer room - located now in the center of our campus d. Relocated new little rally room in lower D. e. Improved kids’ playground. Resurfacing will be done now that construction is completed. 13. What you will not see: a. Addition of several security cameras, ability to capture and store digitized data, high security locks that prevent unauthorized access, conversion of several door and easy access points into exit only doors. 14. DRN takes his seat.