March 2014 March 2014 CHRIST CHURCH CHRIST

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March 2014


Christ Church Vision Statement FOR THE GLORY OF GOD, CREATE A NEW LEGACY FOR CHRIST CHURCH BY ENLARGING OUR FAMILY CIRCLE. “The problem with the world is that we draw our family circle too small" (Mother Teresa)

From the Rector At the Vestry Retreat on February 7-9, 2014 we formed a new Commission of the Church. It is called the Justice Commission. This Commission will be responsible for ministries that address injustices in our lives, in the world, in the church; for example, ministries that address injustices around race, or gender, or age, or sexuality, or physical ability, or culture, or mental health, or economic power, etc. There are many injustices in the world. To date we have a ministry working on systemic racism, a ministry working on Hispanic/ Latino concerns, and one on LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) concerns. I suspect we do not have the resources to address EVERY injustice in the world. But please speak with me if there is an injustice that “speaks to your heart” and on which you would like to explore how to be the Church in that area. In conjunction with the Justice Commission of the Vestry, we will then explore how to live out that ministry in this parish. Following is a statement approved by your 2014 Vestry that will guide our work on justice. This is from “Inclusive Church” in England. See the link below for more information. We will post this statement on our website. “We believe in inclusive Church - church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.” Borrowed with permission from

Where can we make a difference in the lives of others? Lord, use us, we pray, to address injustice in our world today. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN. Blessings,



150th Anniversary!! Time for a Party! Christ Church will be celebrating her 150th anniversary next year 2015. Let’s do something special to celebrate. We are forming a committee to brainstorm ideas. Would you like to be a part of this committee? Please let Mother Joan or the Office know of your interest. Is Your Pledge for 2014 in Yet? We hope you received the letter from your clergy and vestry about how Christ Church is making a difference in our community just in this past year. (If you didn’t receive it, please contact the church office and we’ll get it to you). Your financial commitment to the Church is needed both for your own spiritual development and for the ability of the Church to respond to what God would have us do. Please return your card to the office as soon as you can. We are praying for 100% return of pledge cards. Thank you for your faithfulness! The Bible Challenge If you have enjoyed reading the Bible all the way through this year, or if you missed days here and there, I invite you to start over again. Maybe this time pick a different translation of the Bible. Read the entire Bible in one year! See the name tag table for the daily list of readings.

Charlie Nakash, our missionary to the DR, will be here the weekend of March 1-2 at all services. Come and hear about his missionary efforts with the people of the DR.



TEE WITH POPPA T + March 2014 The Reverend Timothy Holder, Priest & Pastor, Christ Church, Toms River th

Who cares? Christ Church cares. The “Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV’s)” of Christ Church are examplar of care and love, visiting with Holy Eucharist the homes and bedsides of the sick and shut-in. Vital, life-giving relationships are formed – one-by-one – home-to-home – making possible wonderful care for ‘unseen’ individuals and families. We celebrate the Body of Christ as we honor and celebrate with All of the People of Christ – no one excepted.

Would you consider serving as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor, training annually, serving two or three persons or families who can no longer make it to 415 Washington Street? The next LEV Training is scheduled for Saturday, March 15 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Give Deacon Emily or me a call at (732) 349-5506. Let’s sit down to consider a new and life-giving commitment to ministry. Poppa T


Annual Meeting Election Results The Christ Church annual meeting was held on Sunday January 26, 2014. Elections were held for a Junior Warden, six Vestry positions, three delegates to the Diocesan Convention, and three delegates to the Monmouth/Ocean Convocation. Listed below are the results of the elections: Junior Warden:

Diocesan Convention

Judy Beck

Eileen Schilling Vince Tortorello Carolyn Belvin Sharon Cypress (Alternate)

Vestry Caroline Saunders Maria Wells Sue Autenrieth Kathy Kilfara Sandy Naiva Anthony Lipari

Ocean-Monmouth Convocation Carolyn Belvin Betty Papp Art Delany

2014 Diocesan Convention The 230th Annual Diocesan Convention will take place on February 28th -- March 1st, 2014 at the Convention Center in Wildwood, NJ. Our clergy and our three delegates, Eileen Schilling, Vince Tortorello, and Carolyn Belvin will represent Christ Church. If for any reason one of the three delegates cannot attend, Sharon Cypress will fill the position. For more information please check:


Do You Wish to be Confirmed or Received into The Episcopal Church? The Rt. Rev. William (Chip) H. Stokes, Bishop of Diocese of New Jersey will be with us on Sunday May 4th to celebrate Confirmation and Reception at the 10:15 service. If you are interested in being confirmed or received, please speak with Mother Joan for information.

Explanation of Lenten Array Lenten Array is used for vestments and hangings during the Season of Lent. This follows the Sarum Tradition (tradition in England and other places in Northern Europe since before the Reformation). The purple you see in many churches is a Roman Catholic custom which was only followed universally from the nineteenth century. Lenten Array negates color to a large extent, marking the penitential character of Lent. The material is usually unbleached linen. The red trim is crimson as used in Passiontide. According to An Introduction to English Liturgical Colours, "The explanation of this use of white, which is closely akin to ashen, is 'in this time of Lent, which is a time of mourning, all things that make to the adornment of the church are either laid aside or else covered, to put us in remembrance that we ought now to lament and mourn for our souls dead in sin, and continually to watch, fast, pray, give alms….,' wherefore 'the clothes that are hanged up this time of Lent in the church have painted on them nothing else but the pains, torments, passion, blood-shedding, and death of Christ, that now we should only have our minds fixed on the passion of Christ, by whom only we were redeemed." This practice made a startling transformation of the church for the whole of the Lenten season so that Easter literally burst forth like the Lord from the tomb when the church was returned to normal state."


What is Lent? Lent is a season of preparation leading up to Easter. It is the forty days plus the six Sundays before Easter. For centuries, it has been observed as a special time of self examination and penitence. Lent is a time for concentration on fundamental values and priorities, and is not a time for self punishment. Throughout Lent, the worship services of the church take on a simpler tone, appropriate to this season. Flowers are not used. The Psalm is spoken rather than sung. The preside does not sing the words of the Eucharist. The word “Alleluia” is not used in the liturgy or hymns. These practices help the worshipping community to mark this season of renewal as a special time in the church year. Observing Lent The custom is to mark the season of Lent by giving up some things and taking on others. Both can serve to mark the season as a holy time of preparation. Some examples of things people give up for Lent include sweets, meat for all or some meals, and alcohol. In most cases, giving up something for Lent can be made more meaningful by using the money or time for another purpose. For example, meal times on fast days could be spent in prayer. Another example is that if you give up meat during Lent the extra money that would go to meat dishes can be given to a group which works to end hunger worldwide. Some things added during Lent are daily Bible reading, fasting on Fridays, times of prayer, taking a course of study related in some way to spirituality. Note that the season of Lent is forty days plus the six Sunday’s. This is because Sundays are celebrations of Jesus’ resurrection and are always an appropriate day to lessen the restrictions of Lent. So that if you have, for example, given up chocolate for Lent, you could indulge in a candy bar on Sunday. Sundays are “in” Lent but not “of” Lent. Lent is also an especially appropriate time for the sacrament of confession. While confession to a priest is not required to receive God’s forgiveness, it can be a meaningful rite or reconciliation to God.


Special Days and Services of Lent Shrove Tuesday is actually the day before Lent begins. The day is named for the “shriving” or confessing that was traditional on this day before beginning Lent. This day is also known as Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday,” because it was a time for eating the things from which one would abstain during Lent. Pancake suppers are traditional as they were a way of using up some of the ingredients not needed during Lent. Ash Wednesday is one of two days of special observance (the other being Good Friday) for which fasting is recommended. While this usually refers to going without food for the entire day, this practice is not practical for all persons, including, but not limited to, diabetics. Use your own discretion in determining how you can best observe this day. Stations of the Cross These are depictions for the 14 incidents in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death from Pilate’s house to being placed in the tomb. They are used for the service called Stations of the Cross, which visits each station in turn with a brief reading and response. This 30 minute service is offered every Tuesday evening in Lent. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday (Sat Apr 12/Sun Apr 13) and continues through Saturday morning Apr 19th. We celebrate every day of this most holy of weeks leading up to our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection. The next issue of the Chronicle will detail these services. Alleluia Scavenger Hunt Shrove Tuesday is March 4th, and we will be having a first ever Alleluia scavenger hunt during the pancake supper starting at 6pm. If you are interested in participating or volunteering to help please contact Hilda Rivera at [email protected]. 9

Lenten Program 2014 “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46: 10 Do you yearn for a deeper relationship with God? Do you have a yearning for “something more” in your prayer life? Do you feel “dry” in your prayer life? You are invited to… Centering Prayer: An Introductory Program Centering Prayer • Is a silent prayer renewed from an ancient Christian contemplative practice. • Is a method of moving beyond talking to God to being in communion with God. • Deepens our relationship with God by saying “yes” to Christ, who lives in each of us. • Leads to a deeper prayer life, closer communion with God, healing, and spiritual transformation. The program will be presented on 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings starting on March 12th. The program will include a presentation on the method of Centering Prayer, videos on the conceptual background of Centering Prayer and opportunities to do Centering Prayer. The first session will be presented by Therese Saulnier, the Coordinator of Contemplative Outreach of New Jersey. Therese has practiced Centering Prayer for 25 years and has taught Centering Prayer for 22 years.


LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES This year the Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday March 5th and ends with the first Eucharist of Easter to be celebrated at Christ Church at The Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday evening April 19, 2014. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Alleluia Scavenger Hunt Tuesday March 4th, 4:30pm-6:30pm Ash Wednesday Services March 5th 6:15am Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes 10:00am Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes 6:00pm Children’s Ash Wednesday Service with Imposition of Ashes 7:30 pm Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes with Choir Stations of the Cross: Six Tuesdays in Lent March 11th through April 15th, 7:30pm Lenten Program: Centering Prayer: An Introductory ProgramWednesdays in Lent March 12th through April 9th. Evening Schedule -Homemade Soup and Bread Supper at 6:00pm (Sign up at church to bring soup or bread) -Program at 6:45pm -Compline at 8:00pm (Compline is a short service appropriate for the end of the day). 2014 LENTEN MATERIALS Meditation Books, Prayer Cards, Book Marks, Hope Chests (Available at church after March 1st) Please take one of each for yourself and if able, please take one to a homebound parishioner. All items supplied by Episcopal Relief & Development. 11

Easter Flowers & Special Music Those who wish to make a contribution towards the sanctuary flowers and/or special music may do so by filling out the form below and returning it to the church office NO LATER THAN Monday April 14, 2014 Your Name______________________________________ My Gift is given (Please print clearly and check the appropriate boxes below):

For: _________Flowers

________Special Music

In Thanksgiving for: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ In Memory of: _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: ____________ Make checks payable to Christ Church and mark “Easter Flowers/Music” in the Memo. Please place completed form in the Office Staff mail box OR mail it to: Christ Church 415 Washington St. Toms River, NJ 08753 Thank you. 12

DEACON’S DEN, by Deacon Emily C. Holman The world is shrinking; through technology and the ease of travel we are closer to events and people around the world than ever before. We are closer to many, yet divisions continue to separate us even here in our own communities. Computer and telephone connection problems in late January led me to a phone call with a Comcast operator in the Philippines. He told me how beautiful his island nation is, and I said I had heard about the terrible typhoon there. Then he told me that his two-year-old daughter had died in it; his wife, in their home on another island, had taken their three children up to the roof to escape the storm surge, and somehow the youngest had been swept away. He said his family is receiving counseling, that he is trying to be strong for them. I encouraged him to get counseling also, so he can remain strong, and assured him that I would keep him and his family in my prayers. That conversation brought the “world away” Philippines closer to me. And yet, at our community celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, our continuing divisions became just as close. It was a wonderful program, attended by Second Baptist Church and Manitou Park community members, a few from Christ Church, and most of our Northern Ocean Habitat for Humanity staff. Pastor Michael Mazer of East Dover Baptist Church told his powerful, personal story of transformation as he grew up in Birmingham, Alabama at the time of the civil rights marches and beginning of desegregation. But Second Baptist Church was only half full! Very few of our Toms River brothers and sisters were there. Divisions still exist that keep our black and white communities from mingling. We must pray that our divisions will end, that we will draw closer together, as the world itself draws closer together in compassion and love. I ask you to pray this prayer daily all through Lent. From our Book of Common Prayer, page 815. (Continued on page 14)


(Continued from page 13)

O God, you made in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your son: look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purpose on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Church School News Church School Flower Sale : Get ready for spring. Our church school children will be selling spring flowers from March 9th April 6th, Pick up dates will be 4-12 and 4-13. Watch for our flyer in the church bulletin. If you have any questions, contact Denise at [email protected] Save the Date PJ/Movie Night: Church School children ages 3-10 are invited to our second PJ/Movie Night on Saturday, March 29th, 2014 from 6-9pm. Please register by 3-21-14 by emailing Denise at [email protected]. Our Youth Group will be providing a night of crafts, games and a movie.


LEV Lay Eucharistic Visitor

A caring and faithful member of our Pastoral Care Team, the “LEV” visits with the homebound, those alone and unable to travel with Holy Eucharist from the Altar of Christ Church. LEV’s make it possible year-round for many to join and celebrate the community of Love that is Christ Church. Might you serve Christ Church as an “LEV?” Deacon Emily and Father Tim would appreciate hearing from you. A church and people are known by how we take care of our aging and lonely. LEV Training & Renewal PASTORAL CARE CHRIST CHURCH, TOMS RIVER Saturday, March 15, 2014 8:30-11:30 a.m.


FINANCIAL UPDATE AS OF JANUARY 31, 2014 Here is an update of our 2014 Pledge Report as of February 12, 2014: Pledges Received Including New Pledges……….. 186 Total Amount Pledged……………………………$338,421.40 So far 55% of pledge cards have been received. If you haven’t turned in your pledge card yet, please do so. Thank you. So far we have received $2,067 toward our $50,122.40. Close the Gap goal. A complete Financial Statement is available on the Christ Church bulletin board. If you have any questions, please see any member of the Finance Committee. There are still some 2014 offering envelopes on the table in the narthex. Please make sure to pick yours up to avoid postage expense for the church. Thank you. Thank you for all of the support you continue to give to Christ Church.


Is Coffee Really the Third Sacrament? (The Episcopal Handbook, Moorehouse Publishing, pg.61)

If we had one, this would certainly be in the running. Following the main Sunday services at most Episcopal churches is a peculiar and rather friendly gathering with a highly creative name: Coffee Hour. As if the title doesn’t give it away, this is an informal get-together of parish friends and family to catch up over a cup of coffee and warm conversation. The importance of these gatherings cannot be underestimated. Most Episcopal parishes are small (average attendance is 129 people on Sunday morning) and include generations of extended families. These people are godparents to each other’s children, sponsors for confirmation, leaders on youth outings, etc. Given the depth of relationship, it is easy to understand why Coffee hour is so important. Of course this can make it difficult for a visitor to break in, and the best advice is patience. Or even better yet: introduce yourself. Like family reunions, Coffee Hour can take on an aura of excitement over familiar faces, and the newcomer can be unintentionally overlooked. Coffee also plays an important part in the outreach ministries of many parishes. A lot of Episcopal churches host 12-step recovery programs whose life-blood tends to be coffee. By the way, Episcopalians officially recognize only two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion, as those handed down by Jesus. Five more are highly regarded, and some Episcopalians recognize them as sacraments: Confirmation, Marriage, Ordination, Confession (Reconciliation), and Holy Unction (Last Rites). No word on when Coffee Hour might be added.



Have you been Baptized? Most of us were baptized as children, but some of us were not. If you are a youth or adult who desires Baptism, please contact the Church Office for details. Parents, if you desire Baptism for your infant or young child, please also call the Church Office. Do you desire to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church? For more information, contact Nicole in the Church Office at 732-349-5506 or [email protected]. Confirmation and Reception will be held at Christ Church on Sunday May 4, 2014. Rushed to the ER? Please arrange in advance with a significant person in your life --- Should you ever be taken to the hospital, they need to contact Christ Church as soon as possible. There is no other way for us to know you are in the hospital. Home Communion: If you are a shut in and cannot get to church, please call the church office so that Holy Communion can be brought to you. Thank you to all the Office Volunteers who have helped out during the month of January: Amy Rogers, Betty Halleran, Cynda Judy, Barbara Williams, Lois Dittenhofer, Marie Callahan, Catherine Harle, Ellen Hansen, Carol Illick, Barbara Connors, Vince Tortorello, and Judy Beck. We couldn’t do it without you! WOMEN OF CHRIST CHURCH 2014-2015 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE All women of Christ Church are eligible to be a member. Our annual membership drive will be held during the month of March. The membership fee is $5.00. A WCC member will be available after the weekend services for you to sign up and answer any questions you may have regarding our organization. If you have any questions, you may also call Jane Rendueles, Chairperson at 732-240-2050. 18

Can You Solve This Month’s Cryptogram?

February’s puzzle brought us familiar words from the comforting service of Compline. Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping, that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace.

The verses of a hymn (#143), beginning with this verse, inspired our stained glass artist to design an interesting Lenten window.







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T W H N E U,






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Q H R Y S C.


MARCH BIRTHDAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY to members with birthdays this month! March 1st – Jessica Flohs March 1st - Danielle Picard March 2nd – Ellen Columbus March 3rd - Megan Ross March 4th – Deacon Emily Holman March 4th – Nancy Mayer March 4th - Carol Mazza March 4th - Leonard Tarnowski March 5th – Steve Gwin March 5th – Angela Klepacki March 5th – Josef Vernachio March 7th - Heide Dziardziel March 9th – Clara Fisher March 9th – Mitch Moore March 9th – Connor Pizzulo March 9th – Kenn Treidel March 9th - Paul Zaraza March 10th – Diane Bongard March 10th – Mary Lou Steed March 11th – Barbara Connors March 12th - Greg Hartman March 12th - Robert Kukfa March 13th – Nancy Ewart March 14th - Christina Dunn

March 14th - Lillian Tarnowski March 15th – Jessica Barrett March 16th – Marjorie Mershon March 16th – Eleanor Wilson March 17th - Richard P. Dunn March 17th - Patricia Paolella March 17th - John Rossi March 18th – Carol Kacicz March 19th – Mary Ellen Connell March 19th – Ellen S. Hansen March 19th – Susan Morgan March 21st – Richard Huff March 21st - Cynda Judy March 23rd – Taylor Flohs March 23rd – Evelyn Schmidt March 24th - Kathy Foley March 25th - Ashley Hamilton March 25th - Diane Vogt March 27th - Barbara Hubin March 29th – Wayne Flohs March 29th - Brian Hedinger March 29th – Suzanne Simeone March 29th- Emma Beckett

Birthday Prayer O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


MARCH ANNIVERSARIES Happy Anniversary and best wishes to these couples for many blessed year together!

March 18th – Dan and Christine Higgins – Happy 35th Anniversary (1979) March 26th – Andrew and Kirsten Flitton – Happy 21st Anniversary (1993) March 26th – John and Kate Flitton – Happy 48th Anniversary (1966)

Anniversary Prayer O Gracious and Ever-living God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church. Send your blessings upon these people as they celebrate their anniversary. Grant them grace to love, honor and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their lives together may be a witness to your love and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


CHRIST CHURCH CALENDAR February 2014 22nd – Hibernation Bash Mission Fundraiser, 6pm 24th – Belongings, 6:30pm 26th – Mystery Book Club, 12pm 28th thru Mar 1st – Diocesan Convention in Cherry Hill

March 2014 2nd – CC Café, 3pm 3rd – Belongings, 6:30pm 4th – Pancake Supper & Alleluia Parade 4th – Emmaus (Bereavement) Group, 7pm 5th – Ash Wednesday Services at 6:15am, 10am, 6pm, 7:30pm 9th — Daylight Savings Time (Clocks Ahead) 11th – Stations of the Cross, 7:30pm 12th – Lenten Soup Supper & Program, 6pm 15th – LEV Training & Renewal, 8:30am 18th -- Emmaus (Bereavement) Group, 7pm 18th -- Stations of the Cross, 7:30pm 19th -- Lenten Soup Supper & Program, 6pm 25th -- Stations of the Cross, 7:30pm 26th – Mystery Book Club, 12pm 26th -- Lenten Soup Supper & Program, 6pm 27th – Chronicle Folding, 9am 27th – Book Club, 7pm

April 2014 1st -- Emmaus (Bereavement) Group, 7pm 1st -- Stations of the Cross, 7:30pm 2nd -- Lenten Soup Supper & Program, 6pm 6th – CC Café, 3pm


Directory Changes

ADD: Podolak, Adam & Vanessa 114 Hollyberry Drive Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0370 Pascale, Connie 732-341-5853 101 Dewey Street Toms River, NJ 08753 [email protected]

Taggart, William 732-269-5457 299 Hoover Avenue Bayville, NJ 08721 [email protected]

Columbus, John & Ellen 973-736-8545 PO Box 1026 Island Heights, NJ 08732 [email protected] [email protected] Caputo, Tony & Mary Patricia, Sophia 732-527-2935 [email protected]

ADDRESS CHANGE: Lomell, Charlotte 217 Windward Avenue, Beachwood, N.J. 08722

PHONE CHANGE: Dziardziel, Heide 732-505-0309

2014 DIRECTORY PHONE CORRECTION Morgan, Susan 908-783-4986

If you have a change of address, phone number and/or email, please contact the church office so we may update the directory.


Christ Episcopal Church 415 Washington Street Toms River, NJ 08753-6742



_______________________________ The Rt. Rev. William (Chip) H. Stokes, Bishop of Diocese of New Jersey The Rev. Joan M. Pettit Mason, Rector The Rev. Timothy S. Holder, Priest Associate The Rev. John G. Steed Parish Chaplain Mary Lou Steed, Ph.D., Parish Chaplain The Rev. Walter F. Hartt, Rector Emeritus The Rev. Emily Holman, The Rev. Ted Foley, Deacons The Rev. Lewis McCrum (Ret.) Deacon Charlie Nakash, Missionary to Dominican Republic Polly Moore, Music Director Claire Koerner, Bell Choir Director Richard Start, Organist Dick Whicker, Cantor Jane Rendueles, Financial Assistant Nicole Strada, Parish Administrator John Cipolletti, Sexton Denise Szczerba, Christian Education Director Joanne Gwin, Chronicle Editor

Office phone (732) 349-5506 Office fax (732) 349-5634 E-mail: [email protected]