Matt & Sally

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Missionary Profiles

Grace Church Missionary Profiles

Matt & Sally

Hardy 238 Corwin Ave. Xenia, OH 45385

937.901.2000 [email protected]; [email protected]

Matt graduated from ISU after moving to Normal with his family at age 15. He came on staff with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) serving on campuses in MI and IN, where he met

Matt: 8/26

Sally: 10/23

Sally on staff. They married and moved to Xenia,

Anniv: 12/7/2002

OH, in 2002, where they currently reside.

Ava 12/23/2006, Cooper 8/27/2008

Matt currently works as the associate director of the Athletes in Action Sports Complex, where AIA

Athletes in Action

has its national headquarters. The Complex has several dorms, a retreat center, all types of sporting facilities, and a high and low ropes course. He helps to think strategically in how to

Supported by Grace (Home Church for Matt) since 1994

use the complex to further the gospel. He is also responsible to train the staff in how to be ministers of the gospel at the Complex. He speaks to many groups among the 60,000 people who annually visit. The Hardys also continue to have a presence at a local historically black University, Central State. Sally works outside of the home one day a week leading an athletic women’s Bible study for Central State as well as training new AIA staff.