May 2016

smoke won't blow in eyes if wind is pert. Shave one whole cake lie soap in biling water…Sort 1 white pile, 1 cullard pile, 1 pile work britches and ...

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AUG. 19

AUG. 20




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Humps N Horns May 2016

On The Cover - Mike Lee rides Rocking I Rodeo’s Tahonta’s Magic for 86.75 points to notch his 500th qualified ride on the Built Ford Tough Series in Billings, MT.

photo couirtesy of PBR · 4 · May 2016

HUMPS N HORNS® BULL RIDING MAGAZINE PO Box 34172 Fort Worth, TX 76162 325-500-BULL (2855)


Publisher/Owner [email protected]

Terry Blake


Editor in Chief/Owner [email protected]

ADVERTISING [email protected]


Real Time Pain Relief for Real People


Neil Holmes


Keeping It “Neil”

Barbara Pinnella [email protected]


War Pony Bucking Bulls


Mike Lee


Jake Gowdy

CIRCULATION [email protected]

PHOTOGRAPHY Andy Gregory Director of Photography [email protected]

500 Qualified Rides in the PBR BFTS

CONTRIBUTORS Andy Gregory Keno Shrum Jeff Bressler Justin Felisko Barbara Pinnella

Rookie Fights Through Injuries for Successful First Year

Also In This Issue Bull Pen 20

Practice Pens


Classifieds 45

Tales from the


Country Kitchen


Bucking Chute

Inspiration Point


Where’s the Beef


Livestock Layovers 44 · 5 · May 2016

Dr. Bill Clymer Kelly Robbins M. Albert Morningstar Keith Ryan Cartwright Andy Watson

Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine reserves the right to alter, edit or reject all advertisement or editorial for it’s content, clarity, and/or length. Viewpoints expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine. No material may be reprinted or reproduced without first obtaining permission from the publisher and/or editor in chief. All advertisement, editorials, letters, and press releases are accepted with the understanding that the representative, advertiser, and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents of submitted material. Not responsible for errors or omissions in any advertisement. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine will not assume responsibility for any late publication due to the printer, the USPS, or an act of God. Under no circumstances will Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine be held liable for acts of privacy, plagiarism, copyright, or trademark infringements. Material submitted for publication becomes the property of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine and will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. USPS #022-617 Periodicals Postage Paid at Broken Arrow, OK and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine, PO Box 34172, Fort Worth, TX 76162. ISSN1554-0162. Publication Number 022-617. ©All rights reserved. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine 2015

Letter from the Editor

What a month it has been for the sport of bull riding! I’m not sure we really understand how great a feat it is to accomplish 500 qualified rides at the top tier of the Professional Bull Riders. Our hats are off to Mike Lee for reaching that goal in Billings a couple of weeks ago. Mike is one of the guys that truly loves riding bulls and is always willing to take time to spend with the fans, whether its signing autographs or posing for pictures. He takes a slow walk around the arena fence to make sure that he can greet each person that wants to meet him. In this month’s issue we shift gears from a seasoned veteran to a relative newcomer to the PBR, War Pony Bucking Bulls. Kelly Robbins has a nice article that gives us a chance to learn more about the family behind War Pony. We look forward to seeing their bulls in action as they continue to grow. We also have an article about a young man that has been reading Humps N Horns since he began riding calves in Oklahoma. I learned Jake Gowdy’s name shortly after we purchased HNH because he did not receive a copy of the magazine one month. Then it seemed that I would see his name everywhere I turned; Fort Worth PRCA rodeo, The American Semi-Finals, BlueDef Bucking Madness, Cody Custer’s Rumble on the Red rodeo, and so forth. We are excited to introduce you to Jake, as well, and look forward to reading his name a lot more as a professional bull rider in the pages of Humps N Horns. We also bid farewell to a column that has appeared in HNH for about five years. This issue contains the final installment of the Murder at the PBR by M. Albert Morningstar. We are grateful for the opportunity to include the murder mystery I know many of you have said that you really look forward to reading each month’s column. Our author has decided to take a break and enjoy some time off. We wish nothing but the best for Al and his family.

SEND US YOUR COMMENTS To contact the editorial dept.: E-mail us at: [email protected] Comment on our social medias humpsnhornsmagazine Write us at: Humps N Horns Bull Riding Magazine PO Box 34172 Fort Worth, TX 76162 Please include your full name, address and a daytime phone number. We reserve the right to edit all letters for clarity and space.

We are reaching a time of year where there are many great bull riding events. Take advantage of any opportunity you have to support these events which provide great benefits to their local communities. Until next time, Terry · 6 · May 2016

Riley’s Roundup

Hi everyone, First off I would like to congratulate Mike Lee for reaching 500 rides. Mike is a great bull rider and also a very good person, he always has time for the fans!! Very sorry to hear about Matt Triplett done for the year, he is a very good young bull rider. I am glad to hear Chase Outlaw will be back after the break, Chase is another guy that always has time for the fans. Some riders that are looking good Ryan Dirteater, Silvano Alves(it’s about time), Mike Lee and Fabiano Vieira. How about those Dickies Bull Fighters...Awesome!! This month’s picture is of the Rider Relief Fund volunteers from the Little Rock, Arkansas event last month. (Left to Right) Kristiana from California, Bonnie from Louisiana, PBR bull rider Rubens Barbosa, Heidi from Arkansas and my Grandpa from Ohio. This is just a few of the wonderful people that volunteer to help raise money for the Rider Relief Fund. For those of you that don’t already know, the RRF helps the injured bull riders and their families during their time off due to injuries. It is a great thing they the next time you go to an event , stop by the RRF booth and buy some raffle tickets ( best deal is 7 for $20.00). I really miss being there but I will return in the second half of the season!! Now I have something to say that might make some people upset. If it does upset you please don’t hate me, remember this is a free country!!! Ok here goes....It really upsets me the way the Brazilian bull riders are treated.....Now I know I haven’t been around that long, but this CLOCK thing is a joke. 10 bull riders put on the clock and 9 of them will be Brazilians. I can think of one bullrider that could take a nap in the chute and then still get a 90 point ride..... Again I’m not a judge, but they sure seem to favor certain American bull riders. It almost seems that they don’t want the Brazilians to win, but they still do win because they are just that good. Again if this upsets you I’m sorry but it is what it is (I learned that phrase from one of my teachers). Now remember don’t be a hater!! Now that warmer weather is here I hope you all have a wonderful summer.......make someone smile!! Love you all, Riley · 7 · May 2016

All Gave Some...Some Gave All Remember Them This

Memorial Day · 8 · May 2016

Can You Find Your Way Through The MAZE? · 9 · May 2016

g n i p e e K it


by Jill vanEgmond

As an eighteen year old high school senior, Neil Holmes watched friends riding bulls and decided to give it a try. He became intrigued. His favorite event was calf roping having grown up a fan attending an annual Easter rodeo, but not feeling he was a skilled enough horseman or roper, decided bull riding was for him and that has proved to be correct. Once he got a taste of the adrenalin rush that comes from riding he didn’t want to do anything else. After being on the rodeo circuit 4 years Neil turned pro in 2008, after graduating from Prairie View A&M with a degree in Agronomy. “I thought I would get a job with the USDA or as a teacher. I never thought I would turn pro and make my living riding bulls,” says Neil. Many said he was a natural from the very beginning, but from his perspective he works hard, is talented and just very blessed.

Holmes doesn’t consider himself to be a cowboy. Unlike other bull riders he competes with he didn’t grow up living the western lifestyle. “I don’t get up and put on my boots and hat everyday like most of the other guys. I’m just a country boy from the ghetto of Cleveland, Texas who still lives in inner city Houston, listens to hip-hop and gets to ride bulls for a living.” When Neil isn’t on the road he enjoys spending time with his family, being outdoors, trail riding and riding motorcycles. He also gives much of his time to Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation, an organization that provides hospital and respite housing services to critically ill children and their families. Neil said he loves to visit the children at Believe In Tomorrow, “it touches their lives, but mostly it touches mine. We are so blessed and take things for granted.” When asked how he trains to stay in competition shape he chuckled and said, “I would like to say I spend every day at the gym, but I don’t. I go to the gym a couple of times a week and lift weights, practice yoga and cycle. Unlike football that requires a strict workout regimen, bull riding allows you to do what works for you. A lot of the guys I ride with don’t work out at all, but when they are back at home working on the ranch it keeps them in great shape to ride.” At 30 years old Neil Holmes considers himself to be in the greatest shape of his life. Having only spent twelve years riding bulls, his body hasn’t taken a lifelong beating like many of the other riders he competes against. He feels his body is fresh and strong as he continues to move up in the professional ranks. To get in his game zone, Neil checks his gear, stays calm and prays; not just for himself, but for the fans and their safety, his fellow riders, the bulls and the next competition. While on the road he stays focused. “A lot of the other guys go out and party, but I am an older rider. I might mingle a little, but bull riding is my job, it pays my bills and I am always ready to get back home to my family. The best part of being on the road is riding bulls for a living; the worst part of being on the road is being on the road.” Neil is a family man with very strong faith. A devoted father of four with two sons ages 9 and 6 and two daughters ages 8 and 5, Neil stays busy on and off tour. He shared that his oldest son couldn’t care less about bull riding, his youngest · 10 · May 2016

son is the biggest cowboy and can’t wait to start riding sheep, but it is his youngest daughter who has the passion. “I have to admit that I am kind of glad there isn’t a big presence for girls in the sport. My youngest daughter would be the first one there.” His hesitation for his kids to follow in his footsteps is understandable. Neil has only had two significant wrecks during his career with the first being at a CBR event in 2009 when a bull stepped on his pelvis, but the worst and the one he can’t remember is during the 2015 PBR World Finals when he went head to head against Pure Bull in Round 4, for those of you who saw the wreck no pun intended. When Neil hit the bulls head he was left with a lacerated chin, a concussion and a broken jaw that will require surgery to repair. “I had always known of the Rider Relief Fund, they helped out a friend of mine some years before. I found their card right before finals and hope I didn’t jinx myself. After being injured at the finals sustaining a broken jaw in a few places along with a concussion, the assistance of the Rider Relief Fund really helped my family through my recovery process. Not being able to compete was very stressful financially and physically, but thanks to the Rider Relief Fund the burden of the financial stress was relieved and I was able to focus on my physical health and get back to competition.”

After returning to competition Neil found a sponsor in Real Time Pain Relief and moved under the management of The JED Group. “I feel blessed to be a part of Real Time Pain Relief and The JED Group. I don’t have to deal with all of the hoopla some other guys do. I feel at home, like we are a family and Jane is the mother of the locker room. The guys at Real Time Pain Relief don’t cut corners either; they care about us and what we need.” “Neil is a very talented, driven bull rider. He’s a devoted father and college graduate. What shines out from Neil when you meet him is his kind and friendly personality. Fans love him because he really cares about them. He understands the business and the important role fans and sponsors play in our sport,” shares Jane DelBianco, founder of The JED Group. Holmes has goals before his career is over. He would like to win the World Championship, give back and leave something with his name on it. When asked how long he plans to continue competing he said, “When the desire burns out or I am no longer a contender I will drop it cold turkey and just be the biggest bull riding fan. I want to be remembered not just as a great bull rider, but a well-rounded individual, the man that I am a standup guy, a father and a child of God.” · 11 · May 2016

Neil shared advice for others thinking of getting into the sport, “Stay in school or make sure bull riding is what you want to do. It isn’t for the faint hearted, it takes dedication and determination. There aren’t just bumps in the road, but mountains. If you don’t want to work hard and be the best, don’t waste your time.” Photos by Andy Gregory · 12 · May 2016

Play Fantasy Bull Riding at

1. Create An Account. 2. Pick Your Team. 3. Win Real Cash & Prizes! Follow on Twitter @ClassroomCowboy Email: [email protected] · 13 · May 2016

Inspiration Point by Keno Shrum

Do You Remember When A sweet little old lady once handed me a piece of yellowed paper, and I thought I would share it with you at this time. At the top of this paper it was titled “Do You Remember When” and started like this: Life was much simpler, when a man’s word was his bond, when families all lived in and around the same town. And I hope this paper will put you in remembrance of a time when the good ole days may not have been quite so good. I’ve been told this is the way to do laundry. At least according to “Grandma’s Receet [Recipe]. And by the way this is written in grandma’s own hand.

This little yellow paper was difficult to read in places and the wording somewhat difficult, but I attempted to get everything down just the way it read. I’m not sure what I can add to this except to say Thank you Maude Fitzpatrick for a look back at how you all lived in the; “good ole days” I don’t recall all that, but I do recall my mother washing and wringing out clothes from the washer into a deep sink and then wringing them out into a tub to be hung on the line out behind the house. I’ll not attempt to add anything to all of this except to say, perhaps it good for all of us to sit, rock and count our blessings every now and then. God Bless and come and let us reason together the ways of our Lord. In His Name, Rex Editor’s Note - This column was originally written by Rex Shrum for the August 2014 issue of Humps N Horns. We thought it was worth repeating this month as we celebrate Memorial Day and remember those who have made the ultimate scrifice for the freedom we enjoy in this great country.

“Build a fire in back yard to heat kettle of rain water. Set tubs so smoke won’t blow in eyes if wind is pert. Shave one whole cake lie soap in biling water…Sort 1 white pile, 1 cullard pile, 1 pile work britches and rags…Stur flour in cold water to smooth, then thin down with biling water…Rub dirty spots on scrub board. Scrub hard, then bile, rub cullard, dout bile, just rench in starch. Take white things out of kettle with brom handle, then rench, blew and starch…Spread tee towels on grass…hang old rags on fence…pore rench water in flower bed and scrub porch with hot soapy water. Turn tubs upside down. Put on clean dress, smooth hair with side combs. Brew up tee. Set and rest, rock a spell. Count blessens. You young automatic washer folk hang this up. Then when things look bleek…read it again…it will bring back memories and remind us to count our blessens again. The writer, continues by saying; While we’re thinken of counten our blessens have you ever thought about it serious…I mean about your blessens… well here are a few to set and rock and think on a spell. Count you blessens because you don’t have to draw water from a well or creek. Hang clothes and have them freeze on the line…walk several miles to school and back…smother in the summer…chase flies from the table with a willow branch…defrost the refrigeator (if you have a frost free)…crank the car…fan in church…knit your own socks…iron (not much anyway)…wait all week and gather for the news from town…we hear that on TV…chop cotton and then pick it…we have vitamins that make healthy babies…not anemic ones…you can visit with a neighbor… call a plumber or a loved one far away just by picken up a little plastic thing called a pone…because we now have nearly as much leisure time as work time and it looks as though someday we may have more…because we can get in a car and see the whole U.S. that we once just read about… that doctors now do “Miracles” that once resultd in only death…because to chop wood now is for that luxery called a “fireplace” that once was the only means of stayen warm…because to ride a horse is a pleasure not the only means of getten some where as it once was…Now set and rest and rock a spell and think on that.” · 14 · May 2016

Leftover Turkey or Chicken Casserole PREP TIME: 20 MINS COOK: 40 MINS TOTAL: 60 MINS

olive oil in heavy non-stick pan and sauté mushrooms until they start to brown and all liquid has evaporated. Remove mushrooms to a dish.

YIELD: 6 GENEROUS SERVINGS INGREDIENTS 2 cups cooked brown rice. Long grain is best. I use 1 cup multi-grain medley and 1 cup brown rice 16 oz. mushrooms, washed and thickly sliced and cut in half 2 tsp. plus 1 tsp. olive oil 1 onion, diced into small pieces 2 tsp. ground thyme 1/2 tsp. ground poultry seasoning salt and pepper to taste 1 and 1/2 cups diced leftover turkey or chicken, cut into 1/2 inch pieces 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/2 cup low-fat sour cream 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 1 cup plus 1 cup shredded low-fat cheese DIRECTIONS Cook brown rice following package directions and let cool. Preheat oven to 375F Wash mushrooms and dry with paper towels. Cut mushrooms not thick slices, then slice in half. Heat 2 tsp.

In the same pan, add 1 tsp. more olive oil and heat, then add onions and sauté 3-4 minutes until onions are softened. Add thyme, poultry seasoning, salt, pepper and sauté about 2 minutes longer. While onions cook, dice leftover turkey into 1/2 inch pieces. Add mushrooms and turkey into pan with onionherb mixture, and stir to combine. Add rice and gently stir until all the meat and vegetables are evenly distributed into the rice. In a small bowl, whisk together sour cream and chicken stock, then stir in shredded Parmesan cheese and 1 cup shredded low-fat cheese. Gently stir the sour cream mixture into the rice mixture. Spray a 2 quart casserole dish with non-stick spray. I use a fairly flat dish without a lid. Spoon mixture into the casserole dish and press down to evenly distribute. Bake for 25 minutes or until casserole is slightly bubbling and barely starting to brown. Sprinkle with second cup of shredded low-fat cheese and bake about 15 minutes more or until cheese is melted and lightly browned. Serve hot. · 15 · May 2016

Submitted by - Marjorie Jurgensen

TALES FROM THE BUCKING CHUTE Original Works of Fiction by M. Albert Morningstar

Murder at the PBR Part 25

“So, what’s your second theory?” LeAnn asked. Now, I hadn’t forgotten that LeAnn was possessed of a certain blessed affliction. As far as I was concerned, her condition did not explain why she wouldn’t drop it. I decided I wouldn’t hold back. She would get it full blast. “It was only when I started thinking about this from the point of view that Lane’s death might be important in this sequence of events, at the root of everything in other words, that I began to make some sense of it all. By this theory, Lane’s death was the catalyst that led to both Jodi’s and Wanda’s murders, and all the subsequent events that almost destroyed the PBR.” “So, according to your second theory, who ran over Lane?” I sat there and stared at her for a long moment. Finally, I said, “You did, LeAnn. You ran down my best friend.” LeAnn brought a hand to her throat. “Me?” she said. “What makes you think a thing like that?” Then hurriedly, she added, “Of course, this is just a theory.” “No, LeAnn. It’s more than a theory. I remembered while we dinned in Billings, you told me your Bronco was getting a tuneup and an oil change. But I haven’t seen you driving it for some time now. You’ve been riding with Royce. You love that toy of yours. Have to be driving it wherever you go. So, I started thinking. Why wasn’t she driving it? That had me wondering where it could be. Then I remembered your sister. While I was there I didn’t see much. But I did see one thing. Something from her living room window that made me want to take a closer look. Leona and I left her place at the same time. But I dropped back and had myself a better look. There was something covered with a tarp sitting in her back yard. Any guesses what was under that tarp?” Expecting no reply, I continued, “Turns out it was your Bronco. I’d recognize it anywhere. You’d suffered some damage and hadn’t had it fixed yet. Your front bumper has a major dent and the grill has been smashed in as if you’d run into something— or someone.” “So I have some body damage to my Bronco. That doesn’t explain anything.” “It does to me. You can’t have it fixed just yet because you’ve probably guessed that every body shop in Nevada, Arizona and California, has been alerted by the police to be on the lookout for a vehicle with just that kind of damage.” “And that tells you I ran over Lane?” “Yes, it does.” “And why would I do that?”

“Because…because of what he did to you.” “What do you think that was, Chance?” she asked with an edgy calmness, like that of a time bomb just before it explodes. “He…he forced himself on you, is my guess.” LeAnn leaned forward, gritted her teeth. “He raped me, Chance. Raped is the word. Not something so gentle as ‘forced himself’ on me. He raped me.” “They call it date rape,” I agreed. “Yes. Date rape. But it’s rape all the same. And don’t you forget it.” “Why didn’t you go to the police?” She bobbed her head as she said, “What good would it have done?” “It’s what you should have done.” “Maybe in a perfect world,” she spurted, “but not in the real one. Think about it, Chance, if I had gone to the police in Laughlin, those rednecks would have just laughed at me. They’re nothing but good ole boys. Lane is…was a good ole boy. A worldclass bullfighter in the PBR. That’s macho stuff in their eyes. He’s a celebrity. Who am I? A woman. Men taking us whenever they want is what good ole boy rednecks think women are for. I’ve lived in this cowboy world all my life. The police would have done exactly nothing. Except congratulate him. I had no chance.” “So why were you out with Lane? I thought you’d given up the type when you divorced me.” “Royce and I had been dating. You know that. Well, he was concerned about the difference in our ages. And that he couldn’t give me children. The age difference never bothered me. But, of course, I wanted children.” “Not with me.” “Even with you. But not while you were riding bulls. After.” “You never told me that.” She shrugged. “If I had, you would have assumed I was open to having them then. Let’s let it go that I did want them with you. Anyway, with Royce, I was willing to forego children altogether. Despite a ticking clock, our being together was more important.” “Did you tell him that?” “Of course. Still, there was the possibility I would change my mind before it was too late. Anyway, he kept harping about the age difference thing so much that I told him maybe we should stop seeing each other for a while and see how we felt. He agreed. From his manner, I could sense that was not what he wanted to do, but if he wasn’t going to shut up, he had to put up. Anyway, on Thursday afternoon in Laughlin, I ran into Lane who asked me out to dinner. Having broken up with Royce the weekend before, I accepted. Big mistake. While we were having dinner, I realized I didn’t want to be there. I loved Royce. The difference in our ages be damned. I didn’t want to be with anyone else but him. After dinner, Lane drove me back to my motel. Then he wouldn’t leave. He pushed his way into my room and then wouldn’t take no for an answer. In his mind, he probably thought I wanted to say yes. After all, I had agreed to have dinner with him, hadn’t I? You know how he could think. In the end, if I didn’t want to get hurt, I had no · 16 · May 2016

choice but to submit. In his warped mind, it probably wasn’t rape at all. But it was. When he was finished and was leaving, he said, ‘Let’s plan on dinner tomorrow, too.’ See what I mean?” “Why didn’t you have an abortion?” “Because Royce and I both saw it as our chance to have a family. Although the child wasn’t Royce’s, I wanted to keep it. Finding out I was pregnant made me want to be a mother regardless of whose child it really was. Royce agreed.” “So how did it happen that you killed Lane?” “That was pure chance. All day Friday, I kept dodging him. Naturally, I was still infuriated with him for what he’d done to me. So I didn’t want to see him, much less speak to him. Of course, I didn’t know then that I was pregnant. With Royce, I hadn’t needed to take any precautions. Anyway, as soon as the go-round was over, I hid out until I thought everyone was gone. Then I went to my Bronco. I’d just started my engine and put it in gear when, suddenly, he was there. He was walking across the parking lot. I assumed he’d hunted all over for me, and then gave up and was going to his pickup. Alone. Most of the cars had filtered out by then and there were only a few left. I didn’t see anyone else around but I wasn’t really looking. He continued across the parking lot until he was almost in my line. Without thinking, I stomped on the accelerator and drove straight for him. I didn’t bother turning on my lights. He heard me coming but he couldn’t figure out from which direction. That was one time his bullfighting skills didn’t come to his aid.” “He’d been drinking wine the night before,” I reminded. “He had to have had some lingering effects from that. Probably slowed him up.” “Yes. I’m sure it did,” she agreed. Then she reached over the table and placed her hand on the back of mine. “I didn’t mean to kill him, Chance. Looking back, I see I wanted to hurt him—bad. But kill him? No.” She backed up in her seat. Lowering her gaze, she said, “Though I believed he deserved some punishment for what he did to me, I’m truly sorry he’s dead.” “After you ran him down, you went back to your motel and called Royce.” “How did you know that?” “The two of you were heard arguing.” “He was so angry with me. He must have yelled at me for two hours straight. Asked me over and over what could I have been thinking? But in the end he helped me. And later, he understood my getting pregnant. He knew that wasn’t my fault.” “What was he so angry with you about then?” “That I had accepted a date with Lane in the first place.” “Because it was Lane?” “Not really.” She shrugged. “Anyone.” “He saw the two of you as an item.” “Yes. Wasn’t that sweet?” “You say so. Anyway, after the argument you drove your Bronco to your sister’s place, Royce following.” She nodded. “We had to get it out of sight because of the damage.” “Then you returned, took up with each other again and kept quiet, riding in his pickup.” She nodded. “You took to drinking a little to deal with the guilt. Until you found out you were pregnant.” Contritely, she nodded again. “And when you learned you were pregnant, you both agreed to

pass the child off as his.” “Yes. I’ll always love him and stand by him for saying the child was his.” “Which got Jodi Hall to thinking after Cauy was killed.” “I guess you’ve got it all figured out.” “And Royce knew I’d figured it out.” “Huh?” “Which is why he blurted out that he’d killed Wanda. You didn’t know he’d killed her. He never told you.” “Guess he didn’t want two hours of me yelling at him.” “Guess not. Anyway, in your innocent ignorance Saturday night, when you asked me why I thought he killed her, he had no choice but to confess and give his reasons for doing it. He didn’t want me to tell everyone the real reason.” “That he was protecting me?” I nodded. “He was watching me, gauging me. He wanted me to keep silent. So he confessed before I had a chance to speak, telling that half-truth fairy tale.” “Half-truth?” “Wanda did want money. She was trying to blackmail him.” “So what are you going to do, Chance?” LeAnn asked. I stared at her for a time. We had come down to it, of course. I thought about how she’d run over my best friend in cold blood. The thought steeled me. Certainly Lane hadn’t been innocent. And LeAnn was right. He probably never considered that she truly meant it when she told him she didn’t want to engage in a little horizontal delight with him. I know because I remembered how he was after he returned from that date. He’d thought he’d found his new ladylove. Practically told me so when he’d said he didn’t want to tell me the name of the one he’d been with until he was sure wedding bells were in the offing. Could that have happened? Ha. Lane never had a clue. But did he deserve to die for his blindness, or even his actions? LeAnn was right that he probably never considered that what he’d done was rape. But it was. I couldn’t deny that and didn’t want to. Fictional murder mysteries are supposed to be moral tales, where in the end, the killer is caught, justice rendered and world balance restored. I was sure I could prove some of LeAnn’s culpability in Lane’s death. Her dented car, for one. Blood type and DNA of her fetus, for another. Even so, there were still some pretty big holes that needed plugging. Too, she had the right to remain silent. In fact, that would be her best tactic. If she did, my guess was they’d never buck her off. All during my recap of events, she’d displayed such an astonishing poise and strength that I took it as her planned design to stonewall it. Because the evidence was so flimsy and LeAnn too tough to confess, I knew this case would never see the light of a courtroom. That meant I had to be jury and judge. It was a heavy responsibility. I can proudly announce, here and now, that, without hesitation, I did my job. I judged her guilty and gave her a life sentence. “Nothing,” was what I said. Her face filled with surprise at the “Court’s decision.” “Why?” she asked. Almost cheerfully, I said, “I can’t be responsible for sending the mother of my best friend’s child to prison.” “It truly was without thought.” · 17 · May 2016

I didn’t buy that for a second, though I refrained from saying it. Hadn’t LeAnn known exactly what she was doing when she stomped on that accelerator? Of course she did. Which was why I judged her guilty and gave her a life sentence. You see there was another consideration—a more important one than seeing that LeAnn actually went to trial and served time in prison for the death of my friend. And this consideration meant, for me, the die had been cast. In fact, it was cast the instant I’d put it all together. That other consideration was the child. Not just any child. Lane’s child. His son. A son he would have been proud of. And I wanted LeAnn to remember her crime and see Lane in that boy’s face every day for the rest of her life. Hence, the judgment and resulting life sentence. There would be no time off for good behavior—not one day—which meant she would not sit in some woman’s prison while someone else, probably Leona, raised Lane’s son. No, everyday for the rest of her life, when she breast fed him as an infant, played with him as a toddler, sent him off to school, watched him learn to drive a pickup, go on his first date, go off to college (or bull riding school), get married, have his own child, she would see Lane Lowick and remember what she’d done. Maybe it was an act committed in haste—I’ll give her that much—but it was an act committed all the same and now she would repent at leisure. Yes, I reasoned, the child had to be considered. So my verdict and sentence had already been rendered, rendered before I ever invited LeAnn to breakfast. As tears started trailing down her reddened cheeks, she stared me squarely in the face and said, “I know you’re doing this because of the child. He’ll be Lane’s son. You know it. And so do I. Well, I’m going to love this baby with all my heart, Chance. I promise I’ll give him the best upbringing I possibly can.” Maybe it was because she was my ex, maybe it was because deep down I knew LeAnn’s genuinely good character, maybe it was because I sensed some measure of contrition in her—whatever—all I knew was I believed her. END MURDER AT THE PBR

Parts 1-24 in preceding issues of HNH

Editor’s Note - Tales From the Bucking Chute has reached the conclusion of this series. If you enjoy the works from M. Albert Morningstar, they are available for purchase at Barnes & Noble and

In addition to his short stories for Humps N’ Horns and this condensed version of Murder At The PBR, M. Albert Morningstar is the author of two other Chance Boettecher rodeo mysteries: Murder At The PRCA and Murder At The NFR, available at and other book outlets worldwide.

For Copies: Contact the Author at [email protected] · 18 · May 2016 · 19 · May 2016

expected two yeas ago to be where we are today. The Lord answered our prayers and we’re not stopping now.” War Pony is truly a family deal. Koty and his wife, Kristy, are partnered with his dad, Ron Brugh, and cousin Reynold Youngbird. Ron owns War Pony Land and Energy, LLC and the War Pony name was a natural carry-over to the bucking bull business. Home is on the Fort Berthold Reservation in Mandaree, North Dakota. There are plans in the works for an all-natural War Pony energy drink and a War Pony clothing line in the near future. Ron has also sponsored Native American bull riders Justin Granger, Patrick Chee, Guytin Tsosie, and Taushony Slim III. He has also sponsored Cody Nance, Chase Outlaw and Tyler Harr in the past. “Last year we were gone on the road all the time,” Koty revealed. “Sometimes we had two trailers going in different directions to different events. I put 78,000 miles on my Ford F450 last year, hauling to UBBI events all over. I wanted to see how my bulls would compete with other bulls all over the nation. I wanted to separate the ‘A’ string bulls from the ‘B’ string bulls. My bulls were consistently placing in the top of each category.” “My son has done a good job of picking out good bulls,” Ron, a former bull rider and saddle bronc rider declared. “We started by buying bulls from a couple of friends, and before long we had a nice herd. We supply a lot of bulls to the Indian rodeos. We want to try by Kelly Robbins to help these young Native American cowboys get to the next level. You don’t know how good you are until you are challenged by a good bull. Our goal is to give guys an opportunity to test their skills on The Native American war pony was an amazing animal bred for quality bulls.” strength and aggression. His sole purpose was to use his energy and athleticism to carry his warrior into battle and victory. The war As for getting into the PBR, Koty shared, “I got my PBR card on pony was fast, smart and agile, actually helping a warrior win an Tuesday. On Wednesday I sent Cody Lambert (PBR Livestock engagement. In the Mandan/ Hidatsa tradition, the war pony was Director) videos of four of my bulls. They were Scalp Hunter, Sun a very special horse and actually lived in the earth lodge with the Dancer, Chiefin, and Hell Pony. On Wednesday evening I called Cody and he told me to bring all four of family during the bitter cold winters of North the bulls to Albuquerque!” Dakota. “I hope to take five bulls to Billings (Stanley Performance In Action Invitational at Rimrock Arena, April 15-17) next,” Koty said. “Those bulls are Sun Dancer, Hell Pony, Blue Star, Bugatti and Indian Medicine. I’m just waiting to hear back from Cody Lambert.” War Pony Bucking Bulls currently has 52 bulls. Although Mandaree, North Dakota is home base, the winters are very cold and harsh and really tough on the bovine athletes. So Koty moves his bulls to Goodyear, Arizona, a western suburb of Phoenix during the winter months. The climate is easier on the animals and the location is more central to events held during the winter.

This warrior energy and winning attitude is carried on today in War Pony Bucking Bulls, the newest arrival in the PBR Built Ford Tough Series. War Pony made its debut last month in The Pit at the Ty Murray Invitational in Albuquerque. Owner Koty Brugh is a former bull rider and a relatively new stock contractor, having been in business for only two years. “Being a stock contractor just kind of fell in my lap,” Koty explained. “A friend of mine offered to sell me two bulls. I bought those bulls and that was the beginning. We bought some more bulls and I was able to buy Blue Star, a son of Deja Blue, Bugatti, a son of Western Wishes, and Indian Medicine, a son of Crossfire Hurricane. Every bull I buy I want to be good enough to be a top five contender at any event. I never

Koty & Kristy Brugh. Photo by Lonnie Gautreau · 20 · May 2016

“I’ve been around rodeo my whole life,” Koty disclosed. “I rode my dad’s calves when I was five years old. I rode my first bull at the age of twelve at Don Gay’s Bull Riding. I went to the High School National Finals and I’ve been to the Indian National Finals sixteen times. I’ve only been a stock contractor for two years. I’m still learning about flanking. Flanking is real touchy on some bulls. It takes time and a lot of learning. I really look up to and thank Chad Berger (Five time and current reigning PBR Stock Contractor of the Year). Chad spent a lot of time teaching me how to flank the bulls. He guided me and gave me knowledge to help me on my way. My next goal is to be the PBR Stock Contractor of the Year.”

Bugatti at UBBI event.

Photo by Lonnie Gautreau.

“My wife and I take care of the bulls,” Koty continued. “A lot of pride, effort and work goes into making sure my bulls are physically in shape to give that cowboy the best ride possible. I exercise my bulls every day. They are treated like the exceptional athletes that they are. I feel lost if I’m not with my bulls every day.”

“We are a humble Native American stock contractor, very thankful to all those who have helped us get here,” Koty concluded. “Everything has happened like a light switch flipping on. We’re thankful to be where we are. We want to stay humble, be professional, and try to help everyone out. We believe in karma: what goes around comes around.”

Hell Pony at UBBI event. Photo by Lonnie Gautreau. It’s been a difficult few months for War Pony. Ron was seriously injured in a hunting accident last November. His pelvis was crushed and he was not expected to be able to walk again. “It’s been a tough road since my dad got hurt,” Koty confessed. “But there have been so many prayers. We just had to turn to the Lord. My dad is recovering. He was able to walk this past Monday for the first time!” “Everything we’re doing is God’s gift to us,” Koty said. “On November 11-12, we are sponsoring War Pony presents the Battle of the Chiefs Bull Riding and Bull Team Extravaganza at the Sands Town Arena in Las Vegas, with $20,000 added money for the bull riding and the bull team competition.”

Blue Star at UBBI event. Photo by Lonnie Gautreau. · 21 · May 2016






Lee Joins Elite Club 500 Qualified Rides on BFTS

By Barbara Pinnella Photos by Andy Gregory

It was in February when we first caught up with one of the favorite bull riders on the BFTS tour, veteran Mike Lee, the 2004 PBR World Champion AND World Finals event winner (the first man to win both titles in the same year). At that time he was closing in on another milestone in his long career – 500 qualified rides. He is closing in no more. In Round 2 of the Stanley Performance in Action held in Billings, Montana, Lee rode Tahonta’s Magic for a score of 86.75. But it was not the score that mattered. That Rocking I Rodeo Company bull gave Lee his 500th qualified ride, one that he was trying not to think about, but something everyone else couldn’t stop talking about. We were able to catch up with Mike and his wife Dana on Sunday, and wondered just how relieved they both were to get this out of the way.

on you I guess, but that’s what being a bull rider is all about; mind games, pressure, it’s normal. You learn how to deal with it. But they can all stop talking about it now.” This coming from the man who does not like being in the spotlight. Wife Dana concurred with Mike that she is relieved for her husband and that there is no more pressure for the 500. “But besides that, of course I’m excited for him and happy for him. I can’t believe that it has only been 500, because I feel like I’ve seen him get on 500 bulls a year. At first we really didn’t discuss it, but this weekend we bought my ticket last minute so that I could be here. I knew I wanted to be there for it.” There was a time when Dana would go to every event with Mike, but things have had to change in that regard.

“Yes, I’m relieved,” Mike said with a little laugh. “That bull was a really good draw to have; a lot of kick up and down. and stays in the spin. He’s been a very consistent bull for years now.”

“I did go, and then Peter turned two years of age and he was another flight, so it’s pretty expensive for us. But I will be at Last Cowboy Standing.”

Mike said that people were not beating his door down for interviews now that he reached that magic number, but quite a bit beforehand, when it was getting close.

Leading up to the 500 qualified rides, Lee was trying hard to only focus on riding each bull that was run under him. “Stats and things like that don’t really pay the bills,” Mike laughed. “So I just try to keep it simple and make one ride at a time.”

“It is definitely on your mind when everybody’s talking about it. The fans are saying ‘Do it!’ and all that. So it puts a little bit of pressure

Mike’s mom, Teri, told us he was always like that; she would keep track of statistics and facts, and he would concentrate on riding. · 24 · May 2016

Lee rides Jack Da niels After Party for 86.75 points in th championship rouind e in Oklahoma City, 20 14.

That 500 number would be a drop in the bucket when compared to the number of bulls that Lee has gotten on since he decided riding bulls is what he wanted to do. He was involved with organizations in middle school and then when he went to high school.

While still young, Mike joined a couple of youth organizations in North Texas, and it was non-stop from then on. Sometimes he went to three events in one weekend, and then hit the practice pens during the week, and Teri was behind his decision to ride.

“He went to the National High School Finals,” Teri said. “The minute he turned 18 he bought his PBR permit and he hasn’t looked back since. But he was probably 10 when he got an opportunity to start riding. Both he and one of his older brothers entered the sheep riding and steer riding in Greeley, Colorado one summer. Before that, they had never ridden anything but horses.”

“Especially back then, the bulls weren’t as notoriously bad as they are now,” she laughed. “In the beginning we thought it was cool that he had something that he enjoyed doing, and did it well. And he was always ahead of where he maybe should have been, because he had ridden so much when he was younger.”

“The sheep didn’t work too well because at that age they were already a little big for the sheep. Mike bucked off pretty quickly from the steer, and his older brother rode longer. They kind of laugh about that now.”

“When he probably should have still been on the Pee Wee bulls he was already getting on junior bulls, and when he should have been on those he was getting on steers. Then he started going to amateur events.” · 25 · May 2016

Cruel & Unusual Punishment? Mike Lee was the last bull rider to face two of the alltime great bucking bulls before their retirement*. Top- Bushwacker; PBR World Finals (2014). Bottom- Asteroid; PBR Iron Cowboy (2015).

*Asteroid has since returned to competition in Feb. 2016. · 26 · May 2016

There were also stock contractors in their area that had bulls, and they naturally wanted to know what the young bulls were going to do before they kept them. They would call Mike because they knew that he would get on them. He might not ride them all, but he would give them a good go of it. That gave him even more experience, and there is no substitute for that.” “Right now I get a little sore, but other than that I’m healthy, you know. God’s good to me.” Even though he has explained it in the past, people still want to know why Lee started doing what is now known as his victory lap after a ride, and he was happy to answer. “I started running one day, probably from the bull, and the crowd liked it, so I kept on doing it. The crowd gets into it, and the kids. I seem to speak better with kids than I do with grown-ups, I think,” he said, smiling. “I guess because I still am one.”

“We sold our house and have to be out soon, so we have to start moving all our stuff, and horses and panels, and all that. For now we are moving into the ranch house at my dad’s and eventually we’re gonna build a house on the property we bought in Sunset, Texas. “But there is always work,” he continued. “It seems like there are just never-ending projects.” Indeed, and building their new house will just add to that. But it’s OK, he likes being busy. And don’t look for him to slow down in the arena, either. It is his love of the sport that gives him the passion to continue; it’s not really about setting milestones. We at Humps N Horns want to offer our congratulations to Mike for accomplishing this great achievement in his bull riding career and wish him good luck in everything he does in the future.

Mike’s mother concurred that he is really good with children, and they do reciprocate in kind. One would think that he had younger siblings that he played with or looked after, but in fact he is the baby of the family. He has an older sister and two older brothers. None of them were ever involved with rodeo, although both brothers love horses. When asked about retirement – which he is not considering right now, so don’t worry Lee fans – his sense of humor came through again.

Lee takes a victory lap after completing his 500th qualified ride on the Built Ford Tough Series in Billings, MT.

“Well, I’m good at manual labor. I have a high school education, so I’m probably gonna have to just get a job,” he chuckled. “No, really, I like running heavy equipment and I’m good at breaking colts; my dad was a horse trainer.” Raising bucking bulls is not on the top of the ‘career after’ plan. “I’ve had a few bulls, and they tear up a lot of stuff and they cost a lot of money. With the horses, I can get them broke and turn them over and sell them so somebody else can use them for some good. Rope horses, cutting horses, and reining horses, that’s what I grew up doing and I know how to do it.” Teri thinks that Mike probably would have done more with the horses than he has to this point, but being on the road bull riding takes a lot of time away from that. She does believe that he could have a good career with horses, since he knows how to get in their head and ‘think like a horse.’ Anybody who has worked with horses at all knows how really helpful that can be. So one might think that after achieving this next goal there might be some celebrating when the Lee’s get back home. Nope, too much work to do. · 27 · May 2016

Jake The Snake” Gowdy

By Barbara Pinnella

Rookie fights through injuries to have a successful year When we spoke with Jake “The Snake” Gowdy he was a day away from heading off to Kissimmee, Florida, where he was to compete at the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo (RNCFR). This talented 19-year-old qualified for those finals by winning the Prairie Circuit year-end title last year. He has had many injuries in his young career, the latest of which came in late January, when he tore the ACL in his left knee and was told he needed to have surgery. He opted to wait until after the RNCFR, even though he was not quite sure he would make it. He had been on very few practice bulls before making the trip to Florida, concentrating instead on doing some physical therapy to try to keep his leg strong.

back home later Monday night. He called me after everyone took a ride on an airboat. “That was what we did earlier in the day, rode some airboats and chased some alligators.” That is not something one can easily do in Oklahoma, so it was a fun change for everyone.

Going to Kissimmee has proved to be a good decision for him. Gowdy won the first round with an 81 score. He covered Gentleman Jack, a bull from Painted Pony Championship Rodeo. Jake came back in the next round to place second on Pickett Pro Rodeo’s bull, Dragonfly. In that round he received a score of 79.50. He was the only one that covered two bulls, and had a total score of 160.50. That obviously put him in the lead in the average, and moved him into the Semifinals. But hot on his heels was another young gun, Parker Breding. There were no qualified rides in the Semifinal round, and only Breding was able to ride a bull in the Finals. Those eight seconds made Parker the RNCFR bull riding champion. But Jake took home a very nice paycheck, and this was a great confidence-builder for Jake to think about as he has surgery to repair his knee. “I would have liked to have won it,” he said, “but I was happy. I still won a lot of money. My knee was real sore in the short-round, so that might have been part of it, but I still should have rode my bull. But that check makes the surgery seem a little better.” Jake was still in Florida when we spoke after the RNCFR, and he, his parents, and his girl friend were enjoying their time before they flew · 28 · May 2016

This latest injury is just one of many that Jake has had to put up with. 2015 was not a good year for him in terms of staying healthy. “I turned 18 in March of last year and then I started going. In April I broke my jaw, in May I bruised the femur bone in my leg, in June I cracked my ankle, and in July I tore a ligament in my other ankle. I had so many injuries in 2015 and still managed to win the Prairie Circuit Finals. “I have the surgery for my ACL scheduled for April 20. I got off a bull in Yakima, Washington and landed on my feet and my knee buckled, tearing my ACL and sprained my MCL. The weekend before that I had been in Moline, Illinois and won the bull riding there to qualify for the Semi-Finals of the American. “As soon as I got home I went to the doctor and he said I needed surgery right then,” Jake said. “So I went to Dr. Tandy Freeman and he made me a brace so I could ride in the Semi-Finals of the American. I’ll have that brace on in Kissimmee too, and then get that surgery done.

“So I had a rough 2015, and a rough 2016 start, so hopefully I’ll be healthy and start 2017 off right as a rookie in the PBR. I’ll be out four to five months for that, so I’m looking forward to starting the PBR 2017 season off strong.” All of the physical issues that Jake has already had to endure have only made his faith and belief in God that much stronger. “Church is a big part of my life, and all the injuries that I’ve had have made my faith in the Lord a lot stronger. I know everything happens for a reason and with Him by my side anything is possible!” His nickname “The Snake” has been with him for a very long time. “The name came from my kindergarten teacher,” he said. “I got in trouble one time, and she called me that, and ever since then that’s what everybody called me. I like it.” Jake has always wanted to be a bull rider, and graduated high school a year early so that he could hit the road and get on the circuit.

Jake Gowdy rides Dragonfly for 79.5 points and second place in Round 2 at the RNCFR in Kissimmee, FL. PRCA photo by Ric Andersen. Photo courtesy of PRCA. · 29 · May 2016

Jake Gowdy rides #154 Total Feed for 83.5 points in the Denver PBR Touring Pro event, January 2016. Photo courtesy of the Gowdy family.

“I put my junior and senior years together at Bristow High School. The teachers helped me get through it and I got it done. My parents have been behind me the whole time. Ever since I started riding calves at seven years old I knew this is what I wanted. My dad rode bulls, and he taught me everything I know.” Gowdy has three practice bulls that he gets on every week to keep sharp, as well as quite a few beef cattle that he has raised. Already a businessman, he will sell off some of the calves when they get big enough.

And, with a smile, have to give a shout-out to Jake and his family for being so loyal to Humps N Horns Magazine!

Jake competed in the BlueDEF Bucking Madness last year, a reality show about bull riders. There were 10 chosen from around the country to participate on the show. Even though he was a bit uncomfortable talking with the cameras in his face – something he will have to get used to when he moves up the ladder – the opportunity also brought more national exposure to the young bull rider.

We at Humps N Horns want to congratulate Jake on his accomplishments at the RNCFR, and wish him good luck on his surgery. We are looking forward to getting to watch him ride a lot more in 2017.

“I’ve gotten the magazine since 2005, from the calf riding on up. My mom cut out each article that I was in all the way through and made a book with all the articles and stuff in it.” I told him she would have another one to cut out when the next issue comes around.

Gowdy likes to fish and hunt when he has some time during the week. He also enjoys working with and taking care of his cattle that he has at home. · 30 · May 2016








on hard surfaces (by standing or walking), you transfer your entire body weight to that surface. This can be jarring at times, but mostly you are unaware of this due to the natural shock absorbers in your body itself (muscles, tendons, etc.). Nerve receptors in the feet send and receive signals to and from the brain, as your brain and body work together to keep you standing upright. These signals can be disturbed, however, by poor posture, pain, or physical abnormalities, resulting in a circle of poor posture and bodily pain. If you have flat feet, for example, it can throw off your posture and cause stress and damage to your muscles and joints, leading to inflammation and pain over time.


Since April was National Foot Health Awareness Month we thought we would share some information about the feet. The feet are an amazing part of the human body. Not only do they support your body weight but they also handle the force that moving around puts on them, which occurs so much every day. Amazing! There are 26 bones in each foot, which means that the bones in the feet account for 25% of your body’s bones. There are also 33 joints in each foot, as well as hundreds of thousands of nerve endings and sweat glands. The ankle of your foot is a major part of the support structure and is responsible for the mechanics of your foot, helping you to take steps smoothly. With all that equipment in such a small package, it’s easy to understand why the feet are so important to your everyday health and wellbeing. The foot supports your body weight and sustains forces that are made while walking. In fact, an average day of foot travel involves hundreds of tons of force. Your Feet Affect Your Entire Body Your feet hold you up all day and literally carry you through life, which is why it’s so important to maintain good foot health. Your feet are also highly connected to your entire body. As the foundation for your entire body, your feet determine how the rest of your body functions. When your feet constantly step

If you are experiencing back pain, there is a good chance that it is tied to your feet. Back pain is inevitable if you’re standing at work most of the time, but especially if your feet are misaligned. In fact, many people will miss work due to problems caused by their feet. Recreational activities also put a lot of stress on our feet and bodies—runners will attest to this! If you want to prevent foot problems that are caused by being on your feet, wearing the right shoes is an important first step. A proper shoe will provide support to your foot so that your muscles can actually do less work. All About the Arches Arches absorb most of the pressure and force from the ground when we stand or walk. Each foot has a total of three arches. • The Medial Longitudinal Arch is the one most people refer to as “the arch” and it runs lengthwise on the inside of your foot. The main task for this arch is to absorb shock from walking, running, jumping, etc. • The Lateral Longitudinal Arch is parallel to the Medial arch; it runs along the outside of the foot. • The third arch is the Transverse Arch; this one runs across the middle of the foot from the outside to the inside. The main purpose of this arch is to give flexibility and support for the foot. There are many muscles and tendons in the foot that provide vital support for the arches. The arches of our feet vary naturally from person to person, and foot arches also change due to age and medical conditions, so the best way to find good arch support is to find out what your own specific arch needs are. You can check out your arches by looking in a mirror, or you can dip your foot in water and make a footprint. Those with flat feet or low arches won’t see much of a curve, and those with high arches will see that the middle of the footprint is skinnier than the heel and ball of the foot. Pregnant women will often find that their arches flatten due to the extra weight · 32 · May 2016

and pressure on their feet. Rheumatoid arthritis and age may also contribute to flattened arches. Purchasing shoes with arch support or adding insoles that provide arch support can help to relieve some of the extra pressure and stress that low arches place on the feet. Pronation is a pattern of movement that the feet do and varies based on high or low arches. People with lower arches tend to over-pronate, which causes the foot to turn too far inwards when walking. Those with higher arches may turn the foot too far outward, known as under-pronation. The feet’s pattern of movement affects the posture and movement of the rest of your body, particularly your legs and hips. Wearing appropriate shoes can help to improve your overall posture and wellbeing. People with low arches should look for shoes that help with “motion control”— these shoes have extra support to keep the foot from rolling inwards and causing misalignment in the rest of your body. People with high arches should look for “cushioning” shoes that encourage feet to roll more inward. The best thing about arch support is that you can feel the results almost immediately because it takes the pressure off your legs and reduces the overall pressure on your feet. Shoes Affect Your Foot Health One way to improve foot health, and whole body well-being, is by wearing appropriate shoes. The average person walks millions of miles in a lifetime, and if your shoes do not fit right or do not provide adequate support, it could cause problems throughout the entire body. Walking or running in the wrong shoes can cause damage to the feet and place stress on the ankles, knees, hips, and the spine. One important aspect of a good shoe is arch support. There are other things that you should look for in a good shoe, as well, whether the shoes are meant for work, exercise, or leisure. It is best to stay away from shoes with a flat bottom. Your heels should be slightly elevated to maintain your foot health as well as your overall bodily health. The shoe should be firm and resist being twisted (like wringing out a towel), and it should only bend where your foot bends naturally, at the toe joints. You should have about a centimeter of space at the end of your shoe, past the longest toe, allowing for movement and balance. Shoes should fasten over the instep, rather than being open, to provide more support. Finally, the middle of the sole should be firm but also cushioned enough to absorb some of the shock waves that result from walking and standing. Basic Foot Care Is Important

Heel Fissures are those painful, deep cracks that affect your heels. They are very annoying and painful, and can become infected if they are not taken care of. If you suffer from Heel Fissures, take care of them in the following ways: • Try to moisturize your feet twice a day, • Wear socks over some moisturizer while sleeping, • Wear shoes that cushion the heel and absorb shock well, • Refrain from wearing sandals, openbacked shoes, thinly soled shoes, or walking barefoot. Simple maintenance and care can help to prevent many foot problems over time. Do your Feet Itch? Are your feet itchy or irritated? You may be experiencing a common foot condition called “athlete’s foot.” This condition is often accompanied by burning sensations, itching, and maybe even a foul smell. If your foot is showing any of these symptoms, you may have come in contact with a fungus that causes athlete’s foot. This fungus lives in warm, wet environments, such as showers, and it loves to hide in your feet. Athlete’s foot is often found between the toes or even on the soles of your feet. When you visit your doctor or healthcare provider, they may refer to your condition as “tinea pedis,” which is the scientific name for athlete’s foot. The good thing about this disease is that it can be easily avoided with a few simple steps. • The best way to avoid the fungus is to keep your feet dry—this means your entire foot, even your toes and the area between them. • You should change your socks daily; avoid wearing the same pair for multiple days. • If socks get wet, promptly change them to prevent the feet from being in damp conditions for long periods of time. • Having multiple pairs of shoes can help to prevent athlete’s foot as well. Alternating between two pairs of work shoes, for instance, will allow adequate time for your shoes to dry and air out before wearing them again. • If your feet are particularly sweaty, or if you are very active, you can even change socks halfway through your day to help keep your feet dry and fungus-free. • You should also wear shower shoes or flip flops at public pools

Aside from wearing proper shoes, there are other foot care techniques that can help to maintain foot health. In fact, foot care can be as simple as washing your feet. Washing your feet regularly can prevent bacteria and fungus from causing longer-term problems for your feet. Be sure to get between your toes and to dry your feet thoroughly after washing. Soaking your feet is another great foot care option that can also double as a nice way to relax after a long day at work. Moisturizing your feet after washing can help to prevent dry skin and cracking, as well as Heel Fissures. · 33 · May 2016

and gym showers to prevent picking up the fungus. Sleeping barefoot with your feet out from under the covers can also help to keep them dry and less hospitable to fungus.

toothbrush. Continue daily treatments until the affected nail has grown out and been replaced by healthy nail. Don’t forget to continue the treatment for a few more weeks to prevent the toenail fungus from reappearing. Lavender oil also has anti-fungal properties. Try rubbing it on the affected toenails before bed. Be sure to continue the treatment for a few weeks after the fungal infection has appeared to clear up.

In case you do end up with that pesky fungus between your toes, there are some natural remedies to help get rid of it. Be sure to always dry your feet thoroughly after washing or after any of these treatments.

What Can I Do For Blisters?

• •

Tea tree oil can help to cure athlete’s foot. You can soak your feet with tea tree oil. After soaking and drying your feet, you can also rub tea tree oil directly on the area to help destroy the fungus and keep it from spreading. You can also soak your feet in a solution of salt, apple cider vinegar, and warm water. The high acidity of this solution kills the fungus. You can also spray your feet, shoes, and sandals with this solution to prevent the fungus from spreading. Try soaking your feet in water boiled with fresh ginger (once the water has cooled, of course!). Ginger has natural anti-fungal properties, and it smells nice! Sprinkle your toes with cornstarch or baking soda before putting on socks. This will help to absorb moisture and to keep your feet dry throughout the day.

If you are still unable to kick your athlete’s foot to the curb with these methods, you may consult with your doctor or pharmacist about some over-the-counter ointments or some prescription anti-fungal medicines. Are Your Toenails Unsightly? Another pesky foot fungus is toenail fungus, also known as “onychomycosis.” Toenail fungus is a common ailment, and it can really do a number on the appearance of your nails—the toenail itself will become discolored. You may experience inflammation, pain, or swelling in your toe, as well as the visible changes to the nail. Also, nails become yellow and very thick, yet so brittle that they crumble easily. Toenail fungus is very common, and it can take a very long time to completely get rid of it because your toenails grow so slowly. The best plan is to try to prevent toenail fungus from the start—keeping your feet clean is the first step. You should also avoid going barefoot in areas where fungus is common, such as damp locker rooms, gym showers, or even the beach or public pools. If you have a chronic illness, you may find that you are more susceptible to toenail fungus.

Blisters are another common foot ailment. In fact, they are one of the most common foot issues experienced today, and the problem comes from your shoes. If your shoes have the right fit, you won’t experience blisters. If you purchase a pair of shoes that rub your heel the wrong way, or even if there is an extra piece of fabric that irritates your foot, you may experience blisters. A blister is the body’s way of protecting your skin from injury, but that doesn’t make it any less painful. The blister itself acts as a cushion between your injury and the abrasive cause of the irritation. Essentially, a blister creates a layer of raised skin that has fluid in it. They can be painful and definitely make walking a challenge. It is critical to keep your blister intact— don’t pick at it or try to open it up, as this can expose the injury to infection. The best way to get rid of a blister is to use a needle that has been sterilized and to puncture the blister close to the bottom of the foot. Once the blister has drained, it is important to treat it with an antibiotic cream and to put a bandage over it. • You can also relieve blister pain by treating it with Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help reduce redness and swelling while also hydrating the skin to help it heal. • You can also find pain relief by soaking your feet in tea, which also has anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea would be best, but black tea also works, and both create a relaxing footbath. Written by Jorden Wiggins. Published by Real Time Pain Relief.

Toenail fungus can be tricky to treat because it is so long-term. You will need to continue treatment until the affected nail grows out completely and is replaced by a healthy nail. • •

Apple cider vinegar is a great natural anti-fungal. Just as with athlete’s foot, soak your feet in a solution of hot water, salt, and apple cider vinegar. Be sure to dry your feet thoroughly. Tea tree oil can also be used to treat toenail fungus. Clean your toenails and the surrounding areas with rubbing alcohol, and then apply tea tree oil to the nails. Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then gently scrub the nail with a soft brush, such as a clean · 34 · May 2016

Unleash the Fury!

Photos captured the exceptional stock provided at MRBA events. Below are bulls from Nevada Berger of Berger Bucking Bulls and Troy Meech of Meech Bucking Bulls. Pictures are from our Exclusive MBRA Photographer, Matt Sparlin of Buckin’ Hooves Photography. Be sure to check out his new website for all new 2016 season Photos! For information about the Midwest Bull Riders Association and the 2016 event lineup, contact us at 320-226-0947, visit our Facebook page, or visit our website. · 35 · May 2016

National Professional Bull Riders Association News On Friday, April 8, the National Professional Bull Riders sanctioned a bull riding event for the Galveston County Fair and Rodeo in Hitchcock, Texas. With 30 bull riders competing in the long round, it was Koal Livingston with a 84.5 ride followed by Ouncie Mitchell with a 83, Dane Doggett with 81, James Mack with 77.5, Tuff Morgan with 77 and Ezekiel Mitchell with 76 points going into the short round.

Koal Livingston - 1st Place Hitchcock NPBRent

Koal Livingston came out on top with a 90 point ride on M Bar M’s X20, Yellow Cat, giving him an average score of 174.5 with his short round bull. Koal took home the first place money along with a Monsoon Champion Trophy Buckle presented by Craig Miller from the NPBR. Following Koal in the payout line was Ouncie Mitchell, 2015 NPBR World Champion. Ouncie rode his short round bull, M Bar M’s 812, Young Guns, for 84 points giving him an average score of 167. Ouncie took home a custom made pair of spurs. Results: 1st – Koal Livingston, Burleson, TX 2nd – Ouncie Mitchell, Houston, TX 3rd – Dane Doggett, Springtown, TX 4th – James Mack, Houston, TX

Ouncie Mitchell - 2nd Place Hitchcock NPBR

The NPBR also sanctioned the South Texas Bull Fight Challenge in Hitchcock with three top bull fighters making their way to the payout window. And keeping it in the family, Kane Livingston, Koal’s younger brother, took 1st place. The ride back to Burleson, Texas was good for the Livingston boys, one winning the bull riding and the other winning the bull fight challenge!!! Results: 1st – Kane Livingston, Burleson, TX 2nd – Matt Clouse – Crowley, TX 3rd – Chase White – Ft. Worth, TX Next Event – June 23 in Bryan, Texas - $2000 Added Money Pictures are courtesy of Sabrina Kierce at

South Texas Bull Fight Challenge Winners - Hitchcock NPBR · 36 · May 2016

For more information, please visit


Date Location Time May 8 Denton Creek Farms 1 pm Decatur, TX May 22 Hubcap’s Bull Pen 1 pm Nocona, TX

RESULTS Circle B Bucking Bulls April 2, 2016 DERBY BULLS

Owner Bull 1. Robert Newton Defiance 2. Robbie Schroeder Big Dirty 3. Larry McFarlin Pokie Train 4. 01 Cattle Company Hustlin Kitty 5. McFarlin / Bennett Diamond Cat 6. Billy Hisner #713 7. Rafter R Genetics Guns & Oil 8. Big Guns / Scalco #193 Jessy Marales Psycho FUTURITY BULLS

Owner Bull 1. TBR Bucking Bulls Buffalo Scott 2. Eric King Buck Snort 3. Shawn Davis Crank It 4. Langley / Vanorsbal #414 5. Robert Newton Western Ways 6. Shawn Davis Wayward Son 7. Tomaski/Fowler Bulls El Chapo 8. Eric King Rehab 9. Hayden Wilson #411 10. McFarlin / O’Dell #024

Jun 19 Denton Creek Farms Decatur, TX

1 pm

Jul 3 Denton Creek Farms Decatur, TX Jul 23 Circle B Arena Weatherford, TX

1 pm

Aug 13 Circle B Arena Weatherford, TX Aug 28 Denton Creek Farms Decatur, TX


Sep 4 Hubcap’s Bull Pen Nocona, TX Sep 24 Circle B Arena Weatherford, TX

1 pm

Oct 2 Hubcap’s Bull Pen Nocona, TX Oct 16 Denton Creek Farms Decatur, TX

1 pm

Nov 20

1 pm

TBBA Finals Fort Worth, TX


1 pm


1 pm

TBBA Directors Cullen Calame Danny Mason Rodney Lidgard Jody Mataska Dewey Brashear Lee McLaughlin Barry Neely

940-393-3730 940-445-0379 940-391-0153 940-636-1691 817-692-3858 817-233-5909 940-210-2171

Denton Creek Farms -M- Arena Hubcap’s Bull Pen South of the Red Arena Circle B Arena LMC Bulls Neely Rodeo Cattle · 37 · May 2016

m E ‘ k c u B s ’ t Le 2016

2016 Spring Spectacular The 12th Annual UBBI Spring Spectacular returned to Locust Grove, Oklahoma for it’s 2016 edition and it proved once again to be a “spectacular” event! Jerry Rush, the owner of the Sycamore Springs Ranch Arena joined forces with Aaron McWhorter and Grapevine Kawasaki~Polaris to offer a unique prize package this year, giving away a new Polaris Ranger. After checkin was complete on Friday afternoon the activities started inside the Sycamore Springs Ranch Mule Barn with food, fellowship and fun! “I must say that people really enjoyed themselves at this year’s event and that is a very gratifying feeling,” stated Randy Schmutz, general manager of the UBBI. “We had a really good crowd at the Breeders Social and I wanna say a BIG thank you to Jerry Rush, Tim Fuller and the staff of Sycamore Springs Ranch for their hospitality in support of our activities on Friday afternoon!” The weekend’s competition began with the Derby on Friday night with 36 three year old bulls. The Derby paid 7 places and found D&H Cattle/Barthold splitting the win with Tom Peterson & Peggy VanCleve. Their bulls #60-3 Inferno and #773 Top Spot both scored

Bull #773 Top Spot from Tom Peterson & Peggy VanCleve splitting the win in the Derby. Photo by Gautruau

D&H/Barthold’s bull #60-3 Inferno splitting the Derby Win. Photo by Gautreau. 89.25 points to split $2314 each. The McCoy Ranch bulls had a lot of success on Friday, with Cord McCoy/K-C Bucking Bulls placing 3rd with #387 Call the Law, Denny McCoy’s bull #302 Opus placed 5th and Cord McCoy/Kevin Graber’s bull #307 Ice Breaker placing just out of the money. Bull #20A High Test from D&H Cattle Company placed 4th with a score of 88.25 points. Sixth was bull #310 Power Plant from Tom Peterson & Peggy VanCleve and in 7th place was bull #193 from Sellers Bucking Bulls. The Derby & Classic bulls were all bucked on Friday night and the Rank Bull Rider Tour attracted 44 bull riders. With 58 total Derby & Classic bulls, there was a 44 man long round and 14 man championship round. The Derby & Classic bulls were scored separately, but there was no denying the Classic bulls had their own bit of charisma. The Classic bulls are bigger, stronger, smarter and more experienced and it shows. There were 22 four year olds competing for top honors and the event paid 4 places. Bull #81Z Shot Gun from D&H Cattle Co/Milton Smith had an 89.25 point · 38 · May 2016

Bull 81Z Shot Gun from D&H Cattle/Milton Smith winning the Classic. Photo by Gautreau.

from the last bull to perform and posted a score of 89.25 points to win the open event and $4257. Bull #411 Pat’s Pride from Stormy Foster/Terry Williams continued his winning ways to place 2nd with a score of 89 points. In third place was bull #263 from Mike Sellers posting a score of 88.75 points and finishing in 4th place was bull #81B Olaf from D&H Cattle Company scoring 88.5 points. Other members placing in the top 10 were Tom Peterson & Peggy VanCleve; James Hogue/Chase Foutch; BS Cattle Co/Jack & Dot Verbois; Bland Bucking Bulls and D&H Cattle. With 86 entries the event paid 17 places.

outing to win the event and $2530 and a Tres Rios Silver buckle! High View Cattle Company’s bull #212 Locke & Loaded produced an 88.75 score for second place finish. Bull #210 Chao’s Ghost from 3J Bucking Bulls finished 3rd with 87.75 points and finishing 4th was Ray Cattle Company’s bull #274 Blood Brother. The Futurity was packed with lots of excitement, including the opportunity to win a brand new Polaris Ranger UTV from Grapevine Kawasaki~Polaris and Sycamore Springs Ranch. This year’s Spring Spectacular also included the UBBI’s first United Futurity League (UFL) team competition of the 2016 season. There were 99 two year olds participating at the Spring Spectacular with 86 bulls entered into the UBBI’S Open Futurity. Of the 60 UFL Team bulls, 47 also participated in the open futurity event. “The UFL Team events are always very exciting,” shared Randy Schmutz. “This unique team concept gives members a chance to team 3 bulls together and their accumulative scores win. The top 6 of 20 teams earn money with first place winning $15,000!” It wasn’t until late in the futurity that we saw an 87 plus points bull. In fact, bull#450B Striker from Halpain/Thompson was the fourth

The “new” Silver Select payout is now being used in all regular season UBBI Futurity events. Adding $50 to the futurity entry fee with 86 entries created a $4300 Silver Select payout (paid back 100%). After the Top 17 bulls were paid, the next 13 placing bulls earned their share of the $4300 Silver Select purse. The first 4 places in the Silver Select were tied with a score of 86.25 points. Bull #481B from D&H Cattle Co; bull #53B Not My Child from BS Cattle Co/Bob & Jeri Adams; bull #830 GDY 830 from Scott Cattle Co/Guidry Land & Cattle and bull #77B Medicine Man from Rockin R Bucking Bulls all earned $537. At the conclusion of the Futurity and with a tie for 10th and 11th place, the Top 11 Futurity winners were placed into a drawing to win the Polaris Ranger. Each of the Top 11 drew for a position. Once positions were determined each winner randomly drew for a key to start the Polaris Ranger. HD Page & D&H Cattle Company placed with 3 bulls in the Top 11 and had 3 opportunities to win the UTV. HD Page drew the 3rd and 4th place position and on HD’s 1st attempt the UTV did not crank. But on his second attempt with the 4th place key the Polaris Ranger roared to life and HD Page took home the new machine valued at over $11,000. Thanks once again to Aaron McWhorter, owner of Grapevine Kawasaki~Polaris and Jerry Rush with Sycamore Springs Ranch for sponsoring this tremendous award! For the past 11 years the Spring Spectacular has treated everyone who comes and competes like royalty, and this year was no exception. Every member entering a bull received a UBBI Spring Spectacular ball cap and the Top 5 in each event also received a custom award vest. And everyone is already talking about the 13th Annual Spring Spectacular in 2017!

Bull #450B Striker from Halpain/Thompson winning the Open Futurity. Photo by Gautreau · 39 · May 2016






AVERAGE NO QUALIFIED RIDES ON 2 HEAD. $1,500 CARRIES OVER TO MAY 14 FREDONIA BULL SALE. Photos courtesy of Casey Martin Photography · 40 · May 2016 · 41 · May 2016


^-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice



Added $ Open


Call In#


WEEKLY EVENTS Fri / Sat Fri / Sat Fri / Sat Fri / Sat

Wichita, KS $500 Oklahoma City, OK $500 night Fort Worth, TX Fort Worth, TX

Mon Wed Thur Thur

6-10pm 9pm 6-10pm 6-10pm

316-204-2624 Club Rodeo 405-309-7724 Cowboys OKC 254-371-7343 Stockyards Champ Rodeo 254-371-7343 Billy Bob’s Texas


May 6-7 Uvalde, TX PBR BlueDef Tour May 7 Pauls Valley, OK $2,500 5/4 8pm 405-306-9185 Thunder in the Valley May 13-15 Las Vegas, NV HELLDORADO DAYS / LAST COWBOY STANDING PBR BFTS May 14 San Antonio, TX PBR Touring Pro May 14 Fredonia, PA thru 5/11 717-334-7724 Rodeo Stock Sale May 20-21 Ocala, FL PBR Touring Pro May 21 Ash Flat, AR $1,500 5/16 7pm 417-293-8899 BOA May 21 Nocona, TX $1,000 5/16 580-276-7151 12th Annual Nocona Bullfest May 28 Atwood, IL $1,000 5/16 6pm 217-649-0551 NFPB


Jun 4 Decatur, TX PBR BlueDef Tour Jun 4 Crownsville, MD Bullride Mania BRM Jun 4 Vinita, OK PBR Touring Pro Jun 4 Newman Grove, NE $2,000 5/30 6pm 712-374-6053 Dbl S / BOA Jun 10 Decorah, IA $2,500 5/30 6pm 712-374-6053 Dbl S / BOA Jun 10-11 Deadwood, SD PBR Touring Pro Jun 10-11 Lima, OH PBR Touring Pro Jun 11 Hico, TX PBR Touring Pro Jun 17 Motley, MN $2,500 6/6 6-9pm 320-226-0949 MBRA/NFPB/MEECH/ Jun 17 Elko, NV $5,000 5/13-6/10 559-352-1196 High Desert Bull Bash · 42 · May 2016


^-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice



Added $ Open


Call In#


Jun 17-18 Bismarck, ND PBR BlueDef Tour Jun 18 Long Prairie, MN MBRA Jun 18 Atoka, OK $10,000 6/6 7pm 580-239-1745 Lane Frost Memorial Open BR Jun 19 Atoka, OK $2,000 6/7 7pm 580-239-1745 Lane Frost Mem. BR (15-18yrs) Jun 22 Williston, ND PBR Touring Pro Jun 23 Bryan, TX $2,000 NPBR Jun 24 Wadena, MN $2,000 6/13 6-8pm 501-318-7758 text NFPB Jun 24 Sullivan, MO $1,000 6/13 6pm 573-823-2569 NFPB Jun 24-25 Sidney, MT PBR Touring Pro Jun 25 Binford, ND PBR Touring Pro Jun 25 Ridgedale, MO $3,000 6/13 6pm/8pm 417-924-3591 NFPB Jun 25 Shartlesville, PA Bullride Mania BRM Jun 25 San Antonio, TX PBR Touring Pro Jun 30 St. Paul, OR PBR Touring Pro


Jul 2 Jul 3 Jul 4 Jul 7 Jul 8-9 Jul 9 Jul 14 Jul 15 Jul 16 Jul 16

Hutchinson, MN MBRA Bagley, WI $4,000 6/27 6pm 608-734-3469 CC Bucking Bulls/BOA/NFPB Osage, IA $2,000 6/20 6pm 712-374-6053 Dbl S / BOA St. Charles, MN MBRA Gallup, NM $8,000 6/23 9am-12:30pm 505-863-5402 Wild Thing Championship BR Edgerton, MN MBRA Waseca, MN MBRA Long Prairie, MN MBRA Decorah, IA $3,000 7/11 6pm 608-734-3469 CC Bucking Bulls/BOA/NFPB Benson, MN MBRA · 43 · May 2016


Practice Pens


CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010

NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169

SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741

BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923 CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557

EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630

ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737

LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779

LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059

MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692

MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-7516643

SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025

FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445 ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-8460788 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-8466828/3354 ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625


EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313

PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730 NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501944-1907

Livestock Layovers BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923 RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551

KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy

MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952

JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280

LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493

JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597

SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880 · 44 · May 2016

HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706

CLASSIFIEDS Livestock Layovers FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168 CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877 BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530 SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741 BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426 BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346 CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189 DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692 MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730 SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799 CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806



GARY LEFFEW BULL RIDING SCHOOL Free bull riding tips on Facebook at Gary Leffew Bullriders Only. 13 World Champions and counting! Learn the guru’s winning techniques: Bull riding drills and mental tricks for a smokin’ hot career! FMI and to register for school, visit * 2016 School Schedule *

WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply [email protected] 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !! RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPES - From $400, 1-580-225-3208,, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, Be Blessed.

April 29, 30 & May 1 ~ Grantville, PA May 27, 28 & 29th ~ Dry Fork, AR June 3, 4 & 5 ~ LeSeur, MN June 10, 11 & 12 ~ Palmer Alaska June 17, 18 & 19 ~ Malibu Ranch, Milford, PA

Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen? List it for FREE in the Classifieds. Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855) For More Information on listing your facilities

PROFESSIONAL QUALITY BULLROPES Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611 · 45 · May 2016

Dance at the Cowboy Bar

Limited to 25 riders Entry fee $130


Entries open May 13-June 10

5000 added - Buckles to Champion Rider & Bull 1000 Bounty Bull


Call Dougy Ferrare 559-352-1196

A High Desert Equine Events Production Linda Bunch 775-934-7404 [email protected]


Bulls provided by: Jerry Brown Bucking Bulls – Fresno, CA Julio Moreno Bucking Bulls – Oakdale, CA JJJ Bucking Bulls – Washoe Valley, NV



A portion of the proceeds will be donated to local non-profit groups.