May Newsletter

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May 2017

Something Precious All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching,for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16

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Mom Mother’s Day is only a couple weeks away. The picture of my mother posted with this article was taken when she had Alzheimer’s. During the last two years of her life she didn’t know me. However, she never lost her sense of gratitude and always told everybody who visited her that she loved them. She once told my oldest sister, now in heaven, “If you want to be a sweet old lady, you need to be a sweet little girl.” Sweetness definitely described my mom. I have many wonderful memories of her but one of the most special memories is…. Read More.....

Replacing What Was Lost

August of 2008. In a country where persecution is still common today, hundreds lost their lives, churches were destroyed, and homes of believers were demolished and burned leaving 70,000 homeless. I was there soon after the purge and saw the destruction with my own eyes. Recently, Meridian was able to replace something that many of these people lost. It was something we often take for granted, something I would not want to be without….Read more...

May Prayer Calendar