new vs. returning visitors

According to the 2011 Social Media Effectiveness Study, the majority of churches surveyed did not (1) track engagement data, (2) identify or research ...

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WHAT GETS MEASURED GETS MANAGED. According to the 2011 Social Media Effectiveness Study, the majority of churches surveyed did not (1) track engagement data, (2) identify or research their potential online audience, or (3) set up free website analytics systems like Google Analytics. In fact, most churches simply ignored powerful online data points. We believe churches are overlooking these data points at their own peril. Online measurements can be tracked, evaluated, understood, acted upon to help churches create a website which attracts, engages, and develops their community. This ebook will show the top five metrics churches should be tracking and evaluating to produce a more effective website.


HOW TO USE THIS EBOOK Each page will show

IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES you’ll find website statistics every church should be tracking and evaluating. We have based these findings after evaluating dozens of church website analytics. These measurements, if tracked faithfully, and executed on appropriately, will help broaden your church’s reach, deepen the engagement of your church members, and disciple the church community with your website. We’ve also chosen to focus on statistics provided by Google Analytics (GA). The service is extremely powerful and provides enterprise-level analytics for free. Sign-up at Meanwhile, follow the circles and arrows. They’ll serve as your faithful guides.

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STAT #1: TOTAL TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC This is a bare-bones, objective look at how many people are visiting your site. The two main stats you’ll want to pay attention to are VISITS and UNIQUE VISITORS. The first tells you how many total visits have been made to your website over a specified amount of time (GA defaults to the past 30 days). The second shows you how many individual “people” (measured through IP addresses) are accessing your site. (Pageviews shows how many pages have been accessed on your site.) If a UNIQUE VISITOR accesses your site five times in one day, it will count as five VISITS but only one UNIQUE VISIT. Use these statistics to determine if you are effective at attracting people to your online community. Play around with

the graph!


STAT #2: NEW VS. RETURNING VISITORS NEW VS. RETURNING VISITORS Digging in a little deeper, we can use the NEW VS. RETURNING VISITORS metric to further determine the engagement level of users. If you have a high RETURNING VISITOR volume but low NEW VISITOR count, people already within your community are engaged with your site but many may not be aware of it. Conversely (low RETURNING, high NEW), you may be effective at publicizing your site and attracting new users, but it may not be engaging to the people within the community. A healthy NEW VISITOR average is 45%. A healthy RETURNING VISITOR average is 55%. Use these statistics to determine if you are effective at attracting and engaging people with your online community. This site is high

ly focused on

resourcing the c ongregation. Sam e stat, visualized differently!



Top trafficked p


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TOP TRAFFICKED CONTENT Is high priority content getting traffic or is it buried with low priority content? Your top trafficked content will give you valuable insight on how your visitors are interacting with high priority areas of your site. This data is helpful at showing what content users are actually seeking out. Ensure these items are easy to find. Use these statistics to determine if you are providing easy access to the most important content on your site. TWEET THIS BOOK!


patterns Watch for drop-off ! to show bottlenecks VISITOR FLOW How are users progressing through your site? Do you have any “bottlenecks” where people are getting stuck? The above chart shows mobile usage visitor flow of a large church website in Southern California. Knowing when, how, and why users stop progressing through the site is crucial for creating a more effective website. Plus, GA allows you to customize this data set to feature any statistic imaginable. Use these statistics to highlight areas of your website which may need retooling. TWEET THIS BOOK!

STAT #5: CALL-TO-ACTION CONVERSION RATE CALL-TO-ACTION CONVERSION RATE Your website is meaningless if it isn't getting ministry results. Tracking the success of critical pages or paths will help you get an idea of how your content is performing and what revisions need to be made to improve effectiveness. Tracking goals helps you understand at a granular level how users get to a specific page and whether or not they convert (e.g. sign-up to volunteer, join a class, donate online, etc.). Use these statistics to determine if you are accomplishing ministry goals with your website. This site is high

ly focused on

resourcing the c ongregation. Sam e stat, visualized differently!


MINISTRY PROCESS DESIGN AFTER WORKING WITH MONKDEV Eagle Brook re-thought their multisite strategy.  The Village is investing in their mobile website design. Mariners redesigned their whole website . Learn more about our strategy sessions.