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Spirit @ SCC Newsletter Vol. 59

No. 1

January 17, 2017

Annual Giving Statements 2016 Annual Giving Statements will be available to be picked up in the Hall of Light, beginning Thursday, January 19 and Sunday, January 22 and also during the week in the church office. Thank you for your continued support of Speedway Christian Church.

Mental Illness, Family, and Church Join us January 22 as we welcome to our pulpit Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund, Vice President for Seminary Advancement, Christian Theological Seminary and author of Blessed Are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness, Family, and Church. Sarah will preach in both services that morning, bringing a message on “Walking in Darkness, Walking in Light.” She will also share at 9:15 in Fellowship Hall with a Faith Forum on breaking the silence about mental illness in family and in church to offer healing and hope. Copies of her book will be available for $15.00 - checks payable to CTS Bookstore.

Coffee & Donuts on Elder Sunday

On February 5th the Hospitality and Evangelism Committee will host coffee and donut hour in between services at 9:15 a.m. This will look mostly like the hour you all came to love. We also ask that you consider making this a Sunday to invite a friend to come and join you for this unique service lead by the Elders of our church.

Souper Bowl Of Caring—February 5 Whatever the outcome of Super Bowl #51, YOU can be a player in the Souper Bowl of Caring when it happens right here Sunday, February 5. Youth will be at the door following each worship service with soup pots. They invite you to drop a dollar or more into the pot as you leave worship. Proceeds go to feed the hungry locally and around the world.

The E.D.G.E. (Elders Delivering God’s Encouragement)

Finding the Good in the Bad Many people were happy to see 2016 go. From the messy election to the lost icons, it seems to have been a year that was filled with sadness, fear, and uncertainty. How will we ever go on without Prince and Princess Leia? When bad happens around us, we want to point blame at someone or something, even a year on the calendar. January is typically a month in which people decide to turn over a new leaf, develop a fitness plan, go on a diet, change a lifestyle, etc. But, changing our thinking can help us more than any fad or quick fix can. In my own time of self-reflection this month, I think about the cuts, scars, and scuffs that really hurt my family and others this year….and then I realized that those blemishes later were buffed into something wonderful. A financial hardship, a broken relationship, an attack on the character of someone you love, a family member’s health--all situations that later made us better for it. I love that God ALWAYS has a plan. It is NEVER the easy path, the “make sense” path, or the path we would have picked our ourselves. But, it is the divine path, crafted for us by our Father who knows every single detail of every single situation and knows exactly what we need to strengthen our character and further develop our faith in him. He knows what we need, and he knows when we need it. That is why I have always found comfort in my favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11. “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” So when things aren’t going well in 2017, change your thinking! Instead of wallowing in self-pity, complaining about the turn of events, or trying to figure out what went awry, place your trouble (and even your blame--he can take it!) in God’s hands, pray for the peace that passes all understanding….and know he is crafting a perfect plan for you in that very moment! ~ Angie Smith, Elder

Please keep in Prayer Don Katterhenry David Anderson (Eric Anderson’s father) Leigh Morris (Christy Morris’ father-in-law) Meredith Morris (Christy Morris’ sister-in-law)

Thinking Out Loud… On the interstate listening to NPR, I heard a Hubble scientist say, “The universe is not only stranger than we think, it’s stranger than we can think.” ~Barbara Crooker O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! ~Psalm 8:9

Our Sympathy is extended to Daren Huber and family upon the death of Daren’s mother, Carolyn S. Huber, who passed away on December 28, 2016.

Sympathy is extended to Jack & Mary Wilkerson and Tim & Kim Chaplin and family upon the death of mother & grandmother, Virginia Betts. Virginia passed away on Friday, January 6, 2017 at the age of 102 years,

~~~ Congratulations to Bill Harting & Sabrina Straub-Harting and family upon the birth of their daughter, Ceridwen Elzora Ardelle Harting on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. Proud family, big sister Bella, grandparents Bill & Joyce Harting, the Salima family, David, Ann, Alex, Matt & Ben, and the Straub family, Stefanie, Sabrina, Layla & Georgia.

I’ve quoted her words before, but they are no less true. Anne Lamott says that if we want to make God laugh, tell God our plans. In 2016, we might have made plans. This is appropriate. We all need to set goals and strive to meet them. But if there is one thing that we are taught every year, it is that our plans often get sidetracked. We just don’t know what will hit us. An adaptation of Robert Burns’ words go this way: “The best-laid plans of mice and people often go awry. No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it.” I’m sure that there were a lot of things that came our way in 2016, both good and not so good, that we could never have predicted. We can make plans for 2017, but as is true every year, there will be things happen to us that we couldn’t have possibly predicted. As I’ve heard it said, we may think that we are in control of our lives, but all we really have is the illusion of control. But the words above by Barbara Crooker and Psalm 8 remind us that we follow the voice of a big God. We can’t wrap our minds around God, but this is good because it means that God is bigger than anything that might hit us in 2017. As I indicated in my most recent sermon, this can give us the courage to face the difficult things that will inevitably come our way. This also means that in large measure, we can enjoy 2017. In the midst of the roller coaster of life, God rides with us giving us hope and joy and peace. Enjoy the ride! Scott

CWF Needing Your Help During January, CWF (Christian Women's Fellowship) is collecting dry pasta for Second Helpings. Second Helpings rescues leftover food and perishables from restaurants and retailers to create 4,000 hot meals daily. The meals are distributed to 80 social agencies that feed those in need. If you would like to help, please place your donations in the bin marked CWF Pasta Drive. Your help is appreciated. ~Teresa Gorrell

We Need you! Are you looking for a low key way to become more involved at church? Please consider joining the Hospitality & Evangelism Committee. We are seeking those who are willing to attend our meetings, share ideas and help plan events for our church. We need people to help make our events happen, and who like having fun! For more details, call Hannah McDonald 317-418-0084.

Craft Bazaar In 2015, Speedway Christian Church held a craft bazaar. Due to the many talents of our congregation, and member support, it was a huge success! Therefore, we feel it would be a missed opportunity to not have another. We want to let you know now so that you have plenty of time to prepare your items. The bazaar, will be held on Saturday November 4, 2017. We need your talent and support for this event to succeed. If you have any questions please get in touch with Lisa Mosier, Kelly Ward or Hannah McDonald.

We had a very fine Youth Ski Trip over the MLK weekend with 31 youth and 9 adults on the trip. It was good ski conditions, a great bunch of young people, and solid leadership by older youth. Huge thanks to the adult team of Angela Chaplin, Matt Golden, Susie Golden-Bishop, Mindy Lewis Hitch, David Salima, Mike Simonson, Greg Thompson, who joined Randy and a regular sponsor, Bob Oeth, on the adventure. Big thanks also to several families who donated funds, to the Penrod and Chili Cook-Off fundraisers, the Dehner funds, and youth budget funds, which allowed us to again rent a full-size coach, providing greater safety and fun as well as less stress on the trip. Looking Ahead:  January 22 & 29 – Regular Sunday evening youth group 5:45–7:30 p.m. 

February 5 – Souper Bowl of Caring (no evening meetings)

February 12 & 19 – Chi Rho & CYF - 5:45-7:30 pm

During a conversation with Bob McColgin regarding the church tower bell, Bob related the following conversation that he had had with his father on Christmas Eve (prior to our Christmas Eve worship services). Following is a reprint of an Bob’s email sent Christmas Eve @ 11:30 p.m. to his family Merry Christmas to all my family. I have been a trustee at church, and this past year, I was the Senior Trustee. I was bugged by the fact that the big tower bell at church did not work and hadn’t worked for six months. I made it my goal to try to get it to work by Christmas Eve, and the roofing company said they would look at it. I missed a family Christmas party December 23 because I was at church with the company replacing a solenoid up in the bell tower. After five hours and two different tries, we locked the church up and said Merry Christmas to each other and went home without a sound from the bell. I was dejected and bummed out. Tonight, I went to Christmas Eve services and got there early for the 9:00 service. I promptly walked into the church and went over and pushed the button to electronically ring the bell. TO MY UTTER AMAZEMENT, IT RANG, and by the end of the service, all of Speedway knew that the bell had been fixed. How it was fixed, I do not know. —————————

Organ Update We have ordered our first choice in organs from Johannus Organs, the American Classic. Our campaign was successful and we will use about $8,000 of memorial funds as approved by the Board to reach full payment. This month, the representative from Johannus Organs will be testing and examining our organ pipes studying which pipes can most easily be hooked up to the digital system when the new organ arrives. We hope to have the new organ by Easter but shipping and customs from Europe may affect our timeline. We will keep you up to date. On a personal note, I want to thank all who served on the organ committee. I also want to thank all of the congregation for the time each of you spent listening to our requests, and letting us know how important the music program is to our worship experience. I want to thank all of you for your gifts and prayers. I am very grateful and amazed at what you, the congregation, accomplished. Harmoniously, Bob McColgin


For those of you who remember Paul Harvey, let me tell the rest of the story. During the afternoon on Christmas Eve, my wife (Alice) and I went to Hoosier Village to visit my 98 year old dad. On the phone ahead of time, my dad had asked why we were coming , and I explained that because we wouldn’t see him on Christmas day, we wanted to share Christmas Eve with him. Dad is hard of hearing so our conversations are typically very limited. We visited and talked a few minutes and then he looked straight at me and said “Push the Button”. I asked what button and he said “The bell button, push it”. Then he smiled. So, like the loyal son that I am, I listened to my dad and did what he said as soon as I got to church on Christmas Eve. Sometimes we need to celebrate the good things the Lord does for us, even if we don’t understand or comprehend. I don’t understand how the bell rang, and I don’t comprehend why my dad made the comment out of the blue. I guess I don’t need to understand or comprehend. I just need to accept the miracle of Christmas. Thank you for letting me share my amazing day. Hallelujah! ~ Bob McColgin

December 2016 Receipts ............................ .. $ 40,604.64 December 2016 Expenses ........................... .. $ 38,612.55 Offering December 25, 2016 January 1, 2017 January 8, 2017

$ 14,567.56 $ 4,885.50 $ 8,548.00

Attendance 106 87 203

January Home-Bound Birthdays Jan 7 Jan 9 Jan 14 Jan 23

Doreen Harper Betty Dunaway Lee Tomlinson Ray Norris

Speedway Christian Church 5110 West 14th Street Speedway, Indiana 46224

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Periodicals Postage Paid at Indianapolis, IN

Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:15 a.m. Worship Service

8:15 a.m. Worship Service Service Leaders: Denny Smith, Jane Smith Worship Leader: Melanie Heaviland Elder: Richy Condre

Service Leaders: Denny Smith, Jane Smith Worship Leader: David Shank Elder: Angie Smith

10:15 a.m. Worship Service

10:15 a.m. Worship Service

Communion Preparation & Clean Up: Rebekah Circle Service Leader: Barb Vance Worship Leader: Melanie Heaviland Elders: Melanie Heaviland (Bread), Joy Rose (Cup) Deacons & Greeters: Serving Communion: Dick Schrock, Chuck Henzie, Jolene Layne, Bill Layne, Dottie Phillips, Jerry Oliver

Communion Preparation & Clean Up: Rebekah Circle Service Leader: Teresa Gorrell Worship Leader: David Shank Elders: Georgia Stackhouse (Bread), Jerry Walthall (Cup) Deacons & Greeters: Serving Communion: Dick Schrock, Donna Pingleton, Fred Hoerger, Roger Pingleton, Dottie Phillips, Sara Golay ~~~


Sound Tech: Joe Edmiston

Sound Tech: Jeff Hammer ~~~

Thursday, January 26, 2017 Worship Leader: David Shank Elder:

Always pray to have Eyes that see the best in people a Heart that forgives the worst

a Mind that forgets the worst

and a Soul that Never loses faith in God.

Church - Emergency on Call Contact Friday, January 20 — Sunday, January 22 Randy Kuss 317-201-7095 Friday, January 27 — Sunday January 29 Scott Cox 502-316-3085


Thursday, February 2, 2017 Worship Leader: Elders Elder: Richy Condre

2017 Church Calendar Please make sure the church office is notified of the dates and times for your event, meeting, etc. This will ensure that the office has an updated church calendar for the year. We need to hear from all groups (old and new) confirming dates and times. Please contact Jennifer at [email protected] or Wilma at [email protected] or call the church office at 317-244-7656. Spirit @ SCC (USPS 510-220) Speedway Christian Church 5110 W. Fourteenth Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46224 (317) 244-7656 – FAX (317) 244-7660 Bi-Weekly Publication January-December Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana Postmaster: Send address changes to Spirit @ SCC, 5110 W. Fourteenth Street, Indianapolis, IN 46224