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IN THIS ISSUE 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8-9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 16

Chairman’s message Chamber board and staff Annual Business Breakfast FCADC awarded Program of the Year October Lunch & Learns 11/30 Network surpasses 100 members Small Business of the Year Oktoberfest Murals color downtown Enjoy the flavors of fall at AppleFest Small Business Saturday preview Around town with the Chamber Committee Corner PA Chamber update Sip & Savor the Roaring Twenties Members in the News Giving back Member spotlights Welcome new members Milestone anniversaries Leadership Franklin County update Early Childhood Education Summit October Chamber Mixer Heritage Center hours to change October calendar of events



Seeking Business Person of the Year nominations The Chamber is actively seeking nominations for the 2015 Business Person of the Year. The recipient will be named at the Annual Business Breakfast on Thursday, December 10 at Wilson College’s Laird Hall. If you know someone who has proven professional leadership, displays excellence in the field, has driven business growth and is active in the community, consider nominating them for the 2015 Business Person of the Year. Criteria for this award include: • The individual selected shall be someone who has started, developed, expanded or effectively managed a business in the Chambersburg area for a minimum of five years. • Evaluation for the award will cover the most recent 10-year period. • The business must be a current member of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce and must have been a member for at least one calendar year. • The individual will be evaluated for business, civic and/or volunteer work and accomplishments. • The individual selected shall be someone who has contributed to the economic growth and development of the Chambersburg area. Contribution and involvement in the growth and development of human, natural or financial resources of the community should be considered. • The individual should be a recognized leader in the community. To nominate someone, contact Amy Fisher, communications director, for the nomination form at [email protected] or 717-264-7101 ext. 204. Nominations must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, November 6. View a list of previous winners and read more about the breakfast on page 3.



EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCTION SUMMIT 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The Orchards

B2B Digital Expo free to attend Learn strategies to increase your digital outreach at the B2B Digital Expo on Thursday, October 8 from 1 to 6 p.m. at Green Grove Gardens. The Expo is designed to promote business-to-business relationships through vendors while providing professional development opportunities with a variety of seminars.


Throughout the day on November 28 featuring giveaways, Buy Local Bingo, a hot beverage bar, music and more!

The seminars to be featured at the expo include: • IT Security for Business by GDC IT Solutions • Mobile Marketing by MediaOnePA/Gannett Company • Safety, Security & Profit Loss Prevention by ACNB Bank • Secrets of Facebook Advertising by Cross & Crown • Video Marketing by ProArts Media • Website Design Strategies by Cross & Crown

Visit for details about these events and more. October events are listed on the back of the newsletter.

The expo and seminars are free to attend. For more information, contact Doug Harmon at [email protected] or 717-264-7101 ext. 202 or visit

See page 15 for details.



Presenting Sponsor

Gold Sponsors 25 Penn Marketing Cross & Crown The Franklin Shopper Kegerreis Outdoor Advertising


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Eric Foreman, Susquehanna Bank - Chair Suzanne Miller-Trinh, Zullinger-Davis-Trinh Law Firm - Past Chair Troy Garman, RE/MAX Realty Agency Chair-elect Noel Purdy - Chamber President Lance Kegerreis, Dennis E. Black Engineering, Inc. - CADC Vice President Michelle Paulnock, ACNB Bank Foundation President Jim Zimmerman, Valley Quarries Inc. Treasurer Sherri H. Stahl, Summit Health - Secretary Derrick Donnell, PA CareerLink Blake Truman, VerStandig Broadcasting Terry Guberman, Comfort Keepers Brian Speer, Wilson College Rod Hocker, Johnnie’s Restaurant & Hotel Service Carlos Perez, Chambersburg Wireless Melanie Furlong, SpiriTrust Lutheran Home Care & Hospice Alice Hawbaker, LCSi Lehman Construction Services, Inc. Luke Martin, Smith Elliott Kearns & Co., LLC Kim Crider, Kim Crider/Take Shape for Life Mark Story, Habitat for Humanity of Franklin County Chris Patterson, Manitowoc Cranes Jeff Truhan, The Shook Home Mark Durniak, Fuddruckers Brad Evans, Bartlett Tree Expert Company

CHAMBER STAFF Noel Purdy - President [email protected] David G. Sciamanna - Vice President [email protected] Amy Fisher - Communications Director [email protected] Doug Harmon - Membership Director [email protected] Maryliz Toohig - Financial Director [email protected] Robin Harmon - Executive Director of the Chamber Foundation [email protected] Angie Schaeffer - Exec. Assistant/Office Manager [email protected] Lark Plessinger - Marketing Assistant [email protected] Kimberly Clapper - Special Events Coordinator/Admin. Assistant [email protected] Stacy Guyer - Accounting Assistant, [email protected] Sue Black - Customer Service Specialist [email protected]


Building a strong workforce takes an army A skillful workforce is the cornerstone of any industry. A growing problem in many industries locally and nationally is the inability to not only fill available job openings, but to fill these vacancies with employees who hold the proper skill sets. In many cases, employers can’t afford the time or infrastructure to train these potential candidates to acquire the necessary skills. In other cases, job seekers may desire a particular wage or don’t have the experience and basic skills employers need. The education sector understands this problem, but requires the business community’s input and involvement to make the largest impact on a community. This issue of developing a strong workforce takes a community-wide effort, and the Chamber has been working tirelessly to help develop programs to make a difference in the Chambersburg area. In a collaborative effort with the Chamber, Franklin County Area Development Corp. and the United Way of Franklin County, the United Way launched the Stepping Forward Works program in 2014. The program is a six-week class designed to help job seekers with barriers to employment obtain the necessary skill sets to become gainfully employed in various industries. Since spring of 2014, the United Way has held four Stepping Forward Works classes, graduating 41 people through the program. Today, 36 of these graduates are gainfully employed. In February 2015, the Chamber hosted a Community Education Coalition of Franklin County seminar where over 60 industry, community and education leaders spent time understanding the roles of education, industry, government and community as it relates to workforce development. As a result of the meeting’s discussions, the Chamber organized a framework for the Community Education Coalition by forming three sub-coalitions within the group. The Employability Coalition focuses on education from third grade and up concentrating on career development, understanding possible barriers to employment and development of prioritized training programs. The Early Childhood Education Coalition is centered on shaping and refining pre-k programing to assist in early childhood development. The third coalition focuses on overall well-being. Without resources such as physical health, emotional health, a support system, or a safe place to live, workers will not have the ability to make their gainful employment a priority. The Well-Being Coalition focuses on factors such as these. By industry, educators and the overall community working together within Franklin County in a strategic manner to develop necessary programs that meet the growing demands of our local workforce, we hope to minimize the ever-growing skills gap we are facing today. This effort requires “all hands on deck” - and that’s where you can help. For more information about how you can get involved with our county-wide workforce development initiatives and the Community Education Coalition, please contact Noel Purdy or Robin Harmon at the Chamber at 717-264-7101. Eric Foreman Vice President and Commercial Relationship Manager, Susquehanna Bank Chair, Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce board of directors


Business Breakfast on Dec. 10 Please join the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce for the Annual Business Breakfast - a celebration of 2015 and the future that lies ahead. The event will be held on Thursday, December 10 at Wilson College’s Laird Hall.

The breakfast features highlights of the Chamber’s accomplishments from the past year, a keynote presentation from a guest speaker and an overview of the Chamber’s key initiatives and developmental plans for the coming year. The 2015 Business Person of the Year will also be recognized (for nomination information see the article on page 1). The breakfast will begin at 7 a.m. and costs $20 for members or $25 for non-members. The event has been sold out the last few years, so breakfast guests are advised to register early. Register online at or call the Chamber at 717-264-7101. Sponsorships are also available for $300. Sponsors receive recognition before and during the event, as well as preferred seating for a table of eight. For more information or THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR to secure your sponsorship, contact Amy Fisher, communications Grand Sponsor director, at afisher@chambersburg. org or 717-264-7101 ext. 204.

Business Person of the Year Since 1987, the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce has named a Business Person of the Year. Past recipients include: 1987 John L. Grove 1988 Robert G. Zullinger 1989 Will G. Pananes 1990 Charles M. Sioberg 1991 John L. Mills 1992 E. Lewis Leaman 1993 Paul E. Lehman 1994 Charles Q. Smith 1995 Allan E. “Skip” Jennings Jr. 1996 John D. Helman 1997 Norman B. Epstein 1998 Michael L. Hurt 1999 Sam Small 2000 Harold L. Brake

2001 John Massimilla 2002 William “Bill” Snell 2003 L. Michael Ross 2004 J. Christian Snavely 2005 Pat O’Donnell 2006 Peggy Bosma 2007 Michael “Mic” Starr 2008 Dennis E. Black 2009 Michael G. Hull 2010 Lynn Rotz 2011 Edwin D. Martin 2012 Ann Wagner 2013 Joanne Cochran 2014 Jacob Kaufman

To nominate someone for the 2015 Business Person of the Year, contact Amy Fisher, communications director, at 717-264-7101 ext. 204 or [email protected].

FCADC awarded 2015 Program of the Year by NEDA On September 14, the Franklin County Area Development Corp. (FCADC) was presented with the Northeastern Economic Developers Association’s (NEDA) 2015 Program of the Year Award. The award recognizes the FCADC’s Supply-Chain Development and Localization Program, which is designed to provide targeted resources to Franklin County’s existing Original Equipment Manufacturers via the enhancement of their domestic supply chain, including localization and re-shoring efforts. To date, the Supply-Chain Development and Localization Program has had far reaching impacts across all of Franklin County. Since 2012, the program has directly supported the local OEM network via more than $38.8 million of new capital investment within the county’s manufacturing and “just-in-time” supply-chain and has impacted 575 full-time jobs. This new capital investment is a combination of real estate construction, acquisition, expansion and relocation, as well as the purchase of new machinery, equipment and job training. NEDA represents more than 500 economic development professionals across 11 states from Maryland to Maine. Throughout its 58 year history, NEDA has championed effective and innovative economic development practices. They are the Northeast’s premier regional professional organization for economic development leaders.

October Lunch & Learns Is QuickBooks right for your business? Find out by joining Smith Elliot Kearns & Co. for a free Lunch & Learn on Thursday, October 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Chamber office. You’ll learn the basics of this popular bookkeeping software and enjoy complimentary lunch provided by Fuddruckers. A second Lunch & Learn this month will be held on Wednesday, October 21 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Chamber office. This free presentation will provide an overview from ChamberChoice about Affordable Care Act (ACA) Compliance. The ACA has caused significant confusion in the marketplace. At this seminar, ChamberChoice will provide information to help members and their employees navigate through the ACA requirements and obtain health insurance and business solutions. Lunch & Learns are free to attend with limited seating available. Any cancellation less than 48 hours prior to the event or no shows will be billed $10 by the Chamber. To register, visit the Chamber’s online events calendar at, or call 717-2647101. Special thanks to our 2015 lunch sponsor, Fuddruckers, for providing complimentary lunches once a month for our workshops.


Leadership Franklin County Advanced presents


Tuesday, November 3 8 a.m. Registration and Breakfast 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Program Blue Heron Events, Greencastle Being a leader that embraces and inspires change within an organization is a prerequisite for adapting to the rapid movement and turbulence of today’s work environment. During this session, we will explore what it means to be an authentic leader that builds trust within the work team and inspires others. To be an effective game changer we must be self-aware of our own limiting beliefs and fears, aware and understand our team members’ resistance to change, and pro-active in communicating and building commitment to the change initiative. The session will integrate the presentation of ideas and development of tools that will be useful in managing yourself and others.

Featuring Dr. Robert Whitmore Dr. Robert Whitmore, is an experienced organizational leader and business coach. He is the owner of a Growth Coach Franchise, Entrepreneur Magazine’s #1 franchise in Business Coaching and Consulting. He has provided leadership programs, strategic planning, teambuilding and coaching services for various organizations, including: Target Distribution Centers, Sears Holding Company Distribution Centers, Volvo Construction Equipment, PA Association of Nonprofit Organizations and many more.

Registration is $125 per person or a table of 5 for $500. To register, visit or contact Robin Harmon at 717-264-7101 ext. 205.



More than 100 members strong The 11/30 Network surpassed the 100 mark in membership during September. With more than 100 members, the group of young professionals is gaining steam in the community with continued plans for more social, civic and professional development opportunities.

11/30 Network members enjoy water balloon toss at the Summer Picnic in August Members play volleyball at the Summer Picnic

Upcoming 11/30 Network events include: • Wine Tour - Saturday, October 10 from 1:30 to 9 p.m. Our tour will begin in downtown Chambersburg MEMBERS ONLY* with a check-in at C&C Coffee followed by tastings at Tuscarora Mt. Winery, Adams County Winery and Reid’s Orchard & Winery. Tickets are $25 for 11/30 Network members. Members are allowed to bring a non-member guest for a non-member rate of $35. Price includes transportation, tastings, dinner and a souvenir wine glass. Limited seats available on a first come, first served basis. • Fall Foliage Hike - Sunday, October 18 beginning at 1:30 p.m. at Long Pine Run Reservoir in Michaux State Forest. Join us for a beautiful fall hike in Michaux State Forest. We’ll meet at the Long Pine Run Reservoir parking lot off Milesburn Road at 1:30 p.m. and our six to seven mile hike will start promptly at 2 p.m. All experience levels are invited! The event is free, but registration is required no later than noon on Friday, October 16. Please bring appropriate clothes/footwear and plenty of water. • Costumes & Cocktails Halloween Test-Run Party - Thursday, October 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. at John Allison Public House’s new location in Greencastle. Test out your costume for all those upcoming Halloween parties at the 11/30 Network’s October happy hour! Come dressed in your costume and enjoy festive activities. To register for or learn more about the upcoming 11/30 Network events, visit Interested in Joining? The 11/30 Network is a group for young professionals age 21 to 39 years old who live and/or work in Franklin County. Membership is $30 and is effective through June 30, 2016. For more information or to complete the membership form, visit


Title Sponsor

Premier Sponsor Central PA Wireless-Boost Mobile Wilson College

Pictures Plus named Small Business of the Year by FCADC Franklin County Area Development Corporation (FCADC) held its 29th Annual Industry Appreciation Dinner on September 10 at Green Grove Gardens. The event celebrated businesses in Franklin County while honoring employers who make this area a great place to live, work and raise a family. More than 400 people invested in the Franklin County community attended the event.

Ross presents the Small Business of the Year award to Kuhn

The evening started with a welcome from L. Michael Ross, president of FCADC. After dinner, guests enjoyed a lighthearted entertainment trivia game show. After a few good laughs, FCADC presented this year’s awards. Pictures Plus was honored as the 2015 Small Business of the Year, recognizing the photography store for their longstanding success and commitment to the local community. Pictures Plus was founded in 1992 with just four employees in a 1,500 square-foot commercial space in Waynesboro. It outgrew the original space and acquired a new 4,000-square-foot facility along Buchanan Trail East in Zullinger. Pictures Plus now has 16 permanent full-time employees and 30 parttime workers. The company has photographed, processed, printed, packaged and delivered more than 750,000 images and portraits over the past year. The company is a major supporter of many local nonprofit and community organizations including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Chambersburg Area School District Foundation, Waynesboro Summer Jubilee, the Waynesboro Area Business, Education, and Community Foundation, the Greencastle-Antrim Education Foundation, all county chambers of commerce and more. Congratulations to Randy Kuhn, owner of Pictures Plus, and all of the employees for earning this outstanding recognition as the 2015 Small Business of the Year. Also honored during the evening was Robert J. Moser, senior loan officer at First Community Bank of Mercersburg, by receiving the Zane A. Miller Award for his contributions to the growth and economic well-being of Franklin County, his moral character and his business, civic and volunteer work. World Kitchen in Greencastle received the 2015 Large Business of the Year award. The evening ended with a keynote presentation from John McElligott, CEO of 3TC Robotics. For more information about FCADC or their Annual Industry Appreciation Dinner, visit their website at or call 717-263-8282.



Don’t miss Oktoberfest on Oct. 3 The 2nd Annual Oktoberfest will be on Saturday, October 3 on the corner of West King Street and Hood Street. Events include the John H. Harmon Memorial 5k Run/Walk, German food, music, craft beer and hard cider, and the 2015 Duck Derby. A costume contest and games have been added to the festivities this year, as well as fun activities at the Capitol Theatre. A free kids area will feature crafts and games in Chambers Fort Park. To purchase Oktoberfest or Duck Derby tickets, visit For more details about all events, visit Oktoberfest and Duck Derby proceeds benefit economic revitalization in downtown Chambersburg.


Mug Sponsor

Entertainment Sponsor Roy-Pitz Brewing Company Beer Sponsors 1st Ed Credit Union, RA Hill

Enjoy the flavors of fall at AppleFest AppleFest will be held on the main streets of downtown Chambersburg on Saturday, October 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The popular street festival, organized by the Downtown Business Council, is held on the third Saturday of October each year and celebrates one of the region’s best crops - think apple pie, apple butter and apple dumplings.

Kids’ Area Sponsors Dick’s Cabinetry & Flooring Michael A. Starr Insurance

The free event features food and craft vendors, two live music stages, a kids’ activity area, the North Square Farmers Market and much more for people of all ages.

Golden Egg Sponsors AMVETS Post 224 Chambersburg Noontime Lions Club LCSi Lehman Construction Services Inc.

Mark your calendars and plan on coming to downtown Chambersburg on Saturday, October 17!

Tent Sponsor Chambers’ Apothecary, In & Out Beverage, Johnnie’s Restaurant & Hotel Service, New Texas Lunch Family Restaurant, SunnyHill Properties, Susquehanna Bank Quackers Sponsor SunnyHill Properties Table Sponsors Absolute Document Destruction, Dennis and Liesa Schmaltz, Dr. Paul Orange, Fat Tommy’s Sauce, Franklin County Visitors Bureau Feathered Friend Sponsors Chambersburg Club, Franklin County Visitors Bureau Sign Sponsor - Art Sign of Chambersburg

Dozens of murals decorate downtown The Downtown Chambersburg Inc. Design Committee coordinated a mural project for the third year in a row to add color and creativity to the public spaces of downtown Chambersburg. More than 80 murals - the highest number ever - were submitted by community members. The installation was unveiled during First Friday on September 4.

For more information about AppleFest, contact the Downtown Business Council at [email protected] or 717-261-0072.

Small Business Saturday on Nov. 28 When you think of Thanksgiving, what comes to mind? Turkey, stuffing, spending time with family, football and Black Friday are probably some of the things you look forward to. But what about Small Business Saturday? When you decide to start shopping for holiday gifts, consider supporting local businesses on Small Business Saturday! On Saturday, November 28, you’ll find great gift items and enjoy delicious meals at locally-owned businesses. Downtown Chambersburg Inc. will be coordinating specials and celebrating our local businesses for Small Business Saturday. Activities planned include giveaways, a hot beverage bar, live music and more. Stay tuned for more details about the fun to come on November 29!

Local artists of all ages submitted murals. The works of art were created by a wide range of individuals, from professional artists and art students to families and children, using a variety of mediums. Murals will be on display throughout October in outdoor locations along Main Street between Queen Street and Montgomery Alley. Vote on your favorites for the People’s Choice Award by liking them on Facebook: The winners will be announced on Facebook on October 17. Canvases were provided at no cost to artists thanks to the mural project presenting sponsor, Corey L. Alleman, LMFT, as well as supply sponsors: Carter’s Lumber and John H. Myers & Sons.




Outdoor barbecue mixer Great people, great fun and great food were all present at the August Chamber Mixer hosted at SERVPRO of Chambersburg. Attendees enjoyed delicious barbecue catered by CM Pig Out as well as visiting the event co-host vendor tables: 25 Penn Marketing, Advanced Graphics, BCM Payroll Services, Cruise Planners - Carol DiBiase, Express Employment Professionals, Occupational Services Inc., Shetter Insurance Agency, Strickler Insurance Agency and United Way of Franklin County.

Community well-wishers join Gaia Kosha owners during the ribbon cutting

New yoga studio opens in Scotland Congratulations to Gaia Kosha Yogic Spa on their Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Celebration in August with many well-wishers from the community. Gaia Kosha is the area’s newest yoga studio and spa located at 3815 Main Street in Scotland. This retreat offers mat yoga, aerial yoga, meditation and massage, as well as a boutique shop filled with consumer concious products.

Carol DiBiase talks with mixer guests at the SERVPRO mixer in August

Studio 316 opens in Chambersburg Studio 316 had its Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting in August at its new location on 781 Wayne Avenue in Chambersburg. Studio 316 is a full service salon offering haircuts, styling, coloring, touchups and treatments for men, women and kids of all ages. They also offer a full line of premium retail products they use and recommend. Appointments are recommended but walk-ins are welcome. Drop in to congratulate them on their new business!

NETwork Ministries groundbreaking at 419 Hollywell Avenue

Groundbreaking for new teen center NETwork Ministries held a kick-off celebration in August for the groundbreaking of their new Teen & Arts Center at 419 Hollywell Avenue in Chambersburg. The project involves renovation of the existing 419 Building to include an HVAC system, plumbing and electrical work, an overhaul of most of the windows and doors, new walls built, exterior work and numerous other repairs. NETwork is still collecting donations to fund the renovations. To support the project, visit

Studio 316 celebrates its grand opening with a ribbon cutting

Sip & Savor a roaring success The Chamber’s signature fundraiser, Sip & Savor the Roaring Twenties, was held on September 12 at the Chambersburg Country Club. Nearly 100 guests attended the event in support of the Chamber and area businesses. Thank you to all who attended and helped make this evening a wonderful success! For a recap of the event and more pictures, view pages 8-9.

Guests enjoy a four-course dinner at Sip & Savor the Roaring Twenties




Meet Alan Estes, member of the B2B Expo Committee

Letter urges Congress to make expiring tax provisions permanent

Committee Corner spotlights a different Chamber volunteer to provide insight on their experiences being part of the Chamber, contributing to the community and building their career.

In early September, the PA Chamber signed on to a letter urging Congress to make permanent expiring and expired tax provisions and make appropriate enhancements.

Although I’m not natively from the Chambersburg area, I’ve been working with the Chamber for almost 10 years. Working in Information Technology for GDC IT Solutions, my primary role is to develop relationships. The Chamber helps me do just that.

The Broad Tax Extenders Coalition – which is made up of more than 2,000 companies, associations and organizations nationwide– understands the importance of these provisions on the overall economy and the U.S. job market. The coalition has advocated for Congress to work toward extending key tax provisions on a multiyear basis and, where possible, enhance these provisions and make them permanent.

During the past decade I have been involved in many Chamber events, most of which include Chamber mixers and Lunch & Learns, but I also joined a referral group within the Chamber. This year, I was asked to participate and sit on the committee for the Business-toBusiness Expo, which will be held on October 8. This will be the third annual B2B Expo. The B2B Expo is technology-based and will offer six seminars sure to educate in several different technology areas. We had a great turn out last year and the overall goal of the committee is to improve the experience for the guests. By volunteering on the committee, it heightens my awareness of what’s going on in the community and also provides the opportunity to create new relationships. When asked to participate, I was eager to get involved and excited for the opportunity to jump in on another group. Being involved in the Chamber has always been a positive experience and ultimately helps everyone on every level. As business partners within the community we all should have a helping hand in the Chamber. For more information about the B2B Expo, contact Doug Harmon at [email protected] or 717-264-7101 ext. 202.

The letter stated that a failure to extend the provisions is paramount to a tax increase, and will inject instability and uncertainty into the economy and weaken confidence in the employment marketplace. “Acting promptly on this matter will provide important predictability necessary for economic growth,” the coalition stressed.

PA Chamber testifies at State House hearing on energy mandates On September 1, PA Chamber Government Affairs Manager Kevin Sunday testified before the House Consumer Affairs committee regarding the energy mandates of Act 129 of 2008. The law tasks electric utilities with carrying out plans to reduce peak demand of electricity usage and to increase the energy efficiency of their residential, commercial and industrial consumers. Sunday highlighted the fact that commercial and industrial customers must pay monthly surcharges on their electricity bills, only to see a fraction of that return in the form of grants for energy efficiency projects. All told, the mandates of Act 129 have cost $1.7 billion to Pennsylvanians and the $245 million per year of compliance costs are expected to continue. Sunday offered reforms to the legislation, which could include the option for commercial and industrial customers to opt out of the program in a predictable manner so that electric utilities have time to adjust. Currently, utility companies are in a difficult position, with heavy fines looming in the event they fail to meet their targets. Sunday suggested that the penalty provisions be changed and that the state move towards an incentive-based structure. Sunday also highlighted the expense of the state’s alternative energy mandates, which have imposed unnecessary costs across the economy to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars – costs which are only expected to increase as the percentage mandates of the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards continue to climb. Despite significant challenges at the state and federal level, the PA Chamber will continue to advocate for energy policies that keep the price of power affordable and reliable. These articles were written by the PA Chamber of Business and Industry. For more information, visit



Sip & Savor the Roaring Twenties The Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce hosted its 2nd Annual Sip & Savor event on September 12 at the Chambersburg Country Club, entertaining nearly 100 guests with a delicious fourcourse wine and food pairing, as well as raffles and live and silent auctions. “The evening was full of elegance and excitement,” said Eric Foreman, chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors. “It was a fantastic way to spend an evening out with friends and fellow Chamber members. I can’t wait to see what the committee has in store for next year!” Country club chef, Eric Baker, created delicious courses, including a mouthwatering dessert trio. Each course was paired with the perfect wine from local wineries: Adams County Winery, Reid’s Orchard & Winery and Tuscarora Mountain Winery. Guests were able to listen to Baker and wine experts talk about the flavor combinations for every course.

Troy Garman and Allison Bender

Eric Foreman welcomes Sip & Savor guests before the four-course dinner

Michael and Mary Finucane

David Hinton and Shannon Fahnestock

In between the third and fourth courses, guests challenged each other with bids during the exciting live auction with tems ranging from a diamond necklace donated by Ludwigs Jewelers to a private dinner party with Chef Fabio Carella of Fabio’s Events & Catering. Following dinner, guests enjoyed a silent auction and raffles, including the Panama Vacation Raffle. The Speakeasy After Party added to the evening’s fun with a live DJ, specialty cocktails and a photo booth. Dancing during the after party lasted through 1 a.m. with both Chamber members and 11/30 Network members enjoying the music.

(L-R) Chirly Munoz, Gabriela Del Castillo, Mary Alleman, Corey Alleman, Jeremy Cate, Noel Purdy, Bernardo Guitierrez and Juan Espinoza

Speakeasy After Party guests bust a move on the dance floor

The Chamber expresses our appreciation for all of our members who provided their gracious support to help make this fundraising event a success with their generous donations and attendance. We hope all who attended the event had a wonderful evening. We look forward to seeing you at this premier event again next year!

(L-R) Mike Kenzie, Laura Kenzie, Gee Kilduff and John Kilduff


Sip & Savor sponsors and donors The auctions and raffles at Sip & Savor were made possible thanks to the generous contributions of our members as well as other businesses. The Chamber received more than 60 donations thanks to their support. Donors for 2015 included: Adams County Winery BJ’s Wholesale Club Bruster’s Real Ice Cream Café d’Italia The Capitol Theatre CenturyLink Chambers’ Apothecary Chambersburg Country Club Country Inn & Suites Cruise Planners Decorating Den Interiors Del Martin Screen Printing Downtown Chambersburg Inc. Edible Arrangements Elite Island Resorts Fabio’s Events & Catering Fast Ink Franklin County Historical Society Franklin County Visitors Bureau Gaia Kosha Yogic Spa Garman Photography Gettysburg Times Hanover Country Club Hawley’s Massage & Bodyworks Hershey Lodge Holiday Inn Express & Suites Humphrey’s Cleaning Service J. Bryant Photography & Designs

Johnnie’s Restaurant & Hotel Service Kenny’s Grill & Ice Cream Lehman’s Carpet Cleaning Liberty Mountain Resort Lotus Moon Gallery & Yoga Ludwigs Jewelers H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center Main Street Deli NEWS TALK 103.7FM Nitterhouse Masonry & Hardware Northwood Books NOVA Corporation Roy-Pitz Brewing Company Sip & Savor Committee Spichers Appliance Stoner’s Dairy Farm & Corn Maze The Orchards Totem Pole Playhouse ULTA Beauty VerStandig Broadcasting Vineyard Vines Waynesboro Country Club Whitetail Golf Resort Wolf Furniture

The Chamber would also like to recognize and thank the Sip & Savor Committee for devoting their time and efforts into making Sip & Savor the Roaring Twenties a fantastic event. Their hard work made this event a great success: Kim Crider, Cathy Hansen, Patrick Ryan, Leslie Swiger, Lehoma Theimer and Tasha White.

David and Brenda Sciamanna bid on items in the silent auction


Grand Sponsor

Wine Sponsor

Live Auction Sponsor

Raffle Sponsor

Silent Auction Sponsor

Media Sponsor NEWS TALK 103.7FM Wine Providers Adams County Winery Reid’s Orchard & Winery Tuscarora Mountain Winery

Benefactor Sponsors LCSi Lehman Construction Services, Inc. Spherion Staffing Entertainment Sponsor Phantom Shadow Entertainment

Cathy Hansen and Kim Crider

Michael and Barbara Rossini

Sound/Lighting Sponsor All Sound Pro

Patron Sponsors Central PA Wireless - Boost Mobile Franklin County Historical Society Gomez Law Office Herbert, Rowland & Grubic Inc. M&T Bank Manpower Penn State Mont Alto The Shook Home & The Quarters at the Shook



MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Franklin Thomas recently joined the LIU12 Franklin County Literacy Council as its coordinator. He has a diverse background in photography, real estate, teaching and news writing. His office is located at 305 West Commerce St. in Chambersburg. The Shook Home recently welcomed Christy Lautenslager as the new director of rehab services. Lautenslager has worked for the Shook Home Rehab Department for the past two years. She graduated from Chambersburg Area School District with membership in the National Vocational-Technical Honors Society and was represented in the 1989-1999 edition of Who’s Who Among American High School Students. She graduated from Penn State in 2002 with a major in Occupational Therapy. She received her B.S. in human development and family studies from Penn State in 2005. Lautenslager was also a member of Alpha Sigma Lambda - Zeta Pi Chapter, a national honor society for adult learners in continuing higher education. Chambersburg Community Theatre (CCT) will present “The Wizard of Oz” as part of its 62nd season. To make it a memorable experience, CCT will use an animated backdrop, state of the art faux pyrotechnics and Hollywood style special effects. To help with the cost, they have launched a Kickstarter Campaign with the goal to raise $5,500 by October 8. Make a pledge and support them at www. Pregnancy Ministries, Inc. is celebrating its 30th Anniversary on October 15. The Celebration & Fundraising Dinner will feature guest speaker Dr. Haywood Robinson. He will speak about his past career as an abortionist. The event will be held at Antrim BIC Church with dinner served by Mrs. Gibbles at 6:15 p.m. To register, visit www. The H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center at Shippensburg University will feature “42nd Street.” The show will tell the story of a starry-eyed young dancer named Peggy Sawyer who leaves her Allentown home and to come to New York to audition for the new Broadway musical Pretty Lady. For more information or tickets visit or call 717-477-7469.

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Health Care Reform has created significant confusion. Our qualified representatives remove the confusion and determine what works for your situation. We implement solutions including the Federally Facilitated Marketplace, Private Exchange platforms, Minimum Essential Coverage plans, Voluntary Insurance options, custom-designed benefits portfolios and Self-Funded employer sponsored plans.

We help individuals and businesses of all sizes!

Strategic Program Partners

The Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg/Shippensburg will be hosting their annual 5K Super Hero Run/Walk on Sunday, October 18. Dress as your favorite super hero, run in honor of your hero and become a hero for kids in our community! Cost is $20 before October 1 and $25 after that date. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Clubhouse on 440 West Washington Street. Race starts at 2 p.m. Along with the race will be an open house with door prizes, a chicken barbeque and family activities. For more information please email [email protected] or call 717-261-5761. Patty Flood, secondary principal at Shalom Christian Academy in Chambersburg, recently completed her Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership from Liberty University. Her dissertation was titled “Critical Thinking Skills and Information Literacy Skills: Discerning Online Information Among High School Students.” She tested junior students from the Career Magnet School and Chambersburg Area Senior High School to look for differing results between the two schools. Shalom Christian Academy serves over 400 students, preK - 12, on its 35 acre campus. The school also partners with several local churches to provide preschool programs to an additional 180 students. The Capitol Theatre will present “Mutts Gone Nuts” on October 3 at 12 p.m. The talented duo, Scott and Joan Houghton and their hilarious pack of pooches have created a comedy dog thrill show like no other. Expect the unexpected in this top-notch presentation that includes: incredible high flying frisbee dogs, tight wire dogs, dancing dogs, magic dogs and of course, the one and only Sammie the Talking Dog! For tickets, visit or call the Box Office at 717-263-0202. Leiters’ Fine Catering, Inc. was recently named the top caterer in Hagerstown Magazine’s Hot List. Leiters’ is a family-owned and operated company offering full-service event planning for weddings, corporate meetings and other venues. They feature customizable menus to fit their clients’ needs. Call 301-223-7070 for more information or visit Chambersburg Noontime Lions Club is celebrating their 90th anniversary with a dinner on Tuesday, October 13 at The Orchards. Cost for Noontime Lions members is $25 per person and $40 per guest. The event will begin at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and motivational speaker Cincy Gregg. For more information contact Sandy Decker at [email protected] or call 717-369-0538. Rotz & Stonesifer, PC is pleased to announce that Michael C. Buhrman, CPA is now a partner of the firm. Buhrman joined Rotz & Stonesifer in 2006. He is a graduate of Siena College with a B.S. in accounting and will continue to direct the firm’s audit division as well as assist business and individual clients with tax planning and compliance. Rotz & Stonesifer has been serving clients in the region for three decades. The firm offers a wide range of services including auditing, accounting, tax planning and compliance, payroll administration and financial advisory services.




Habitat For Humanity of Franklin County enlisted the help of some unusual volunteers. The local affiliate opted to use goats to clear two building lots recently acquired in the Fayetteville area. The lots have laid fallow for a number of years and had become overgrown with weeds, poison ivy and brush. The herd munched their way through the growth in about nine days leaving only the mature trees when finished. The Grazing Green Goats Company supplied the goats, fencing, water, shelter and a daily shepherd to check on the flock. Habitat For Humanity of Franklin County has been building homes with volunteers in the area for 21 years. To learn more about Habitat call 717-267-1899 or email [email protected].

Chambersburg Noontime Lions Club presented a $1,000 check to faculty and students of Stevens Elementary School in Chambersburg. The project was a “President’s Choice” and will be used to bolster safety at the school such as improving communication in the event of an emergency at the school.

Graphics Universal Inc., a leading provider of innovative print solutions to the quad state region and beyond, recently celebrated 50 years providing quality printing services. Incorporated in 1965 as The Morrison Press on North Carlisle Street in Greencastle, the business was acquired by Gary Gembe and rebranded as Graphics Universal Incorporated in 1977. The company then relocated to its present 30,000-square-foot facility at 25 Commerce Ave. in Greencastle. Today it serves clients from the Mid-Atlantic with design services, direct mailing, branding and other innovative solutions. Contact them at 717-597-3108 to learn how your organization can benefit from their services. Shippensburg University will present speaker and award-winning ABC News correspondent, Ann Compton, on October 1 at the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center at 8 p.m. Compton’s lecture will offer a historical perspective of the presidency and the biggest stories of our time, today’s event making headlines and the 2016 presidential election as part of Shippensburg University’s “President’s Lecture Series.” She will be the featured guest of the pre-inauguration ceremony for Dr. George “Jody” Harpster, the incoming sixteenth president of Shippensburg University. Proceeds from this lecture benefit the Shippensburg University Stewart Hall Fund Drive which will help enable the renovation of a historic academic building on the Shippensburg University campus. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling the Luhrs Center Box Office at 717-477-7469. The H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center will present Peter Frampton Raw. Raw will perform his acoustic tour and play an acoustic only set for the first time ever on October 17 at 8 p.m. For more information or tickets visit or call 717477-7469. The Capitol Theatre will show on October 30 Hotel Transylvania at 6 p.m. and Bram Stokers Dracula at 8 p.m. Enjoy watching these films on the big screen; tickets are $5. Order your tickets online at

The Cumberland Valley School of Music (CVSM) New Horizons Band gave a free performance for 250 students at the Franklin Learning Center recently. Just before the concert started, CVSM Instructor and New Horizons Band Director Keith Smith and CVSM Executive Director Paula Hepfer recognized the Gilmore-Hoerner Endowment for awarding a grant to CVSM that helped to make the performance possible. The CVSM New Horizons Band meets on Thursdays at the First United Methodist Church in Chambersburg. New members are always welcome. To join the band, contact CVSM at 717-261-1220. Martin’s Famous Pastry Shoppe donated furniture and building supplies to the Habitat for Humanity of Franklin County ReStore from their old administration building before tearing it down and moving into their new building. The donation included lumber, molding, cabinets, furniture and much more. Sales of the goods received will help fund future Habitat for Humanity projects in Franklin County. The Habitat for Humanity of Franklin County ReStore has been open since January 2015 and serves as a place where people can donate gently used building supplies, furniture and more to be resold to the general public at discounted prices to raise funds for our local Habitat. The store is located at 1512 Lincoln Way East, near Lowes, in Chambersburg. SpiriTrust Lutheran® raised more than $67,500 at its 35th Annual Hospice Golf Tournament, held recently at the Chambersburg Country Club. This was the most money raised by the golf outing in the history of the tournament. Since the tournament began 35 years ago, the tournament has raised more than $1.8 million to support the ministry of hospice. Proceeds raised at the golf tournament pay for the care of clients and families who cannot afford vital endof-life services. For more information on ways to support SpiriTrust Lutheran or SpiriTrust Lutheran Home Care & Hospice, please contact the SpiriTrust Lutheran® Foundation at 717-854-4425. Have news to share? Submit an item for the Member in the News and Giving Back sections! Email your press release or a one paragraph write-up to Lark Plessinger, marketing assistant, at [email protected].




Franklin County Department of Emergency Services

390 New York Avenue, Chambersburg PA 17201 │717-264-2813 │[email protected]

The Franklin County Department of Emergency Services is responsible for providing emergency communications and 9-1-1 services as well as emergency management services, which include emergency planning, preparedness and response to the citizens and businesses of Franklin County. The Department provides training in a variety of emergency response skills, including CPR and first aid training, fire extinguisher use and emergency response. They recognize that 95 percent of emergency response is initiated before emergency responders arrive at the emergency. Currently, the Department is seeking partners in the business community to provide input to the needs of businesses in preventing, responding to, mitigating and recovering from emergencies and maintain business continuity in the community. Nationally, between 75 and 90 percent of businesses that have a significant emergency incident will be out of business within a year, which impacts the entire community. The Department recognizes the importance of businesses in maintaining a vibrant community and is looking for ways to build partnerships and leverage them to meet the needs of the communities within Franklin County.

Franklin County Head Start Program, Inc.

1438 Excel Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201 │717-263-8019 │[email protected]

Franklin County Head Start (FCHS) is celebrating 50 years of service to economically disadvantaged children and their families. FCHS has grown from serving 3 to 5 year olds to now serving 0 to 5 year olds and pregnant women. FCHS provides free meals, developmental and health screenings and daily lessons through classroom experiences to ensure children are kindergarten ready. Parents receive opportunities to increase their knowledge of child development, financial stability, nutrition, etc. FCHS currently serves 504 eligible children through federal and state grant dollars. Classrooms are located in Waynesboro, Willow Hill, St. Thomas, Mercersburg, Greencastle and Chambersburg. All lead teachers must have at least an Associate’s degree and many have a Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education. Formal assessments are completed on each child and individual goals are created to achieve growth in all developmental domains.

FCHS also offers home based services for eligible families of children ages 0 to 3, and pregnant women, throughout the county. To the extent possible, FCHS offers transportation to and from the classroom each day and also provides transportation of enrolled children to required dental or doctor appointments if the families do not have alternate means of transportation. FCHS accepts applications for consideration of enrollment throughout the school year and works with other agencies to receive and provide referrals. FCHS also works closely with each school district so as to provide smooth transitions and cohesive learning opportunities.

PA CareerLink Franklin County

600 Norland Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201 │ 717-264-4584 │ [email protected]

The PA CareerLink Franklin County’s mission is to provide jobseekers with the training and opportunities to become valuable employees and to provide employers with qualified and professional candidates. Their vision is to maximize the potential job seekers, businesses and employers through a one-stop career approach of strategic partnerships and innovative employment tools. The PA CareerLink Franklin County offers one-on-one support, computer access, training and guidance or funding for on-the-job training, as well as unemployment phone/computer access, veteran services, ESL and GED classes to job-seekers. In addition for businesses/employers, they offer hiring and recruiting resources such as: occupational profile information, job market statistics, federal bonding program, UC seminars and military occupation translator. For more information visit

R.E. Jewelers Watch & Clock Repair 166 South Main Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201 [email protected] │717-267-3320

R.E. Jewelers Watch & Clock Repair opened in April 2001 specializing in repairing vintage watches, clocks and battery replacement. They also carry a full line of Citizen Watches and jewelry, including Silver Forrest Earrings. The owner, Ray Cosey, worked for 26 years with his parents at their previous business: R. E. Millers. Between Cosey and Jason Smith, these master watch makers have 60 years of experience in the industry. They perform watch and clock repairs for 40 to 50 stores along the East Coast. Feel welcome to stop in and ask Marian, part of their friendly staff, to assist you with your watch and jewelry needs. Contribute a Spotlight! To get your business featured in the Member Spotlight section, contact Lark Plessinger, marketing assistant, at 717-2647101 ext. 206 or [email protected].



Financial Services


Business Services

Kelly Scott 4225 Molly Pitcher Hwy South, Suite 100 Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 375-2139 [email protected]

Congratulations to P.B. Services, Inc. Real Estate for celebrating their 30th member anniversary this month! Thanks for your continued contributions to the Chamber and the greater community.

Specialty Shop

30 YEARS P B Services, Inc. Real Estate

Cari Kreps 1293 Warm Spring Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 387-1965 [email protected]

10 YEARS Austin Hardware & Supply, Inc. Green Ridge Village

360 Tour Designs of Southern PA Doug Spitzer 202 Encampment Court Spring Grove, PA 17362 (717) 676-6590 Employment Services

Chartwell Staffing Solutions

Kristin Kelly 1752 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 552-2431 [email protected] Golf Courses & Golf Services

Cully Golf

Colin Snyder (814) 322-6477 [email protected]

The Advisors at Cornerstone Financial

The Vintage Market at the Old Red Barn

Refer a Business! Did you know the Chamber has a Member Referral Incentive Program? By referring members to join the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce, you will receive awesome incentives in return like advertising and membership dues credit. For more information or to refer a business, contact Doug Harmon, membership director, at 717-2647101 ext. 202 or [email protected].

Non-Profit Organizations & Associations

Edlantis Achievement Center

Mark Weldon PO Box 393 Scotland, PA 17252 (717) 496-9364 [email protected] Painters

Gillin Commercial Coatings

Kathy Doyle 12 South Bacton Hill Road , Unit 3 Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 722-5777 Electronics

Signals Unlimited, Inc.

Jan Strock 3738 Wenger Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 369-2999 [email protected] Veterinarians

St. Thomas Veterinary Center Jack Runk 6442 Lincoln Way West St. Thomas, PA 17252 (717) 595-0337 [email protected]

Search More Local Businesses

For a full list of member businesses, view our interactive online Business Directory at or drop by the Chamber office for a print directory.

5 YEARS Chambersburg Christian & Missionary Alliance ProArts Media Subway (at Chambersburg Crossing) 1 YEAR Barra Orthodontics Cracker Barrel Cruise Planners Gettysburg Rental Center Grade Achievement Tutoring LegalShield Maxine’s Treasure Chest Boutique RE/MAX Realty Agency - Stacy Mellott Staples Fulfillment Center The Thought Lot Zoo Zoo’s Animaland Creations


Vineyard Designs

207 Norland Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201 │717-264-0308 │[email protected]

Vineyard Designs LLC, a full service residential and commercial design firm, provides a custom approach to attain your unique result. The firm originated in Austin, Texas under the watchful eye of Suzanne Brown in 1989 and has been creating tailor-made spaces for discriminating clients ever since. Vineyard Designs’ philosophy is simple: good design is all about you. Good design is very much a partnership between the designer and the client. In the initial consultation, their team will carefully assess your individual needs, lifestyle, tastes and budget. They will then implement an approved design strategy utilizing a myriad of resources for furniture, fabric, lighting, rugs and decorative accessories as well as the talents of highly skilled local craftsmen. Vineyard Designs’ goal is to create an environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional for you and your family or staff. Services include but are not limited to in home/office design consultation, space planning, furniture and accessories selection and installation, new construction assistance, window treatments and soft goods design, fabrication and installation as well as custom upholstery. Vineyard Designs’ mission is to create surroundings reflective of your unique personality and thus become a haven from the chaos of the outside world. Contact them today to begin your transformation!




Authentic Leadership in Times of Change with Dr. Bob Whitmore Leadership Franklin County Advanced presents

On November 3, Leadership Franklin County Advanced and Dr. Bob in Times of Change Whitmore of The Growth Tuesday, November 3 Coach will be offering a half-day seminar on Authentic Leadership 8 a.m. Registration and Breakfast in Times of Change. The seminar held from 8 a.m. to noon at 8:30will - 12 p.m. Program Blue Heron Events, Greencastle Blue Heron Events, 407 S. Washington St., Greencastle.


24 begin LFC Community journey Leadership Franklin County (LFC) Community began the 2015-2016 class with the weekend retreat at Manito, Inc. in September. With 24 members of the class, this will be one of the largest classes in the history of the community program. The weekend started with icebreaking and teambuilding activities by Dr. Bob Whitmore, The Growth Coach. On Saturday morning, the students were split into teams and reviewed community service project proposals from five nonprofit organizations. With tips from Michelle D’Antonio of Montessori Academy, each team selected their service project for the year.

Being a leader that embraces and inspires change within an organization is a prerequisite for

adapting to the rapid movement and turbulence of today’s work environment. During this session, Change is inevitable in what today’s world. Beingleader a leader embraces we will explore it means to be an authentic that buildsthat trust within the work team and inspires others. To be an effective game changer we must be self-aware of our own limiting beliefs and inspires change within an organization is a prerequisite for and fears, aware and understand our team members’ resistance to change, and pro-active in communicating and building commitment to the change initiative. The session will integrate the adapting to thepresentation rapid movement and turbulence of today’s work of ideas and development of tools that will be useful in managing yourself and others. environment. During this session, we will explore what it means to be an authentic leader that builds trust within the work team and inspires Featuring Dr. Robert Whitmore others to join in the journey. Dr. Robert Whitmore, is an experienced organizational leader and business coach. He is the owner of a Growth Coach Franchise, Entrepreneur Magazine’s #1 franchise

Business Coaching and Consulting. has provided To be an effective game changer weinleadership must programs, be self-aware ofHe our own strategic planning, teambuilding and coaching services for various organizations, including: limiting beliefs and fears, aware andTarget understand our team members’ Distribution Centers, Sears Holding Company Distribution Centers, Volvo Construction Equipment, PA resistance to change, and pro-activeAssociation in communicating and building of Nonprofit Organizations and many more. commitment to the change initiative. The session will integrate the presentation of ideas and development of tools that will be useful in Registration is $125 per person or a table of 5 for $500. To register, visit managing yourself and others.

or contact Robin Harmon at 717-264-7101 ext. 205.

Registration is $125 per person or a table of 5 for $500. For more information or to register, visit or contact Robin Harmon at [email protected] or 717-2647101 ext. 205.

LFC Youth discuss diversity Leadership Franklin County (LFC) Youth kicked-off the new school year with an introduction to leadership and a discussion on diversity. The sophomore students met at Wilson College where Maria Banks, outreach coordinator and secondary truancy coordinator for Chambersburg Area School District, started the day giving an overview of leadership principles to be explored during the upcoming sessions. Banks introduced the five leadership practices outlined in their textbooks by James Kouzes and Barry Posner: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act and encourage the heart. Next, Banks led the students through exercises designed to help the students better understand themselves and diversity. They discussed the similarities and differences, as well as the impact on their lives of factors out of their control. The students talked about how they can use this knowledge to demonstrate leadership. LFC Youth is a program of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber Foundation. Students are able to attend for free thanks to the generous sponsorship of Wilson College.

LFC students enjoy team building activities during the retreat weekend

Each team is provided with a mentor to provide assistance to the team as they navigate through their project. Mentors, who were introduced to the group by Cheri Kearney of the United Way of Franklin County, include: Joseph Allen, Belden, Inc.; Maria Banks, Chambersburg Area School District; Tiffany Bloyer, Franklin County Government; Bill Coy, Orrstown Bank; Amy Fisher, Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce; Ron Kaczmarek, City of Gaithersburg; Angela Quigley, Smith Elliott Kearns & Co. and Laura Stover, Smith Elliott Kearns & Co. The weekend concluded with more team building exercises and a chance to climb the Manito tower. The class of 2015 consists of: Jon Baker, Menno Haven Retirement Communities; Shalom Black, Franklin County Government; Mike Brown, 1st Ed Credit Union; Kira Cramer, uFinancial Group; Bill Dann, CenturyLink; Amy Ehrhart, Keystone Health; Jeremy Flores, Chambersburg Area School District; Heather Fowler, Gateway Gallery Auction Inc.; Amber Gift, Franklin County Government; Tina Gipe, Boyer & Ritter LLC; Andrea Grenke, Patriot Federal Credit Union; Rebecca Holder, Orrstown Bank; William Humphrey, Patriot Federal Credit Union; Penny Koser, F&M Trust; Cody Marker, Chambersburg Area School District; Steve Nevada, Franklin County Government; Lark Plessinger, Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce; Rochelle Plummer, Wilson College; Laurie Porter, Chambersburg Area School District; Chad Rydbom, Orrstown Bank; Rachel Schreck, Zullinger-Davis-Trinh, P.C.; Brian Schuster, Jr., Sears Holdings; Jennifer Verno, Patriot Federal Credit Union; and Michele Williams, F&M Trust. LFC Community is sponsored by CenturyLink Business.


Early Childhood Education Summit Heritage Center hours to change for fall, winter seasons The Community Education Coalition of Franklin County will hold an Early Childhood Education Summit on Friday, November 6 to focus on the impact of early childhood education on business and the community. Rear Admiral Thomas J. Wilson III from Mission Readiness will be the keynote speaker.

Mission Readiness is a nonprofit organization formed to address the reality that more than 70 percent of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. cannot meet the standards to serve in the military. This is primarily because they are too poorly educated, too overweight or have a serious criminal record. These are very similar to situations the business community struggles with to fill jobs with skilled workers. Rear Admiral Thomas J. Wilson III will speak about some of these challenges and how we as businesses and community leaders can effect positive change on the local workforce.

The Chambersburg Heritage Center, an initiative of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays through October 17. After AppleFest on October 17, the Heritage Center will be closed on Saturdays until May of 2016. The Heritage Center at 100 Lincoln Way East on downtown’s Memorial Square is an ideal starting point for exploration of local history. The Center is a site on Gettysburg Wine & Fruit Trail and the Pennsylvania Civil War Trails. The Chamber opened the Heritage Center in July 2004. The Heritage Center also includes a gift shop, which is a great place to find unique gifts such as Chambersburg T-shirts, caps and history items. For more information, call 717-264-7101.

The Summit will be held from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at The Orchards. For more information or to register (fee applies), contact Robin Harmon, executive director of the Chamber Foundation, at [email protected] or 717-264-7101 ext. 205.

Chamber mixer at Zoo Zoo’s You won’t want to miss this month’s opportunity for networking at the mixer on Tuesday, October 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Zoo Zoo’s Animaland Creations and Maxine’s Treasure Chest Boutique, 2005 Lincoln Way East. The mixer will include food, beverages, door prizes and the Chamber Chance 50/50 Raffle sponsored by Patriot Federal Credit Union. Zoo Zoo’s and Maxine’s both opened last year. Zoo Zoo’s brings your lovable stuffed animal friend to life. You can create your own collectible stuffed animal with over 70 animals to choose from. Maxine’s is an eclectic boutique with unique and upscale items ranging from purses to jewelry to candles and more. The mixer is free to attend. To register, visit the Chamber’s online events calendar at www., or call 717-264-7101. Interested in hosting a mixer for 2016? Check available dates by contacting Doug Harmon at dharmon@ or 717-264-7101 ext. 202.


Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce 100 Lincoln Way East, Suite A Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-264-7101

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Leading Across Generations Seminar, $99 per person, includes continental breakfast


Oktoberfest, with mug sponsor First Community Bank of Mercersburg


Chamber Connections Referral Group #1 “Be Our Guest” Day


B2B Digital Expo, with presenting sponsor Alpha Media

The Chamber has openings for member businesses to host Lunch & Learn seminars in the coming months. If you would like to host a seminar, your business will gain exposure to the Chamber membership and have an opportunity to address a small group on topics relevant to your business.

8 a.m.-noon, Conference Center at Shippensburg University, 500 Newburg Rd., Shippensburg Noon-5 p.m., downtown Chambersburg, $10 in advance (includes souvenir mug), $5 DD

8-9 a.m., BCM Payroll Services, 403 Lincoln Way East

1-6 p.m., Green Grove Gardens, 1032 Buchanan Trail E.

10 11/30 Network Wine Tour, $25/network members, $35/non-members, limited seating

1:30-9 p.m., Check-in at C&C Coffee, 15 N. Main St., seats available first come, first served

15 Lunch & Learn: Quickbooks, hosted by Smith Elliot Kearns & Co.

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Chamber of Commerce, 100 Lincoln Way E., lunch provided by Fuddruckers

20 October Chamber Mixer 5-7 p.m., Zoo Zoo’s Animaland Creations and Maxine’s Treasure Chest, 2005 Lincoln Way E.

21 Lunch & Learn: ACA Compliance, hosted by ChamberChoice

Noon-1:30 p.m., Chamber of Commerce, 100 Lincoln Way E., lunch provided

22 Zullinger-Davis-Trinh, P.C. Open House & Ribbon Cutting

The rate to host a Lunch & Learn is only $75. For more information or to secure your date, contact Doug Harmon at 717-264-7101 ext. 202 or [email protected]. Members also have the opportunity to host Chamber mixers. If you would like to inquire about available mixer months, please also contact Doug.

5-7 p.m., Zullinger-Davis-Trinh, 74 N. Second St.

22 11/30 Network Costumes & Cocktails Halloween Party

6-8 p.m., John Allison Public House (new location), 155 S. Antrim Way, Greencastle

28 Chamber Connections Referral Group #2 “Be Our Guest” Day 9-10 a.m., Madison Settlement Services, 946 Lincoln Way E.

To register for these events and more, visit

The Outlook is the monthly publication of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce. Ideas, opinions and statements expressed in articles by contributors are not necessarily those of the Chamber. Neither the publisher nor any individual associated with any branch of production, nor the advertisers, will be held liable for typographical misprints contained herein. The Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce is a 5-star accredited chamber, rated among the top chambers in the U.S., and is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the PA Chamber Business & Industry.