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NO REFORM NO REVIVAL (Habakkuk 3:2) Reform- to make or become better by correcting bad habits. - (Webster). Each day on the radio, on the t.v., on the internet and from pulpits across America the preachers are calling for a revival in a country that reaks of the Devil and the flesh all at the same time. Without the church of America changing some things within the church itself there will be no revival. God has given His church clear instruction, truth, principles and a mission and the church has clearly failed miserably to follow the King and Master of the church. The following things need to change. I. Amos 8:11; II Timothy 3:15-17 The denial of the sufficiency of God's word. From the pulpits across America preachers make up excuses and apologize for the mistakes in the bible. God's word does not need to be examined by PHD's or anyone else who thinks they are smarter than God. Preachers are using psychology and sociology and emotionalism to get people changed. The word of God can and will change people. II. I Corinthians 15:34 The ignorance of who God is. The love of God is an attribute that needs to be taught due to the cross of Christ. Why no preaching about the jealousy, the anger, the wrath, or the judgment of God? The reason people are not changed is because people don't fear God. Check out verses where Isaiah, Moses, or John had close encounters with God and His glory. III. Jeremiah 8:10-12; Romans 3:10-18 Failure to address mans total depravity. There is very little said about how terrible sin is. Ask most people about sin and they think they are okay, not as bad as my nieghbor, not as bad as someone else. If we are not bad then there is no need for God. IV. Romans 1:16; I Corinthians 15:1-4 Failure to preach the whole Gospel of Christ. There is much preaching on the love of God but where is the Gospel message on Divine justification, redemption, sin, conviction, repentance and faith. We substitute a quick prayer, an emotional experience and a five minute talk at the altar for a salvation experience. V. II Corinthians 5:17; Matthew 7:16-20 Failure to preach and teach the doctrine of Regeneration. Why is it that 90% of the needs of the church are done by 10% of the people? Why is it that after many get 'saved' they are not in church and their lives do not change? People continue to make excuses for loved ones that claim to be saved but live like the Devil. If the truth be known they are not backslidden or carnal Christians, they are lost and un-regenerated. VI. II Chronicles 7:14; Acts 26:19 We must stop the ridiculous and unbiblical Gospel invitations when trying to draw the net of salvation. Asking people “do you know Jesus, do you love Jesus”, or “do you want to go to heaven” is no substitute for making sure there is total understanding of conviction and repentance of sin, a submission to God and total faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel. The demons know Jesus, the Devil knows Jesus and most assuredly they would like to end up in heaven but ther is no chance that they ever will. VII.Ephesians 5:25; Matthew 13:24-30 Failure to protect the integrity of Christ's church. Jesus gave His life for the church. His church is His bride and He is waiting to come for us in order to marry and rule and reign with Him. Many talk of the church today as they would talk about a criminal or as a lost bunch of sinners. I am reminded that “not all that came out of Egypt were Isralites.” I say that not all that are members of the church are members of Christ's church. VIII.Romans 12:1-2; II Corinthians 6:14-17 Failure to teach biblical separation. It has become impossible to tell church members from lost people. Whether it is how we dress, the friends we have, the places we go, how we talk, our life style in general, something is wrong.