Observation Guidelines

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Observation Guidelines The following table lists the type of observation method used for each age group and the corresponding scoring criteria for LD11 and LD12. Once a center-based program’s 5-star portfolio has been submitted and has met a sufficient number of standards at the 5-star level, the Teaching Research Institute (TRI) will contact the program to arrange for an on-site observation. At that time TRI will determine which observation method(s) is most appropriate given the number and ages of children in your program. For programs with multiple groups or classrooms, observations will be completed on at least a third of your program at each age level. For instance, in a program with two infant classrooms, one of the classrooms would be selected for an observation.

Center-Based Programs Age Group

Infants (6 weeks–14 months)

Toddlers (15–36 months)

Revised 3/2014

Method of Observation Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale– Revised (ITERS-R)

Scoring for Children’s Learning and Development Standard LD11

Scoring for Children’s Learning and Development Standard LD12

Copy of ITERS-R score sheet with an average score of 5 or higher. Scored items are: 12. Helping children understand language; 13. Helping children use language; 26. Peer interactions; and 27. Staff-child interactions.

Copy of ITERS-R score sheet with an average score of 5 or higher. Scored items are: 25. Supervision of play and learning; and 28. Discipline.

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) CLASS–Infants (Summer 2014)

The CLASS- Infants observation tool is being released in the Summer of 2014. Once this tool has been released to the public, scoring will be determined.

The CLASS–Infants observation tool is being released in the Summer of 2014. Once this tool has been released to the public, scoring will be determined.


Copy of CLASS scoring summary sheet with an average composite score of 5.0 or higher on each of the two domains of the CLASS (Emotional and Behavioral Support, Engages Support for Learning).

Copy of CLASS scoring summary sheet with an average composite score of 2.0 or less on Negative Climate Dimension and an average score of 5.0 or higher on Behavior Guidance Dimension.

Pre-K (3–5 years)


Copy of CLASS scoring summary sheet with an average composite score of 5.0 or higher on each of the three domains of the CLASS (Emotional Support, Classroom Organization and Instructional Support).

Copy of CLASS scoring summary sheet with an average composite score of 2.0 or less on Negative Climate Dimension and an average score of 5.0 or higher on Behavior Management Dimension.

Mixed Age Group : Toddlers (15–36 months) and Pre-K (3–5 years)

CLASS–Toddler and the CLASS– Preschool

Copy of CLASS scoring summary sheet with an average composite score of 5.0 or higher on each of the two domains of the Combined CLASS: Emotional and Behavioral Support (Positive Climate, Negative Climate, Teacher Sensitivity, Regard for Child Perspectives and Behavior Guidance), Engaged Support for Learning (Productivity, Instructional Learning Formats, Concept Development, Facilitation of Learning and Development, Quality of Feedback, Language Modeling

Copy of CLASS scoring summary sheet with an average composite score of 2.0 or less on Negative Climate Dimension and an average score of 5.0 or higher on Behavior Management Dimension.

After School (6+ years)

Revised 3/2014

School-Age Care and Environment Rating Scale (SACERS)

Copy of ITERS-R score sheet with an average score of 5 or higher. Scored items are: 29. Staff-child interactions; 30. Staff-child communication; and 33. Peer interactions.

Copy of ITERS-R Score sheet with an average score of 5 or higher. Scored items are: 31. Supervision of children; and 32. Discipline.