Observations They got different amounts We have our

[PDF]Observations They got different amounts We have our...

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Last Week Stewardship in 2 of 4 areas: Our Money & Our Time

This Week Stewardship in 2 areas: Our Resources & Our Body

Parable of the Talents Matthew 25:14-29

Observations They got different amounts Same Reward We have our path

Observation The 3rd Servant was lazy

Definition of Success God’s Way in His Word vs. The world’s definition

Stewardship Our Resources

2 Corinthian 9: 8-15 v. 12 vv. 13-15 The tug is the mentality that we got have it

Trap #1 Chasing worth Trusting the Father Trusting in His Promises True Stewardship is reflecting the glory of God

Trap #2 Misaligned Focus Keeping the Eternal Perspective

Col. 3:2, Set you mind on things above

Stewardship Our Body

Stewarding our Body Exercise & Rest Balance

Stewarding our Body 1 Cor. 3:16-17 & 1 Cor. 6:18-20 Temple Imagery

The AWESOMENESS is that God dwells in you!

Stewarding our Body Purity Col. 3:5 & 1 Thess. 4:3-5

Possible Struggles From envy From our worth perspective From guilt or compulsion From the world’s perspective

You are GLORIOUS the way He made you!

Summation & Application Stewarding the Gospel Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

Assess, Balance, Complete

If you have not trusted Jesus as your Savior, we invite you today to put your trust in Jesus. Say “Yes” to Jesus. You can say “Yes” to Him today.