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LB/OC SURF & SUN SOFTBALL LEAGUE LEAGUE MEETING October 21, 2014 Meeting was called to order at 8:10 pm at Hotel Current
Quorum was established Attendees Present: Marc Triplett– Commissioner Teri Watkins- Vice Commissioner Michael Rivera – Treasurer Nate Smith – Open Division Director Michael Vecchiolla –Secretary Wyndi Bleeker- Women’s Member at Large Chris Mitchell– Women’s Member at Large Patrick Dyson- Open Member at Large Brit Rippers – James Chretien Cruizers – Rafa Lopez Crushers- Nathan Perez
D’Listers – Rigo Cortez Fresh Meat – Raelyn Salazar Hooks- Jim Poer Pegasus- Mike Nutter Posse D- Jeremy Johnson Queen Mary’s- Dave Scheel Red Dirt – Desiree Green Riptide D- Sam Roger Thugz- David Langley Venom- Randall homer
Absent: Robert Cleveringa- Open Member at Large Vacant- Women’s MAL All In Bomb Squad Brit Bombers Center Fielders Fighting Cocks Havoc
Hustlers Minor threat Outlaws Posse C S.M.W.S.L.T. Venom C Veno
Approval of Minutes:
Nate Perez made the motion to accept the Secretary’s minutes, second by Mike Nutter. Motion Passed. II.
Treasurers Report: $13,930 Checking + $18,010 Saving = $31,940 Total We have 51 new players in Fall Ball which increased the total income for Fall Ball to $2,500.25 We also recieved a refund from Kobi Blu in the amount of $494
Jim Poer made the motion to accept the Treasurers Report, second by Dave Scheel. Motion Passed.
NAGAAA Meetings A. Marc Triplett received the Hall of Fame Award at a posh Ceremony. B. WS 2015 will be held in Columbus, Ohio WS 2016 will be held in Austin, Texas. C. There will be new ratings and team caps Team Cap Highest Rating 1. D Division 95 10 2. C Division 135 14 3. B Division 185 19 D. Future World Series will use the Pick-A-Stick Format Each field will have a bucket of bats that each team will use. Players will not be able to use their own bats. Demarini will donate bats.
ASANA Meetings A. We had four teams at the world series. B Division—All In 5th place Bomb Squad 4th place D Division – Down-N-Dirty 2nd Place (8 straight wins to take 2nd) Hustlers 8th place B. WS 2015 will be held in Orlando, Florida in October 18-24. C. They are looking to change the format to meet the desire to play ball rather than it being a festive event. D. They are also talking about changing how many meetings they have.
League Information V. Web Site A. Team Snap- You need to have only one account- you can merge them, but you will need to contact team Snap. B. Rosters- managers that are creating the rosters, somewhere the players are being lost in translation. You must invite the players to join and they must accept and make sure they are filling out all needed information. C. Managers post the scores and schedule. D. If you need to transfer existing accounts into the League account, email Marc Triplett. E. Emergency Information (contact) is not available on the APP(too small to read) the filed needs to be bigger. F. Make sure your rosters are complete on team Snap. VI. 2014 Distinguished Arts Leader from the Art Council of Long Beach went to Robert Cano from Queen Mary’s. VII. Fall Ball VIII.
Open Member at Large- Robert Cleveringa has accepted the position.
There is an electronic version of the score keeping clinic on the website.
League Help IX. Webiste Help X. 501C3 Writer Announcements XI. Brit Bombers Fundraiser- Saturday, October 25 from 9pm – 1am Costume contest, jello shots, rummy Bears, tequila shooters XII. Queen Mary’s Charity fundraiser will be a can food drive- more information to come in 2-3 weeks. Open Forum from the floor XIII. Sam Roger- World Series T-Shirts A. How were they distributed? Mike Rivera responded by saying that the teams that had received a Surf and Sun berth were given T-shirts. B. How were teams contacted? Teams were contacted via phone. A message was left for those teams who went to World Series but did not use a league berth with an option to purchase the shirts. Sam would have purchased shirts but she did not receive the phone message she asked that we use the standard form of league contact- Email in the future, as well as contact all ;pertinent parties, managers/coaches involved. C. Sam requested that the Board vote and create a policy in regards to World Series shirts. It will be addressed at the Board retreat in December and reported back in the new year. XIV. Donations Tax deductible forms. Mike R will get paperwork for teams to use to get donations from companies. He will need the following information: Company/Corporation Address Donation Amount XV. L.C. Committee is looking for volunteers. Whitey is ready to start the committee and make the 2015 the best Liberty Classic. • To increase the diversity in cities attending Liberty Classic we should consider a Team Exchange- The Brit Rippers are putting together a team to send to Boston in July in exchange for a team coming to Long Beach for the L.C.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:18 pm. Respectfully Submitted Michael Vecchiolla Secretary LB/OC Surf and Sun Softball