Operational Terms: Annex D - Process diagrams for part D ... - Ofwat

[PDF]Operational Terms: Annex D - Process diagrams for part D...

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Operational Terms: Annex D - Process diagrams for part D (Planned activities and affected services) September 2015

Process D1 Notification of capital works having an effect on Non-Household Customers longterm planning Step/Time




Notifies Retailer of all the work it intends to conduct on its Network which may interrupt Water Services and/or Sewerage Services

Step 1 (a, b) At least once every 3 months or sooner (if known)


Notifies Retailer of any updates to previous notifications in relation to work or interruptions

Notified b Step 2

Reasonably considers

May make comments on c


incorporate them into its final plan for conducting work

Step 3 Notified e

Make any final or updated copies of its plan available to the Retailer

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Process D2 Short-term planned activities [Steps 1 to 3] Step/Time



Step 1 (a) At least 22 BD in advance of carrying out any planned work

Notifies and updates Retailer on any planned work reasonably expected to have effect on Water Services and/ or Sewerage Services provided to NHH Customer and any contingency plan for major interruptions to a supply*


Step 2 (b) Within 5 BD of

Reasonably considers and, where appropriate,

May make comments on b

comments in its plan c

(d) At least 10 BD in advance of carrying out any planned work

Step 3


Reissues the plan d


Carries out work on planned date

Yes e

No For reasons outside its control

f No

Step 4 Yes

(g) At least 48 hours in advance of the proposed start date or the Retailer agrees to a shorter time period

May reschedule the proposed start date notifying the Retailer

Notified g


Carries out work on rescheduled start date


* The Wholesaler shall keep the Retailer updated as information changes or further information becomes available. Page 3 of 5

Process D2 Short-term planned activities [Step 4] Step/Time



Step 4

Step 3 (f) Proposes to modify start date of work reasonably likely to affect one of Retailers NHH Customers i j

Retailer agrees


No Step 1


Carries out work on rescheduled start date

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Process D3 Reactive activities Step/Time




Notifies and updates Retailer of specific reactive activities that are reasonably likely to affect Water and/or Sewerage Services to NHH Customers and any contingency plan for major interruptions to supply

Step 1 (a) 48 hours in advance of commencing activities



Carries out work on planned date

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