Partner News & Updates

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Volume 1811 | 11/15/18

Partner News & Updates Isn't she adorable? What is PP REALLY saying? Just when you thought Planned Parenthood couldn't slither any lower, they produce THIS ad! Watch the whole thing, and never forget what it looks like when they show their true colors. She Deserves To Be A Choice

From the Executive Director Coming into Thanksgiving Week, and wishing you the best as you gather with friends and family! Our educators are finishing up their busy time of year (though the work never stops, just slows down for a bit right now). We've been thrilled to have spoken with so many people, partnered with so many churches, and found new ways to reach into the community! We are truly blessed to have devoted Coordinators and enthusiastic Ambassadors taking the message of LIFE all over Tulare and Kings counties! Hope you enjoy the articles! JP Prichard TKRL Executive Director 559-732-5000

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Talk Show Hosts Asks Women if They Celebrate or Regret Their Abortions. The Answers Were Heartbreaking Radio talk show host Michael Brown listened in shock this week as callers flooded his phone lines with stories about their heartbreak after aborting their unborn babies. Brown said many of the callers cried as they shared about their terrible decisions and their unborn babies’ lives, and he did, too.

Talk Show Hosts Asks Women if They Celebrate or Regret Their Abortions. The Answers Were Heartbreaking

Saving Some, Killing Others In an age of prenatal medical breakthroughs— and I mean incredible breakthroughs—it’s hard to imagine how abortion can still be considered healthcare Saving Some, Killing Others

" My Baby Has A Heartbeat?" This video gave me chills. When she asks "My baby has a heartbeat?" and when she says" "I don't want to do it." When women are informed and offered real options and real help, they make the choice they wanted to make all along... Life for their baby. <3 #LoveThemBoth ~ Mari "My baby has a heartbeat?"

Congratulations, Representative Kevin McCarthy! While TKRL doesn't do political endorsements of specific candidates, we are thrilled to see one of our own local Representatives take the role of Minority Leader in the US House of Representatives! Congratulations, Congressman! House Republicans Elect Pro-Life Kevin McCarthy as Leader