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Passing the Baton Week 3: Paul and Timothy (2 Timothy 1:1-7)
Passing the Baton Timothy: • Paul’s companion • Bi-cultural • Messenger to churches • Servant’s heart
Passing the Baton Timothy’s Challenges: • Young • Frequently ill • Not naturally assertive • “More inclined to lean rather than to lead.” (Stott)
Passing the Baton Paul and Timothy: • Close relationship • Spiritual father and son
Passing the Baton We all need others to pass the baton to us…and we all need to pass the baton on
Passing the Baton Receiving the Baton: 1) From a mentor who knows and experiences Jesus personally 2) From a mentor who is thankful 3) From a mentor who is filled with joy
Passing the Baton Passing the Baton: 1) Involves having a sincere faith 2) Involves actively using the gifts God has given you 3) Involves gospel confidence through the reliance upon the Holy Spirit for His power, love and self control.
Hebrews 12: 1-3: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
Passing the Baton