Pearl Harbor Christian Academy

[PDF]Pearl Harbor Christian Exam (K-8th Grade) for Sch...

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Pearl Harbor Christian Academy 94-1 044 W A I P I O U K A S T R E E T , W A I P A H U , H A W A I I 96797 (80 8) 678 -39 97

Entrance Exam (K-8th Grade) for School Year 2017-2018 KINDERGARTEN:

Applicants are tested individually and in a small group setting on the following items: Letters, Phonics, Numbers, & Writing (approx. 60 minutes)

1st-8th Grade: 1st Grade: 2nd Grade: 3rd Grade: 4th-6th Grade: 7th-8th Grade:

Applicants are tested in a group setting in the following areas: Phonics/Reading, Math & Spelling Phonics/Reading, Math, Language & Spelling Reading, Math, Language Reading, Math, Language Reading, Math, Language

(30 –60 Minutes) (60—75 Minutes) (2 hours or more) (2 hours or more) (2 hours or more)

REMINDER Kindergarten: Friday, January 27th or Friday, February 3rd at 3:30PM 1st - 8th Grade: Saturday, January 28th or February 4th at 9:00AM TESTING DATES/TIMES YOUR DATE/TIME SCHEDULED: ________________________________  

Please mark your calendars & arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Copies of any supporting documents may be turned in to the office at this time.

Cut Here: Keep top portion for your records and turn in bottom portion with application.



Please check the appropriate testing date below based upon your child’s entering grade level.

Kindergarten: (

) Friday, January 27th at 3:30PM


) Friday, February 3rd at 3:30PM


) Saturday, February 4th at 9:00AM

1st - 8th Grade: (

) Saturday, January 28th at 9:00AM

If applying after test dates above: We will contact you to arrange a test date. Please provide the following. Parent/Guardian Name & daytime phone number: ____________________________________________________

Out-of-State Applicants: If you will not be on island during these dates, you will need to arrange a proctor to administer the entrance exam. The proctor needs to be a teacher or a professional in the field of Education. You must request a “Proctor Agreement” to be completed by the proctor, then return the agreement with your application. The exam will be forwarded directly to the proctor at the applicant’s school. The date and time of the exam needs to be coordinated by the applicant and the proctor. Please make sure testing is scheduled on a timely basis. We will need to receive completed materials by January 29, 2017. An additional $65.00 fee must be included with your application for this service . Please check below for the Outof-State Test Option. **THIS OPTION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR KINDERGARTEN APPLICANTS** (


Out-of-State Test: Must be completed and received by PHCA by Saturday, January 29, 2017 (If this option is checked, PROCTOR AGREEMENT1 should be sent in with this form)



Parents/Guardians may not act as proctors for their children. The test must be administered on

location at the public/private school facility where the proctor is employed.

“Committed to GOD and Academic Excellence” A

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o f

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