Philippians 2:12-13

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Philippians 2:12-13 This study guide is intended to be used for personal study and within your community group to facilitate discussion.

1) Why should we be concerned about our growth spiritually? In other words, why does it matter? 2) What connection does our spiritual growth/maturity and being image bearers of God have? 3) God gives us various “means of graces” by which we can grow in our faith and maturity. Some of these were discussed on Sunday. (Bible reading, prayer, memorization, community, reading good books, and corporate worship) Which of these do you seem to struggle with the most? What are practical things you can do to better engage in one or more of these spiritual disciplines? 4) We must always remember that, when it comes to growing spiritually, it is about progress, not perfection! In other words, the process of becoming more Christ-like is a slow, progressive process. It can seem frustrating at times! This is why we need one another…for encouragement, and to affirm God’s grace at work in us. Take some time in your group and point out ways in which you have seen marked spiritual growth in the individuals present. Scriptures to read this week: Romans 8:29, Matthew 7:17-20, Ephesians 4:13-15, John 15:2 Resources