PLEASE JOIN US during this special time on Sunday

[PDF]PLEASE JOIN US during this special time on Sunday...

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PLEASE JOIN US during this special time on Sunday mornings as we connect, build relationships and grow in our faith. ADULTS - SMALL GROUPS, BIBLE STUDIES & CLASSES Gleaners 10:00

Room 116

Turning the Corner


Room 105

Upper Room


Room 115



Room 112

Christian Parenting Course


Room 113

DVD Study Series


Room 114

College & Career Class


Room 107

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 Pre-Schoolers Kindergarten-1st Graders 2nd-3rd Graders 4th-5th Graders

Room 117 Room 119 Fellowship Hall (Downstairs) Room 118

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL 6th-8th 9th-12th Graders

Fellowship Hall (Downstairs) Youth Room (Downstairs

Actively discussing various books of the Bible both historically and applied in our lives. Understanding Christ’s teachings and applying them to our daily lives.

Reading, studying and interpreting God’s word through use of the daily devotional. This class focuses on intensely interactive discussions of current authors whose works are grounded in solid Biblical foundations. Night Light for Parents - Weekly discussions and devotionals by James Dobson

Video based sessions of everyday life topics utilizing Christian foundations and principles.

Studying the book of Proverbs and how to grow in our ability to use God's wisdom in our lives.
