Position yourself to hear from God Pore over the

[PDF]Position yourself to hear from God Pore over the...

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The Five P’s to spending time in the scripture (by from Priscilla Shirer)

Position yourself to hear from God Best place to focus? What time of day? What aesthetic will aid your focus?

Pore over the passage & paraphrase major points Don’t just skim, take time to read and meditate. What words jump out to you? Stop and consider why? Is the Spirit speaking to you trying to connect His word to your life in some way? Paraphrase keeping in mind: who are the major participants? What are they doing? Saying? Where are they going?

Pull out spiritual principals What is God teaching? What is He revealing about himself? Is there a command to be followed? Is there a Promise to be regarded? If so write them down

Pose the question Look at the Spiritual principle you listed and direct the question to yourself. Am I living in a way that coincides with the message of this verse? Is anything in my life contradicting this passage? What do I need to do to bring my life in line with this verse? Record what you hear God saying to you as you ponder these and other questions.

Plan and pin down Determine the steps you can take to immediately begin to respond to what God has said. If a specific action is required, try to set a date and time to follow through. Tell a friend so they can hold you accountable.