Prayer Guide

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Family Prayer Guide Prayer For Wives: Take a moment to thank God for your wife and the positive things about her life. Pray that she would grow in her knowledge, love and experience of God daily. Pray that God would reveal Himself and His will to her. Pray that God would be glorified in and through her life. Pray for her physical health and wellbeing. Pray that she would be free from worry and guilt over things beyond her control. Pray that God would protect her from despair, discouragement, and doubts. Pray for a godly friends and influences in her life. Pray that God will give her discernment and wisdom and protect her from those who would deceive her. Pray that God would grant her love and desire for you and for your family. Pray she would stay morally pure and set apart for God’s service. Pray that she would stay faithful to Christ for all her life. Pray that God would give you a love for her that is selfless, undistracted and pure. Pray that God would give you patience, gentleness, tenderness and kindness toward her. Pray that God would help you understand her and value her as a precious gift. Pray asking God to help you become vulnerable with her as you share you own heart, thoughts, hopes and fears. Pray that God would lead you to give her the best of your energy and attention. Pray that God would help you forgive her and give you the ability to love her even when you feel wronged or wounded. Pray for a guarded mouth so that you only speak words of life and love. Pray for guidance to lead her like Jesus.

Prayer For Husbands: Pray thanking God for your husband and for the positive things about his life. Pray that your husband would be filled with love for God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. Pray that he would fall in love with God’s word and use it as his guide for life. Pray that God would help him live by the Spirit and pray with power. Pray that God would help your husband to be strong and courageous to live for and lead for God. Pray for God’s perspective on possessions and the management of the family finances. Pray that God would make your man quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. Pray for God to flood your husband with peace and faith. Pray for him to have spiritual wisdom and understanding in how to best lead your home. Pray for him to be sexually pure and to honor your marriage in all ways. Pray for Godly men to sharpen and encourage him in the journey. Pray for God’s favor to rest on him and establish the work of his hands. Pray that God would help you honor and serve your husband in grace, humility and love. Pray that you would be free from worry, insecurity and fear that would keep you from being the wife you desire to be for him. Pray that God would teach you to let go of the need to control your life and marriage and ask for God to be in control of your relationship. Pray that God would lead you to a place of deep trust and intimacy with Him so that you don’t seek emotional fulfillment anywhere else. Pray forgiving your husband for those times and ways in which he has wounded you. Pray that God will teach you how to best love, support and respect your man. Pray that God will give you contentment in what you have and where you are so that you aren’t stressed about tomorrow. Pray that God will lead you to become the woman and wife your husband needs.

Prayer For Children: Pray that your children will come to know Christ as Savior early in life and desire a close relationship with him throughout their lifetime. Pray that they will develop a lifestyle of prayer and devotion in the Word of God. Pray for godly friends and mentors to help encourage them toward good and godly ways. Pray that God will keep them pure and strengthen them against temptation. Pray that they would be blessed with discernment, wisdom, responsibility and a strong conscience. Pray they will get caught if they cheat, lie or get into mischief. Pray that they will love others and treat them with kindness. Pray God’s protection against emotional, physical and spiritual danger. Pray for them as a potential future spouse and pray for their future mate if marriage is God’s desire for them. Pray that God would give them biblical values and perspective in this world. Pray that they will sense God’s leading and calling on their lives and that their lives would make a difference for God’s kingdom. Ask God to help you have a strong relationship with your children. Ask God to help you in meeting their emotional, physical, relational and spiritual needs. Ask God for wisdom and insight into their lives as you guide your children toward Christ. Pray that God will help you listen and consider the thoughts and emotions of your children before you speak. Ask God to take your weakness, selfishness and pettiness and replace it with His strength, generosity and kindness. Ask God for patience and grace to love and forgive them. Ask God to help you live each day in such a way that your kids will see Jesus as they observe your life.