Prayer Requests and Praises

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Prayer Requests and Praises “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” -I Timothy 2:1-2

For the week of December 16, 2018 Pray for:  God’s blessing on the President and all those in leadership in our nation, state and city.  All members of our staff as they seek to honor the Lord in their respective ministries.  Missionary focus of the week: Pray for Kelsey Kegerreis serving Bandung, Indonesia with the Bandung Alliance Intercultural School as a first grade teacher and head girls soccer coach for secondary students. Please pray against the strong spiritual warfare present there. Pray for God's word to also be planted in the hearts of their elementary students and for upper elementary students to take ownership for God's call to live out their faith.  Heather Puletz’s brother and his family, who are struggling and need spiritual healing.  Donna Harrison, who is had a heart procedure on December 18. Please pray for her recovery and healing.  Angela Foley, whose mother, Wilna Miller, passed away on December 13. Pray for Angela and her family as they mourn the loss of Wilna.  Bob Bader, who is in a rehab facility following a fall and subsequent brain bleed. Please pray for him to fully recover.  Brenda Hester, who has decided to have her leg amputated due to wide-spread infection. The surgery will take place in early January. Please pray for Brenda and her husband as this has been a very emotional decision.  Jim Morris’s mother, Helen Crawford, who has been diagnosed with incurable lung cancer. She is considering light chemo to prolong her life. Pray for Jim, Kristin and Joseph as they care for her in their home and for spiritual as well as physical strength to face these hard days.  Donna Goewey, who had surgery on her neck to replace a disc and to fuse vertebrae on December 7. The surgery went well, but it is too early to say if it was successful. Pray for Donna’s complete healing and recovery.  Shawna Luke’s father, Bob Congleton, who has masses on his kidney, colon and stomach. He is currently hospitalized and the start of chemotherapy has been delayed. Please pray for his healing and that treatment can be started soon.  Jim Anderson, who is recovering from a fall and surgery. His low blood pressure is improving, the heart monitor ruled out heart problems, and he is getting stronger with therapy. They thank everyone for their prayers and calls!  Shamra Spray’s mother, Nancy Giordano, who is on numerous waiting lists for affordable, safe housing.  David Pitcher, brother of Jan Able, who has histoplasmosis. Please pray for his healing.  Brenda Baumann, who has had chronic widespread pain for over 20 years. She also has diabetes. Please pray for God’s healing as well as wisdom for her new primary care physician.  Kathleen Reef, who resides in a long-term nursing facility. Please pray she would feel the presence, joy and strength from God as she experiences physical troubles.  David Smith, who has severe arthritis and pain. He is in physical therapy trying to improve his joint movement and is seeing improvement. Please pray for increased movement in his hips and legs.  Chery’ Thorpe, who struggles with her emotional health and is a shut-in. She is currently recovering with an episode of asthma that also caused her colitis to flare. Please pray for relief from her symptoms. Also, pray for her daughter’s housing issues.  Mary Ann Spicer, who is a shut-in. Please pray for her as she experiences symptoms from congestive heart failure.  Scott McCracken, who has chronic, neurological Lyme Disease. Please pray for his healing, his children and his wife as she works full time to provide for their family. He has seen improvements in his health recently and appreciates the prayers of his church family. Please pray for patience and trusting in God’s goodness and providence in all things.  Those serving in our military: Mark Amos, Jacob Barnaby, Jason Kegerreis, Sean Murphy, Cliff Pappe (currently deployed), Jeff Schlageter (currently deployed), Tim Six, and Miranda Ward.