President Obama: Now You Are to Blame for All This

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President Obama: Now You Are to Blame for All This Mess and Suffering in Society; if You do Not Take Action on Wisdom. We Have Figured out Brain/Wisdom/Emotional-Intelligence Education. Either Prove us Wrong or Take Action. You are Responsible for Society Continuing to be Unwise RIDGEFIELD PARK, June 22, 2013 / -- I have sent hundreds of articles on brain education to the White House, Senators, Congressmen, Education Leaders, for the last 5 years. I have personally handed my articles to President Obama. I have been pushing our leaders to consider brain education. We educate the mind and we miseducate the brain. Finally President Obama has announced the Brain Initiative. To cure diseases we indeed need to know how the physical brain works. But to make the brain wise we do not need to even define wisdom; let alone know how the brain works. Does a wise mother even need to know what is wisdom to raise a wise child? Raising a wise child is like a good farmer tending to his crops. A farmer has no clue to the mechanics of how a seed physically gets transformed from a seed into a fruit bearing plant. He just knows when to plant and how to nurture the seed into a productive plant. President Obama's brain initiative is a good step forward. But it is like trying to figure out the processes that physically transform the seed into a plant. President Obama’s brain initiative will try to break down and figure out nature's codes. Even after understanding how brain processes lead to brain behavior as far as brain education is concerned; we will still have to educate the student's brain on the lines that we are proposing. We have already figured out how to make the society wise; the young and the old. Our education leaders need to take a serious look at our proposals. One of the biggest stumbling blocks to understanding the big issues of philosophy like wisdom is that our scientists have this huge erroneous prejudice against religion. We scientists think that religion is unscientific and so religious insights are ignored. It was religion that first recognized the essentiality of wisdom, philosophy and science followed. It was religion that first put forth laws for a moral life. It was governments that took the clue from religion and created their own laws. Religion has a head start on wisdom. The scriptures are clearly telling us that the nature of wisdom is such that wisdom and man are one and the same. Wisdom is an integral part of man. Wisdom is a biochemical product of the brain. A pure man does not have wisdom, a pure man is wisdom. Wisdom is an innate property of the brain.

The problem with our wisdom experts is that they leave man the way man is and try for man to have the knowledge of wisdom. Being wisdom and having the knowledge of wisdom are two separate realities. It is like having the knowledge of what/who is a millionaire and being a millionaire. It is like our wisdom experts are trying to teach/persuade/preach a nitrogen machine to produce oxygen. Wisdom teachers are mostly failures because they try to educate the mind, while leaving the ignorance producing brain unchanged. Wise mothers succeed in making their children wise as they nurture the brain into becoming wise. Mothers follow the insights of the scriptures while our wisdom experts follow their own defective understanding of the nature of wisdom. Wisdom is not about knowledge; it is about wisdom manifesting as man. For the last five years we have been pleading with our leaders to please consider our wisdom/brain education proposals to no avail. In the mean time the vast majority of mankind continues to grow up with emotionally challenged brains... All this mess in society, all this suffering is due to the emotional baggage that is controlling our lives. The responsibility lies squarely at the door step of the White House. As far as wisdom/brain education is concerned our experts are lost in the forest and we are showing you how to get out. Either prove us wrong or take action. Please google the following: g2=U-vrxbdzBhd0JZWV2bE08g Please check out our YouTube videos here: "Message to President Obama..." "If you are thinking of a divorce" "Who am I" "Practical application of quantification of the Mind" "A Message for Bill Gates"

The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image, emotional brain baggage etc. Sajid Khan 4th R Foundation 2018141808 email us here Sajid Khan 4th R Foundation 2018141808 email us here This press release can be viewed online at: Disclaimer: If you have any questions regarding information in this press release please contact the company listed in the press release. Please do not contact EIN Presswire. We will be unable to assist you with your inquiry. EIN Presswire disclaims any content contained in these releases. © 1995-2016 IPD Group, Inc. All Right Reserved.