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Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item A plant for sale - standard rate VAT Bark Amenity - bulk bag Hortigran Beds & Borders Hortigran Tree Planter standard MPC Mushroom Compost - bulk bag Rabbit Guard Soil Conditioner - bulk bag Spacer Tom Tie Tree Stake - 180 cm Tree Stake - 240 cm Abelia Chinensis potted 10L Abelia grandiflora potted 2L Abelia grandiflora potted 10L Abelia grandiflora Francis Mason potted 2L Acer campestre potted 2L Acer campestre standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Acer campestre standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Acer campestre standard potted 45L 14-16cm girth Acer conspicuum Red Flamingo potted 3L Acer conspicuum Red Flamingo potted 10L Acer palmatum Asahi-zuru potted 30L Acer palmatum Beni-schichihenge potted 3L Acer palmatum Beni-schichihenge potted 10L Acer palmatum Bloodgood potted 3L Acer palmatum Bloodgood potted 10L Acer palmatum Bloodgood potted 30L Acer palmatum Going Green potted 3L Acer palmatum Going Green potted 10L Acer palmatum Katsura potted 3L Acer palmatum Katsura potted 10L Acer palmatum Katsura potted 30L Acer palmatum Orange Dream potted 3L Acer palmatum Osakazuki potted 30L Acer palmatum Osakazuki potted 45L Acer palmatum Phoenix potted 30L Acer palmatum Red Dragon potted 10L Acer palmatum Sango-kaku potted 3L Acer palmatum Sango-kaku potted 10L Acer palmatum Sango-kaku potted 30L Acer palmatum Sangokaki potted 80L Acer palmatum Shaina potted 3L Acer palmatum Shaina potted 10L Acer palmatum Shaina potted 30L Acer palmatum dissectum potted 45L 100-125cm Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen potted 3L Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen potted 10L Acer palmatum dissectum Emerald Lace potted 3L Acer palmatum dissectum Emerald Lace potted 10L Acer palmatum dissectum Emerald Lace potted 30L Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum potted 30L

Available now 2 17 8 6 340 4 1,641 18 271 778 151 336 34 2 7 12 36 1 8 1 9 5 13 2 14 9 19 2 2 5 12 8 14 14 24 1 4 20 9 10 13 2 1 4 12 3 22 18 11 10 3 1

List price 48.00 17.50 17.50 2.95 37.50 0.30 30.00 0.85 1.25 3.00 3.75 12.50 3.25 14.50 3.25 2.50 65.00 75.00 94.00 14.50 35.00 75.00 14.50 35.00 14.50 35.00 75.00 14.50 35.00 14.50 35.00 75.00 14.50 75.00 100.00 75.00 65.00 14.50 35.00 95.00 250.00 14.50 35.00 75.00 200.00 14.50 25.00 14.50 35.00 75.00 85.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 1 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum potted 45L Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum potted 45L 175-200cm Acer rufinerve multi-stem potted 45L 300-350cm height Acer shirasawanum Jordan potted 3L Acer shirasawanum Jordan potted 10L Acer shirasawanum Moonrise potted 3L Acer shirasawanum Moonrise potted 10L Achillea millefolium Red Velvet potted 2L Achillea mixed potted 2L Acorus gramineus Golden Delight potted 2L Actinidia kolomikta potted 10L Aesculus carnea potted 45L Agapanthus Luly potted 2L Agapanthus Purple Delight potted 2L Agapanthus Purple Delight potted 5L Ajuga reptans Catlin's Giant potted 5L Alchemilla mollis potted 2L Alchemilla mollis potted 5L Amelanchier lamarckii potted 10L Amelanchier lamarckii potted 20L 125-150cm height Amelanchier lamarckii Robin Hill standard potted 45L 8-10cm girth Amelanchier lamarckii Robin Hill standard potted 45L 14-16cm girth Anemanthele lessoniana potted 2L Anemone hupehensis Prinz Heinrich potted 2L Anemone hybrida Honorine Jobert potted 1.5L Anemone hybrida Konigin Charlotte potted 2L Anemone hybrida Montrose potted 2L Apple Bramley's Seedling potted 10L Apple Bramley's Seedling espalier potted 7.5L Apple Cox's Orange Pippin potted 10L Apple Cox's Orange Pippin potted 45L 8-10cm girth Apple Cox's Orange Pippin half-standard potted 20L Apple Golden Delicious potted 10L Apple James Grieve potted 10L Apple James Grieve half-standard potted 20L Apple Queen Cox potted 10L Aquilegia vulgaris Mixed potted 5L Aralia elata potted 10L Armeria pseudarmeria Ballerina Pink potted 2L Armeria pseudarmeria Ballerina Red potted 2L Armeria pseudarmeria Ballerina White potted 2L Asplenium scolopendrium potted 2L Aster ericoides Pink Star potted 2L Aster frikartii Monch potted 2L Aster frikartii Monch potted 5L Aster novi-belgii Crimson Brocade potted 2L Aster novi-belgii Lady in Blue potted 2L Aster novi-belgii Purple Dome potted 2L Aster novi-belgii Purple Dome potted 5L Astrantia major Rubra potted 5L Athyrium filix-femina potted 2L Athyrium filix-femina potted 5L

Available now 2 1 4 7 5 20 10 2 3 28 3 2 7 4 4 26 30 16 3 39 1 2 6 10 30 71 30 2 1 1 1 7 3 6 3 4 7 3 3 5 7 3 1 29 2 31 10 132 45 17 1 2

List price 75.00 95.00 75.00 14.50 35.00 14.50 35.00 3.25 3.95 4.50 17.00 45.00 5.95 5.95 7.95 6.00 3.25 6.00 14.50 25.00 55.00 117.00 4.50 3.25 3.50 3.25 3.25 25.00 40.00 25.00 76.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 6.00 14.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 4.50 3.25 3.25 6.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.00 6.00 4.50 7.95

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 2 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Athyrium filix-femina Lady in Red potted 2L Athyrium niponicum var pictum Ursulas Red potted 5L Athyrium niponicum var pictum metallicum potted 2L Aucuba japonica Rozannie potted 10L Aucuba japonica Rozannie potted 30L Aucuba japonica Rozannie potted 7.5L Aucuba japonica Variegata potted 2L Aucuba japonica Variegata potted 30L Berberis darwinii Compacta potted 7.5L Berberis frikartii Amstelveen potted 2L Berberis julianae potted 2L Berberis thunbergii Harlequin potted 2L Berberis thunbergii Red Chief potted 7.5L Berberis thunbergii Red Pillar potted 7.5L Bergenia Bressingham White potted 2L Bergenia Harzkristall potted 2L Bergenia cordifolia Purpurea potted 2L Betula albosinensis standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Betula albosinensis China Ruby standard potted 45L 8-10cm girth Betula albosinensis Red Panda standard potted 45L 8-10cm girth Betula pendula potted 10L Betula pendula feathered potted 45L 12-14cm girth Betula pendula multi-stem potted 20L 175-200cm height Betula pendula standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Betula utilis Jacquemontii potted 10L Betula utilis Jacquemontii multi-stem potted 45L 250-300cm height Betula utilis Jacquemontii multi-stem potted 80L 300-350cm height Betula utilis Jermyns standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Betula utilis Khumbo standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Betula utilis Khumbo standard potted 45L 14-16cm girth Betula utilis Khumbo standard potted 45L 16-18cm girth Brachyglottis Sunshine potted 2L Brachyglottis Sunshine potted 10L Brachyglottis Sunshine potted 7.5L Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost potted 2L Buddleja Lochinch potted 10L Buddleja White potted 2L Buddleja davidii Black Knight potted 2L Buddleja davidii Nanho Blue potted 2L Buddleja davidii Nanho Purple potted 2L Buddleja davidii Nanho White potted 2L Buddleja davidii Pink Delight potted 2L Buddleja davidii Royal Red potted 2L Buxus sempervirens potted 2L Buxus sempervirens ball potted 5L 20-25cm width Buxus sempervirens ball potted 12L 35-40cm balldiameter Buxus sempervirens ball potted 7.5L 30-35cm balldiameter Buxus sempervirens half-standard potted Buxus sempervirens spiral potted 30L 120cm height Calamagrostis acutiflora Overdam potted 2L Calamagrostis arundinacea potted 2L Callicarpa bodinieri Profusion potted 5L

Available now 5 19 27 21 23 4 8 3 23 60 20 9 38 9 3 192 3 1 3 1 3 4 1 1 10 1 3 1 1 1 1 13 10 98 6 9 19 22 18 17 6 17 19 79 4 2 1 1 1 3 2 11

List price 4.50 7.50 4.50 14.50 45.00 14.50 4.50 45.00 12.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 12.50 12.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 76.00 65.00 70.00 15.50 72.00 25.00 61.00 15.50 248.00 330.00 76.00 85.00 85.00 125.00 3.50 12.50 12.50 3.95 12.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 4.50 15.00 40.00 30.00 45.00 145.00 4.50 4.50 7.95

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 3 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Callistemon citrinus Splendens potted 3L Campanula portenschlagiana Catharina potted 2L Carex Ice Dance potted 5L Carex comans Frosted Curls potted 2L Carex comans bronze potted 2L Carex elata Aurea potted 2L Carex oshimensis Evergold potted 5L Carex pendula potted 2L Carex testacea potted 2L Carex testacea Prairie Fire potted 2L Carpinus betulus potted 2L Carpinus betulus potted 10L Carpinus betulus Fastigiata feathered potted 45L 12-14cm girth Caryopteris clandonensis Heavenly Blue potted 2L Caryopteris clandonensis Worcester Gold potted 2L Caryopteris clandonensis Worcester Gold potted 7.5L Castanea sativa standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Castanea sativa standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Catananche caerulea Major potted 2L Ceanothus Autumnal Blue potted 2L Ceanothus Autumnal Blue potted 10L Ceanothus Autumnal Blue potted 30L Ceanothus Blue Mound potted 2L Ceanothus Blue Mound potted 10L Ceanothus Blue Mound potted 7.5L Ceanothus Concha potted 2L Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Skylark potted 2L Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Skylark potted 45L Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens potted 2L Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens potted 10L Centranthus ruber Albus potted 2L Ceratostigma plumbaginoides potted 2L Ceratostigma willmottianum potted 7.5L Chaenomeles speciosa Geisha Girl potted 2L Chamaerops Excelsa multi-stem potted 20L 70-80cm height Chamaerops humilis potted 10L Cheilanthes lanosa potted 2L Choisya Aztec Gold potted 2L Choisya Aztec Pearl potted 2L Choisya dewitteana White Dazzler potted 2L Choisya ternata potted 2L Choisya ternata potted 10L Choisya ternata potted 45L Choisya ternata Sundance potted 2L Choisya ternata Sundance potted 10L Cirsium rivulare Atropurpureum potted 2L Cistus Peggy Sammons potted 10L Cistus argenteus Silver Pink potted 10L Cistus creticus potted 30L Cistus dansereaui Decumbens potted 10L Cistus dansereaui Decumbens potted 30L Cistus obtusifolius Thrive potted 10L

Available now 5 2 82 63 1 36 69 15 9 1 51 104 1 6 1 35 1 2 3 13 7 10 3 1 13 8 5 4 17 48 20 11 8 12 1 4 11 2 12 16 22 144 1 2 15 18 22 40 18 29 7 39

List price 4.50 3.25 8.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 7.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.50 15.50 92.00 3.25 3.25 12.50 65.00 83.00 3.25 3.50 12.50 45.00 3.50 12.50 12.50 3.50 3.50 45.00 3.50 12.50 3.25 3.25 12.50 4.50 45.00 20.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 65.00 4.50 14.50 3.25 12.50 12.50 35.00 12.50 35.00 12.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 4 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Cistus pulverulentus Sunset potted 10L Cistus pulverulentus Sunset potted 30L Cistus purpureus Alan Fradd potted 10L Cistus purpureus Alan Fradd potted 30L Clematis Avant Garde potted 7.5L Clematis Broughton Star potted 10L Clematis Cezanne potted 7.5L Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud potted 3L Clematis Daniel Deronda potted 10L Clematis Daniel Deronda climber potted 3L Clematis Doctor Ruppel potted 10L Clematis Doctor Ruppel climber potted 3L Clematis Dorothy Walton potted 3L Clematis Elizabeth potted 7.5L Clematis Ernest Markham potted 10L Clematis Filigree potted 7.5L Clematis Guernsey Cream potted 10L Clematis Guernsey Cream climber potted 3L Clematis Jackmanii Superba potted 10L Clematis Jackmanii Superba climber potted 3L Clematis Marjorie potted 2L Clematis Marjorie potted 10L Clematis Mrs N Thompson potted 3L Clematis Mrs N Thompson potted 10L Clematis Multi Blue potted 7.5L Clematis Niobe potted 3L Clematis Niobe potted 10L Clematis Ooh La La potted 10L Clematis Pink Flamingo potted 2L Clematis Rising Star potted 7.5L Clematis Rouge Cardinal potted 7.5L Clematis Rouge Cardinal climber potted 3L Clematis The President potted 10L Clematis Versailles potted 7.5L Clematis Warszawska Nike potted 7.5L Clematis Warszawska Nike climber potted 3L Clematis Warwickshire Rose potted 10L Clematis cirrhosa Jingle Bells potted 3L Clematis henryi potted 3L Clematis macropetala Snowbird potted 3L Clematis montana Broughton Star climber potted 3L Clematis montana Grandiflora potted 10L Clematis montana Rubens potted 10L Clematis montana Warwickshire Rose climber potted 3L Clematis montana var rubens Pink Perfection potted 10L Clematis montana var. rubens Tetrarose potted 10L Clematis tangutica potted 3L Clematis viticella potted 2L Clethra alnifolia Rosea potted 5L Convolvulus cneorum potted 7.5L Coprosma Tequila Sunrise potted 30L Cornus Porlock potted 10L

Available now 18 9 14 8 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 5 4 6 1 7 4 1 1 4 5 3 2 2 3 1 5 5 3 4 4 5 3 5 1 1 4 3 1 5 1 4 1 6 34 10 32 20 7

List price 12.50 35.00 12.50 35.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 6.95 17.00 6.95 6.95 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 6.95 6.95 17.00 6.95 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 17.00 17.00 6.95 17.00 17.00 6.95 6.95 9.50 12.50 35.00 17.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 5 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Cornus alba Aurea potted 2L Cornus alba Aurea potted 10L Cornus alba Elegantissima potted 2L Cornus alba Kesselringii potted 2L Cornus alba Sibirica potted 2L Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata potted 2L Cornus alternifolia Argentea potted 4L Cornus alternifolia Argentea potted 10L Cornus canadensis potted 2L Cornus controversa Variegata potted 5L Cornus florida Cherokee Chief potted 10L Cornus florida Rainbow potted 10L Cornus kousa potted 80L 175-200cm height Cornus kousa potted 80L 200-250cm height Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire potted 2L Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire potted 3L Cornus sericea Flaviramea potted 2L Cornus sericea Flaviramea potted 10L Cornus sericea Flaviramea potted 45L 125-150cm Cornus sericea Hedgerows Gold potted 2L Corylus avellana potted 2L Corylus avellana potted 10L Corylus avellana Contorta potted 7.5L Corylus maxima Purpurea potted 3L Corylus maxima Purpurea potted 7.5L Cotinus Grace potted 45L Cotinus coggygria Golden Spirit potted 2L Cotinus coggygria Golden Spirit potted 45L Cotinus coggygria Royal Purple potted 2L Cotinus coggygria Royal Purple potted 30L 100-125cm Cotinus coggygria Royal Purple potted 45L Cotinus coggygria Young Lady potted 5L Cotoneaster conspicuus Decorus potted 7.5L Cotoneaster franchetii potted 2L Cotoneaster franchetii potted 5L Cotoneaster lacteus potted 10L Cotoneaster naoujanensis Berried Treasure potted 7.5L Cotoneaster suecicus Coral Beauty potted 7.5L Crataegus laevigata Paul's Scarlet standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Crataegus monogyna Stricta standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Crataegus persimilis Prunifolia standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Crataegus persimilis Prunifolia standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Crinodendron hookerianum potted 2L Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Emily McKenzie potted 2L Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Emily McKenzie potted 5L Crocosmia crocosmiiflora George Davison potted 2L Crocosmia crocosmiiflora George Davison potted 5L Cupressocyparis leylandii potted 3L Cupressocyparis leylandii Castlewellan Gold spiral potted 25L 150-175cm height Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider spiral potted 25L 150-175cm height Cupressus sempervirens spiral potted 30L 150-175cm height Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidalis potted 45L 200-250cm

Available now 24 11 63 23 11 23 68 13 6 2 25 1 2 1 12 19 59 82 9 3 81 3 5 40 38 5 29 21 38 8 7 17 22 82 12 1 19 17 2 1 1 1 2 15 2 1 5 13 6 1 5 36

List price 3.25 12.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 9.50 25.00 3.25 14.50 17.00 17.00 100.00 200.00 3.25 4.50 3.25 12.50 65.00 3.25 2.50 12.50 19.50 3.50 12.50 55.00 4.50 55.00 4.50 45.00 55.00 9.50 12.50 3.50 6.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 80.00 80.00 69.00 80.00 6.95 3.25 6.00 3.25 6.00 6.95 85.00 85.00 85.00 65.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 6 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Cyrtomium fortunei potted 2L Cytisus Lena potted 2L Cytisus praecox Allgold potted 2L Cytisus praecox Allgold potted 7.5L Dahlia hortensis Lubega Power Burgundy potted 3L Dahlia hortensis Lubega Power Scarlet potted 3L Dahlia hortensis Lubega Power Scarlet-White potted 3L Dahlia hortensis Lubega Power White potted 3L Dahlia hortensis Lubega Power Yellow potted 3L Dahlia hortensis Lubega Power Yellow Orange potted 3L Daphne odora Aureomarginata potted 2L Delphinium Magic Fountains Cherry Blossom potted 2L Delphinium Magic Fountains Dark Blue-White Bee potted 2L Delphinium Magic Fountains Pure White potted 2L Deutzia hybrida Strawberry Fields potted 2L Deutzia hybrida Strawberry Fields potted 3L Dicentra formosa Bacchanal potted 1L Dicentra spectabilis potted 2L Dicksonia antarctica potted 2L Digitalis Illumination Cherry Brandy potted 2L Digitalis Illumination Pink potted 2L Digitalis purpurea potted 2L Dryopteris affinis Cristata potted 5L Dryopteris affinis Cristata The King potted 2L Dryopteris erythrosora potted 2L Dryopteris filix-mas potted 2L Echinacea Vanilla Cupcake potted 2L Echinacea purpurea Magnus potted 2L Echinacea purpurea White Swan potted 1.5L Elaeagnus Quicksilver potted 30L Elaeagnus Quicksilver potted 7.5L Elaeagnus ebbingei potted 2L Elaeagnus ebbingei potted 15L 100-125cm height Elaeagnus ebbingei hedging potted 45L 100-125cm height Elaeagnus ebbingei hedging potted 45L 125-150cm height Elaeagnus ebbingei hedging potted 45L 175-200cm height Elaeagnus ebbingei Gilt Edge potted 10L Elaeagnus ebbingei Limelight potted 2L Elaeagnus ebbingei Limelight potted 10L Elaeagnus ebbingei Limelight hedging potted 45L 125-150cm height Elaeagnus ebbingei Limelight hedging potted 45L 150-175cm height Elaeagnus pungens Maculata potted 10L Epimedium Akebono potted 2L Epimedium rubrum potted 2L Epimedium youngianum Niveum potted 2L Erica carnea Pink Spangles potted 2L Erica darleyensis Darley Dale potted 2L Erica mixed red potted 2L Erica mixed white potted 2L Erigeron glaucus Sea Breeze potted 2L Erysimum Bowles's Mauve potted 2L Escallonia Iveyi potted 30L

Available now 9 12 5 10 11 6 1 9 16 11 10 17 3 12 28 18 10 2 26 25 25 30 17 22 1 1 4 3 5 19 57 40 61 29 41 48 22 13 43 18 7 201 7 2 18 1 3 12 10 9 40 24

List price 4.50 3.25 3.25 12.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 9.50 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 4.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 7.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 45.00 12.50 3.50 25.00 45.00 55.00 75.00 12.50 3.50 12.50 55.00 65.00 12.50 3.25 3.25 3.95 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.95 45.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 7 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Escallonia Red Dream potted 10L Escallonia laevis Gold Ellen potted 2L Escallonia rubra Macrantha potted 2L Escallonia rubra Macrantha potted 7.5L Euonymus alatus potted 2L Euonymus europaeus Red Cascade potted 10L Euonymus fortunei Emerald Gaiety potted 1.5L Euonymus fortunei Emerald Gaiety potted 7.5L Euonymus fortunei Emerald n Gold potted 1.5L Euonymus fortunei Emerald n Gold potted 7.5L Euonymus fortunei Harlequin potted 2L Euonymus fortunei Silver Queen potted 2L Euonymus fortunei Silver Queen potted 10L Euonymus japonicus potted 7.5L Euonymus japonicus Aureomarginatus potted 2L Euonymus japonicus Aureus potted 7.5L Euonymus japonicus Bravo potted 2L Euonymus japonicus Bravo potted 7.5L Euonymus japonicus Green Rocket potted 2L Euonymus japonicus Green Rocket potted 7.5L Euonymus japonicus Green Spire potted 2L Euonymus japonicus Microphyllus Albovariegatus potted 2L Euonymus japonicus Microphyllus Aureovariegatus potted 2L Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea potted 2L Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea potted 5L Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae potted 1L Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae potted 2L Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae potted 7.5L Euphorbia characias Black Pearl potted 3L Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii potted 7.5L Euphorbia martini potted 2L Euphorbia martini Ascot Rainbow potted 2L Exochorda macrantha Niagara potted 2L Fagus sylvatica potted 2L Fagus sylvatica potted 10L Fagus sylvatica standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Gold feathered potted 45L 14-16cm girth Fargesia murielae Simba potted 10L Fargesia murielae Simba potted 20L 125-150cm height Fatsia japonica potted 2L Fatsia japonica potted 10L Fatsia japonica potted 30L Festuca glauca potted 2L Festuca glauca potted 5L Forsythia intermedia Goldrausch potted 7.5L Forsythia intermedia Lynwood potted 2L Fothergilla major potted 2L Fuchsia Alice Hoffman potted 2L Fuchsia Mixed potted 5L Fuchsia Riccartonii potted 2L Garrya elliptica James Roof potted 3L Garrya elliptica James Roof frame potted 10L

Available now 4 22 43 19 1 26 36 7 36 149 38 5 212 3 14 15 23 20 4 26 21 25 40 43 26 1 1 14 27 2 1 27 1 4 77 1 2 3 2 6 1 9 11 43 8 30 6 4 7 17 5 9

List price 12.50 3.50 3.50 12.50 4.50 14.50 3.25 12.50 3.25 12.50 4.50 4.50 12.50 12.50 4.50 12.50 4.50 12.50 4.50 14.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.50 6.00 3.25 3.50 12.50 3.25 12.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 3.25 15.50 90.00 162.00 21.50 65.00 4.50 14.50 45.00 4.50 7.50 12.50 3.25 3.50 3.25 6.00 3.25 8.95 25.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 8 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Garrya elliptica James Roof potted 7.5L Gaura lindheimeri Gaudi Red potted 2L Gaura lindheimeri Rosyjane potted 2L Genista lydia potted 2L Genista lydia potted 7.5L Geranium Brookside potted 2L Geranium Johnson's Blue potted 2L Geranium Johnson's Blue potted 5L Geranium Rozanne potted 2L Geranium macrorrhizum potted 2L Geranium macrorrhizum Bevan's Variety potted 2L Geranium macrorrhizum White Ness potted 2L Geranium oxonianum Wargrave Pink potted 2L Geranium phaeum potted 2L Geranium renardii potted 2L Geranium sanguineum potted 2L Geranium sanguineum Album potted 2L Geranium sanguineum Max Frei potted 2L Geum Banana Daiquiri potted 2L Geum Cosmopolitan potted 2L Geum Tequila Sunrise potted 3L Ginkgo biloba standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Gleditsia triacanthos Skyline standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Griselinia littoralis potted 2L Griselinia littoralis hedging potted 45L 125-150cm height Griselinia littoralis Variegata potted 2L Griselinia littoralis Variegata potted 7.5L Hakonechloa macra potted 2L Hakonechloa macra Aureola potted 2L Hebe Great Orme potted 10L Hebe Green Globe potted 1.5L Hebe Marjorie potted 10L Hebe Midsummer Beauty potted 10L Hebe Mrs Winder potted 10L Hebe Nicola's Blush potted 10L Hebe Pink Elephant potted 2L Hebe Red Edge potted 2L Hebe Red Edge potted 7.5L Hebe Variegata potted 10L Hebe albicans potted 7.5L Hebe francisana Blue Gem potted 10L Hebe franciscana Variegata potted 5L Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii potted 2L Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii potted 5L Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii potted 10L Hebe rakaiensis potted 2L Hebe rakaiensis potted 10L Hebe vernicosa potted 2L Hebe vernicosa potted 10L Hedera colchica Sulphur Heart potted 2L Hedera helix Glacier climber potted 2L Hedera helix Green Ripple climber potted 2L

Available now 13 10 5 22 13 22 29 46 4 3 10 1 7 2 2 1 5 2 44 21 31 1 2 84 48 13 19 2 6 32 11 55 4 85 82 4 2 40 16 95 28 6 26 1 57 48 26 8 76 9 39 6

List price 17.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 12.50 3.25 3.25 6.00 3.95 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.95 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 108.00 121.00 4.50 55.00 3.50 12.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 3.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 9.50 4.50 9.50 14.50 4.50 14.50 4.50 14.50 6.95 3.50 3.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 9 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Helenium Early Oak Yellow potted 2L Helenium Moerheim Beauty potted 2L Helenium Moerheim Beauty potted 5L Helianthus Lemon Queen potted 2L Helictotrichon sempervirens potted 2L Helictotrichon sempervirens Saphirsprudel potted 2L Helleborus mixed potted 2L Helleborus mixed potted 5L Hemerocallis Stella de Oro potted 2L Hemerocallis Stella de Oro potted 5L Hesperantha coccinea Fenland Daybreak potted 2L Hesperantha coccinea Major potted 2L Hesperantha coccinea Pink Princess potted 2L Hesperantha coccinea Sunrise potted 2L Heuchera Berry Smoothie potted 5L Heuchera Licorice potted 2L Heuchera Marmalade potted 2L Heuchera Midnight Rose potted 2L Heuchera Midnight Rose potted 5L Heuchera Paris potted 2L Heuchera Plum Pudding potted 2L Heuchera Plum Pudding potted 5L Heuchera Sugar Frosting potted 2L Heucherella Cracked Ice potted 2L Heucherella Kimono potted 2L Heucherella Sweet Tea potted 2L Heucherella Tapestry potted 2L Hibiscus syriacus Hamabo potted 2L Hibiscus syriacus Oiseau Bleu potted 2L Hibiscus syriacus Red Heart potted 2L Hibiscus syriacus Woodbridge potted 2L Hosta Elegans potted 2L Hosta Frances Williams potted 2L Hosta Wide Brim potted 2L Hosta mixed potted 2L Hydrangea Dolce Gypsy potted 2L Hydrangea Kanmara In Champagne potted 5L Hydrangea Kanmara In Lilac potted 5L Hydrangea Kanmara In Pink potted 5L Hydrangea Kanmara In White potted 5L Hydrangea Preziosa potted 3L Hydrangea Preziosa potted 10L Hydrangea anomala subsp petiolaris potted 5L Hydrangea involucrata potted 2L Hydrangea macrophylla Bouquet Rose potted 2L Hydrangea macrophylla Madame Emile Mouillere potted 3L Hydrangea macrophylla Madame Emile Mouillere potted 10L Hydrangea macrophylla Teller Blauling potted 2L Hydrangea macrophylla Tricolor potted 2L Hydrangea macrophylla White Wave potted 2L Hydrangea macrophylla White Wave potted 10L Hydrangea paniculata Grandiflora potted 2L

Available now 11 17 3 17 27 3 9 15 5 1 28 22 16 25 75 1 2 6 40 2 4 83 19 4 70 7 21 1 5 6 6 6 8 2 30 32 17 16 15 22 30 4 13 5 2 32 6 18 4 13 20 2

List price 3.25 3.25 6.00 3.25 4.50 4.50 2.00 6.95 3.25 6.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.00 3.95 3.95 3.95 6.00 3.95 3.95 6.00 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.50 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 4.50 14.50 12.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 4.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 10 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Hydrangea paniculata Grandiflora potted 10L Hydrangea paniculata Mixed potted 5L Hydrangea paniculata Phantom potted 5L Hydrangea paniculata Unique potted 2L Hydrangea quercifolia potted 10L Hydrangea quercifolia Harmony potted 2L Hydrangea serrata Bluebird potted 2L Hydrangea serrata Bluebird potted 10L Hypericom Magical Beauty potted 2L Hypericum Hidcote potted 2L Hypericum calycinum potted 2L Ilex altaclerensis Golden King potted 2L Ilex aquifolium potted 2L Ilex aquifolium potted 7.5L Ilex aquifolium Marijo potted 30L Ilex crenata potted 2L Ilex crenata Convexa potted 2L Imperata cylindrica Rubra (Red Baron) potted 5L Iris Kaempferi potted 5L Iris germanica potted 1L Iris siberica White Swan potted 5L Iris sibirica Sparkling Rose potted 2L Jasminum officinale Inverleith potted 10L Jasminum officinale Inverleith climber potted 3L Juglans nigra standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Juniperus sabina Tamariscifolia potted 10L Juniperus squamata Blue Star potted 2L Juniperus squamata Holger potted 10L Kerria japonica Golden Guinea potted 3L Knautia macedonica Red Knight potted 2L Kniphofia Happy Halloween potted 2L Koeleria glauca potted 2L Kolkwitzia amabilis Pink Cloud potted 10L Lamium galeobdolon potted 2L Lamium maculatum Beacon Silver potted 2L Laurus nobilis potted 10L Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote potted 2L Lavandula angustifolia Munstead potted 2L Lavandula angustifolia Munstead potted 7.5L Lavandula intermedia Grosso potted 7.5L Lavandula stoechas potted 2L Leucanthemum superbum potted 5L Leucanthemum superbum Aglaia potted 2L Leucanthemum superbum Lacrosse potted 2L Leucanthemum superbum Snowcap potted 5L Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow potted 2L Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow potted 7.5L Libertia ixioides Goldfinger potted 2L Ligustrum japonicum standard potted 12-14cm girth Ligustrum lucidum Excelsum Superbum standard potted 35L 10-12cm Ligustrum ovalifolium potted 7.5L Ligustrum ovalifolium hedging potted 45L 175-200cm height

Available now 2 19 1 11 93 13 13 7 6 21 113 32 154 35 2 17 2 4 7 5 2 27 5 1 1 2 2 13 36 20 16 16 6 50 17 1 2 140 4 7 6 23 19 20 31 4 42 4 4 4 67 36

List price 14.50 7.95 7.95 4.50 14.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 5.75 3.25 2.50 4.50 3.50 17.00 45.00 4.50 4.50 7.50 6.00 3.25 6.00 3.25 17.00 6.95 130.00 12.50 4.50 12.50 3.50 3.25 3.25 4.50 12.50 3.25 3.25 24.50 3.50 3.50 12.50 12.50 3.50 6.00 3.25 3.25 6.00 3.50 14.50 4.50 95.00 95.00 12.50 75.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 11 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum potted 2L Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum potted 7.5L Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum (hedging) potted 45L 125-150cm height Linaria purpurea Canon Went potted 2L Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon potted 10L Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon pleached panel potted 45L 16-18cm girth Liriope muscari potted 2L Liriope muscari Big Blue potted 5L Liriope muscari Variegata potted 5L Lobelia cardinalis Queen Victoria potted 2L Lonicera brownii Dropmore Scarlet potted 10L Lonicera japonica Halliana potted 3L Lonicera japonica Halliana potted 7.5L Lonicera nitida Baggesens Gold potted 2L Lonicera nitida Lemon Beauty potted 2L Lonicera nitida Maigrun potted 7.5L Lonicera periclymenum potted 2L Lonicera periclymenum Belgica potted 3L Lonicera periclymenum Belgica potted 10L Lonicera pileata potted 2L Lonicera purpusii Winter Beauty potted 10L Lysimachia atropurpurea Beaujolais potted 2L Lythrum salicaria Robert potted 2L Magnolia George Henry Kern potted 10L Magnolia loebneri Leonard Messel potted 10L Magnolia salicifolia Wada's Memory standard potted 80L 10-12cm girth Magnolia stellata Waterlily potted 10L Mahonia bealei potted 2L Mahonia bealei potted 7.5L Mahonia media Charity potted 2L Mahonia media Charity potted 7.5L Mahonia media Winter Sun potted 2L Mahonia media Winter Sun potted 7.5L Malus Comtessa de Paris standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Malus Comtessa de Paris standard potted 45L 14-16cm girth Malus Mokum standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Malus Mokum standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Malus sylvestris standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Malus trilobata standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Malus tschonoskii Van Eseltine standard potted 45L 8-10cm girth Melica ciliata potted 2L Mespilus germanica half-standard potted 20L Miscanthus sinensis Gracillimus potted 2L Miscanthus sinensis Kleine Fontane potted 2L Miscanthus sinensis Morning Light potted 2L Miscanthus sinensis Red Chief potted 3L Miscanthus sinensis Silberspinne potted 2L Miscanthus sinensis Strictus potted 2L Miscanthus sinensis Variegatus potted 2L Miscanthus sinensis Zebrinus potted 2L Monarda Schneewittchen potted 1.5L Myrtus communis potted 2L

Available now 98 156 49 13 5 2 2 25 21 3 2 1 3 37 40 120 15 2 5 1 15 4 35 3 3 1 6 74 58 42 1 98 66 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 8 4 20 9 11 2 13 10 2 11 4 22

List price 3.25 12.50 55.00 3.25 15.50 150.00 3.25 6.00 6.00 3.25 17.00 6.95 17.00 3.25 2.50 12.50 4.95 6.95 17.00 2.50 14.50 3.25 3.25 24.50 24.50 125.00 24.50 3.50 12.50 3.50 12.50 3.50 12.50 69.00 81.00 69.00 81.00 62.00 82.00 59.00 4.50 35.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.50 4.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 12 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Nandina domestica Fire Power potted 2L Nandina domestica Fire Power potted 7.5L Nandina domestica Richmond potted 2L Nandina domestica Richmond potted 7.5L Nepeta Six Hills Giant potted 2L Nepeta Six Hills Giant potted 5L Nepeta faassenii potted 1.5L Nepeta faassenii Kit Kat potted 2L Nepeta grandiflora Dawn to Dusk potted 2L Nepeta racemosa Walker's Low potted 2L Nepeta racemosa Walker's Low potted 5L Onoclea sensibilis potted 2L Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens potted 2L Osmanthus burkwoodii potted 7.5L Osmanthus delavayi potted 10L Osmanthus heterophyllus Variegatus potted 2L Osmunda regalis potted 2L Osmunda regalis potted 5L Osmunda regalis Purpurascens potted 2L Osmunda regalis Purpurascens potted 7.5L Pachysandra terminalis potted 1.5L Pachysandra terminalis Variegata potted 1.5L Paeonia lactiflora Bowl of Beauty potted 4L Paeonia lactiflora Karl Rosenfield potted 4L Paeonia lactiflora Krinkled White potted 4L Paeonia lactiflora Shirley Temple potted 4L Paeonia lactilfora Sword Dance potted 4L Panicum virgatum Heiliger Hain potted 2L Parthenocissus henryana potted 3L Parthenocissus quinquefolia potted 3L Parthenocissus quinquefolia potted 10L Parthenocissus tricuspidata Veitchii potted 3L Pear Conference half-standard potted 20L Pennisetum alopecuroides Hameln potted 2L Pennisetum alopecuroides Little Bunny potted 2L Penstemon Hidcote Pink potted 5L Penstemon Pensham Czar potted 5L Penstemon Phoenix Appleblossom potted 2L Penstemon Phoenix Appleblossom potted 5L Penstemon Phoenix Red potted 5L Penstemon Phoenix Violet potted 2L Penstemon Phoenix Violet potted 5L Perovskia Blue Spire potted 7.5L Persicaria affinis Superba potted 2L Phalaris arundinacea Feesey potted 2L Phalaris arundinacea Feesey potted 5L Philadelphus Belle Etoile potted 2L Philadelphus Belle Etoile potted 7.5L Philadelphus Mrs E L Robinson potted 5L Philadelphus Virginal potted 2L Philadelphus coronarius Aureus potted 2L Philadelphus coronarius Aureus potted 7.5L

Available now 8 1 10 45 43 35 12 12 58 9 21 13 18 28 10 3 19 9 13 1 28 4 5 4 8 11 4 2 1 9 1 3 5 6 4 2 1 4 16 6 3 6 12 9 54 2 5 3 4 19 12 3

List price 4.50 14.50 4.50 14.50 3.25 6.00 3.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.00 4.50 4.50 14.50 14.50 4.50 4.50 7.95 4.50 12.50 2.50 2.00 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 4.50 6.95 6.95 17.00 6.95 35.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 6.00 3.25 6.00 6.00 3.25 6.00 12.50 3.50 4.50 7.50 3.25 12.50 9.50 3.25 3.25 12.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 13 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Phlox paniculata David potted 2L Phlox paniculata Famous Cerise potted 2L Phlox paniculata Pink Lady potted 2L Phormium Black Velvet potted 7.5L Phormium Bronze Baby potted 5L Phormium Gold Ray potted 10L Phormium Sundowner potted 10L Phormium Yellow Wave potted 7.5L Phormium cookianum Tricolor potted 7.5L Photinia fraseri Little Red Robin potted 2L Photinia fraseri Pink Marble potted 20L 100-125cm height Photinia fraseri Red Robin potted 2L Photinia fraseri Red Robin potted 5L Photinia fraseri Red Robin half-standard potted 25L 8-10cm girth Photinia fraseri Red Robin hedging potted 45L 175-200cm height Phyllostachys aurea potted 45L 200-225cm Phyllostachys aureosulcata aureocaulis potted 45L Phyllostachys nigra potted 45L Physocarpus opulifolius Dart's Gold potted 7.5L Pieris Flaming Silver potted 2L Pieris Forest Flame potted 2L Pieris japonica Little Heath potted 2L Pieris japonica Little Heath potted 7.5L Pinus mugo potted 10L Pinus mugo Mughus potted 3L Pittosporum Arundel Green potted 3L Pittosporum Arundel Green potted 10L Pittosporum Collaig Silver potted 10L Pittosporum Garnettii potted 3L Pittosporum Garnettii potted 10L Pittosporum Garnettii potted 80L 200-250cm height Pittosporum tenuifolium potted 80L 200-225cm height Pittosporum tenuifolium Abbotsbury Gold potted 10L Pittosporum tenuifolium Cratus potted 10L Pittosporum tenuifolium Elizabeth potted 3L Pittosporum tenuifolium Elizabeth potted 10L Pittosporum tenuifolium Golf Ball potted 3L Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Queen potted 5L Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Queen potted 80L 200-250cm height Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Sheen potted 5L Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb potted 10L Pittosporum tenuifolium Variegatum potted 5L Plum Mirabelle de Nancy espalier potted 7.5L Plum Victoria espalier bare root Plum Victoria standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Polygonatum biflorum potted 7.5L Polypodium vulgare potted 2L Polystichum polyblepharum potted 2L Polystichum setiferum Herrenhausen potted 2L Polystichum tsussimense potted 2L Potentilla fruticosa Abbotswood potted 2L Potentilla fruticosa Kobold potted 2L

Available now 15 2 12 10 4 55 7 12 18 4 5 56 58 16 58 49 16 51 1 35 35 4 7 19 2 33 31 1 6 7 1 1 4 2 22 1 6 8 1 2 28 7 1 2 1 71 13 33 16 26 7 10

List price 3.25 3.25 4.00 17.00 9.50 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 4.50 45.00 4.50 10.50 80.00 75.00 60.00 65.00 65.00 14.50 4.95 4.95 4.50 14.50 14.50 4.50 8.95 17.00 17.00 8.95 17.00 250.00 150.00 17.00 17.00 8.95 17.00 8.95 12.50 150.00 10.50 17.00 10.50 38.50 35.00 99.00 7.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.25 3.25

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 14 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Potentilla fruticosa Kobold potted 10L Potentilla fruticosa Red Ace potted 2L Potentilla fruticosa Tangerine potted 7.5L Potentilla nepalensis Miss Willmott potted 2L Primula vulgaris potted 9cm Prunus Ichiyo potted 10L Prunus Pandora potted 10L Prunus Snow Goose potted 10L Prunus Snow Goose standard potted 45L 18-20cm girth Prunus avium Plena standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Prunus cerasifera Pissardii standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Prunus cistena potted 2L Prunus cistena potted 7.5L Prunus incisa Kojo-no-mai potted 2L Prunus laurocerasus potted 2L Prunus laurocerasus potted 10L Prunus laurocerasus potted 7.5L Prunus laurocerasus hedging potted 45L 175-200cm height Prunus laurocerasus Otto Luyken potted 2L Prunus laurocerasus Otto Luyken potted 10L Prunus lusitanica potted 2L Prunus lusitanica hedging potted 45L 175-200cm height Prunus lusitanica Variegata hedging potted 45L 100-125cm height Prunus padus standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Prunus serrula standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Prunus serrula standard potted 45L 16-18cm girth Prunus subhirtella Autumnalis potted 10L Prunus subhirtella Autumnalis standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Prunus yedoensis potted 10L Prunus yedoensis standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Pulmonaria Blue Ensign potted 2L Pyracantha Saphyr Jaune potted 2L Pyracantha Saphyr Jaune potted 7.5L Pyracantha Saphyr Orange potted 2L Pyracantha Saphyr Orange potted 7.5L Pyracantha Saphyr Rouge potted 2L Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth Quercus robur standard potted 45L 10-12cm girth Rhododendron Fastuosum Flore Pleno potted 7.5L Rhododendron Golden Gate potted 12L Rhododendron Goldflimmer potted 7.5L Rhododendron Grace Seabrook potted 7.5L Rhododendron Lord Roberts potted 7.5L Rhododendron Mrs Betty Robertson potted 12L Rhododendron Rubicon potted 7.5L Rhododendron Yakushimanum Species potted 7.5L Rhodohypoxis Starry Eyes potted 2L Ribes sanguineum potted 2L Robinia pseudoacacia standard potted 45L 18-20cm girth Rosa Chilterns potted 3L Rosa Climbing Arthur Bell potted 4L Rosa Compassion potted 4L

Available now 14 4 33 2 114 5 5 5 5 1 3 4 1 30 39 10 90 6 9 158 19 6 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 3 16 63 27 57 62 97 6 1 1 1 8 1 1 5 1 5 3 9 1 21 2 1

List price 12.50 3.25 12.50 3.25 1.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 131.25 72.00 62.00 3.50 12.50 3.50 3.50 12.50 12.50 55.00 4.00 12.50 3.50 75.00 45.00 72.00 80.00 124.00 15.50 72.00 15.50 72.00 3.25 3.50 12.50 3.50 12.50 3.50 80.00 61.00 21.00 30.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 30.00 21.00 21.00 3.25 3.25 204.00 5.50 7.50 7.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 15 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Rosa Essex potted 3L Rosa Etoile de Hollande potted 7.5L Rosa Gwent potted 3L Rosa Hertfordshire potted 3L Rosa Kent potted 3L Rosa Marjorie Fair potted 4L Rosa Penelope potted 4L Rosa Rambling Rosie potted 4L Rosa Rambling Rosie potted 10L Rosa Sussex potted 3L Rosa banksiae Lutea potted 10L Rosa mixed half-standard potted 20L Rosmarinus officinalis potted 2L Rosmarinus officinalis potted 1.5L Rosmarinus officinalis potted 7.5L Rosmarinus officinalis Miss Jessopp's Upright potted 2L Rosmarinus officinalis Miss Jessopp's Upright potted 7.5L Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus Group potted 5L Rudbeckia fulgida Little Goldstar potted 2L Rudbeckia fulgida var sullivantii Goldsturm potted 2L Salix caprea potted 2L Salix caprea Kilmarnock half-standard potted 10L Salvia Blue Note potted 2L Salvia nemorosa Caradonna potted 2L Salvia nemorosa May Night potted 2L Salvia nemorosa Ostfriesland potted 2L Salvia nemorosa Sensation Deep Blue potted 2L Salvia officinalis potted 1.5L Salvia officinalis Purpurascens potted 1.5L Salvia sylvestris Blauhugel potted 2L Salvia sylvestris Schneehugel potted 2L Sambucus nigra porphyrophylla Black Lace potted 3L Santolina chamaecyparissus potted 2L Santolina chamaecyparissus potted 1.5L Sarcococca confusa potted 2L Sarcococca confusa potted 7.5L Sarcococca hookeriana var digyna potted 7.5L Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis potted 7.5L Sarcococca orientalis potted 2L Scabiosa Vivid Violet potted 2L Sedum Autumn Joy potted 2L Sedum atropurpureum group Purple Emperor potted 2L Sedum spectabile Brilliant potted 1.5L Sidalcea Elsie Heugh potted 3L Silene dioica Rollie's Favourite potted 2L Skimmia confusa Kew Green potted 2L Skimmia confusa Kew Green potted 10L Skimmia confusa Kew Green potted 7.5L Skimmia japonica Rubella potted 2L Skimmia japonica Rubella potted 7.5L Solanum laxum Album potted 3L Sorbus aria Majestica standard potted 45L 12-14cm girth

Available now 20 2 17 8 1 3 7 1 7 11 3 12 13 1 8 1 42 12 39 25 1 1 10 23 8 24 26 25 24 50 25 1 17 44 8 15 30 26 1 97 3 3 8 41 3 27 2 132 30 27 6 2

List price 5.50 17.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 12.50 7.50 7.50 17.00 5.50 17.00 25.00 3.25 2.50 12.50 3.25 12.50 6.00 3.25 3.25 2.50 17.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.50 3.25 2.50 4.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 5.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 2.50 3.25 3.25 4.50 14.50 14.50 4.50 14.50 6.95 73.00

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 16 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Spiraea Arguta potted 2L Spiraea japonica Albiflora potted 2L Spiraea japonica Anthony Waterer potted 2L Spiraea japonica Golden Princess potted 5L Spiraea japonica Goldflame potted 2L Spiraea japonica Little Princess potted 2L Spiraea japonica Little Princess potted 1.5L Stachys byzantina potted 2L Stachys byzantina Silver Carpet potted 2L Stachyurus praecox Issai potted 30L Stephanandra incisa Crispa potted 2L Stipa arundinacea potted 2L Stipa gigantea potted 2L Stipa tenuissima potted 5L Stokesia laevis Mel's Blue potted 2L Symphoricarpos Magical Candy potted 3L Symphoricarpos Magical Sweet potted 3L Syringa Red Pixie potted 3L Syringa Red Pixie potted 7.5L Syringa bloomerang Pink Perfume potted 3L Syringa vulgaris Andenken an Ludwig Spath potted 2L Syringa vulgaris Andenken an Ludwig Spath potted 10L Syringa vulgaris Andenken an Ludwig Spath potted 30L Syringa vulgaris Belle de Nancy potted 30L Syringa vulgaris Madame Lemoine potted 2L Syringa vulgaris Madame Lemoine potted 10L Syringa vulgaris Madame Lemoine potted 30L Taxus baccata potted 2L Taxus baccata ball potted 10L 30-35cm balldiameter Thuja plicata Fastigiata feathered potted 45L 250-300cm height Tiarella cordifolia potted 2L Tilia oliveri standard potted 45L 14-16cm girth Trachelospermum jasminoides potted 3L Trachelospermum jasminoides potted 10L Verbena bonariensis potted 2L Verbena bonariensis potted 5L Veronica longifolia Schneeriesin potted 2L Veronica spicata Ulster Blue Dwarf potted 2L Viburnum bodnantense Dawn potted 10L Viburnum burkwoodii potted 2L Viburnum davidii potted 2L Viburnum davidii potted 10L Viburnum opulus Roseum potted 2L Viburnum opulus Roseum potted 10L Viburnum plicatum Mariesii potted 2L Viburnum rhytidophyllum potted 30L Viburnum tinus potted 2L Viburnum tinus potted 7.5L Viburnum tinus Eve Price potted 2L Viburnum tinus Eve Price potted 7.5L Vinca major potted 1.5L Vinca major Variegata potted 1.5L

Available now 6 1 15 3 8 1 3 25 17 1 4 12 15 44 1 24 31 15 27 20 17 4 1 12 14 3 2 195 2 5 57 1 41 44 5 23 33 50 32 5 17 30 17 22 2 2 3 153 9 89 28 43

List price 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.50 3.25 3.25 2.25 3.50 3.25 35.00 3.25 4.50 4.50 7.50 3.25 3.50 3.50 4.50 12.50 4.50 4.50 17.00 55.00 55.00 4.50 17.00 55.00 6.95 45.00 110.00 3.25 94.00 17.00 35.00 3.25 6.00 3.25 3.25 14.50 4.50 4.50 14.50 4.50 14.50 4.50 45.00 4.50 14.50 4.50 14.50 2.50 2.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 17 of 18


Availability list TRADE | 06-Aug-2018 Item Vinca minor Atropurpurea potted 1.5L Vinca minor Gertrude Jekyll potted 1.5L Vinca minor La Grave (Bowles Variety) potted 2L Vitis Brant potted 3L Vitis coignetiae potted 3L Vitis coignetiae potted 7.5L Weigela Black and White potted 2L Weigela Briant Rubidor potted 2L Weigela Bristol Ruby potted 2L Weigela Bristol Ruby potted 30L Weigela Bristol Ruby potted 7.5L Weigela Kosteriana Variegata potted 2L Weigela Kosteriana Variegata potted 7.5L Weigela Pink Poppet potted 2L Weigela florida Foliis Purpureis potted 2L Weigela florida Variegata potted 2L Wisteria brachybotrys Shiro-kapitan climber potted 2L Wisteria chinensis potted 10L 200-225cm

Available now 50 112 38 1 1 3 1 18 19 2 56 6 82 4 1 4 1 3

List price 2.50 2.50 2.50 6.95 6.95 17.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 35.00 12.50 3.25 12.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 9.50 22.50

Hillier Nurseries Ltd, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Registered in England no. 1260468 | VAT no. GB 382 8084 30 | EC-Plant Passport UK/EW 5521 Page 18 of 18
