Psalm 145

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JESUS IS KING (Psalm 145) HOME DISCUSSION GUIDE When Jesus completed His ministry, He was crucified for the sins of the world. The sign placed above His cross, though meant in mockery, read, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews”. Yet three days later He rose in victory from the grave. After ascending to heaven, He sat down on the throne as King of kings and Lord of lords. The King died for our sins—yours, mine, and all the world’s. Let’s allow Him to rule in our hearts.

CONVERSATION STARTER Allowing Jesus to be King of your life means giving Him influence over you. Who has been a positive influence in your life? What type of impact did they have on you?

GETTING INTO THE SCRIPTURES Please read aloud Psalm 145. Pastor Jason said “Jesus desires to be King over everything in your life.” We tend to compartmentalize our lives. What area(s) of your life have you not allowed Jesus to speak into? VS 8&9 - Jesus is a welcoming King. Jesus welcomes you openly and freely, you can go to him with everything. How approachable a person are you? How can you be more welcoming to others? Who have you rejected that you need to give a second chance? VS 17 - Jesus is an exclusive King. We can only worship Christ alone yet we all can struggle with idolatry. What idols do you struggle with and how can we as a community group pray for you? VS 20 - Jesus is an all-powerful King. How have you experienced the power of Jesus in your own life? How do you need his power to intervene in your life or a friend/family member’s life right now?

MAKING IT REAL VS 21 – “Out of the mouth the heart speaks… - Luke 6:45”. If our words reflect what is going on in our hearts. What do your words say about you? At your worst, what do they reflect? At your best, what do they reflect?