QPC Minutes 17 06 2015

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Quality & Performance Committee held on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at 12.15pm Held in S4.01 in the South Building Present:

Stewart Fergusson Maggie Galliers Russell Moseley (Chair) Steve Logan (Principal) Carl Pearson Sandra Smith

In Attendance:

Neil Brookes, Head of School of Maths, English and Foundation Learning Jim Edwards, Clerk to the Corporation Jo Lawrence, Assistant Principal Student and Learning Services Paul Aggett, Head of Quality Improvement Anna Richards, Head of Teaching and Learning Donna Thorp, Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality



Apologies were received from Charlotte Bosworth and Steve Stewart. Q30/15

Welcome and Introductions

Neil Brookes, the new Head of School of Maths, English and Foundation Learning, was welcomed to his first meeting, and introductions were made. Q31/15

Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest made. Q32/15

Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 22nd April 2015

The minutes of the last meeting held on 22nd April 2015 were approved as a true record, subject to a typographical error being corrected.


Matters Arising from the Meeting and Actions’ List

The Actions’ List was reviewed as follows:-



Under Q64/14, 7, iii) Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2013-14, it was confirmed that success rates’ data was being collected, and would form part of the report in 2014-15.


Under Q22/15,21 (ii), Key Performance Indicators 2014-15, it was stated that the requested report on predicted success rates was no longer required, as the position had not altered since the last meeting on 22nd April 2015. Key Performance Indicators 2014-15

1. The Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality presented Governors with the College dashboard for 2014-15, which summarised the latest data for learner performance and experience. 2. It was reported that retention rates had now stabilised, and were showing that 16-18 retention was above the national average, and 19+ retention was at the national average. Given that these figures included maths and English, this represented a satisfactory performance. The key objective now was to maximise student achievements to improve overall success rates. 3. Apprenticeship overall success and timely success was currently below target, but, as the academic year drew to a close, it was expected that the position would improve significantly such that the performance in this area was likely to be outstanding. 4. In terms of overall attendance, it was reported that performance was still below the target of ≥90%, and targeted intervention measures were still being implemented. 5. The position with maths and English had not altered since the last meeting on 22nd April 2015. To confirm, November resits had seen some improvements compared with 2013-14, but the full out-turn for 2014-15 would not be known until August. 6. Governors queried Ofsted’s new measures of success, and it was reported that guidance for colleges had not yet been issued. In the meantime, the College was seeking to model its data based on the likely new measures, so that self-assessment judgements could be made in the early part of 2015-16. 7. In terms of progression and destinations, it was reported that over 1,900 predicted destinations had already been collected, with a further 800 to be completed. In October, the actual destination data would be collected. Governors were informed that students’ planned destinations were ascertained at the beginning of the academic year, and were then re-assessed on a termly basis. Students were given the necessary support to help them achieve their goals. 8. Governors stressed the importance of receiving this data, as it would support their understanding of the College’s core provision, and would allow them to monitor progressions and destinations accordingly. 9. Governors noted the improvement in lesson observation grades, which showed the year-end figure of 82% ‘Good or better’ grades against the in-year target of 80%. 23% of observations had been judged as ‘Outstanding’.

10. Governors resolved:2


to note the current student performance for 2014-15 against internal and national average targets, and re-iterated the importance of ensuring the highest possible levels of achievement by students;


to commend the Work-Based Learning and Functional Skills’ staff in achieving excellent apprenticeship success rates;


to commend the staff in achieving improved lesson observation grades;


to agree that performance data against the new measures of success in 2014-15 should be taken to the next Quality and Performance Committee meeting on 11th November 2015;


to agree that the New Measures’ section of dashboard layout should be amended to show Ofsted KPIs separately from those KPIs related to DfE/SFA/BIS policies;


English and Maths

1. The Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality gave a presentation on the College’s strategies for maximising English and maths achievement. 2. Significant progress had been made in engaging students in revision sessions, and over 200 had been involved in Boot Camps. Attendance had been very good and over 500 test papers had been completed in two weeks. This demonstrated one of the impacts of the intervention strategies. 3. The English and maths provision was likely to be self-assessed as Grade 3 for 2014-15. Although the lesson observation grade profile was now good, and good feedback had been received from students, it was still recognised that the overall provision required improvement. 4. Governors were pleased to note that the College would be working with students throughout the summer and during September to secure any outstanding achievements. 5. It was agreed that that the English and Maths Strategy was having a positive impact, and it was suggested that further refinements should be made to encourage and reward students for their participation and achievements. A reward card, for instance, might be appropriate. 6. Governors resolved:-



to note the presentation on English and mathematics;


to re-iterate the strategic importance of high-quality English and mathematics provision in the College;


to commend the College for its success in engaging students through revision sessions;


to note the likely self-assessment grade of ‘Requires Improvement’ for English and maths provision in 2014-15;


that consideration should be given to the introduction of a reward card or something similar for students attending, achieving and progressing in English and maths. Higher Education 3

HE Committee minutes 1. The Principal presented the latest HE Committee minutes from the meeting held on 12th May 2015. 2. Governors resolved:i)

to note the HE Committee minutes from the meeting held on 12th May 2015.

QAA Higher Education Review Action Plan 3. The Principal presented Governors with the latest Higher Education Review Action Plan, which had been revised following QAA comments. The document is being reviewed by the HE Committee every week and has been placed on the College website. 4. Particular work on quality enhancement is being undertaken by the Head of Quality Improvement to bring the College’s provision into line with university standards. 5. After due consideration, Governors resolved:-



to endorse the revised Higher Education Review Action Plan;


to note the considerable improvements that had been made since the original QAA HE review;


to endorse planned growth of HE provision as part of the College’s HE Strategy;


to note that QAA would be undertaking a mid-year review during 2015-16.

Annual Observation of Teaching and Learning Report

1. The Head of Teaching and Learning presented Governors with a report on the outcomes of the lesson observations undertaken throughout 2014-15. These included re-observations of teaching staff who had originally been graded as ‘Requiring improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’. 2. 196 formal lesson observations had been carried out, and, of these, 82% were judged to be Good or Outstanding. This was compared with the internal target of 80%. The percentage of Outstanding gradings had increased by 9% to 23%. 3. The performance management processes were reviewed, and it was reported that 93% of staff who had been re-observed had improved their grade to at least ‘Good’. A number of staff who had not been able to improve their grades had now left the College. Following these re-observations, the level of ‘Good or better’ gradings had increased to 92%. 4. 83% of new teachers had achieved a ‘Good or better’ grade profile, and Governors were pleased to see this improved performance, given that it had been an area of concern previously. 5. The grade profile of agency staff, however, was still an area for improvement as only 20% had achieved ‘Good or better’. It was confirmed that any member of agency staff not achieving the required standard had had their contract terminated with the College. 6. The impact of the implementation of the revised lesson observation policy, and the mentoring and support for teachers, was that in September 2015 there would be no teachers graded below ‘Good or better’. 4

7. Governors also reviewed the profile of lesson observation grades by level of provision, and the differences in performance were noted. 8. Governors resolved:i)

to commend the staff for achieving improved lesson observation outcomes in 2014-15;


to note the positive impact of the revised performance management processes on the quality of teaching and learning;


to agree that, as far as possible, the College should seek to establish a pool of good quality part-time staff, who could be used instead of agency staff.



1. The Assistant Principal Student and Learning Services presented Governors with the latest safeguarding Update. 2. As at the date of the meeting, there had been 194 safeguarding referrals so far in 2014-15. The increase of referrals over recent weeks was expected, given the time of year. It was noted that retention among these students was 85%, a significant improvement on 2013-14. Support structures were in place and were working effectively. 3. The reasons for referrals were summarised for Governors, and it was noted that ‘family’ and ‘housing’ were the most common themes. Aside from these, there were a number of referral types, and these were informed to Governors. 4. 57% of referrals had come from female students, and 69% from white ethnic categories. In terms of age, 17 year olds represented the highest percentage of referrals. 5. Referrals from Looked After Children were noted, and Governors were pleased to see that the retention of this group of students was 99%. 6. Following Governors’ discussion at the previous committee meeting, the College had established a relationship with Coventry’s new Child Sexual Exploitation Team, and this was seen as a very positive development. Training and briefing sessions would be delivered to staff accordingly. 7. It was noted that the Principal had been invited to join Coventry’s Safeguarding Board, which would further strengthen the College’s agency relationships. 8. Discussion turned to the Prevent agenda, and it was reported that the College had continued to develop its safeguarding arrangements. Further Prevent training had been delivered to staff and students as planned in order to raise awareness of radicalisation and violent extremism. College continued to participate strongly as a member of Coventry’s Prevent Team. 9. Governors resolved:i)

to note the latest safeguarding update;


to note the positive impact of the College’s support processes for vulnerable students;


to endorse the actions being implemented to meet the College’s safeguarding duty. 5


Equality and Diversity Policy

1. The Assistant Principal Student and Learning Services presented Governors with proposed revisions to the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy for recommendation to the Corporation for approval. It was confirmed that the Equality and Diversity Committee and the Senior Management Team had reviewed the policy and had recommended the amendments. 2. The requirement under the policy to appoint a designated Governor with lead responsibility for equality and diversity was noted and endorsed. 3. Governors resolved:-



to recommend Equality and Diversity Policy to the Corporation for approval;


to agree that Ms Sandra Smith should formally be appointed as the Governor with lead responsibility for equality and diversity, noting, however that she had carried out this role for a number of years previously.

Supported Experiments

1. The Head of Teaching and Learning presented Governors with a report on supported experiments that had been undertaken so far during the year. As reported previously, the supported experiments had been introduced as a way of testing new teaching approaches and sharing the resulting good practice. 2. It was reported that the initiative had been successful. Every teacher had been involved, which demonstrated their commitment to improving teaching standards further. Very positive feedback had been received from teaching staff. 3. Governors resolved:-



to note the positive introduction of supported experiments’ initiative;


to endorse the actions being taken to develop the initiative further in 2015-16;

Courses in Special Measures 2014-15

1. The Head of Quality Improvement presented Governors with a report on the progress being made in addressing learner performance on course in Special Measures in 2014-15. 2. It was reported that, in general, achievement rates for those courses would improve to 95%. However, because of some continued poor levels of retention, the predicted success rates for a few courses were below target. 3. A Special Measures’ Annual Report for 2014-15 would be presented to the committee at its next meeting on 11th November 2015, at which the revised process for 2015-16 would also be outlined. 4. Governors resolved:i)

to note the latest progress report on courses in special measures.




to note the overall improvements in learner performance, which was pleasing, but also to endorse the College’s approach in managing those programmes that were likely to fall below target in terms of success rates. Any Other Business

Ofsted Common Inspection Framework 1. Governors were informed that Ofsted’s draft revised Common Inspection Framework was now available. It was noted that further drafting changes were likely before final publication in September 2015. 2. Governors resolved:i)


that Ofsted’s draft revised Common Inspection Framework should be circulated to the Chair of the Corporation and the Chair of the Quality and Performance Committee for information.

Publication of documents

The publication of documents was approved without exception. Q44/15

Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed for 11th November 2015 at 12.15pm. Meeting opened 12.15pm Meeting closed 2.01pm JE