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1. Together read Jonah 4:1-11. Review the reasons why we get angry. How

does Jonah’s anger magnify the mercy of God? Discuss the wonder of God’s character stated by Jonah in verse 2.

2. Though Jonah expresses the truth about God in verse 2, yet he has a real

problem with God’s character. How so? Discuss how your view of God has everything to do with how you live your life.

3. How does sinful anger expose pride and self-worship (idolatry)? How do

you personally tend to justify your own anger? (Give an example tactfully).

4. How does verse 3 typify the ultimate rebellion of an angry heart? Discuss

this quote by Doug Bookman on Jonah, “Jonah believed a lie. He has set his eyes upon himself and brought havoc into his life.”