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RECREATION Recreation is essential to the healthy development of youth. Adolescents without healthy and productive outlets often resort to destructive behavior, which can be detrimental to growth. Compared to larger metropolitan area, we find that Jefferson Davis Parish has very few options when choosing a recreational activity. More recreational activities would help to curb the unhealthy choices made by modern growth. The Current Picture.... According to the U.S. Census, the population of Jefferson Davis Parish in 2012 was 31,432 and it is expected to grow. Studies by the New York State Recreation and Park Society show that recreation can deter crime, continue life experiences, and make our communities desirable. The Center for Disease Control stated that obesity affects 17% of all children, and alcohol is involved in 31% of motor vehicle crashes, which could be improved by increased recreation. The City of Sacramento webpage showed that brain research confirms that recreation and physical activity enhances the learning process in children. As Young People our Humble Recommendations are..... To create a council or board composed of members from each surrounding school and government officials focused on creating recreational activities. To update what we already have in place to accommodate today’s youth. To create a recreational activity for local youth to also serve as a tourist attraction.