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The Tension Between Humility and Privilege Parables, Part 4

Message by Kurt Thielen October 8-9, 2016

The kingdom of heaven is the timeless, authoritative rule of God over all creation. The kingdom of heaven, though always true, is most apparent when God’s people live under His authority.

Luke 14:1-6

Prideful people use people. Humble people help people.

Luke 14:7-11

Your seat in God’s kingdom does not depend on your own determination; it depends upon the gracious decision of the host.   Prideful people diminish others. Humble people lower themselves. Ways to do something... 1. Never pretend 2. Never presume 3. Never push 4. Never stop praising others 5. Never lose your perspective on God

HDC | small groups 1. H  ave you ever received an award or been honored at a banquet? How did it make you feel? Read Luke 14:7-11 2. W  hat did Jesus notice in Luke 14:7? How did Jesus respond to that situation (Luke 14:8-10)? Have you ever seen this kind of thing happen? If so, share. 3. When  have you encountered situations similar to the wedding party in Jesus’ parable? In those situations, how did you (or the other people involved) respond? 4. H  ow did Jesus encourage his followers to select their seats? What would be the risk of choosing a low seat? 5. W  hat does it mean to ‘exalt oneself?’  What does it mean to ‘humbles himself?’ Give an example. 6. R  ead James 4:1-10.  What is the result of pride and how do you remain humble according to James? 7. R  ead Mark 10:35-45.  How does this story reinforce the parable?  What is similar, what is different?  What lesson(s) of humility can we learn from this story? Read Luke 14:12-14 8. L  ook at verses 12-14. Why do you think people tend to give preference to one of the groups Jesus listed in these verses over the other? What actions might we take to implement Jesus’ teaching in verse 13? 9. H  ow does Jesus’ view of honor differ from that held by others at the meal? How does it differ from our culture’s view? 10. W  hat does this passage teach you about the differences between kingdom values and our societies values? 11. H  ow do things like status and customs get in the way of loving others in your family? Church? Work place? Community?

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