Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals (RFP) -

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Charter Township of Canton

Request for Proposals (RFP) for WEBSITE REDESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND HOSTING OF THE TOWNSHIP WEBSITES Contact: Joseph Kocinski E-mail: [email protected] Date Issued: 7/18/2013 Due Date & Time: 3:00 p.m., Thursday, August 1, 2013

The deadline established for the receipt of your sealed bid is 8/1/2013 at 3:00 p.m. The bid is to be submitted to the Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48188. Address the proposal to: Canton - Clerk’s Office WEBSITE REDESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND HOSTING OF THE TOWNSHIP WEBSITES DUE 8/1/2013 AT 3:00 P.M. 1150 Canton Center S Canton MI 48188

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS & INSTRUCTIONS 1. SUBMISSION OF OFFERS: All offers should be submitted in a sealed envelope or package. The invitation title and opening date shall be clearly displayed on the outside of the sealed envelope or package. The delivery of responses to the Clerk’s Office prior to the specified date and time is solely and strictly the responsibility of the offeror. Any submittal received in the Clerk’s Office after the specified date and time will not be considered. Responses shall be submitted on the forms provided by Canton. Additional information may be attached to the submittal. Facsimile submissions are NOT acceptable. No offer may be modified after acceptance. No offer may be withdrawn after opening for a period of sixty days unless otherwise specified. Bid must include all costs. All offers must include the original and at least (4) copies. 2. EXECUTION OF OFFER: Offer shall contain a manual signature in the space(s) provided of a representative authorized to legally bind the offeror to the provisions therein. 3. EXECUTION OF ACCEPTANCE: Canton Township legally recognizes acceptance of formal offer when a written contract is signed by both parties. Offerer is not to assume that the Canton Board of Trustees resolution approving the bid or proposal is a binding contract. 4. OPENING & RECORDING: Opening shall be public in the Clerk’s Office immediately following the advertised deadline date and time for receipt of submittals. 5. INTEGRITY: Canton Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services. 6. TABULATION: Bid results will be posted on the Township’s website at Please click on Doing Business, Bids & Proposals and then click on Bid Results. 7. BOARD AWARDS: As the best interest of Canton may require, Canton reserves the right to make award(s) by an individual item, group of items, all or none, or a combination thereof; on a geographical basis and/or on a countrywide basis with one or more supplier(s) or provider(s); to reject any and all offers or waive any irregularity or technicality in offers received. Offerors are cautioned to make no assumptions. Any or all awards made as a result of this invitation shall conform to applicable ordinances and policies of Canton Township. Bid awards will be posted on the Township’s website at Please look under meeting minutes.

8. BRAND NAME OR EQUAL: If items requested by this invitation have been identified in the specifications by a brand name “OR EQUAL” description, such identification is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive and is to indicate the quality and characteristics of products that will be acceptable. Offers proposing “equal” products will be considered for award if such products are clearly identified in the offer and are determined by Canton to meet fully the salient characteristic requirements listed in the specifications. 9. PRICING: Unless otherwise specified prices offered shall remain firm for a period of at least sixty (60) days; all pricing of goods shall include FOB Canton Township, all packing, handling, shipping charges and delivery to any point(s) within Canton to a secure area or inside delivery. 10. PAYMENT TERMS: Canton Township will remit full payment on all undisputed invoices within thirty (30) days from receipt by the appropriate person(s) of the invoice or receipt of all products or services ordered. 11. INCURRED EXPENSE: This invitation does not commit Canton to make an award nor shall Canton be responsible for any cost or expense which may be incurred by any respondent in preparing and submitting a reply, or any cost or expense incurred by any respondent prior to the execution of a purchase order or contract agreement. 12. QUESTIONS/ ADDENDA: Any questions concerning the conditions or specifications shall be directed to the designated contact person. Addenda items will be posted on the township website, on the Purchasing Division page under Requests for Bids, Proposals and Qualifications. It is the bidder’s responsibility to check and verify that addenda have been issued. Failure to acknowledge addenda may result in the offer not being considered. 13. CLARIFICATION/CORRECTION OF ENTRY: Canton reserves the right to allow for the clarification of questionable entries and the correction of OBVIOUS MISTAKES. 14. INSURANCE: The successful bidder is required to furnish evidence of the following insurance requirements in accordance with Canton’s Risk Management Policy O:02. Work may not commence until the Certificates of Insurance have been received. The coverage requirements are as follows: Commercial General Liability – Limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limit, Personal Injury, Bodily Injury, and Property Damage. Coverage shall include the following extensions: Contractual Liability, Products and Completed Operations, Independent Contractor Coverage Broad Form General Liability Extensions, Deletion of all Explosion, Collapse, and Underground Exclusions, if applicable. Canton shall be additionally insured. Motor Vehicle Liability - Limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit, Bodily Injury, and Property damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles, and all hired vehicles. Canton shall be additionally insured.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance – The successful bidder shall procure and maintain workers compensation insurance, including Employers Liability Coverage, in accordance with all applicable statutes of the State of Michigan. 15. PUBLIC ACT 517 OF 2012: In accordance with Public Act 517 of the Public Acts of 2012, any Iran linked business is not eligible to submit a bid on a request for proposal with a public entity in Michigan. An “Iran linked business” includes the following: (1) A person engaging in investment activities in the energy sector of Iran, including a person that provides oil or liquefied natural gas tanker or products used to construct or maintain pipelines used to transport oil or liquefied gas for the energy section of Iran; and (2) A financial institution that extends credit to another person, if that person will use the credit to engage in investment activities in the energy sector of Iran. For purposes of this prohibition, “person” includes an individual, corporation, company, limited liability company, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other nongovernmental entity, organization or group. It also includes a governmental entity or instrumentality of a governmental entity, or any successor, subunit, parent company or subsidiary of, or company under common ownership or control with and of the foregoing.



The Charter Township of Canton is accepting proposals to consolidate, redesign, develop, and host the organization’s web sites and certain related online activities including a database and data exchanges from other internal systems. The purpose of this RFP is to provide a fair evaluation for all candidates. Proposals are due by 3:00 pm, Thursday, August 1, 2013. Evaluation and selection will begin as soon as possible. A targeted date of a new website rollout of October 15, 2013 exists and should be used for scheduling purposes. 1.2 Description of Current Situation and Need The current Township websites have evolved over time and therefore vision andfocus have become lost or clouded. The current Township web content is organized according to departments with differing styles of navigation and design. The result is a collection of Township web sites which does not meet the public’s expectation for ease of use, accessibility of content or ease of search ability with desired results. The Township Board, the main governing body of the Township has directed thatour websites be re-designed to strengthen the Township’s Brand on the Internet. Our primary audience is our residents for whom we wish to provide an easy to utilize website. It is further desired that our website project the vitality of the community, the diversity of its residents and to encourage visitors and prospective residents to visit and live in Canton. The Board lastly desires websites that can accommodate online e-commerce and social interactivity with its residents. A successful vendor will have the ability to offer other innovative ideas on how the Township may interact with its residents. A successful candidate to this RFP will have local government website experience, demonstrated proficiency, experience and creativity as a web site designer, developer, programmer and hosting company; a thoughtful plan and strategy for developing and then transitioning to the new site; a plan for site enhancements as budget allows; a content management system (CMS) andadministration implementation portal which makes it easy for non-technical Township staff to update the site; an understanding of IT needs and solutions related to the web site including database integrationand web security; and anunderstanding of cost-efficient solutions.


2.0 Proposal Requirements 2.1 Vendor Backgrounds (Schedule A) Complete the Responding Vendor Background form. In addition, please provide the following information about your company. This additional information must also be submitted for any company that you propose as a sub-contractor. • • •

A brief description of your company size and organizational structure. Identify the principals and primary contacts. A description of the experience your company has had in the WCMS Implementationservice industry. Financial statements for the last two fiscal years.

2.2 Vendor References Vendors should provide a minimum of three (3) client/customer references from organizations that are similar to Canton Township in size and complexity whose websites were designed or converted by your company into the proposed Content Management System(CMS). Additionally, the services and equipment provided should be similar to those requested in this RFP. Use the form provided in attachment A.2 - Vendor References, to provide this information. 2.3 Cost Proposal – Worksheet (Schedule B) Responding vendors must submit a schedule of costs for services requested in this RFP. Cost schedules must be presented in the format of Schedule B of this RFP. The Township reserves the right to contact vendors on cost and scope clarification at any time throughout the selection and negotiation process. The Township is asking vendors to provide costs for all services with the understanding that vendors may have to make assumptions. Such assumptions must be documented. Respondents are being asked to provide a schedule of costs to the Township’s core requirement modules. 2.4 Solution Requirements – (Schedule C) Responding vendors must submit a response to the Requirements as set forth in Schedule C. The requirements are categorized by subject including the following; Access and Security, Content Management, Technical, and Web HostingRequirements. Include in your response your ability to provide for the given requirements. In addition, provide comments where applicable to describe how the requirement is met, necessary customization, or third-party vendor software recommended to fully meet this requirement.


2.5 Services required after selection The selected firm’s representative(s) may be required to attend a public meeting(s) during the approval process and presentations of any prepared website information during the development process. The selected firm’s representatives will be required to meet regularly with the Township’s Redesign Steering Committee to discuss and plan the project(s) and provide progress reports as needed. In conjunction with performance under the approved contract, the vendor may be required to attend additional progress meetings. In the event the vendor is not in conformance with the contract, these meetings will be provided at no additional cost to the Township. The vendor must work directly with the steering committee to address and incorporate the specific needs of the various Township departments. Initial draft website design templates and site maps, will be provided to the Township within ten weeks from the date of the approved contract for review prior to implementation. A testing period and subsequent acceptance testing period, either period not to exceed 15 business days, shall be provided, during which the Township may evaluate the website on Township property to ensure satisfaction with the website functions and conformance with the RFP. At the completion of each testing period, a letter of acceptance or failure will be provided to the firm selected. Items requiring correction at either testing period must be corrected within 15 calendar days by the firm selected.


3.0 SCOPE of WORK 3.1 Project Plan Development The vendor will provide a detailed project plan which describes the enterprise platformand project design including a roll-out plan for Township website wide implementation. The plan must include descriptions of project management, design, testing and acceptance and trainingalong with levels of vendor and Township personnel required. The plan must also provide for a component of transitioning to the new platform, hosting service access, DNS changes and verification of security measures. 3.2 Hosting Services The vendor will be required to provide hosting services to support this project. 3.3Existing Application Implementation and Integration The proposed CMS must be integrated with existing online applications. Additional web applications may be identified during the discovery process for which a framework must be present for future integration. (see section C.5.2 for applications list) 3.3.1Additional Capabilities In addition to the above requirements of 3.3, the Township desires the following functionality as part of the overall solution provided: • A Survey Module, capable of use by any authorized user of the CMS. • A Polling Module, capable of use by any authorized user of the CMS. 3.3.2 Access Security The Township takes security of its public websites extremely serious. Though solution requirements require a hosted solution, access to sensitive data will still exist for which the Township wishes to protect. All requirements listed in Schedule C, section C.3 –‘Access Security’, and all its sub-sections,must be a component with this proposed solution. 3.4 Develop a Web Publishing “Workflow Approval System” (WAS) Design a configurable work flow for content publishing. A system where multiple flows can be designed and assigned to different employees or groups must exist. The system must accommodate flows which might range from immediate publications to flows which require 1..n (where ‘n’ is any number) levels of authorization. See Schedule C,section C.4.2 - Workflow Approval System (WAS).


3.5 Develop or assist the Township to Develop a Design and Style The vendor is required to provide design recommendations that provide for style, navigation, search ability, mobile computing compatibility and functional branding; all features found in modern, professional, user-friendly websites. 3.6 Training Solutions must provide training in the use of the Content Management System (CMS) in addition toADA web compliance. Provide training for use of the proposed system including but not limited to editing, workflow approval process, publishing processes and technical aspects such as backup, restoration of portions of website, creation and alteration to workflow rules. 3.7Develop Content Archive Engine (CAE) The proposed solution must allow for timed expiration and removal of content from websites. Removed or archived content must remain available through searches. 3.8Existing Content Conversion – Trial andFinal Proposals must include for the trial conversion of and integration of existing content of websites listed in Schedule C, section C.2 - Conversion and Design of Existing Websites, into the new proposed platform.Errors found during trials of the conversion are to be corrected by the vendor. Final approval of content conversion will be a function of the Township. 3.9 Functionality Requirements and Standards The solution proposed must adhere to industry standards and meet the following minimal functional requirements: a) Database applications must be ODBC and SQL:2011 (ISO/IEC 9075:2011) compliant. b) W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Compliant. Information can be found at c) A Mobile version of isrequired. The proposal should account for development and deployment of this site. Other potential sites can be found in Schedule C, section C.5.4 - Mobile Versions.Costing of these remaining sites should be included in Schedule B, Proposed Mobile Costs for Additional Websites. d) Access to publishing functions should be enabled for global access. Publishing functions must be protected by SSL and two factor authentication systems. e) All items listed in Schedule C are requirements.


3.10Post Implementation Services Post implementation services will include all of the following: maintenance, support, scheduled upgrades, underlying operating system upgrades/patches and potential additional web application development and integration. 3.11 Vendor Qualifications, References and Background Each proposal must provide information about any firm involved with this proposal including the software vendor, implementation vendor, and/or any third party vendors so that the Township can evaluate the proposer’s stability and ability to support the commitments set forth in response to the RFP. The Township, at its discretion, may require a proposer to provide additional supporting documentation or clarify requested information. Proposer submitting a proposal in which they utilize 3rd party vendors/developers must include references for same.

Schedule A Responding Vendor Background Company Background Company Name:

Company Home Address:

Organization Information

Number of Employees in Organization: Number of Employees dedicated to this project during the entire implementation: Number of Employees dedicated to account support post implementation: 2012 Total Revenue: If subsidiary, identify revenues of proposing company or division: Ownership. Privately held? Publicly held? Parent company?


Location Information Company Location:

Location of Corporate Headquarters Location of nearest office location to the Township:

Vendor Experience

Number of years in business: Number of years providing services to public sector:


Customer Base

Number of public sector clients: Number of local government clients: Number of Township government clients:

Market Focus

List/Describe other industries serviced:

User Group/Support

List any national and regional user groups:

Explain the reason for the existence of user groups. Indicate if Vendor or User created:

List any annual user group conferences:

Location and date of next event:


A.2 Vendor References Vendor Reference #1 Business Name:


Contact Person:



Email Address:

Service Dates:

Summary of Services:


A.2 Vendor References (cont'd)

Vendor Reference #2 Business Name:


Contact Person:



Email Address:

Service Dates:

Summary of Services:

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A.2 Vendor References (cont'd)

Vendor Reference #3 Business Name:


Contact Person:



Email Address:

Service Dates:

Summary of Services:

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Schedule B Proposal Costs Respondents must submit a schedule of costs for services requested in this RFP. Cost schedules must be presented in the format of this Schedule B of this RFP. The Township reserves the right to contact vendors on cost and scope clarification at any time throughout the selection and negotiation process. The Township is asking vendors to provide costs for all services with the understanding that they may have to make assumptions. Such assumptions must be documented. Respondents are being asked to provide a schedule of costs to the Township’s core RFP requirements

Site Costs Proposal Cost- Site Base RFP Cost for the above website Any Social Media Enhancements – Provide plan detail andcosts Total Proposal Cost- Site Base RFP Cost for the above website Any Social Media Enhancements – Provide plan detail andcosts Total Proposal Cost- Site Base RFP Cost for the above website Any Social Media Enhancements – Provide plan detail andcosts Total Proposal Cost- Site Base RFP Cost for the above website Any Social Media Enhancements – Provide plan detail andcosts Total Proposal Cost- Site Base RFP Cost for the above website Any Social Media Enhancements – Provide plan detail andcosts Total

$ $ Cost $ $ $ Cost $ $ $ Cost $ $ $ Cost $ $ $ Cost $

Mobile Costs Proposal Cost

$ Total Cost $

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Total RFP Costs (Required)

Component Site Costs Total Total Total website Total Total Mobile Costs Total Mobile Costs

Final Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ Grand Total Cost $

Other Recurring Costs Annual Hosting, Maintenance and Support Costs (Required)

Component Site costs Mobile Costs Grand Total Cost

Final cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Proposed Costs for Additional Mobile Websites (Optional - for possible future development)

Proposal Cost

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13 | P a g e

Schedule C Proposed SolutionRequirements Details C.1 Detailed Implementation Plan Provide a detailed implementation plan of how your company will provide the services and achieve the results outlined in this RFP. Include specific information regarding the proposed steps, necessary staff (vendor and Township) and timeline with the required end date which describes your approach to this project. C.2 Conversion and Design of Existing Websites For each of the websites below, vendor is to provide web site conversion plans. Prepare work effort statements for each site, with the cost of each itemized in Schedule B. Assume new template design and navigation but use of existing content along with capability to expire content intothe archival system. a. b. c. d. e.

C.2.1 Theme The color themes and Canton Logo found on the website,, should be the basis for the proposed design. This logo and color theme were actually designed and approved by our Township Board several years back as the basis for a refresh of allTownship websites. C.2.2 Mock Website Provide a mock website utilizing your proposed CMS while making use of some of the content from the above listed websites. The purpose of this requirement is to better enable the selection committee to experience your proposed CMS versus only reading about it. C.2.3 Maintenance Costs Provide costs for annual hosting, maintenance and support costs.

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C.3 Access Security C.3.1 Internet Accessibility The websites must be accessible from the entirety of the Public Internet. No geoblocking should be employed by the hosting center. Canton Township Economic Development staff performs world-wide communications and focused marketing; geo-blocking could hinder their ability to perform their functions. Geo-blocking must be left to the discretion of Canton IT Staff. C.3.2 Content Management System Accessibility Access to the CMS should be protected by the following security measures: 1. User logon and password. User access credentials stored in a database must be encrypted. User authentication should also provide for creation of ‘Groups’ in which users can belong making administration simpler and more intuitive. 2. Only permitted through HTTPS/SSL. Complete SSL chain management must exist and be configured correctly. 3. One-Time-Password enhanced authentication for every logon. 4. Geo Blocking for purposes of CMS logon, administrable by Canton Township ITS. C.3.3 Website Access Geo Blocking The web server software or CMS utilized should have a component in which Canton Township IT staff can perform Geo Blocking (GB) of ranges of TCP/IP addresses. The GB solution should allow for whitelisting of IP addresses or IP networks that may be blocked in the larger selection of a geographical location. The GB solution should also have email notification configurable to notify when GB exceptions have occurred. C.3.4 Web Application Firewall (WAF) The web server software, CMS or hosting environment must have a Web Application Firewall component. The Township regularly experiences common attacks such as ‘buffer overflow’, ‘cross-site scripting’, ‘directory traversal’, ‘SQL injection’, ‘high-bit shellcode’ as well as other attacks. The WAF must have the management ability for Canton Township staff to monitor and manage all aspects of protection. Alternatively, should the vendor’s hosting environment provide for this functionality, inclusion of a description of such a system must be included in the vendor’sresponse.

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C.4 Content Management C.4.1 CMS Requirements A Content Management System (CMS) is required as the basis for all content publication. The best CMS system will shield the common user from being required to know HTML and will allow themonly to post or update content.The CMS should provide the use of a template system to enable consistency and minimize design time. The CMS, for purposes of updating, should allow for external access via a web logon form protected by SSL and 2 factor authentication. The CMS editor must provide for the following features at minimum: • • • • • • • • • •

Spell Checking Timed background saving Ctrl-V Actions (cut-n-paste) must strip any none text information so only insertion of text in the CMS occurs Save andreturn to editing prior to submission User configurable time-outs Enforcement of style sheet design Ability to set content begin publication date Ability to set content expiration to an future date Ability to set content archival category Submission for publication to follow Workflow Approval System

When logged on, a user should only be presented with content for which they have rights to view, create, edit, publish, delete, and/or archive. C.4.2 Workflow Approval System (WAS) The CMS must facilitate multiple types of approval processes. Some of Canton’s Divisions will wish to have a multi-layered approach to content publication and approval processeswhile others may wish to enable a few key employees with immediate publication capability. The WAS must allow for the definition of 1..n WAS rules. A WAS rule could encompass an entire website, a sub-portion of a website, a page/pages of a website or portions of a page content. User or user groups chosen from the CMS security, Schedule C, section C.3.2 - Content Management System Accessibility, should be the basis for user/group selection when creating a WAS rule.The WAS should allow for the creation of ‘Approvers’. Approvers can be assigned to anentire website, a sub-portion of a website, a page/pages of a website or portions of a page content. For ease of administration, the approvalprocess should also contain a hierarchical system of approver’s and targeted content. Approver levels: Multiple of1..n. The approver logic of the WAS should allow for multiple user logons to be identified at the same levels. For example, a Department, because of its extended 16 | P a g e

business hours, may wish to have two or more user logons at approver level #1. Either approver should be permitted to approve submitted content; the intent of this is to keep publication processing moving forward. The content should be considered 'ready for publication' when an approver with the highest level for that content approves it. Submission by an author with ‘immediate publish rights’ should instantaneously affect live web content, no approval process is required Submission by an author with ‘content approval required' should be subjected to the approval list process assigned to that respective content. A sub-system of the WAS is email notification. Where 1..n approvers are required, all approvers must receive a CMS generated email destined to their user logon configured email address noting that they have content awaiting their approval. The content approver page should show the following to the approver: • • • •

The content along with the capability to enter edit mode Name of the submitter with date/time stamp of submission Content expiration date (if any) All other approvers required along with their level

The Approval Page Actions should show allow for the following: • • •

Approve - If approver is highest level, content is immediately published to website Edit - The approver has the ability to perform edits on the content Reject - The approver has the ability to reject the content. This will remove the ‘Submitted’ status flag from that content; allows the approver to enter a reason for the rejection and sends an automated email to the submitter with the rejection reason entered by the approver. Content Classification - As part of the highest approver responsibility, the WAS must force the final approver to classify the content according to 'Content Archive Engine' (CAE)

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C.5 TechnicalandWeb Hosting Requirements C.5.1 Technical Requirements The existing websites listed in C.2 - Conversion and Design of Existing Websites, are developed in html and asp.Net, large portions of the data exists within Microsoft SQL Server databases and is managed by the use of a homegrown CMS. To optimize the current knowledge and experience of existing staff, continuity of the use of Microsoft technologies is desirable but not required. Where a vendor strongly believes that alternative non-Microsoft web technologies better serve this projectandfinancial considerations, that vendor should prepare a business case report alongside this RFP response to support their position. The final product developed by the successful firm must work under all major Internet browsers on both PC and mobile platforms. No portion of the websites should require a specific Internet browser for functionality. Should a solution other than IIS and MS SQL be selected, it is expected that the winning firm's response include the costs for the programming of any data links or exports from existing Township databases into those such as MySQL, Postgres or other Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The current capabilities required and services to be performed by the selected firm include, but may not be limited to, the following: • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

ASP.NET programming services involving e-commerce, reporting and transactional applications. Database analysis in a Microsoft SQL Server environment. Implementation of a Content management system with varying levels of review and approval prior to final publication. Porting of existing web applications. Development of custom applications as needed, using Township data sources, common libraries, practices and policies. Web site design consulting involving portal, content management and administrative features. Implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) standards. Implementation of a parallel mobile version of the Township’s website through the use of, for example, jQueryand JavaScript. Android andiOS compatibility required. Migration of existing website content into new systems. Where migration is not feasible due to information relevance, an alternative storage and retrieval system shall be provided for within the scope of this project. Project management involving analysis, design, testing, acceptance, training and launch. Utilization of the newest, most-efficient available web technologies. Utilization of most current and popular social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Search Engine Optimization for all websites and content. 18 | P a g e

C.5.1 Technical Requirements (cont.) • • • • • •

Infrastructure design involving best practices, standards, version control, configuration management, deployment and testing procedures. Documentation, user guides, help systems and training of Township staff. Assistance in Copyrighting the final website design and functionality is desired. All websites must reflect the usability guidelines as proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Meet ADA Priority 1 requirements. See Example: . Mobile web enabled. The scope of mobile functionality to be determined with winning vendor during the discovery phase. Simply viewable on a mobile device is not acceptable. A parallel version which makes use of jQuery Mobile or other similar technologies must be employed to produce a true mobile product. The mobile version must make use of the same CMS data. As Canton’s residential population continues to diversify, the potential for presentation of the website in multiple languages is preferred. Firms responding to this RFP are required to address how they would enable our new sites to be multi-lingual with the ability for Canton to add or remove languages supported as our population metrics change. C.5.2 Web Application Requirements

The below applications are those which the Canton ITS web staff have developed over time. These applications and their functionality must exist in the redesigned sites without exception. Vendors are encouraged to review the existing applications and make suggestions on how to improve, or expand the applications based on their experience with other communities. Application Existing URL Waterbill Payments Taxbill Payments Village Theater Shows Property Tax Calculator Community Services Directory Homeowner’s Assoc. Lookup Community Facilities Lookup Voting Precincts Locater Parks Locater Historic Sites Locator Community Calendar 19 | P a g e

In addition to the above requirements, Canton Township Elected officials greatly desire the ability to offerinnovative services to Township residents online. It is desired that vendors responding to this Request for Proposal have the ability to offer the Township access to a collection of Government/Local Government centric applications that could further enhance our resident’s online experience with their government and its officials. C.5.3 Social Media Integration The solution provided by the winning vendor should have a social media component that is designed to work effortlessly with our social media outlets. Share buttons should enable website visitors to seamlessly share content. Facebook, Google+ and Twitter are the only 3 required at this time, the ability to add additional should be made nearly effortless. C.5.4 Mobile Versions The solution provided by the winning vendor must have a mobile version of, and future mobile versions must draw content from the primary CMS. The CMS solution must provide for rapid development and deployment of any future mobile sites. The following are potential future mobile sites:

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C.6 Training Component Describe your method and requirements to complete the following training components. Include the information identifying classroom size, computer requirements, offsite/onsite classes, train the trainer or train staff methodology. C.6.1 Training Required – End Users The training component of this proposal should provide a high level overview of all system featuresandcapabilities after which in-depth training should be offered for but not limited to: • ADA Web Compliance Concepts, Requirementsand Best Practices Overview • Explanation of how content entered into CMS affects the website and what visitors experience • Accessing the Content Management System (CMS) o URL to access CMS o How to authenticate using OTP or Two Factor Authentication • Use of the Content Management System (CMS) o Establishing “Workflow Approval System” Rules o Altering Existing “Workflow Approval System” Rules o Use of CMS Editor and its required features o Submitting content for approval o Approving content o Rejecting content o Classify content against • How to minimally alter system templates to affect minimal changes C.6.2 Training Required – System Administrators The training component of this proposal must also provide for system administration functions that include but may not be limited to: • Management of the Content Management System o How to enter a user account o How to suspend a user account o How to delete a user account o How to assign users rights to content access o How to verify user rights to content access • Management of the “Workflow Approval System” (WAS) o What is the “WAS” o How to establish new WAS rules o How to maintain existing WAS rules o How to change existing WAS rules o How to create new WAS rules for new content (website, pages, etc) • Hosting System o How to access Hosting System Control Panel 21 | P a g e

o o o o o

How How How How How

to to to to to

setup and monitor backups perform web page restores perform full website restores contact technical support for assistance monitor established backup schedule

C.7 Information Archive or Content Archive Engine (CAE) As content is expired and removed from the public websites, this solution must provide for an automaticprocess in which the system determines the extent of time to keep content and place afinal expiration timestamp on the content’s record to reflect that 'keep until' date.A secondary system to the CAE, one which is configurable by a Township employee, should be able to parse expired content, searching it for anything that has passed it’s 'keep until' date. At that point, this automated process should markthe content for deletion and remove it from the database. NOTE: By stating ‘configurable’, our intent is to only to provide Township staff the ability to indicate how often and when this purge process should occur. Options such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually along with a time of day for which to schedule this task for the RDBMS.

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C.8 Description of Hosting Services As a means to reduce administrative costs, the Township requires the solution to be hosted by the vendor. A detailed submission of the hosting environment must be included in this response. It must describe but not be limited to the following considerations for hosting: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Geographical Location(s) of the hosting center Geographical Location(s) of Township Data Description of disaster recovery plans Description of Internet connect environment Description of website protection, attack detection andremediation Service level agreements Single or Co-Located environment Physical or Virtual Servers Shared or Dedicated environment Dedicated support staff or general call center, support tiers, hours of operation, acceptable methods of communication, escalation criteria, initial response time commitments, expectations for resolution timeand service level agreements k) Tech support on-site or outsourced l) Performance and expected schedule for system (CMS or OS) updates m) Description of backup and restoration capabilities n) Historical statistics for uptime and application availability, specify planned and unplanned downtime

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PUBLIC ACT 517 (This sheet must be completed and included with Bid)

THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE STATEMENT OF FACTS: I/we hereby certify under penalty of law that we are not an Iran linked business as defined in PA 517 of 2012. Signature of Authorized Company Representative:





_______________________________ _______________________________



Representative’s Name

_______________________________ (Please Print)

Evaluation Criteria for RFP Website Re-Design, Development, Implementation and Hosting of the Charter Township of Canton Websites

Company Name: _______________________________________________ Reviewed By: _________________________________________________

Criteria Evaluation Item – Proposal Has Provided For:

Criteria Met

Schedule A - Responding Vendor Background Company Background Organization Information Location Information Vendor Experience Customer Base Evaluation Comments

Three (3) Vendor References


Item – Proposal Has Provided For:

Criteria Met

Schedule B - Proposal Costs Individual Site Costs Mobile Cost for Annual Hosting, Maintenance and Support Costs Evaluation Comments

Proposed Mobile Costs for Additional Websites

Criteria Evaluation Item – Proposal Has Provided For:

Criteria Met

Schedule C Proposed Solution Requirements Details C.1 Detailed Implementation Plan C.2 Conversion and Design of Existing Websites a. b. c. d. e. 2|Page

C.2.1 Theme C.2.2 Mock Website C.3 Access Security C.3.1 Internet Accessibility C.3.2 Content Management System Accessibility C.3.3 Website Access Geo Blocking C.3.4 Web Application Firewall (WAF) C.4 Content Management C.4.41 CMS Requirements C.4.2 Workflow Approval System (WAS) C.5 Technical and Web Hosting Requirements C.5.1 Technical Requirements C.5.2 Web Application Requirements C.5.3 Social Media Integration C.5.4 Mobile Version C.6 Training Component C.6.1 Training Required - End Users C.6.2 Training Required - System Administrators C.7 Information Archive or Content Archive Engine (CAE) C.8 Description of Hosting Services A B C


D E F G H I J K L M N Evaluation Comments
