request for proposals (rfp)

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PROPOSALS DUE: 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2014

PROPOSAL CONTACT: Judith Nishi Community Coordinator Department of Transportation/FAX [email protected] (559) 621-1455

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Background 3. SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 Overview 3.1.1 Tasks and Deliverable Products Task 1: FAX TSWMP Advisory Team Deliverable Product 1a - Form Advisory Team Deliverable Product 1b - Coordinate/Facilitate Meetings Task 2: Assess Existing Conditions and Needs Deliverable Product 2a - Analysis of Project Area Task 3: Define Mission and Goals Deliverable Product 3a - Define and Document Mission and Goals Task 4: Produce Draft FAX TSWMP Deliverable Product 4a - Develop Draft FAX TSWMP Deliverable Product 4b - Identify Placement Components Deliverable Product 4c - Develop Implementation Strategy Deliverable Product 4d - Provide Written Summary of Research/Findings Task 5: Review Draft FAX TSWMP Deliverable Product 5a - Review/Modify Draft FAX TSWMP Task 6: FAX TSWMP Final Deliverable Product 6a - Acceptance/Presentation Deliverable Product 6b - Final Document 4. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Proposal Content 4.2 Proposal Organization A. Transmittal Letter B. Table of Contents C. Overview D. Detailed Work Plan E. Management Approach F. Summary of Qualifications G. Budget and Cost Breakdown 5. PROJECT SCHEDULE 6. CONSULTANT SELECTION 7. BUDGET 8. QUESTIONS ON THE RFP ATTACHMENT A STANDARDIZED CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT 2

1. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Community Coordinator of the City of FRESNO Department of Transportation, Fresno Area Express (FAX), 2223 G Street, Administration Building, FRESNO, California, 93706-1600 until 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, for the following: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FRESNO AREA EXPRESS (FAX) TRANSIT-SPECIFIC WAYFINDING MASTER PLAN (TSWMP) The City of FRESNO (City) is accepting proposals from qualified consultants with substantial experience in developing transit wayfinding master plans. The selected consultant will be required to enter into a standardized Consultant Services Agreement with the City of Fresno. The standardized Consultant Services Agreement is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT A. City hereby notifies all proposers that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied any benefits of, or otherwise discriminated against in connection with the award and performance of any contract on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era. City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any and all proposals, to waive minor irregularities, to accept any proposals or portion thereof, and to take all proposals under advisement for a period of up to 45 days. In determining the most responsive Proposers, City reserves the right to consider any or all information supplied by the Proposers or obtained by City in its investigation into the experience and qualifications of the Proposers. The deadline for submission of proposals for this work is 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, Please send one (1) reproducible and three (3) copies of your proposal, marked clearly on the outside “FAX Transit-Specific Wayfinding Master Plan” to: City of Fresno Department of Transportation 2223 G Street Fresno, CA 93706 Attention: Judith Nishi


2. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 2.1 Introduction FAX is seeking the services of a qualified consultant with substantial experience in developing transit wayfinding master plans. The purpose of the plan will be to serve as guidance for implementing a comprehensive and coordinated transit-specific wayfinding program. Transit-specific wayfinding will enhance mobility in downtown Fresno by making it easier for residents and visitors to locate transit stations, bus stops, and their intended destinations while promoting a pedestrian friendly environment and potentially increasing FAX ridership. In October 2007, a Downtown Transportation and Infrastructure Study (DTIS) was prepared for the City of Fresno. Building on prior planning efforts, the objective of the DTIS was to integrate and coordinate a strategy to implement transportation improvements. At the time, issues and needs identified in the DTIS for public transit included knowing the locations of bus stops, route destinations, route frequencies, and bus arrival/departure times. Recommendations to increase the visibility of downtown bus stops by using bolded stop flags, installing more shelters and increasing lighting were noted. The inclusion of transit maps and schedules at all bus stops, and electronic signage were also stated recommendations. Funded, in part, by the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account (PTMISEA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the FAX TSWMP Project is consistent with the 2014-2018 FAX Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) adopted by the Fresno Council of Governments June 27, 2013. 2.2 Background The City of Fresno is the fifth largest city in the state of California and the County seat for Fresno County. Fresno is located in the San Joaquin Valley mid-way between San Francisco and Los Angeles. With one of the fastest growing populations in California of 494,665, the City is the Agri-Business capital of the San Joaquin Valley. The Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA), an area slightly larger than the planned urbanized areas of the cities of Fresno and Clovis, contains 299 square miles. FAX is a department of the City of Fresno, and is the largest mass public transportation provider in California’s San Joaquin Valley. FAX operates scheduled fixed-route service throughout the metropolitan area on 16 routes, seven days per week. FAX currently has a fleet of 108 fixed route buses. During FY2013, FAX provided 12,442,248 fixed route passenger trips. Generally, FAX routes follow a modified grid pattern. Eight lines converge downtown on weekdays with coordinated schedules at four existing bus transfer facilities, the largest located in Downtown Fresno and Manchester Transit Center at the Manchester Mall. Service hours generally run from 5:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. weekdays and from 6.30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on weekends. FAX Handy Ride service times mirror that of the fixed-route system and with a fleet of 44 wheelchair lift equipped buses and nine sedans provided 203,999 passenger trips in FY2013.


3. SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 Overview The Scope of Services describes the consultant’s tasks, deliverable products and responsibilities for developing the FAX Transit-Specific Wayfinding Master Plan (FAX TSWMP) that defines the program’s objectives and includes an implementation strategy. 3.1.1 Tasks and Deliverable Products Task 1: FAX TSWMP Advisory Team Deliverable Product 1a Identify 3-5 people to serve in an advisory capacity during the development of the Transit-Specific Wayfinding Plan Individuals may be connected with the City of Fresno (e.g., Planning, Streets, Downtown Revitalization, and FAX), community groups, economic development, tourism, public, media, etc. Team provides input during the decision making process May volunteer to communicate decisions to the public at meetings and community informational events Deliverable Product 1b Coordinate and facilitate up to three (3) FAX TSWMP meetings Task 2: Assess Existing Conditions and Needs Deliverable Product 2a Project area analysis in the downtown Fresno triangle between California State Route 99, California State Route 41, and California State Route 180 Identify important routes visitors and residents use to navigate to transit stations and bus stops Survey current pedestrian and transit related wayfinding signage Identify needs of user groups such as transit customers, pedestrians, visitors, people with disabilities, senior citizens, etc. Consider transit industry wayfinding best practices Explore FTA and FTA sponsored research regarding passenger information and wayfinding signage Task 3: Define Mission and Goals Deliverable Product 3a Define and document the mission and goals of the FAX Transit-Specific Wayfinding program Employing sensitivity to matters such as Fresno’s multicultural environment, mobility barriers, diverse socioeconomic factors, etc. Gather input from the FAX TSWMP Advisory Team to help define the mission and goals of the program Task 4: Produce Draft FAX TSWMP Deliverable Product 4a Develop a draft FAX TSWMP that is consistent with the stated mission and goals 5

Recommend wayfinding elements that: Meet safety, zoning, regulatory, jurisdictional, environmental requirements, etc. Are cost efficient Are vandal resistant Reflect repair and maintenance factors Consider signage products such as:  Above ground  In ground  Kiosks  Directional markers  Electronic displays Evaluate the inclusion of a digital wayfinding application Deliverable Product 4b Identify placement components Generate a list of proposed primary and secondary destinations Recommend wayfinding terminology for proposed destinations Develop an installation site map for proposed signage elements Deliverable Product 4c Develop an implementation strategy Include timelines and cost range Deliverable Product 4d Provide a written summary of the research and findings which led to the recommendations Task 5: Review Draft FAX TSWMP Deliverable Product 5a Review draft FAX TSWMP with Advisory Team/FAX Management, modify draft as indicated Task 6: FAX TSWMP Final Deliverable Product 6a Upon acceptance, deliver a presentation on the final FAX TSWMP Deliverable Product 6b Final document Consultant to provide three (3) printed copies, and an editable electronic version of the FAX TSWMP The Tasks and Deliverable Products for this Project will be provided in a manner consistent with this Scope of Services. The selected consultant is to provide the Deliverable Products to the FAX Project Manager. All data and materials collected for this Project will become the property of the City of Fresno, Department of Transportation/FAX and will be turned over to the Project Manager upon acceptance of the final FAX Transit-Specific Wayfinding Master Plan.


4. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Proposal Content Proposal content and completeness are important. Clarity and conciseness are essential and will be considered in assessing the proposing organization’s capabilities. The Project Oversight Committee (Committee) will screen all consultant proposals submitted in response to this request. The Committee reserves the right to make a final selection without an interview. One (1) reproducible and three (3) copies of the proposal must be received at the FAX Administrative office by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2014. Proposals received after that time and date will not be considered. 4.2 Proposal Organization In order to simplify the review process and to maximize the degree of comparative analysis, the proposal should be organized in the following manner: A. Transmittal Letter The transmittal letter should be signed by an official authorized to bind the consultant contractually and will contain a statement to the effect that the proposal is a firm offer for 90 days. The letter accompanying the proposal will also provide the following: name, title, mailing address, email address and telephone number of individuals with the authority to negotiate and contractually bind the company. B. Table of Contents Include identification of the material by section and page number. C. Overview This section should clearly convey the consultant’s understanding of the nature of the work and the general approach to be taken to its performance. This section should include, but not be limited to, a discussion of the purpose of the Project, the organization of the Project effort, and a summary of the proposed approach. D. Detailed Work Plan This section should include: 1) Task Description: Include a full description of each step to be followed in carrying out the Project. The work description should be presented in sufficient detail (tasks, subtasks, etc.) to show a clear understanding of the work and the proposed approach. 2) Products: A description of the format, contents and level of detail that can be expected for each anticipated product should be included. 3) Schedule: A schedule showing the expected sequence of tasks, subtasks, etc. should accompany the work description. Important milestones should be identified on the schedule. 7

E. Management Approach This section should describe the consultant’s management approach. If the proposal is a team effort, the distribution of work among the team members should be indicated. Describe the organization of the management, the structure of the work assignments and any specific features of the management approach that requires special explanation. The prospective consultant will designate by name the Project Manager to be employed who will oversee the Project. Include the names and qualifications of all professional personnel to be employed, a resume for each professional, included in the appendix, a statement indicating how many hours each professional will be assigned to the contract and what tasks each professional will perform. Staffing assignments should be specific enough to demonstrate understanding of skills required and commitment of proper resources. F. Summary of Qualifications Provide a short description of previous projects that significantly relate to your qualifications for this Project. Provide names, mailing addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers for at least three clients for whom the firm preformed services similar to those described in this request for proposals. G. Budget and Cost Breakdown The prospective consultant will prepare a detailed cost breakdown for the work to be performed during the Project. This will include all tasks required to complete the Project including final reports. The cost breakdown will specify all items that will be charged to the City of Fresno including travel charges that will be involved with this Project and included in the bid amount. Costs will be segregated to show actual salary costs including hours, rates, classifications, and administrative overhead and fringe benefit expenses. This section should provide a full description of the expected expenditures of funds for the work described in this request for proposals. The cost breakdown should include but is not limited to the following: 1) Billing Rates: A schedule of billing rates by category of employee or by key employee, to be used in computing the billing cost during the term of the contract. Billing rates should include all costs associated with the employee including salary, benefits, overhead, profit anticipated, cost of living, and/or merit increases. 2) Direct Costs: All direct costs specifically attributed to the Project and not included in the billing rates must be itemized by budget category to be eligible for reimbursement. Once contractually authorized, direct cost budgets may not be substituted without prior written consent of the FAX Project Manager. 3) Task Budget: A schedule of estimated costs to complete each task should add down to the cost of the Project. The task budget should include a breakdown by task of hours, billing rate charges, and the itemization of other direct costs attributed to the task. To ensure a full understanding of the resources committed to 8

the Project, the schedule should clearly indicate the amount of hours key personnel will be used in each task.

5. PROJECT SCHEDULE Respondents should develop a detailed schedule as part of their proposal. This schedule should show estimated completion dates for deliverables. The selected consultant will be expected to perform all work necessary to complete the Scope of Services. The consultant will take primary direction from the FAX Project Manager. It is intended that all work will be completed within six (6) months of negotiating a contract with City in accordance with the schedule component, and that the consultant’s work will begin immediately upon signing a contract. Any extensions to the timeline will require a formal written request from the consultant to the FAX Project Manager. The Committee will take appropriate action to ensure proper and timely performance by the consultant.

6. CONSULTANT SELECTION The Committee will screen all consultant proposals submitted in response to this request. The Committee will determine, through the screening process, which consultants may be invited to make formal presentations and be interviewed by the Committee. The Committee reserves the right to make a final selection without an interview.

7. BUDGET The budget for this Project will be determined by proposals received.

8. QUESTIONS ON THE RFP All questions on the RFP should be addressed to: Judith Nishi, Community Coordinator Fresno Area Express 2223 G Street Fresno, CA 93706-1600 559-621-1455 [email protected]