Revised Action Plan 2015

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Bethany Lutheran School Revised Action Plan 2015 Task 1: Adopt a benchmark and progress-monitoring program for mathematics that includes intervention for students with specific learning needs. Rationale: Students with specific learning needs in math will have their needs addressed. Student Learning Outcome Addressed: “The learner will apply mathematical and scientific skills to life situations.” Action Steps Explore mathematics benchmarking systems. Adopt benchmark system. Train teachers to administer assessments. Establish benchmark assessment dates. Draft job description for staff math specialist. Hire math specialist to work under Student Success Coordinator. Schedule “push-in” sessions with Grades K-1. Explore and adopt developmentallyappropriate math intervention programs. Determine math intervention parent communication and protocols. Launch math intervention program.

Person(s) Responsible Principal, Key Teachers Key Teachers, Principal Principal Student Success Coordinator, Principal Principal, BOS Principal, BOS Math Specialist Math Specialist Student Success Coordinator, Principal, Math Specialist Student Success Coordinator, Math Specialist


Resources Needed

Means to Assess

Spring 2015


Evaluation tools

Spring 2015

Time, possible financial resources Inservice time

Benchmark system is adopted. Training takes place during inservice hours. Assessment dates are part of school calendar. Job Description approved by BOS Math specialist is hired.

August 2015 August 2015 Fall 2015 Summer 2016 August 2016 Fall 2016 August 2016 Fall 2017

Time Time Time, financial resources Time Time, possible financial resources Time


“Push-in” times are part of K-1 schedule. Evaluation tools. Communication and protocols are in writing. Math intervention program is running.

Task 2: School leadership should actively seek, evaluate and secure third-source funding, Rationale: Third-source funding will give the school the financial flexibility to establish and expand needed school programs. Action Steps Perform cost/benefit analysis for a thrift store. Gather input from other Christian schools with thrift stores. Secure start-up capital Meet with Board of Finance representatives and Church Treasurer to determine the need, if any, to form a separate non-profit entity as well as additional liability insurance. Form thrift store governance board with BOS member as ex-officio member. Write thrift store business plan. Name the thrift store and develop a logo, website and social media presence. Secure rental property. Apply for business license. Hire thrift store manager. Establish volunteer protocols/policies. Train and schedule volunteers.

Person(s) Responsible BOS Subcommittee


Resources Needed

Means to Assess

Spring 2015


BOS, Principal



BOS, Principal



BOS Subcommittee, Principal

April 2015


Analysis is complete and presented to BOS. Notes form meetings forwarded to BOS Money is set aside in a designated fund, accessible as needed. Notes from meeting forwarded to BOS

BOS Subcommittee

April 2015


Governance board is in place.


Plan is in place.



Summer 2015

Time, Financial resources

Summer 2015

Time, financial resources

Summer 2015

Time, Financial resources

Name, logo, website and social media presence are in place. Rental agreement signed. Business license granted. Manager is hired.

Summer 2015


Protocols and policies are in place.

Fall 2015


Volunteer schedule is in

Thrift store governance board Principal, Concordia University marketing students Thrift store governance board Thrift store governance board Thrift store governance board, BOS Thrift store governance board, store manager Thrift store

Establish donation procedures/begin accepting thrift store donations. Open thrift store doors for business.

governance board, store manager Thrift store governance board, store manager Thrift store governance board, store manager

place. Fall 2015


January 2016


Donation procedures are in place, donations are coming in. Grand Opening

Task 3: Develop a long-range strategic plan for church and school. Rationale: A long-range plan will ensure the church and school’s sustainability. Action Steps Engage Church Council and BOS in strategic plan discussions.

Person(s) Responsible Principal, Preschool Director, Pastors

Timeline Fall 2017

Resources Needed Time

Hire consultant to lead key church and school stakeholders in strategic planning process Finalize strategic plan and outline action steps.

Consultant, BOS, Church Council

Fall 2017

Financial Resources, Time

Church Council, BOS, Congregational President, Senior Staff Church Council, BOS, Congregational President, Senior Staff

January 2018


April 2018 ff


Church Council, BOS, Congregational President, Senior Staff

Fall 2018 ff


Monitor strategic plan monthly.

Revise and update strategic plan annually.

Means to Assess BOS and Church Council are committed to a strategic plan process. Strategic planning sessions are held, key stakeholders participate. Strategic plan is complete and approved by Church Council Strategic plan progress is included in monthly agendas for BOS and Church Council. Strategic plan is updated annually. Update is shared with key stakeholders.

Task 4: Evaluate and refine the Schoolwide Learner Outcomes and develop processes for measuring their effectiveness win student achievement. Rationale: Action Steps Participate in “Understanding by Design” training

Person(s) Responsible Principal and Faculty

Timeline Spring 2018

Resources Needed Time, Possible Financial Resources

Evaluate and refine Schoolwide Learner Outcomes and ensure that outcomes are written to be measurable using the UbD model. Develop means to assess Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

School leadership, Faculty, Parents, BOS

Fall 2018


Department leaders, Faculty, Parent Representatives Principal

January 2019


April 2019


Communicate SLO’s and assessment measures with all key stakeholders

Means to Assess Principal and faculty have participated in UbD training and understand its application in developing Student Learning Outcomes New Schoolwide Learner Outcomes are adopted by BOS. SLO’s are measurable. Assessment measures are in place for all SLO’s. Key stakeholders know the SLO’s and how they are measured.

Task 5: Collaborate with church leadership to assess, document and strengthen evangelistic outreach to school students, families and the community. Rationale: Bethany Lutheran School serves as one of the mission-outreach ministries of Bethany Lutheran Church. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus is one of the primary missions of the school. Student Learning Outcomes Addressed: “The learner will demonstrate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by applying Biblical truth to life.” Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible Principal, Preschool Director, Board of Evangelism, Pastor of Family Life

Working with the Board of Evangelism, the Pastor of Family Life and the Family Ministry Team, identify key players in the evangelism plan. Recruit a prayer team who will Family Ministry commit to pray for the efforts of the Team Evangelism board and the school. Utilize the Lutheran School Outreach Principal, Preschool materials from Lutheran Hour Director, Board of Ministries to evaluate current Evangelism, Pastor evangelism efforts and identify new of Family Life possibilities. Train the Board of Evangelism and Principal, Preschool current staff members using the video Director, Board of training series from Lutheran Hour Evangelism, Staff Ministries. Members Evaluate and document current Principal, Preschool evangelism efforts already in place. Director, Board of Evangelism, Family Ministry Team, Pastor of Family Life Working with the Board of Principal, Preschool Evangelism, the Family Ministry Director, Board of Team and the Board of Evangelism Evangelism write a formal evangelism plan for outreach to unchurched families. Establish annual evaluation protocols Principal, Preschool for evangelism plan. Director, Board of Evangelism


Resources Needed

Means to Assess

Fall 2016


Players identified.

Fall 2016


Prayer team in place.

Fall 2016


Evaluation shared with Church Council.

February 2017


Training scheduled and completed.

Spring 2017


Current evangelism efforts are documented and evaluated for effectiveness.

Spring 2017


Written evangelism plan in place.

Spring 2017


Evaluation protocols in place.