Richardson Chamber of Commerce

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Sponsorship & Visibility Opportunities 2015

Put your company in the spotlight

2015 Sponsorship & Visibility Opportunities • • • • • • • • • • • •

President’s Club Membership o Value-added membership that allows members to make a higher level of investment to the Chamber. Annual Meeting o Annual awards luncheon honoring the Citizen of the Year. Broker and Developer Luncheon Series o Four invitation-only luncheons for deal-making commercial real estate executives. EDGE Luncheon o Annual luncheon recognizing Richardson businesses in collaboration with the Richardson Rotary Clubs. Golf Classic o Annual day of golf in the fall for business leaders to network in a low-pressure environment. Growth and Mobility Luncheon Series o Six annual luncheons providing updates regarding new companies and projects in Richardson. HR Committee o HR professionals come together at a quarterly lunch to discuss the latest in their field. Legislative Day o Our most politically active Chamber members travel to Austin to meet with state legislators. New Teachers Luncheon o Annual luncheon to honor new teachers to Richardson ISD. Richardson Young Professionals o Professional development program engaging young professionals. Signature Luncheon Series o Quarterly luncheon series featuring prominent speakers. Women in Leadership Series o Quarterly luncheon series for powerful women through advocacy, mentoring and networking.


PRESIDENT’S CLUB MEMBERSHIP The Richardson Chamber of Commerce companies in the President’s Club are true business and community leaders who have chosen to go the extra mile in their volunteer leadership and financial support of the Chamber. Through their significant commitment, President’s Club members help the Chamber realize its vision to enhance the business environment for its members and the community. For their extraordinary support, these members receive the extraordinary benefits detailed below. Contact Drew Snow at 972-792-2805 for more information. Silver - $1,800 • RCC membership • President’s Club Plaque • Invitation to quarterly President’s Club events • Preferred Communications and Referral package • Welcome letter from CEO • On-Site new member orientation • Annual on-site briefing from VP of Member Services • Referrals to other members through the VP of Member Services • Invitations to select ribbon cutting a new business opening events • Invitation to a Mayor’s Lunch with city and chamber leaders • One HR Committee membership (for HR professionals and President’s Club only) • One free RYP membership • Recognition on the chamber website • Recognition in all PowerPoint on-screen opportunities at chamber events • Recognition in all chamber event programs • Recognition in the chamber newsletters (8,000 circulation) • One free set of chamber member mailing labels Gold - $3,500 All of the benefits in Silver plus: • Results survey for the Richardson Economic Development Partnership on new business and activities in the city • One meeting with chamber CEO • One meeting with a chamber board member • Six job listings per year on the chamber website and in the chamber newsletter • One Advocacy Team membership • Two free RYP memberships • Invitations to international business events from our VP of International Business Development • Two sets of chamber mailing labels Platinum - $6,000 All of the benefits of Gold plus: • One presentation to the board of directors • Additional meeting with the chamber CEO • Up to 15 job listings per year on the chamber website and in the newsletter • Recognition as a Supporting Sponsor at one Signature or WIL event • Recognition as a sponsor at the Chamber Annual Meeting • Three free RYP memberships • Featured article in the chamber newsletter • Display materials at chamber events • Three sets of chamber mailing labels


ANNUAL MEETING Highlighted by a keynote address, the Annual Meeting is one of the largest annual events of the Richardson Chamber of Commerce. Promote your company and join the prominent business leaders, civic leaders and government officials at this high profile luncheon which serves as the key event for the recognition of our members and their efforts in supporting the Chamber and the Richardson business community. In addition to hearing from the keynote speaker, guests will enjoy the recognition of key Chamber volunteers and the announcement of the 2014 Richardson Citizen of the Year. Date:

Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015


VIP Reception 11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Annual Meeting Luncheon 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Paul Bendel 972-792-2804 or Danielle Billelo 972-792-2819 for more information

Sponsorship Level

Presenting Sponsor $20,000 1 available

Chairman’s Level Sponsor $5,000 Unlimited

Director’s Level Sponsor $1,000 Unlimited

Table Sponsor

If purchased before printing deadline

If purchased before printing deadline

If purchased before printing deadline

If purchased before printing deadline

Reserved tables of 10

Reserved table for 10

Reserved table for 10

Reserved table for 10

2 tickets

1 ticket

$750 Unlimited

Introduction of the Speaker Recognition in event invitation Recognition in event program Recognition on RCC website Recognition from the podium Recognition on event banner in ballroom Recognition on welcome banner in hotel foyer Recognition on event screens during list of sponsors Full page ad in program ¼ page ad in program Reserved seating

Seating at Head Table 2 Seats Tickets to private reception with keynote speaker

4 tickets

Access to guest list with contact info

* Individual tickets in open seating - $65 member/$80 nonmember


BROKER & DEVELOPER SERIES The Broker & Developer Series is an ideal opportunity to reach a targeted audience of deal-making commercial real estate executives. The Richardson Chamber of Commerce Broker & Developer Committee is by invitation only and is comprised primarily of commercial real estate brokers and developers with no more than 20% affiliated professions such as architects, engineers, commercial contractors, etc. Annually, there are four luncheon meetings and a Holiday Reception in December. RCC invites nearly 900 Dallas area office and industrial brokers and developers from an RCC proprietary list. Meeting attendance typically ranges from 90 to 130 and has been as high as 190. All meetings are free to attendees. Contact John Jacobs at 972-792-2802 for more information. Dates: Luncheons: February, April, June and September/October plus December Holiday reception. 2015 Sponsorship Levels

Series Co-Sponsor $2,500/year

Door Prize Sponsor $1000/year + Prize Costs

Luncheon Sponsor $ - cost of luncheon Approx. $2,500

Limit Recognition by Program Chair Display marketing material at B&D events Speaking opportunity at luncheon events Signage at luncheon events Recognition on email invitations Choice of venue/building







Brown Bag Luncheon Series The goal of the Brown Bag Series is to provide strategic and tactical programming on topics of interest to business leaders, owners, managers and those interested in improving their business. The program is an outstanding opportunity to become engaged, network with fellow members, hear an interesting presentation and take part in an interactive discussion on key topics and trends in business, business operations, personal improvement and other topics. Each luncheon event begins at 11:30 a.m. where guests enjoy their brown bag lunch and network with others. The program begins at noon and concludes promptly at 1 p.m. An average attendance of 20 people attend the luncheons. And the program is promoted through the Metroplex Technology Business Council, a sister organization to the RCC, and is the only such program that is co-branded between both organizations. The program is held in the Board Room of the RCC offices. Contact Paul Bendel at 972-792-2804 for more information. Dates: Eight luncheons each year based on demand and availability. Jan. 21, March 17, April 21, May 19, July 21, Sept. 29, Oct. 20, Nov. 17 2013 Brown Bag Sponsorship Levels

Presenting Sponsor $1000

Single Event Sponsor $250

Sponsored Presentation $400

Limit Tickets to event Recognition on the Brown Bag web pages of the RCC and the BB page on the MTBC website Recognition from the podium Display marketing materials at events List of attendees following event 30 sec welcome remarks Opportunity to present program at one event Category Exclusivity

1 2 to each event

Unlimited 1 per event sponsored

2 n/a


EDGE AWARDS LUNCHEON For more than 30 years, the Chamber and Rotary Clubs of Richardson have co-hosted a luncheon celebrating Richardson’s businesses and the many contributions they make to the community. Recently rebranded as the EDGE (Economic Development Growth & Expansion) Awards, this luncheon, along with the Chamber’s Annual Meeting in the spring and the New Teachers Luncheon in late summer, comprise the three most attended events on the Chamber calendar. With an average attendance of 250 to 300, the EDGE Awards recognize companies in eight different categories -Newcomer Business, International Business, Community Involvement, Commercial Real Estate, Richardson Loyalty, Environmental, Public/Non-Profit and Entrepreneurship. In true Academy Awards style, taped interviews of award recipients are shown at the luncheon. The audience is comprised of local business leaders and executives, City and School District leadership and Richardson’s three Rotary Clubs. It’s an exciting and entertaining business community celebration. Contact John Jacobs at 972-792-2802 or Paul Bendel at 972-792-2804 for more information. Date: Once a year in November 2015 Sponsorship Levels

Presenting Sponsor $5,000/year

Associate Sponsor $2,500/year

16 with preferred seating

8 with preferred seating

Recognition in event program Recognition from the podium Recognition on event emails Recognition on RCC website Reserved seating

Signage at event Table signage Time at the podium

Table Sponsorship Levels

Sponsored Table $500/event

Open Seating Table Sponsor $250/event

(per event) Branding and marketing opportunity Recognition in event program Table signage Reserved seating

Seats sold separately 10 with preferred seating


GOLF CLASSIC One of the longest running Chamber of Commerce tournaments in the area, the golf classic attracts approximately 200 business executives and civic leaders for an enjoyable round of golf at Canyon Creek Country Club. The tournament is open to the public with an afternoon shotgun start using a fourperson scramble format. Tournament registration includes green fee, cart, lunch, awards banquet, goodie bags and chances for raffle prizes. Corporate sponsorship in a variety of price ranges provide companies an opportunity to promote their business effectively to a large audience in an entertaining setting. Contact: Danielle Billelo at 972-792-2869 Date: 2015 Sponsorship Level

Limit Recognition on signage at golf course Recognition on Chamber website Golfers Included Category exclusivity Lunch & Awards Banquet Tickets Company Logo on Projector during Banquet Recognition at podium Podium time at awards banquet

October 2015 at the Canyon Creek Country Club in Richardson Title Sponsor $7,500

Awards Ceremony Sponsor $4,000

Lunch Sponsor $3,500

Leaderboard Sponsor $3,000

Turn Hut Sponsor $2,500

Celebrity Sponsor $2,500

Putting Contest Sponsor $1,500

Entertainment Sponsor $1,500









2 Teams

1 Team

2 Golfers

2 Golfers

2 Golfers

2 Golfers

2 Golfers

2 Golfers

12 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

3-5 Minutes

2-3 Minutes

Introduce Celebrity

Announce Winner

Introduce Entertainment

Promotional video at banquet



2015 Sponsorship Level Limit Recognition on signage at golf course Recognition on Chamber website

Beverage Range Ball Sponsor $1,500

Range Ball Sponsor $1,500

Premium Gift Sponsor $1,000

Premium Hole Sponsor $750

Scorecard Sponsor $250

Golf Cart Sponsor $250







Golfers Included 2 Golfers

2 Golfers

Category exclusivity Lunch & Award Banquet Tickets 4 Tickets

4 Tickets

4 Tickets

Company logo on projector during banquet Recognition at podium Podium time at awards banquet Promotional video at banquet


4 Tickets

GROWTH & MOBILITY PROGRAM The Richardson Chamber of Commerce’s Growth & Mobility Committee program provides five bi-monthly updates and feature presentations on economic development and transportation matters affecting Richardson. This information is vital to B2B business development executives who want to know “What’s going on in Richardson from a business and transportation perspective?” Luncheon meetings are held in odd-numbered months starting in January. Open to all Chamber members, meetings are attended by a variety of business development executives, small business owners, professional service firms, commercial real estate interests and civic and political leaders. Luncheon meetings of the G&M Committee are held at the Richardson Chamber of Commerce Board Room and typically attract 30 to 40 attendees. Contact John Jacobs at 972-792-2802 for more information. Dates: January, March, May, July and September

2015 Sponsorship Levels Limit Recognition by Chair at the event Display marketing materials at G&M luncheon Speaking opportunity at luncheons Recognition on email invitations

Luncheon Sponsor $ 200/luncheon

Series Assoc. Sponsor $ 500/year

Series Sponsor $ 1000/year












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HUMAN RESOURCE LUNCHEON SERIES The Human Resource Committee of the Richardson Chamber includes senior HR staff from the area’s leading employers and technology companies. The quarterly meetings feature recognized expert speakers on the subjects of recruiting, hiring, compliance, compensation & benefits, training, payroll processing and IT functions as well as community giving and support opportunities. The quarterly series starts in January, and meeting attendance is in the 25 to 40 range. Luncheon meetings will be held at the Richardson Chamber of Commerce Board Room unless attendance dictates a larger venue. Contact John Jacobs at 972-792-2802 for more information. Dates: January, April, July and October

2015 Sponsorship Levels Limit

Luncheon Sponsor $600 per event

Assoc. Series Sponsor $1200/year

Series Sponsor $ 2400/year


Up to 2


Recognition at meeting(s) Display marketing materials at the meeting(s) 30-second speaking opportunity at meeting(s) Recognition on email invitations Signage at meeting(s) 5-Minute presentation at meeting(s)

- 11 -

RICHARDSON LEGISLATIVE DAY IN AUSTIN Richardson Legislative Day occurs every other year during the Texas Legislative Session. Community leaders and business people go to Austin to attend informative programs, meet with legislators and their staff and visit the State Capitol. In 2013, activities included a reception and dinner with elected officials, a breakfast hosted by Representatives Angie Chen Button, Stefani Carter and Jeff Leach and Senator John Carona. During dinner, we had the pleasure of hearing from Commissioner Jerry Patterson, Texas Land Commission. A visit to the House and Senate Galleries was followed by lunch briefing with Commissioner Michael Williams, of TEA. Activities and speakers vary year to year. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to meet your elected state officials! Contact: Molly Ulmer at 972-792-2811 for more information. Dates: March 3-4, 2015 Monthly Public Policy Meetings: fourth Friday of the month at 11:30 a.m. at the Chamber office. Cost is $10 for lunch. 2013 Sponsorship Levels

Limit Recognition on event emails Recognition on RCC website Signage at event

Event Sponsor $1,000

Delegation Dinner/Reception Sponsor $750

Delegation Lunch Sponsor $500

Breakfast Briefing Sponsor $250

Individual Sponsors $225

Individual Ticket $125/members $175/nonmembers







Acknowledgement at legislative delegation functions Inclusion in event press releases, articles, etc. Acknowledgement at Delegation breakfast, lunch or dinner Acknowledgement at pre-dinner Reception Registration for 2 people

(for spouse of first registrant)

Registration for 1 person includes reception & dinner, breakfast & lunch, speakers and all activities related to Legislative Day

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57th ANNUAL NEW TEACHERS LUNCHEON Each year this special event honors new teachers entering the Richardson Independent School District and demonstrates the business community’s support of quality education. The event is attended by approximately 650 people including more than 400 new teachers and features a motivational keynote speaker. Event sponsorships cover the cost of hosting all of the RISD new teachers and any RISD principals that do not have a PTA. The Doctorate Degree Sponsor has the option of a three year contract. Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Keynote Speaker: TBD 2015 Sponsorship Levels Recognition in event program and by Master of Ceremonies

Doctorate Degree Level $5,000

Masters Degree Level $2,500

Bachelors Degree Level $1,000

Associates Degree Level $500


all year

all year

event timeframe

event timeframe

event timeframe

8 tickets with 2 at the head table

6 tickets

4 tickets

2 tickets

1 ticket

Lobby and Table





Level $250


Branding and marketing opportunity Recognition on RCC website Reserved seating

Signage at event

Sponsor remarks from podium Lobby Table display Company information at each seat Company promotional item for each new teacher

- 13 -

Richardson Young Professionals Richardson Young Professionals, RYP, is a professional development program that engages an emerging group of upand-coming Richardson leaders serving the community and committed to personal growth and career advancement. The program consists of engaging with Richardson civic and business leaders, contributing to the growth of Richardson, receiving economic development updates, business development opportunities, members-only opportunities, professional development workshops, monthly after-hours events, and quarterly community service projects. Contact: Sylvia Palmer at 972.792.2816 for more information. th

Dates: Monthly networking events: 4 Thursday of every month except November and December plus special events throughout the year Members-only events: TBD Professional development workshops: TBD 2015 Sponsorship Levels

Program Sponsor $1,500/year

Networking Sponsor $250/event

Limit Recognition on event emails



Recognition on RCC website Signage at event Free event tickets Company representative intro at event Receive attendee list Committee representation Recognition from the podium

- 14 -

SIGNATURE LUNCHEON SERIES The Signature Luncheon Series features quarterly presentations by prominent corporate and civic leaders from around the region who bring their stories of success, address topics of timely importance, discuss current trends and engage an audience of decision makers and community leaders in Richardson and the surrounding area. The featured luncheon speakers in 2014 were Robert Dye, chief economist, Comerica Bank; Dave Lieber, columnist for the Dallas Morning News; a panel on energy featuring Elizabeth Killinger, president, Reliant an NRG Company, and a panel featuring Dr. Kay Waggoner, RISD superintendent, and Richard Matkin, PISD superintendent. Date: First Thursday in January, May, July, and October. The date/month of the luncheons are subject to change based on availability of speakers and holiday schedules. Contact Paul Bendel at 972-792-2804 for more information. Sponsorship Levels

Limit Reserved seating

Headline Sponsor $7,500/year

Associate Sponsor $3,500/year

Single Event Sponsor $1,500 per event

Table Sponsor $400/event

1 annually


1 per event


1 at the head table and a sponsored table of 10 seats (11 seats total)

1 at the head table and 4 seats (5 seats total)

1 at the head table

One table of 10 seats with signage

Recognition from the podium Recognition on the Signature Luncheon web page of the RCC website Recognition in event program Invitation to VIP Reception with speaker (if one is held) Recognition on the screen in the ballroom List of attendees following each event Display marketing materials at Signature Luncheon events Time at podium at each luncheon

Signature Luncheon sponsorship applies to the quarterly luncheons (4) and does not include the Richardson Chamber’s Annual meeting in March, Annual New Teachers Luncheon in August, the Annual EDGE Awards in November, or the Special Holiday Luncheon in December.

- 15 -

WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP “Builders of the Community” is the 2015 theme of the Women In Leadership program. This highly successful program uses a quarterly luncheons series and several networking events to inspire, influence and champion women in business. WIL luncheons are traditionally held on the first Wednesday of the last month in every quarter. Attendance averages between 75 – 100 people at each event. Luncheon dates are subject to change based on speaker availability. Dates for 2015 WIL Luncheons are Feb. 25, June 3, Sept. 2, & Dec. 2. In addition to the quarterly luncheons, WIL has several Women On The Go Networking events throughout the year to help women increase their business contacts and showcase a locally owned business or theme. Attendance averages between 30-50 people. Women On the Go Events are scheduled from 5:30 – 7 p.m. Title and Associate Sponsors will be recognized at all WIL Events. Contact Paul Bendel at 972-792-2804 for more information. Sponsorship Levels


Reserved seating at luncheons

Title Sponsor $6,000/year

Associate Sponsor $3,000

Single Event Sponsorship $1250

Table Sponsor $250/luncheon



1 per event


1 seat at the head table with preferred seating for 8

1 seat at head table with preferred seating for 4

1 seat at head table

One reserved table of 8 seats

Table Signage Recognition in WIL event program Recognition on the WIL web page on the RCC website

for sponsored Luncheon

Recognition from the podium Display marketing materials at each luncheon 30 sec welcome remarks Sponsor permitted one sign at all WIL events Optional Introduction of speakers List of Attendees following event Category Exclusivity

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