Roadside Assistance

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February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

Roadside Assistance Bible Truth: Roadside Assistance (The Good Samaritan) • Luke 10:25-37 Bottom Line: Love others because they matter to God. Memory Verse: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 (NIV) Life App: Love—choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Social: Setting the Tone for the Experience (9:00, 10:15, 11:30) Heart Check • Timing device Bible: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (9:15, 10:30, 11:45) • Bible Presentation in Large Group Prayer (9:50, 11:05, 12:20) • Index cards; 1 per kid • Pens Dismiss (10:00, 11:15, 12:30)



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

Roadside Assistance Bible Truth: Roadside Assistance (The Good Samaritan) • Luke 10:25-37 Bottom Line: Love others because they matter to God. Memory Verse: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 (NIV) Life App: Love—choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Social: Providing Time for Fun Interaction (Prayer Groups, 15 minutes) Before kids arrive, pray for each regular attendee by name. Pray for those who might visit your group for the first time. Each and every person matters because he or she was made by God. Pray for the kids who tend to have a hard time being loving and kind to others. Pray that God would change their hearts and open their eyes to a world in need of His love. Heart Check What You Need: Timing device What You Do: • Demonstrate how to calculate your heart rate. • Tell kids to press the first two fingers of one hand onto the wrist of the other hand to locate their pulse. • Next, tell everyone to count the number of heartbeats they feel in a 60-second time period. Lead everyone in taking their pulse together as a group. • Ask kids to walk quickly around the room or run in place for one or two minutes and then take their pulse again and compare the difference between the two heart rates. What You Say: “The more you move, the faster your heart beats. God made our bodies in such an amazing way. The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In other words: You are AWESOME because you’re made in God’s image. By the way, here’s an interesting fact: Did you know that your heart rate can almost double when you’re scared? [Transition] We can’t check the heart rate of the people in today’s Bible story, but for one guy, it’d be safe to say that his heart was beating pretty fast. Let’s go to Large Group and find out.” Lead your group to the Large Group area.



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

Roadside Assistance Bible Truth: Roadside Assistance (The Good Samaritan) • Luke 10:25-37 Bottom Line: Love others because they matter to God. Memory Verse: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 (NIV) Life App: Love—choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Bible: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) GETTING READY 1. Opener/Closer What You Need: • • •

Host Smart phone with earbuds (for Host) Large round lollipop

2. Bible Truth What You Need: • •

Historyteller Bible

3. Worship What You Need: •

Power Praise Team

Music and Sound Effects (SFX): • “This Love” • “Your Love Never Fails” • “No One Higher”



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

Roadside Assistance Bible Truth: Roadside Assistance (The Good Samaritan) • Luke 10:25-37 Bottom Line: Love others because they matter to God. Memory Verse: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 (NIV) Life App: Love—choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated. Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Bible: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways (Large Group, 35 minutes) Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible Truth, worship, and prayer experience in a Large Group setting. CG: Welcome Slide SFX: Play high-energy music as kids enter. Host enters with his smart phone turned horizontal, intently watching something. He has ear buds in and is talking to someone. Opener HOST: (Whisper to the audience) “Hey, guys. One sec. (To phone) Okay, Anne, I am watching your edits right now, and I guess I just don’t really understand your vision. And the deadline is tonight at midnight!” SFX: FEMALE VOICEOVER: “Well, exactly what part of my vision don’t you understand?” HOST: “Well, I guess that would be ALL of it?” SFX: FEMALE VOICEOVER: “Maybe you can be more specific.” HOST: “All right. Take the opening scene. (Slide finger along phone screen like rewinding a video.) I thought we were going to pan from the bright stars across the night sky to our actor intently thinking about life. I can’t see a single star!” SFX: FEMALE VOICEOVER: “That’s because we had to film the scene during the day, remember?” HOST: “Isn’t there some editing technique to change it to night with stars? (Long pause.) Okay, fine. Then take 1:37 for example. Declan is supposed to work on Wall Street. The city in that shot looks like a tiny little town!” SFX: FEMALE VOICEOVER: “It is a tiny little town. We shot that 10 minutes away in [nearby small town]. Not many skyscrapers to speak of there.” HOST: “Well, ever heard of a green screen? What about green screening Wall Street?! Okay, and take



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

5:24. This was our big action scene—the car chase with the huge explosion. It looks like a couple Matchbox® cars and a lighter in the driveway!” SFX: FEMALE VOICEOVER: “It is a couple Matchbox cars and a lighter . . . in YOUR driveway, in fact. Look, that’s what we shot. There is only so much I can do.” HOST: “Well, I don’t think you have done enough. We have until midnight to submit this film. See what you can do. This whole film is now depending on you! End the call and take ear buds out. Change your tone on a dime. (Friendly and cheerful) “Hey, everyone! Sorry about that. Just had to wrap up that call about the iPhone® Film Festival we entered. If you’ll remember, this month we have been talking all about love. CG: Love Slide “Love is choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated. “I don’t know about you, but I have learned SO much this month about how to love others. Seriously— SO much. Treating others the way you want to be treated is so important. HOST: (With a hand on stomach) “Oh, this whole movie fiasco is literally making me sick. I’m too young for an ulcer! We are never going to get done in time! I just need to lie down for a second.” Host looks around and lies down on the side of the stage in view. He occasionally moans as if in pain. Historyteller enters. SETTING UP THE BIBLE TRUTH HISTORYTELLER: “Hey, everyone! So good to be here with you. Well . . . (notice Host but moves on) today we have another great Truth from the Bible. This one is a parable Jesus told that’s recorded in the Gospel of Luke. A parable is a story that relates an important truth to something familiar in life. Jesus would often wrap His messages in a story about things the people knew a lot about, like farms or food, so that He could explain things that they didn’t know a lot about. The story would stick in their minds, and then they could remember Jesus’ point. And sometimes Jesus told parables to get people to really think. Before we read this parable, though, I want to show you WHY Jesus had to tell it in the first place.” Host moans. Historyteller looks over but continues on. AN EXPERT QUESTIONS JESUS HISTORYTELLER: “Now, in the last couple weeks, we’ve seen stories of many people who followed Jesus from place to place because they wanted to hear Him teach or believed He could heal their sicknesses. Well, not everybody believed good things about Jesus. In fact, there were some important religious leaders who didn’t like Jesus at all. They thought that Jesus wasn’t following God the right way. So these religious leaders were trying to trap Jesus—to catch Him saying something that they could use against Him to get rid of Him. One of the ways they tried to catch Jesus was to trick Him into



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

saying or doing something that went against God’s law. Now when we say “law,” I don’t mean like speed limits or trespassing signs. We are talking about the Law of Moses—God’s very instructions for His people that He gave on Mount Sinai and were passed down from generation to generation. And for some people, studying God’s saw was their full time job! These guys knew it backward and forward. “So check out what happened when one of those law-studiers questioned Jesus. (Read directly from Luke 10:25a.) One day, an authority on the law stood up to test Jesus (NIrV). Now this was not just a curious person coming to learn from Jesus. This was a law expert who was coming with the specific purpose of trying to test Jesus—to try to catch Him saying the wrong thing. “And here was his question (read directly from Luke 10:25b): What must I do to receive eternal life? (NIrV). This may seem like a harmless question, but there were a lot of things Jesus could say here that could be used against Him. Of course, Jesus’ response was a good one (read Luke 10:26): “What is written in the Law?” (NIrV). Jesus pointed the man back to what he claimed to be an expert in—the law. “The law expert responded by quoting two of the most central instructions God ever gave. (Read Luke 10:27.) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.” And, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” (NIrV). “A pretty good response, and Jesus thought so too. Jesus went on to tell the expert that if he was able to love God and love his neighbor, he would live! But the man had one more question. (Read Luke 10:29.) But the man wanted to make himself look good. So he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” (NIrV). Host begins moaning even louder, to the point where it can’t be ignored. Historyteller stops and walks toward where Host is lying. “Hey, [Host’s name]?” HOST: (In obvious pain) “Yes?” HISTORYTELLER: “Would you mind rolling over? I think I left my phone over here and I’m afraid if I don’t grab it now I’m going to leave it here.” Host struggles in pain to roll over. “Hmmm. I guess I left it somewhere else. Oh, well. I’m sure I’ll find it later.” Host rolls back over in pain while Historyteller resumes the story. THE PARABLE HISTORYTELLER: “Anyhow, it was in response to the expert’s question—Who is my neighbor?—that Jesus told this parable. (Read Luke 10:30a.) “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho” (NIrV). Host moans loudly. Historyteller stops and looks over.



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

“Pardon me, guys. I should do something about this. Historyteller walks over to Host. “Hey, [Host’s name].” HOST: (In obvious pain) “Yes?” HISTORYTELLER: “Would you mind keeping it down over here? It is starting to sound like a haunted house in here with all the groaning and moaning.” HOST: (Through pain) “Okay, I’ll do my best to keep it down.” HISTORYTELLER: “Thanks so much! Okay, where were we? Oh, right. (Read Luke 10:30.) “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Robbers attacked him. They stripped off his clothes and beat him. Then they went away, leaving him almost dead” (NIrV). “This is serious stuff! This guy is in bad shape just lying there on the side of the road, hoping someone will help him!” Host moans. Historyteller politely shushes. (Read Luke 10:31-32.) “A priest happened to be going down that same road. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. A Levite also came by. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side too” (NIrV). This is great. In Jesus’ story, the two most respected people—the ones who everybody would have thought would get it right—got it wrong. They just passed by this hurting man. Not only did they pass by, they moved to the other side of the road so that they didn’t even come near him! Ouch, right?! Host moans. Historyteller shoots a look. Host apologizes. “Now, as if Jesus’ story wasn’t shocking enough already, the next part would have made the listeners drop their jaws to the floor! Jesus introduced a Samaritan into the story. The man who was hurt was Jewish, and Jews and Samaritans despised each other! But check this out. (Read Luke 10:33.) “But a Samaritan came to the place where the man was. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him” (NIrV). “What? The man’s enemy felt sorry for him?! How can this be? But it doesn’t stop there. (Read Luke 10:34-35.) “He went to him, poured olive oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey. He brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins. He gave them to the owner of the inn. ‘Take care of him,’ he said. ‘When I return, I will pay you back for any extra expense you may have’” (NIrV). “This is amazing! Not only did the Samaritan notice the man was hurt, but he did everything he could to take care of the man even when others simply ignored him. Historyteller realizes what he just said and how he has ignored Host.



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

“Oh, man. I think I’ve been acting like the priest and Levite.” Historyteller walks over to Host. HOST: “I’m sorry. Was I being too loud again . . . in my agony?” HISTORYTELLER: (Shamed) “Oh, no. Listen, I’m sorry. I cared more about telling the Bible Truth than seeing what was going on with you. Let’s get you up and backstage. I think we have some medicine back there to help you out. Historyteller calls for someone from backstage to help take Host out. If there is nobody backstage, it could be a Small Group Leader. (To person helping Host off) “Get him whatever he needs. Check my bag. I think I have something for upset stomachs in there.” Host exits with volunteer. THE NEIGHBOR HISTORYTELLER: “When Jesus finished telling this parable, He asked (read Luke 10:36): “Which of the three do you think was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by robbers?” (NIrV). (To audience) How would you answer that question? Certainly not the priest or the Levite, who apparently had other places to be or more important things to do. “Then who was it? (Pause for response.) Exactly. It was the Samaritan! It was the one who nobody expected. He was the one who did what was right. “The law expert couldn’t even bring himself to say the word ‘Samaritan’ (read Luke 10:37): The authority on the law replied, “The one who felt sorry for him” (NIrV). And Jesus told the man to then go and do the same thing that the Samaritan had done. “In other words, Jesus took the man’s original question—Who is my neighbor?—and broadened the definition of who a neighbor is.” WRAPPING UP THE BIBLE TRUTH HISTORYTELLER: “The priest and the Levite walked right past the man. Maybe they didn’t know him, so they didn’t want to take the time to stop. Or maybe they did know him but didn’t think he was worth their time. Maybe he didn’t matter to them. But then the Samaritan came along and he stopped. He noticed. And he cared for him. To the Samaritan, this man mattered enough to go out of his way. “Now we don’t know exactly what the Samaritan was thinking, but this is something we can know for sure: Everybody matters to God. God created every single person, whomever you interact with, on purpose and for a reason, and He loves them so much. And if God loves them, He expects us to love them too, no matter who they are. CG: Bottom Line Slide



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

“That’s the most important thing for us to remember: Love others because they matter to God. It can be difficult to always show love to others. It’s not that we purposely try to treat people badly; it’s just that we can sometimes forget that everybody matters to God and that they should matter to us too. I think if we memorize and learn to use our memory verse, those times that we forget will become fewer and fewer. Say it with me.” CG: Memory Verse Slide “‘This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10, NIV.” “Remember that it says ‘He loved US’ not “me” but “us.” Jesus died for every person on this earth, even those who don’t know Him or believe in Him. He loves every person, and that’s why we should too.” “Let’s pray and ask God to help us out.” Pray HISTORYTELLER: “Dear God, thank You for the love You have shown to us through Your Son, Jesus. We admit that sometimes it can be hard to love others because sometimes we forget how much people matter to You. Please give us the strength to love others as we love ourselves. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.” “If you have an offering or a tithe today, bring that on up to the offering bucket.” “Let’s welcome the Power Praise team on up here.” Power Praise enters as Historyteller exits. Worship POWER PRAISE: “It’s so good to see you. Stand to your feet and get ready to sing with us. Today and every day is an awesome day to sing God’s praises. Don’t hold anything back. Let’s sing and make our praises loud in this place. SFX: “This Love” “Yeah, give somebody next to you a high five. (Pause.) Let’s continue to sing out. I believe I am looking at kids who will rise up and be bold in their faith. Let’s dedicate all that we are to being a generation that will show Jesus’ love to others.” SFX: “Your Love Never Fails” Psalm 9:10 says: LORD, those who know you will trust in you. You have never deserted those who look to you (NIrV). Let’s choose today to be obedient and follow God’s Word, knowing that He is leading and guiding our every step.” SFX: “No One Higher”



February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

“That was awesome! Thank you for sharing this time with us. Have a wonderful week!” Power Praise team exits as Host enters. Closer HOST: “Turns out that [Historyteller’s name] did have something in his bag that could help my upset stomach. (Hold up large round lollipop.) I feel better already!” “Like we saw in Jesus’ parable, it’s easy to divide people into categories: people who are like you and people who aren’t like you. But the Samaritan didn’t do that. When he saw someone hurting, he didn’t pause to think about where they were from or what they were like; he just saw another human being that was made by God. And so he stopped to help. “All the people you see each day are made by God, too! It doesn’t matter whether they’re from the same background, or like the same things you do, or act the same way you do. Whoever they are, wherever they are, you can still treat them the way you would want to be treated. “Like maybe there’s a kid in your class who speaks with an accent, and it’s kind of hard to understand what he says. But you know what? He wants friends, just like you do. So invite him to sit at your lunch table or maybe even to come to your house the next time your friends are hanging out. “Or maybe a new family is moving in down the block. They look and dress different from anyone else in the neighborhood, and no one’s going over to help. That’s a GREAT time for your family to take over cookies and offer to unload some boxes. CG: Bottom Line Slide “Every single person you ever meet is loved by God. That’s why this is the most important thing to remember today: [Bottom Line] Love others because they matter to God. I’d also like to add that we should love them because God first loved us.” “You know, I don’t think [Historyteller’s name] is the only one who got it wrong today. I don’t think I was very fair to Anne earlier. The truth is, we aren’t making a big-budget Hollywood film. We’re doing the best with what we have, and I think she did a pretty great job with the edits. I should probably go and tell her that (hold up lollipop) and finish this! See you next week, everyone!” Dismiss children to their Prayer Groups. CG: Prayer Group Slide

Pray and Dismiss (10 minutes) What You Need: Index cards; 1 per kid, pens What You Do: • Give each kid an index card and pen.



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February 26, 2017, Week 4 Grade: 3-4

Ask kids to clearly print their name on one side of the card and then turn it over and sign their name in a fancy script, as if they were a celebrity signing their autograph. Let kids exchange cards and pray silently for the kid whose name is on the card. Invite them to ask God to help their friend [Bottom Line] love others because they matter to God.

What You Say: “Dear God, You love us so much. You are our biggest fan. You know our name. You watch everything we do and follow every thought we have. You cheer us on when we need encouragement. You applaud for us when we make the right choices. More than anything, we thank You for sending Your Son to save us. YOU are the true Star who shows us how to [Bottom Line] love others because they matter to God. Help us to treat others the way we want to be treated this week. We love You, Jesus. Amen.” Pass out Parent CUE cards as adults arrive for pick-up.