Rosicrucian Egyptian Tarot

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In 1933, H. Spencer Lewis, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, from 1915 - 1939, published these twenty-two cards of the Tarot’s Major Arcana as part of the Kabbalah Unveiled series by “Frater Aquarius, Scribe.” Long unavailable, they provide a blending of the traditional Tarot themes with Egyptian symbolism.

 1.The Magus 

 4.The Cubic Stone  Rosicrucian Digest No. 1 2007 Page 44

 2.The Gate of the Sanctuary 

 5.The Master of the Arcanes 

 3.Iris-Urania 

 6.The Two Ways 

 7.The Chariot of Osiris 

 10.The Sphinx 

 8.The Balance and the Sword 

 11.The Tamed Lion 

 13.The Reaping Skeleton 

 9.The Veiled Lamp 

 12.The Sacrifice 

 14.The Two Urns 

Page 45

 15.Typhon 

 16.The Thunder-Struck Tower 

 18.The Twilight 

 19.The Dazzling Light 

Rosicrucian Digest No. 1 2007 Page 46

 21.The Crown of the Magi 

 17.The Star of the Magi 

 20.The Rising of the Dead 

 22.The Crocodile 