Running the Race

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RUNNING THE RACE Hebrews 12:1 The bible often uses metaphors to help us better understand the realities of the Christian life. II Timothy 2:3 Paul describes our Christian journey as “warfare” and counsels us to endure hardship. Ephesians 6:11 Paul also tells us that in order to be a “good soldier of Jesus Christ” we must put on the armament that will help us in the war. I Corinthians 9:26; I Timothy 6:12 Paul tells us that this warfare is like being in the boxing ring. I Corinthians 9:24 We are warned in several verses that the Christian race is not like a hundred yard dash but it is likened to a marathon race. Far too many believers have a fast and furious beginning race but run out of steam before they reach the first half of the race. Hebrews 12:1-3 In these few verses of scripture we are given the instructions in how to successfully run this marathon race with believers. THE MOTIVATION Hebrews 13:24 This letter was written to the Hebrew believers from Italy. The Roman Empire at this time dominated the world. We should be aware that the Romans at this time in history were consumed with sports. The Roman Colosseum was the center of all kinds of electrifying sporting events and seated over 68,000 people. This was the site of one of the main sporting events of bible times which was the killing and martyrdom of thousands of believers. Hebrews 12:1a The writer is trying to get these Hebrew believers back in the race. They had been going trough hard times because of denouncing their Jewish faith and turning to Jesus Christ. He is reminding them of the “great cloud of witnesses” that they should be looking toward for their encouragement. These witnesses are those in Heb. 11 who were tortured and killed for Christ's sake. II Timothy 4:7-8 Later Paul would clarify what should motivate them and all believers who would follow after him. Fighting and running and finishing the race for Jesus Christ will have great reward. THE PREPARATION Hebrews 12:1b A fighter uses weighted gloves to speed up his hands. A runner puts weights on their ankles in practice for more speed in the race. A golfer uses a weighted club in order to produce more speed in their swing. No one can put those weights aside except the one using them. We have weights that keep us from running our spiritual race; The world, the flesh, the Devil, family, money, hobbies. I John 2:15-16 These are things that only we as individuals can “lay aside” in order to run the race. Acts 15:38; II Timothy 4:10 Is quitting before you finish the race the sin that is “besetting you?” Galatians 5:7 Is it “the old nature” that is keeping you from the race? Paul confronted the church at Galatia because they stopped running their race for Christ and were being hindered by weights and sin. THE PARTICIPATION Hebrews 12:1c Notice that the writer says “let us run with patience...” The Christian race is not a non-participation sport where most believers sit on the side lines and watch. We are ALL in this race. Now let's look at the word “patience.” It has the meaning of patient endurance. To have endurance takes practice. Practice takes work and most believers do not want to work for Jesus but want to watch. Hebrews 12:1c The witnesses in Hebrews 11 have passed the baton onto those of us that have come after them. We are the believers that must “run with patience the race that is set before us.” Are you running this marathon we call the Christian race or are you watching from the sidelines?