Ruth 1:1-18

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Ruth 1:1-18 The Turning Point Speaker: Rev. Stephen E. Palm

Date: 8/27/17

Gleanings From Ruth Series Outline 1. The Turning Point: Ruth 1:1-18 2. Dealing with Bitterness: Ruth 1:19-22 3. Not Reaping the Edges: Ruth 2:1-7

First Point: Turning ________ from God. (Ruth 1:1-5) 

The journey from Bethlehem to Moab was 30-60 miles and took 7-10 days on foot.

Repeatedly, when one moves eastward in the Bible, it is a move away from God!

4. The Kinsman Redeemer: Ruth 2:8-23

5. The Threshing Floor: Ruth 3 6. When Responsibility Knocks: Ruth 4

Additional Sermon Notes Second Point: Turning _______ to God. (Ruth 1:6-15) 

Repeatedly, when one moves westward in the Bible, it is a move towards God!

Third Point: The Valley of _________. (Ruth 1:16-18) 

Limping between two opinions (1 Kings 18:21)

The Valley of Decision (Joel 3:14)

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