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1 Welcome Welcome sisters, welcome! What a wonderful time to gather together! It has been an amazing week! You’ve spent your week filling your lamp and preparing yourself to face and overcome challenges ahead. Your testimony is glowing! You’ve become comfortable with your inner beauty and had quiet time away from distractions to feel the spirit more abundantly. There is, however, more to do. In the scriptures it says, “Wherefore the voice of the Lord is unto the ends of the earth, that all that will hear may hear: Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh.” (D&C 1:11-12) Invitation For the next couple hours we invite you to join us on a journey. We want you to reflect on your life and what it would mean for each of you to be ready when the Savior comes again. You will learn how to be prepared as you add spiritual oil drop by drop that can continue on through your daily living. Christ will come again! We do not know the hour or day, but we must be prepared.

Is everyone ready to get going? It’s almost time! We need to get started. Reacher-outer I’ll start! I can go first! I’m so excited to experience this with all of you. My family has moved around a lot and I used to have a hard time making friends. I always wondered why I was being ignored. My mom told me that I shouldn’t wait for them to talk to me. I should talk to them first. After I started introducing myself to people I realized people were just as nervous as I was. I want people to feel safe around me. I make it a point to talk to the new Beehives and welcome them to Young Women’s. They are so fun and I love being their friend. One of my neighbors stopped coming to church and I stopped by her house to check on her and she got excited to come to Young Women’s this week. I have taken the challenge of Hastening the Work seriously and have already passed out three copies of the Book of Mormon at school this year. I know this gospel is true and I love to share how happy it makes me. Although not everyone shares my standards, I can be a friend to everyone. Fun seeker If it’s going to be FUN, then count me in! Have you ever heard the song “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?” Well that is my motto! I used to worry about doing so many things that were good for me but I was getting stressed out. So I decided to relax and not take things too seriously. The way I see it – people are way too uptight. Why should we go through life worrying and planning for the future when life can just be easy and fun? Besides, I’m a teenager! I have plenty of time to get serious later. I have some pretty awesome friends and we have lots of fun together. I know it’s bad to drink so I am the designated driver and just have fun with my friends on the weekends. One time I accidentally drank some beer – I didn’t know it was beer when the drink was handed to me. At first I started to feel bad about what happened but it wasn’t my fault. I was innocent and I only had one drink. No harm done. I love music – all kinds of music. I’m connected to my iPhone and am always checking out the latest bands. I get so annoyed when I have to take out my ear buds to go to church. It’s way too quiet. Confident I’m confident that this is going to be great! I’ve been preparing for a long time. I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, who loves me, and I love Him. I will “Stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places”. This theme is more than just words to me. I know the message is true. I strive to live the standards found in The Strength of Youth with exactness. Doing so brings happiness and strength even when things around me are otherwise swirling – like when my Dad lost his job or the time I broke my leg and had to sit out most of the basketball season. People I once considered my friends have made fun of me when I refused to watch an R-rated movie. Although it was hard to find new friends who supported me in my choice to follow the commandments, I relied on Heavenly Father and I was comforted knowing He loved me and He was proud of my choices. The last part of the motto gives me great courage: I believe I will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.


2 Worrier I’m not sure I am ready for this! I don’t know if I have everything I need. I worry about everything and am always stressed out. I have set high expectations for myself – spiritually, physically and academically. I know that it takes hard work to be successful. I got a B+ on a Chemistry quiz last semester. I was so mad that I didn’t get an A and was worried about ruining my chances for a scholarship! I forgot to say my morning prayer that day and was so mad at myself for that because it probably would have helped me a bit on the quiz. I did end up getting an A in Chemistry and was so proud to show my report card to my parents – Straight A’s! I was really upset that my name was missed from the Honor Roll. I started hanging out with other students in my “league” that have a 4.0 – I may as well surround myself with people with similar goals, right? But then my old friends were spending too much time practicing scripture masteries during lunch that it was hard to be around them when they were talking “religiously” at school. I can’t go to Young Women’s activities any more. The activities conflict with ACT prep classes and the school play. When I talk to my mom about how stressed I am about school, where I will go to college and so many other things… she tells me not to worry but to pray. I don’t think she understands how stressful it is to be preparing for college. I wonder why some things are harder for me even though I am doing my best. I look in the mirror and just see all of the things that I would change about myself. Penitent I know it’s not going to be easy but I know the Spirit will guide me.

I strive to do what is right and it is not always easy. I have made some pretty serious mistakes that have weighed heavy on my soul and I have had terrible consequences to deal with. I was ashamed and embarrassed because I strayed from what my parents and leaders taught me. I always knew that Heavenly Father loved me – no matter what – and I prayed to have his Spirit back in my life. It was hard to admit my mistake. I felt so much happiness after going through the repentance process with my Bishop. Even though I have messed up, I have been made whole through the atonement of my elder brother, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the atonement and for the cleansing blessings it has granted me to drop my burdens at my Savior’s feet. I often have words from hymns and Children’s songs in my mind and heart that give me comfort. “Pray He is there. Speak He is listening. You are His Child. His Love now surrounds you.” I know I will be able to teach my children the importance of repentance and the blessings of living worthy to have the Spirit and ultimately attend the temple. People pleaser Of course I’m going, because everyone is going to be there! My mom often tells me that I worry too much about what other people think of me. It’s hard! I was in band and loving it but then my volleyball team friends were making fun of band geeks. I played along because I didn’t want to offend them because they are my friends. I decided to drop band because it wasn’t cool. I volunteered as a peer tutor and had fun doing that for a little while – but I didn’t have time to do that and help my friends run for student government. I finally was invited to hang out with their group. At one party, I was dared to do some mean pranks on some freshmen. They said if I didn’t do it, I couldn’t hang out with the group anymore. I just did it because it was just a little trick and I didn’t want them to think I was chicken. At the next party, they turned on a movie that some would say was inappropriate but I didn’t want to leave and be embarrassed. My boyfriend told me he loved me and we got a little carried away. I don’t want to upset my parents so I still take the Sacrament each week. I don’t want them to worry about me. I’m fine. Pity Party Am I dressed ok? Do you think I should change? Life is hard! It isn’t fair that I am the poorest girl in my school. Everyone else wears the best clothes and I’m stuck wearing my sister’s outdated hand-me-downs. I look ridiculous. AND I don’t even have a cell phone. I’m the laughing stock at school. My seminary teacher expects too much out of me – how can I possibly read my scriptures and pray every night, keep up with my homework, babysit, do my chores and so many other things? It’s unrealistic. I don’t have time for my friends and it doesn’t even matter now, because I heard some rumors that they were


3 Pity Party spreading about me. It isn’t true! Some young women at church act all goody goody and put on Continued a good face for our leaders and their parents, but I know that they do some bad things. They are so cruel to me at church. Nobody seems to appreciate what I do or listen to me. My leaders ignore me and I hate that my parents won’t let me date until I’m 16. I think if I had new clothes and a cell phone, life would be better! I can’t wait until I can get a job so I can afford to do what I want to do! Optimistic You are a daughter of God and you are perfect just the way you are.

My friends sometimes make fun of me that I always find something good in a bad situation. Like the time I broke my arm and had my right arm in a cast. I joked about always wanting to learn how to write with my left hand. I wasn’t always this way. One of my friends was a great example of being optimistic no matter what and I loved how I felt around her. Some of my other friends complained about everything; conversations with those friends were exhausting. I try to focus on showing gratitude for my blessings and have never been so happy. It truly has been a blessing and has helped me through some difficult times. I have been blessed to share the gospel with some girls at school – they wondered what made me so happy. I shared my testimony with them and witnessed that they are children of God. Amazing people surround me. My friends don’t always see the good in themselves so sometimes I remind them of their strengths – I love to see them smile. It makes me happy. Toe the line I think I’ve done this before. It’s going to be so easy! My Sunday School teachers love me because I have all of the right answers, but really the answers are lame and the same. Reading scriptures. Saying prayers. Serving Others. Blah. Blah. Blah. All of those things make us happy and can keep us doing what we should. I have read through the Strength of Youth standards and know exactly where the line is between ok and needing to talk to the Bishop. It’s fine to do stuff right by the line because it’s actually quite fun. My philosophy is that you wouldn’t drive to see the Grand Canyon and then stand 300 yards away to look at it – no – you get as close as you can to the edge and take in the view. My friends and I watched a PG13 show and partway during the movie they turned it off because they didn’t like the language and adult content. They were being ridiculous because we’re old enough to watch it and its not rated R. I like to express my individuality through my appearance. Some people think my appearance is extreme, but I like to express myself this way and watch their reaction. One of my friend’s sisters dated before she was 16 and she still got married in the temple. It’s ok to date before I’m 16. It turned out great for her and it will for me. My birthday is in two months and it’s only one dance! My parents just don’t get it. What’s the big deal anyway? Self-motivated It is important that each of us strive daily to improve and do better. I look forward to the day when I can make temple covenants. For now, I love to participate in baptisms for the dead and preparing names for the temple. I know a temple marriage is important and families are forever. My oldest brother served a mission and has since fallen away from the church and talks bad about the church. It makes me sad but I know what I must do to stay true. I have faith that if I do my best; my Savior will make up the difference. There have been times where I have put my trust completely in my Heavenly Father and miracles have happened. Although it is hard, I set aside time daily to read my scriptures, write in my journal, and say my personal prayers. I have enjoyed attending Seminary and learning more about Christ’s teachings in the scriptures. I know I want to marry a return missionary and have an eternal family. I will do all I can to prepare to be worthy.


4 Invitation We are inviting each of you to follow along a path and make your way to the reception, along with our special guests. This is a very personal and individual opportunity to reflect, set goals to improve, or change. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to return to Him. In the Savior’s parable of the Ten Virgins, each woman possessed a lamp that was filled with oil. The bridegroom came at the darkest hour, when least expected. After the long wait, 5 of the women had run out of oil in their lamps. You might wonder why the other 5 could not share their oil with them. It was not selfish on their part. They needed their oil to sustain them and ensure their own entrance to the wedding. Spiritual preparedness cannot be shared. Please be silent as you separate to your assigned color groups (Point to each color station): Gold, Purple, Red, or Green. There you will receive a booklet that will guide you along your journey. Be sure to add oil to your lamp from each station after you have read the corresponding section in your book and pondered or answered the questions. The oil is represented by gold stickers that you will attach to the front of your book to its corresponding station. Remember it is very important that you are quiet and you proceed on your own. Make sure you stop at each station. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the words of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. (2Nephi 31:20) It’s time to get going now! Good luck! Journey Assist the young women to the various campsites. Girls will walk through the pathway and collect their oil at each station and then be directed…or follow the wise virgins on to the amphitheater. • Any words of encouragement…soft voices • Direct girls to visit every station…can use hand motions. • Help focus girls who are getting distracted. • Direct girls to return to the amphitheater when they are finished.

Virgins Foolish Virgins: • Start out on the path but get distracted. • Forget to add oil. • Doodling in booklets. • Daydreaming • Go back to repeat stations. Wise Virgins: • Examples along the path. • Reflective. Enter They will be greeted (handshakes, high fives, hugs) by Bishops or Stake Presidency and welcomed Amphitheater in to the amphitheater. (Soft music playing in the background) Reception Girls will find a seat and read or write in their booklets. 5 Wise virgins will trickle in with the girls and take their place on the stage. As everyone has entered, the priesthood brethren will enter, close the drapes, and then be seated. Music will stop. Stake President will remain standing near the entrance at the front on the amphitheater. Narrator Your lamps are full and you are filled with the Spirit of the Lord. You have walked the path that leads to the Savior and are striving to do your part to return to Him. D&C 50:5 says, “blessed are they who are faithful and endure…for they shall inherit eternal life.” Foolish Virgins Foolish Virgins knock at the door (grabbing the audience’s attention). They will then begin to say such things as: • Please let us in, we have returned. • We came as quickly as we could. • We do not want to be shut out. • We are ready now.



Stake President We cannot, for you were not prepared. Foolish Virgins After some displays of disappointment, frustration, etc., foolish virgins will then turn and walk away. Narrator What if the day of the Savior’s coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow---through our premature death or through His unexpected coming--- what would we do today? What confessions would we make? What practices would we discontinue? What accounts would we settle? What forgiveness’s would we extend? What testimonies would we bear? More importantly, what will I do? If we would do those things then, why not now? If our lamps of preparation are drawn down, let us start immediately to replenish them. We are surrounded by challenges on all sides. But with faith in God, we trust the blessings He has promised those who keep His commandments and we have faith that we will see Him again. Wise virgins Wise virgins take turns saying a short statement/testimony of what it would mean to be worthy to see the Savior again. They will then join hands and begin singing “I Will Live It” ”I have prepared for this day, no one can take my place…” Angels join in then congregation. Closing Remarks Closing remarks and dismiss the young women to return to their wards to reflect on this Stake President experience. Closing Prayer